Exemple #1
bool InputSoundFile::openFromMemory(const void* data, std::size_t sizeInBytes)
    // If the file is already open, first close it

    // Find a suitable reader for the file type
    m_reader = SoundFileFactory::createReaderFromMemory(data, sizeInBytes);
    if (!m_reader)
        return false;

    // Wrap the memory file into a stream
    MemoryInputStream* memory = new MemoryInputStream;
    m_stream = memory;
    m_streamOwned = true;

    // Open it
    memory->open(data, sizeInBytes);

    // Pass the stream to the reader
    SoundFileReader::Info info;
    if (!m_reader->open(*memory, info))
        return false;

    // Retrieve the attributes of the open sound file
    m_sampleCount = info.sampleCount;
    m_channelCount = info.channelCount;
    m_sampleRate = info.sampleRate;

    return true;
    static String parseNameRecord (MemoryInputStream& input, const NameRecord& nameRecord,
                                   const int64 directoryOffset, const int64 offsetOfStringStorage)
        String result;
        const int64 oldPos = input.getPosition();
        input.setPosition (directoryOffset + offsetOfStringStorage + ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (nameRecord.offsetFromStorageArea));
        const int stringLength = (int) ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (nameRecord.stringLength);
        const int platformID = ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (nameRecord.platformID);

        if (platformID == 0 || platformID == 3)
            const int numChars = stringLength / 2 + 1;
            HeapBlock<uint16> buffer;
            buffer.calloc (numChars + 1);
            input.read (buffer, stringLength);

            for (int i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
                buffer[i] = ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (buffer[i]);

            static_jassert (sizeof (CharPointer_UTF16::CharType) == sizeof (uint16));
            result = CharPointer_UTF16 ((CharPointer_UTF16::CharType*) buffer.getData());
            HeapBlock<char> buffer;
            buffer.calloc (stringLength + 1);
            input.read (buffer, stringLength);
            result = CharPointer_UTF8 (buffer.getData());

        input.setPosition (oldPos);
        return result;
Exemple #3
    void setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes) override
        MemoryInputStream stream (data, static_cast<size_t> (sizeInBytes), false);

        threshold->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readFloat());
        alpha->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readFloat());
Exemple #4
    void setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes) override
        MemoryInputStream stream (data, sizeInBytes, false);

        radius->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readFloat());
        phi->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readFloat());
Exemple #5
    void setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes) override
        MemoryInputStream stream (data, static_cast<size_t> (sizeInBytes), false);

        isRecordingParam->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readFloat());
        roomSizeParam->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readFloat());

    void runTest() override
        beginTest ("Basics");
        Random r = getRandom();

        int randomInt = r.nextInt();
        int64 randomInt64 = r.nextInt64();
        double randomDouble = r.nextDouble();
        String randomString (createRandomWideCharString (r));

        MemoryOutputStream mo;
        mo.writeInt (randomInt);
        mo.writeIntBigEndian (randomInt);
        mo.writeCompressedInt (randomInt);
        mo.writeString (randomString);
        mo.writeInt64 (randomInt64);
        mo.writeInt64BigEndian (randomInt64);
        mo.writeDouble (randomDouble);
        mo.writeDoubleBigEndian (randomDouble);

        MemoryInputStream mi (mo.getData(), mo.getDataSize(), false);
        expect (mi.readInt() == randomInt);
        expect (mi.readIntBigEndian() == randomInt);
        expect (mi.readCompressedInt() == randomInt);
        expectEquals (mi.readString(), randomString);
        expect (mi.readInt64() == randomInt64);
        expect (mi.readInt64BigEndian() == randomInt64);
        expect (mi.readDouble() == randomDouble);
        expect (mi.readDoubleBigEndian() == randomDouble);
void CabbageIDELookAndFeel::drawAlertBox (Graphics& g,
                                          AlertWindow& alert,
                                          const Rectangle<int>& textArea,
                                          TextLayout& textLayout)
    g.fillAll (CabbageSettings::getColourFromValueTree (colourTree, CabbageColourIds::alertWindowBackground, Colour (Colour::fromString("2ff52636a"))));

    int iconSpaceUsed = 160;

    if (alert.getAlertType() != AlertWindow::NoIcon)
        Path icon;

        if (alert.getAlertType() == AlertWindow::WarningIcon)
            Rectangle<float> rect (alert.getLocalBounds().removeFromLeft (iconSpaceUsed).toFloat());

            const Image warningImage = ImageCache::getFromMemory (CabbageBinaryData::WarningIcon_png, CabbageBinaryData::WarningIcon_pngSize);
            //g.drawImage(warningImage, rect.reduced(20));

        if (alert.getAlertType() == AlertWindow::QuestionIcon)
            Rectangle<float> rect (alert.getLocalBounds().removeFromLeft (iconSpaceUsed - 20).toFloat());
            const Image warningImage = ImageCache::getFromMemory (CabbageBinaryData::WarningIcon_png, CabbageBinaryData::WarningIcon_pngSize);
            //g.drawImage(warningImage, rect.reduced(25));

        MemoryInputStream svgStream (CabbageBinaryData::processstop_svg, CabbageBinaryData::processstop_svgSize, false);
        ScopedPointer<XmlElement> svg (XmlDocument::parse (svgStream.readString()));

        if (svg == nullptr)
            jassert (false);

        ScopedPointer<Drawable> drawable;

        if (svg != nullptr)
            drawable = Drawable::createFromSVG (*svg);
            Rectangle<float> rect (20, 20, 80, 80);//alert.getLocalBounds().removeFromLeft (iconSpaceUsed - 20).withHeight(130).toFloat());
            drawable->setTransformToFit (rect, RectanglePlacement::stretchToFit);
            drawable->draw (g, 1.f, AffineTransform());

    g.setColour (alert.findColour (AlertWindow::textColourId));
    textLayout.draw (g, Rectangle<int> (textArea.getX() + iconSpaceUsed - 50,
                                        textArea.getWidth() - iconSpaceUsed - 40,

    g.setColour (alert.findColour (AlertWindow::outlineColourId));
    g.drawRect (0, 0, alert.getWidth(), alert.getHeight());
Exemple #8
    static String getTypefaceNameFromFile (MemoryInputStream& input)
        OffsetTable offsetTable = { 0 };
        input.read (&offsetTable, sizeof (offsetTable));

        for (int i = 0; i < (int) ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (offsetTable.numTables); ++i)
            TableDirectory tableDirectory;
            zerostruct (tableDirectory);
            input.read (&tableDirectory, sizeof (tableDirectory));

            if (String (tableDirectory.tag, sizeof (tableDirectory.tag)).equalsIgnoreCase ("name"))
                return parseNameTable (input, ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (tableDirectory.offset));

        return {};
Exemple #9
void TommyCoin::Read( MemoryInputStream& inStream )
	if( inStream.GetRemainingBytes() >= 3 * sizeof( float ) + sizeof( XMVECTOR )  )
		XMVECTORF32 location = { 0 };
		inStream.Read( location.f[ 0 ] );
		inStream.Read( location.f[ 1 ] );
		SetLocation( location );

		float rotation;
		inStream.Read( rotation );
		SetRotation( rotation );

		XMVECTOR color;
		inStream.Read( color );
		SetColor( color );

    static ValueTree readSubTreeLocation (MemoryInputStream& input, ValueTree v)
        const int numLevels = input.readCompressedInt();

        if (! isPositiveAndBelow (numLevels, 65536)) // sanity-check
            return {};

        for (int i = numLevels; --i >= 0;)
            const int index = input.readCompressedInt();

            if (! isPositiveAndBelow (index, v.getNumChildren()))
                return {};

            v = v.getChild (index);

        return v;
    static String parseNameTable (MemoryInputStream& input, int64 directoryOffset)
        input.setPosition (directoryOffset);

        NamingTable namingTable = { 0 };
        input.read (&namingTable, sizeof (namingTable));

        for (int i = 0; i < (int) ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (namingTable.numberOfNameRecords); ++i)
            NameRecord nameRecord = { 0 };
            input.read (&nameRecord, sizeof (nameRecord));

            if (ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (nameRecord.nameID) == 4)
                const String result (parseNameRecord (input, nameRecord, directoryOffset,
                                                      ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (namingTable.offsetStartOfStringStorage)));

                if (result.isNotEmpty())
                    return result;

        return String();
Exemple #12
void MiditoOscAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
    // You should use this method to restore your parameters from this memory block,
    // whose contents will have been created by the getStateInformation() call.
    MemoryInputStream stream (data, static_cast<size_t> (sizeInBytes), false);
    polyphony->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readInt());
    glide->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readFloat());
    mono->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readBool());
    shift->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readBool());
    scale->setValueNotifyingHost (stream.readInt());
bool UploadManager::prepareFile(UserConnection& aSource, const string& aType, const string& aFile, int64_t aStartPos, int64_t aBytes, bool listRecursive) {
	if(aFile.empty() || aStartPos < 0 || aBytes < -1 || aBytes == 0) {
		aSource.fileNotAvail("Invalid request");
		return false;

	InputStream* is = 0;
	int64_t start = 0;
	int64_t bytesLeft = 0;
	int64_t size = 0;

	bool userlist = (aFile == Transfer::USER_LIST_NAME_BZ || aFile == Transfer::USER_LIST_NAME);
	bool free = userlist;
	bool leaves = false;
	bool partList = false;

	string sourceFile;
	try {
		if(aType == Transfer::TYPE_FILE) {
			sourceFile = ShareManager::getInstance()->toReal(aFile);

			if(aFile == Transfer::USER_LIST_NAME) {
				// Unpack before sending...
				string bz2 = File(sourceFile, File::READ, File::OPEN).read();
				string xml;
				CryptoManager::getInstance()->decodeBZ2(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bz2.data()), bz2.size(), xml);
				// Clear to save some memory...
				is = new MemoryInputStream(xml);
				start = 0;
				bytesLeft = size = xml.size();
			} else {
				File* f = new File(sourceFile, File::READ, File::OPEN);

				start = aStartPos;
				size = f->getSize();
				bytesLeft = (aBytes == -1) ? size : aBytes;

				if(size < (start + bytesLeft)) {
					delete f;
					return false;

				free = free || (size <= (int64_t)(SETTING(FREE_SLOTS_SIZE) * 1024) );


				is = f;
				if((start + bytesLeft) < size) {
					is = new LimitedInputStream<true>(is, aBytes);
		} else if(aType == Transfer::TYPE_TTHL) {
			sourceFile = ShareManager::getInstance()->toReal(aFile);
			MemoryInputStream* mis = ShareManager::getInstance()->getTree(aFile);
			if(!mis) {
				return false;

			start = 0;
			bytesLeft = size = mis->getSize();
			is = mis;
			leaves = true;
			free = true;
		} else {
			aSource.fileNotAvail("Unknown file type");
			return false;
	} catch(const ShareException& e) {
		return false;
	} catch(const Exception& e) {
		LogManager::getInstance()->message(STRING(UNABLE_TO_SEND_FILE) + sourceFile + ": " + e.getError());
		return false;

	Lock l(cs);

	bool extraSlot = false;

	if(!aSource.isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_HASSLOT)) {
		bool hasReserved = (reservedSlots.find(aSource.getUser()) != reservedSlots.end());
		bool isFavorite = aSource.getUser()->getFavoriteGrantSlot();

		if(!(hasReserved || isFavorite || getFreeSlots() > 0 || getAutoSlot())) {
			bool supportsFree = aSource.isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_SUPPORTS_MINISLOTS);
			bool allowedFree = aSource.isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_HASEXTRASLOT) || aSource.isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_OP) || getFreeExtraSlots() > 0;
			if(free && supportsFree && allowedFree) {
				extraSlot = true;
			} else {
				delete is;

				// Check for tth root identifier
				string tFile = aFile;
				if (tFile.compare(0, 4, "TTH/") == 0)
					tFile = ShareManager::getInstance()->toVirtual(TTHValue(aFile.substr(4)));

				addFailedUpload(aSource, tFile +
					" (" + Util::toString((aStartPos*1000/(size+10))/10.0)+"% of " + Util::formatBytes(size) + " done)");
				return false;
		} else {
			clearUserFiles(aSource.getUser());	// this user is using a full slot, nix them.


	Upload* u = new Upload(aSource);
	if(aBytes == -1)
		u->setSize(start + bytesLeft);




	if(!aSource.isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_HASSLOT)) {
		if(extraSlot) {
			if(!aSource.isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_HASEXTRASLOT)) {
		} else {
			if(aSource.isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_HASEXTRASLOT)) {


	return true;
bool ValueTreeSynchroniser::applyChange (ValueTree& root, const void* data, size_t dataSize, UndoManager* undoManager)
    MemoryInputStream input (data, dataSize, false);

    const ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::ChangeType type = (ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::ChangeType) input.readByte();

    if (type == ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::fullSync)
        root = ValueTree::readFromStream (input);
        return true;

    ValueTree v (ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::readSubTreeLocation (input, root));

    if (! v.isValid())
        return false;

    switch (type)
        case ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::propertyChanged:
            Identifier property (input.readString());
            v.setProperty (property, var::readFromStream (input), undoManager);
            return true;

        case ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::propertyRemoved:
            Identifier property (input.readString());
            v.removeProperty (property, undoManager);
            return true;

        case ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::childAdded:
            const int index = input.readCompressedInt();
            v.addChild (ValueTree::readFromStream (input), index, undoManager);
            return true;

        case ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::childRemoved:
            const int index = input.readCompressedInt();

            if (isPositiveAndBelow (index, v.getNumChildren()))
                v.removeChild (index, undoManager);
                return true;

            jassertfalse; // Either received some corrupt data, or the trees have drifted out of sync

        case ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::childMoved:
            const int oldIndex = input.readCompressedInt();
            const int newIndex = input.readCompressedInt();

            if (isPositiveAndBelow (oldIndex, v.getNumChildren())
                 && isPositiveAndBelow (newIndex, v.getNumChildren()))
                v.moveChild (oldIndex, newIndex, undoManager);
                return true;

            jassertfalse; // Either received some corrupt data, or the trees have drifted out of sync

            jassertfalse; // Seem to have received some corrupt data?

    return false;
Exemple #15
 virtual InputStream* createInputStreamFor (const String& )
     return new MemoryInputStream(stream_->getData(), stream_->getDataSize(), false);