int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " nx|grid_name [alpha=0.4] [outer_boundary_pressure=0.0] [inner_boundary_pressure=1.0] [cut_grid=1] [is2d=1]" << std::endl; return -1; } Mesh * mesh; double alpha=0.2; double h; double outer_boundary_pressure = 0.0; double inner_boundary_pressure = 1.0; int cut_grid = 1; int is2d = 0; int n = 20 + 1; mesh = new Mesh(); if (argc > 1) { if( atoi(argv[1]) ) { n = atoi(argv[1])+1; h = 1.0 / (n-1); std::cout << "Mesh: cube " << n << std::endl; } else { mesh->Load(argv[1]); std::cout << "Mesh: " << argv[1] << std::endl; n = 0; } } std::cout << "Mesh radius: " << h << std::endl; if( argc > 2 ) alpha = atof(argv[2]); std::cout << "Alpha: " << alpha << std::endl; if( argc > 3 ) outer_boundary_pressure = atof(argv[3]); if( argc > 4 ) inner_boundary_pressure = atof(argv[4]); std::cout << "Boundaries: " << outer_boundary_pressure << " " << inner_boundary_pressure << std::endl; if( argc > 5 ) cut_grid = atoi(argv[5]); if( cut_grid ) std::cout << "Cutting center of the grid." << std::endl; if( argc > 6 ) is2d = atoi(argv[6]); if( is2d ) std::cout << "Using 2d setup" << std::endl; else std::cout << "Using 3d setup" << std::endl; double ratio = 1000; if( argc > 7 ) ratio = atof(argv[7]); std::cout << "Anisotropy ratio: " << ratio << std::endl; srand(0);//(unsigned)time(NULL)); if( n ) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { Storage::real xyz[3]; bool mark = false; xyz[0] = i * 1.0 / (n - 1); xyz[1] = j * 1.0 / (n - 1); xyz[2] = k * 1.0 / (n - 1); Node c = mesh->CreateNode(xyz); if (c->LocalID() != V_ID(i, j, k)) printf("v_id = %d, [i,j,k] = %d\n", c->LocalID(), V_ID(i, j, k)); } } } const INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE nvf[24] = { 2, 3, 1, 0, 4, 5, 7, 6, 0, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 2, 0, 4, 6, 1, 3, 7, 5 }; const INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE numnodes[6] = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 }; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) { for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) { ElementArray<Node> verts(mesh,8); verts[0] = mesh->NodeByLocalID(V_ID(i - 1, j - 1, k - 1)); verts[1] = mesh->NodeByLocalID(V_ID(i - 0, j - 1, k - 1)); verts[2] = mesh->NodeByLocalID(V_ID(i - 1, j - 0, k - 1)); verts[3] = mesh->NodeByLocalID(V_ID(i - 0, j - 0, k - 1)); verts[4] = mesh->NodeByLocalID(V_ID(i - 1, j - 1, k - 0)); verts[5] = mesh->NodeByLocalID(V_ID(i - 0, j - 1, k - 0)); verts[6] = mesh->NodeByLocalID(V_ID(i - 1, j - 0, k - 0)); verts[7] = mesh->NodeByLocalID(V_ID(i - 0, j - 0, k - 0)); mesh->CreateCell(verts,nvf,numnodes,6); } } } } if( cut_grid ) { for (Mesh::iteratorCell it = mesh->BeginCell(); it != mesh->EndCell(); ++it) { Storage::real cnt[3]; it->Centroid(cnt); if( cnt[0] > 0.25 && cnt[0] < 0.75 && cnt[1] > 0.25 && cnt[1] < 0.75 ) it->Delete(); } for (Mesh::iteratorElement it = mesh->BeginElement(FACE|EDGE|NODE); it != mesh->EndElement(); ++it) if( it->nbAdjElements(CELL) == 0 ) it->Delete(); } if( alpha > 0.0 ) //skewness { const double eps = 1.0e-6; for( Mesh::iteratorNode it = mesh->BeginNode(); it != mesh->EndNode(); ++it) { Storage::real_array coords = it->Coords(); Storage::real h = 1.0e20; ElementArray<Cell> it_cells = it->getCells(); for(int k = 0; k < it_cells.size(); ++k) { Storage::real maxmin[6]; maxmin[0] = -1e20; maxmin[1] = 1e20; maxmin[2] = -1e20; maxmin[3] = 1e20; ElementArray<Node> nodes = it_cells[k].getNodes(); for (ElementArray<Node>::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { Storage::real_array cc = it->Coords(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)cc.size(); i++) { if (maxmin[2 * i + 0] < cc[i]) maxmin[2 * i + 0] = cc[i]; //max if (maxmin[2 * i + 1] > cc[i]) maxmin[2 * i + 1] = cc[i]; //min } } h = std::min(h,sqrt((maxmin[2]-maxmin[3])*(maxmin[2]-maxmin[3])+(maxmin[0]-maxmin[1])*(maxmin[0]-maxmin[1]))); } if( coords[0] > eps && coords[0] < 1.0-eps && coords[1] > eps && coords[1] < 1.0-eps ) { if( !(coords[0] > 4.0/9.0-eps && coords[0] < 5.0/9.0+eps && coords[1] > 4.0/9.0-eps && coords[1] < 5.0/9.0+eps) ) { coords[0] += alpha*h*(2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX-1.0); coords[1] += alpha*h*(2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX-1.0); } } } } for( Mesh::iteratorNode it = mesh->BeginNode(); it != mesh->EndNode(); ++it) { Storage::real_array coords = it->Coords(); coords[0] = 2*coords[0]-1; coords[1] = 2*coords[1]-1; } mesh->ReorderEmpty(CELL|FACE|EDGE|NODE); { // Prepare geometrical data on the mesh. Mesh::GeomParam table; table[CENTROID] = CELL | FACE; //Compute averaged center of mass table[NORMAL] = FACE; //Compute normals table[ORIENTATION] = FACE; //Check and fix normal orientation table[MEASURE] = CELL | FACE; //Compute volumes and areas //table[BARYCENTER] = CELL | FACE; //Compute volumetric center of mass mesh->RemoveGeometricData(table); mesh->PrepareGeometricData(table); //Ask to precompute the data } printf("nodes: %d edges: %d faces: %d cells: %d\n", mesh->NumberOfNodes(), mesh->NumberOfEdges(), mesh->NumberOfFaces(), mesh->NumberOfCells()); { Storage::bulk_array name = mesh->self()->BulkArray(mesh->CreateTag("PROBLEMNAME",DATA_BULK,MESH,NONE)); name.replace(name.begin(),name.end(),problem_name.begin(),problem_name.end()); } Tag bndcond = mesh->CreateTag("BOUNDARY_CONDITION",DATA_REAL,FACE,FACE,3); Tag velocity = mesh->CreateTag("VELOCITY",DATA_REAL,FACE,NONE,1); Tag reaction = mesh->CreateTag("REACTION",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); Tag tensor = mesh->CreateTag("PERM", DATA_REAL, CELL, NONE, 1); Tag force = mesh->CreateTag("FORCE",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); Tag vel3 = mesh->CreateTag("VELVEC",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,3); Tag refsol = mesh->CreateTag("REFERENCE_SOLUTION",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); Tag refflux = mesh->CreateTag("REFERENCE_FLUX",DATA_REAL,FACE,NONE,1); Tag zone = mesh->CreateTag("ZONE",DATA_INTEGER,CELL,NONE,1); int numinner = 0, numouter = 0; int numinnern = 0, numoutern = 0; const double eps = 1.0e-6; const double mu = 1.0e-3; const double velmult = 1; for(Mesh::iteratorFace it = mesh->BeginFace(); it != mesh->EndFace(); ++it) { Storage::real cnt[3], nrm[3]; it->Centroid(cnt); it->UnitNormal(nrm); Storage::real x = cnt[0]; Storage::real y = cnt[1]; Storage::real z = cnt[2]; Storage::real r = sqrt(x*x+y*y); Storage::real theta = atan2(y,x);//+pi; Storage::real sol, diff, flux, velnrm, dsolx, dsoly; Storage::real vel[3] = {-y/(r*r)*velmult,x/(r*r)*velmult,0.0}; if( theta < 0 ) theta = 2*pi + theta; velnrm = nrm[0]*vel[0] + nrm[1]*vel[1] + nrm[2]*vel[2]; if( theta < pi ) { diff = pi; sol = (theta-pi)*(theta-pi); dsolx = -2*y*(theta-pi)/(r*r); dsoly = 2*x*(theta-pi)/(r*r); flux = velnrm*sol - diff*(dsolx*nrm[0] + dsoly*nrm[1]); } else { diff = 0; sol = 3*pi*(theta-pi); flux = velnrm*sol; } it->Real(refflux) = flux; it->Real(velocity) = velnrm; if( it->Boundary() && z > 0+eps && z < 1-eps) { Storage::real_array bc = it->RealArray(bndcond); bc[0] = 1; bc[1] = 0; bc[2] = sol; } } std::cout << "Outer faces " << numouter << " inner faces " << numinner << std::endl; std::cout << "Outer nodes " << numoutern << " inner nodes " << numinnern << std::endl; for (Mesh::iteratorCell it = mesh->BeginCell(); it != mesh->EndCell(); ++it) { Storage::real cnt[3]; it->Centroid(cnt); Storage::real f = 0; Storage::real x = cnt[0]; Storage::real y = cnt[1]; Storage::real r = sqrt(x*x+y*y); Storage::real theta = atan2(y,x);//+pi; Storage::real sol, diff; Storage::real vel[3] = {-y/(r*r)*velmult,x/(r*r)*velmult,0.0}; if( theta < 0 ) theta = 2*pi + theta; it->Centroid(cnt); if( theta < pi ) { diff = pi; //diff = 0; sol = (theta-pi)*(theta-pi); f = mu*sol + 2*(theta-pi)/(r*r)*velmult - diff*2/(r*r); it->Integer(zone) = 0; } else { diff = 0; sol = 3*pi*(theta-pi); f = mu*sol + 3*pi/(r*r)*velmult; it->Integer(zone) = 1; } it->Real(force) = f; it->Real(reaction) = mu; it->Real(refsol) = sol; it->Real(tensor) = diff; Storage::real_array svel = it->RealArray(vel3); svel[0] = vel[0]; svel[1] = vel[1]; svel[2] = vel[2]; } printf("I'm ready!\n"); //mesh->Save("grid.vtk"); mesh->Save("grid_out.pmf"); //mesh->Save("grid.gmv"); printf("File written!\n"); delete mesh; return 0; }
int main(int argc,char ** argv) { Solver::Initialize(&argc,&argv,""); // Initialize the solver and MPI activity #if defined(USE_PARTITIONER) Partitioner::Initialize(&argc,&argv); // Initialize the partitioner activity #endif if( argc > 1 ) { TagReal phi; TagReal tag_F; TagRealArray tag_K; TagRealArray tag_BC; TagReal phi_ref; Mesh * m = new Mesh(); // Create an empty mesh double ttt = Timer(); bool repartition = false; m->SetCommunicator(INMOST_MPI_COMM_WORLD); // Set the MPI communicator for the mesh if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) // If the current process is the master one std::cout << argv[0] << std::endl; if( m->isParallelFileFormat(argv[1]) ) { m->Load(argv[1]); // Load mesh from the parallel file format repartition = true; } else { if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) m->Load(argv[1]); // Load mesh from the serial file format } BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Processors: " << m->GetProcessorsNumber() << std::endl; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Load(MPI_File): " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; //~ double ttt2 = Timer(); //~ Mesh t; //~ t.SetCommunicator(INMOST_MPI_COMM_WORLD); //~ t.SetParallelFileStrategy(0); //~ t.Load(argv[1]); //~ BARRIER //~ if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Load(MPI_Scatter): " << Timer()-ttt2 << std::endl; #if defined(USE_PARTITIONER) if (m->GetProcessorsNumber() > 1) { // currently only non-distributed meshes are supported by Inner_RCM partitioner ttt = Timer(); Partitioner * p = new Partitioner(m); p->SetMethod(Partitioner::INNER_KMEANS,Partitioner::Partition); // Specify the partitioner p->Evaluate(); // Compute the partitioner and store new processor ID in the mesh delete p; BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Evaluate: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; ttt = Timer(); m->Redistribute(); // Redistribute the mesh data m->ReorderEmpty(CELL|FACE|EDGE|NODE); // Clean the data after reordring BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Redistribute: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; } #endif ttt = Timer(); phi = m->CreateTag("Solution",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); // Create a new tag for the solution phi bool makerefsol = true; if( m->HaveTag("PERM" ) ) { tag_K = m->GetTag("PERM"); makerefsol = false; std::cout << "Permeability from grid" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Set perm" << std::endl; tag_K = m->CreateTag("PERM",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); // Create a new tag for K tensor for( Mesh::iteratorCell cell = m->BeginCell(); cell != m->EndCell(); ++cell ) // Loop over mesh cells tag_K[*cell][0] = 1.0; // Store the tensor K value into the tag } if( m->HaveTag("BOUNDARY_CONDITION") ) { tag_BC = m->GetTag("BOUNDARY_CONDITION"); makerefsol = false; std::cout << "Boundary conditions from grid" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Set boundary conditions" << std::endl; double x[3]; tag_BC = m->CreateTag("BOUNDARY_CONDITION",DATA_REAL,FACE,FACE,3); for( Mesh::iteratorFace face = m->BeginFace(); face != m->EndFace(); ++face ) if( face->Boundary() && !(face->GetStatus() == Element::Ghost) ) { face->Centroid(x); tag_BC[*face][0] = 1; //dirichlet tag_BC[*face][1] = 0; //neumann tag_BC[*face][2] = func(x,0);//face->Mean(func, 0); } } if( m->HaveTag("FORCE") ) { tag_F = m->GetTag("FORCE"); makerefsol = false; std::cout << "Force from grid" << std::endl; } else if( makerefsol ) { std::cout << "Set rhs" << std::endl; tag_F = m->CreateTag("FORCE",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); // Create a new tag for external force double x[3]; for( Mesh::iteratorCell cell = m->BeginCell(); cell != m->EndCell(); ++cell ) // Loop over mesh cells { cell->Centroid(x); tag_F[*cell] = -func_rhs(x,1); //tag_F[*cell] = -cell->Mean(func_rhs,1); } } if(m->HaveTag("REFERENCE_SOLUTION") ) phi_ref = m->GetTag("REFERENCE_SOLUTION"); else if( makerefsol ) { phi_ref = m->CreateTag("REFRENCE_SOLUTION",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); double x[3]; for( Mesh::iteratorCell cell = m->BeginCell(); cell != m->EndCell(); ++cell ) { cell->Centroid(x); phi_ref[*cell] = func(x,0);//cell->Mean(func, 0); } } ttt = Timer(); m->ExchangeGhost(1,FACE); m->ExchangeData(tag_K,CELL,0); // Exchange the tag_K data over processors BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Exchange ghost: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; ttt = Timer(); Solver S("inner_ilu2"); // Specify the linear solver to ASM+ILU2+BiCGStab one S.SetParameter("absolute_tolerance", "1e-8"); S.SetParameter("schwartz_overlap", "2"); Residual R; // Residual vector Sparse::LockService Locks; Sparse::Vector Update; // Declare the solution and the right-hand side vectors { Mesh::GeomParam table; table[CENTROID] = CELL | FACE; table[NORMAL] = FACE; table[ORIENTATION] = FACE; table[MEASURE] = CELL | FACE; table[BARYCENTER] = CELL | FACE; m->PrepareGeometricData(table); } BARRIER if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Prepare geometric data: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; { Automatizator aut; Automatizator::MakeCurrent(&aut); INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE iphi = aut.RegisterTag(phi,CELL); aut.EnumerateEntries(); // Set the indeces intervals for the matrix and vectors R.SetInterval(aut.GetFirstIndex(),aut.GetLastIndex()); R.InitLocks(); Update.SetInterval(aut.GetFirstIndex(),aut.GetLastIndex()); dynamic_variable Phi(aut,iphi); // Solve \nabla \cdot \nabla phi = f equation //for( Mesh::iteratorFace face = m->BeginFace(); face != m->EndFace(); ++face ) #if defined(USE_OMP) #pragma omp parallel #endif { variable flux; //should be more efficient to define here to avoid multiple memory allocations if storage for variations should be expanded rMatrix x1(3,1), x2(3,1), xf(3,1), n(3,1); double d1, d2, k1, k2, area, T, a, b, c; #if defined(USE_OMP) #pragma omp for #endif for(Storage::integer iface = 0; iface < m->FaceLastLocalID(); ++iface ) if( m->isValidFace(iface) ) { Face face = Face(m,ComposeFaceHandle(iface)); Element::Status s1,s2; Cell r1 = face->BackCell(); Cell r2 = face->FrontCell(); if( ((!r1->isValid() || (s1 = r1->GetStatus()) == Element::Ghost)?0:1) + ((!r2->isValid() || (s2 = r2->GetStatus()) == Element::Ghost)?0:1) == 0) continue; area = face->Area(); // Get the face area face->UnitNormal(; // Get the face normal face->Centroid(; // Get the barycenter of the face r1->Centroid(; // Get the barycenter of the cell k1 = n.DotProduct(rMatrix::FromTensor(tag_K[r1].data(), tag_K[r1].size(),3)*n); d1 = fabs(n.DotProduct(xf-x1)); if( !r2->isValid() ) // boundary condition { // bnd_pnt is a projection of the cell center to the face // a*pb + bT(pb-p1) = c // F = T(pb-p1) // pb = (c + bTp1)/(a+bT) // F = T/(a+bT)(c - ap1) T = k1/d1; a = 0; b = 1; c = 0; if( tag_BC.isValid() && face.HaveData(tag_BC) ) { a = tag_BC[face][0]; b = tag_BC[face][1]; c = tag_BC[face][2]; //std::cout << "a " << a << " b " << b << " c " << c << std::endl; } R.Lock(Phi.Index(r1)); R[Phi.Index(r1)] -= T/(a + b*T) * area * (c - a*Phi(r1)); R.UnLock(Phi.Index(r1)); } else { r2->Centroid(; k2 = n.DotProduct(rMatrix::FromTensor(tag_K[r2].data(), tag_K[r2].size(),3)*n); d2 = fabs(n.DotProduct(x2-xf)); T = 1.0/(d1/k1 + d2/k2); flux = T* area * (Phi(r2) - Phi(r1)); if( s1 != Element::Ghost ) { R.Lock(Phi.Index(r1)); R[Phi.Index(r1)] -= flux; R.UnLock(Phi.Index(r1)); } if( s2 != Element::Ghost ) { R.Lock(Phi.Index(r2)); R[Phi.Index(r2)] += flux; R.UnLock(Phi.Index(r2)); } } } } if( tag_F.isValid() ) { #if defined(USE_OMP) #pragma omp parallel for #endif for( Storage::integer icell = 0; icell < m->CellLastLocalID(); ++icell ) if( m->isValidCell(icell) ) { Cell cell = Cell(m,ComposeCellHandle(icell)); if( cell->GetStatus() != Element::Ghost ) R[Phi.Index(cell)] -= tag_F[cell] * cell->Volume(); } } BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Matrix assemble: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; //m->RemoveGeometricData(table); // Clean the computed geometric data if( argc > 3 ) // Save the matrix and RHS if required { ttt = Timer(); R.GetJacobian().Save(std::string(argv[2])); // "A.mtx" R.GetResidual().Save(std::string(argv[3])); // "b.rhs" BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Save matrix \"" << argv[2] << "\" and RHS \"" << argv[3] << "\": " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; } ttt = Timer(); S.SetMatrix(R.GetJacobian()); // Compute the preconditioner for the original matrix S.Solve(R.GetResidual(),Update); // Solve the linear system with the previously computted preconditioner BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) { std::cout << S.Residual() << " " << S.Iterations() << " " << S.ReturnReason() << std::endl; std::cout << "Solve system: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; } ttt = Timer(); if( phi_ref.isValid() ) { Tag error = m->CreateTag("error",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); double err_C = 0.0, err_L2 = 0.0, vol = 0.0; #if defined(USE_OMP) #pragma omp parallel #endif { double local_err_C = 0; #if defined(USE_OMP) #pragma omp for reduction(+:err_L2) reduction(+:vol) #endif for( Storage::integer icell = 0; icell < m->CellLastLocalID(); ++icell ) if( m->isValidCell(icell) ) { Cell cell = Cell(m,ComposeCellHandle(icell)); if( cell->GetStatus() != Element::Ghost ) { double old = phi[cell]; double exact = phi_ref[cell]; double res = Update[Phi.Index(cell)]; double sol = old-res; double err = fabs (sol - exact); if (err > local_err_C) local_err_C = err; err_L2 += err * err * cell->Volume(); vol += cell->Volume(); cell->Real(error) = err; phi[cell] = sol; } } #if defined(USE_OMP) #pragma omp critical #endif { if( local_err_C > err_C ) err_C = local_err_C; } } err_C = m->AggregateMax(err_C); // Compute the maximal C norm for the error err_L2 = sqrt(m->Integrate(err_L2)/m->Integrate(vol)); // Compute the global L2 norm for the error if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "err_C = " << err_C << std::endl; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "err_L2 = " << err_L2 << std::endl; } } BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Compute true residual: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; ttt = Timer(); m->ExchangeData(phi,CELL,0); // Data exchange over processors BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Exchange phi: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; std::string filename = "result"; if( m->GetProcessorsNumber() == 1 ) filename += ".vtk"; else filename += ".pvtk"; ttt = Timer(); m->Save(filename); m->Save("result.pmf"); BARRIER; if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Save \"" << filename << "\": " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl; delete m; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { double nx = 2.0/7.0, ny = 6.0/7.0, nz = 3.0/7.0; double px = 0.5, py = 0.5, pz = 0.5; if( argc < 2 ) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " mesh [mesh_out=grid.pmf] [nx=0] [ny=0] [nz=1] [px=0.5] [py=0.5] [pz=0.5]" << std::endl; return -1; } std::string grid_out = "grid.pmf"; if( argc > 2 ) grid_out = std::string(argv[2]); if( argc > 3 ) nx = atof(argv[3]); if( argc > 4 ) ny = atof(argv[4]); if( argc > 5 ) nz = atof(argv[5]); if( argc > 6 ) px = atof(argv[6]); if( argc > 7 ) py = atof(argv[7]); if( argc > 8 ) pz = atof(argv[8]); double d = nx*px+ny*py+nz*pz; Mesh m; m.Load(argv[1]); m.SetTopologyCheck(NEED_TEST_CLOSURE|PROHIBIT_MULTILINE|PROHIBIT_MULTIPOLYGON|GRID_CONFORMITY|DEGENERATE_EDGE|DEGENERATE_FACE|DEGENERATE_CELL | FACE_EDGES_ORDER); //m.RemTopologyCheck(THROW_EXCEPTION); Tag sliced = m.CreateTag("SLICED",DATA_BULK,FACE|EDGE|NODE,FACE|EDGE|NODE,1); std::cout << "Cells: " << m.NumberOfCells() << std::endl; std::cout << "Faces: " << m.NumberOfFaces() << std::endl; MarkerType slice = m.CreateMarker(); int nslice = 0, nmark = 0; for(Mesh::iteratorEdge it = m.BeginEdge(); it != m.EndEdge(); ++it) { double p[3]; Storage::real_array c0 = it->getBeg()->Coords(); Storage::real_array c1 = it->getEnd()->Coords(); double r0 = c0[0]*nx+c0[1]*ny+c0[2]*nz - d; double r1 = c1[0]*nx+c1[1]*ny+c1[2]*nz - d; //std::cout << "r0 " << r0 << " r1 " << r1 << std::endl; if( r0*r1 < -1.0e-12 ) { p[0] = (r0*c1[0] - r1*c0[0])/(r0-r1); p[1] = (r0*c1[1] - r1*c0[1])/(r0-r1); p[2] = (r0*c1[2] - r1*c0[2])/(r0-r1); //std::cout << "p " << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << std::endl; Node n = m.CreateNode(p); n.Bulk(sliced) = 1; n.SetMarker(slice); bool was_sliced = it->HaveData(sliced) ? true : false; ElementArray<Edge> ret = Edge::SplitEdge(it->self(),ElementArray<Node>(&m,1,n.GetHandle()),0); if( was_sliced ) for(int q = 0; q < ret.size(); ++q) ret[q]->Bulk(sliced) = 1; nslice++; } else { if( fabs(r0) < 1.0e-6 ) { it->getBeg()->SetMarker(slice); nmark++; } if( fabs(r1) < 1.0e-6 ) { it->getEnd()->SetMarker(slice); nmark++; } } } std::cout << "sliced edges: " << nslice << " marked nodes: " << nmark << std::endl; if( !Element::CheckConnectivity(&m) ) std::cout << "Connectivity is broken" << std::endl; nslice = 0; for(Mesh::iteratorFace it = m.BeginFace(); it != m.EndFace(); ++it) { ElementArray<Node> nodes = it->getNodes(slice); //those nodes should be ordered so that each pair forms an edge if( nodes.size() > 1 ) // if there is 1, then only one vertex touches the plane { //if there is more then two, then original face is non-convex if( nodes.size() > 2 ) std::cout << "Looks like face " << it->LocalID() << " is nonconvex" << std::endl; else { Edge e = m.CreateEdge(nodes).first; e.Bulk(sliced) = 1; e.SetMarker(slice); bool was_sliced = it->HaveData(sliced) ? true : false; ElementArray<Face> ret = Face::SplitFace(it->self(),ElementArray<Edge>(&m,1,e.GetHandle()),0); if( was_sliced ) for(int q = 0; q < ret.size(); ++q) ret[q]->Bulk(sliced) = 1; nslice++; } } //else std::cout << "Only one adjacent slice node, face " << it->LocalID() << std::endl; } nmark = 0; for(Mesh::iteratorEdge it = m.BeginEdge(); it != m.EndEdge(); ++it) if( !it->GetMarker(slice) && it->getBeg()->GetMarker(slice) && it->getEnd()->GetMarker(slice) ) { it->SetMarker(slice); nmark++; } std::cout << "sliced faces: " << nslice << " marked edges: " << nmark << std::endl; if( !Element::CheckConnectivity(&m) ) std::cout << "Connectivity is broken" << std::endl; nslice = 0; MarkerType visited = m.CreateMarker(); for(Mesh::iteratorCell it = m.BeginCell(); it != m.EndCell(); ++it) { ElementArray<Edge> edges = it->getEdges(slice); if( edges.size() >= 3 ) //these should form a triangle { //order edges ElementArray<Edge> order_edges(&m); order_edges.push_back(edges[0]); order_edges.SetMarker(visited); while(order_edges.size() != edges.size() ) { for(int k = 0; k < edges.size(); ++k) if( !edges[k]->GetMarker(visited) ) { if( edges[k]->getBeg() == order_edges.back()->getBeg() || edges[k]->getBeg() == order_edges.back()->getEnd() || edges[k]->getEnd() == order_edges.back()->getBeg() || edges[k]->getEnd() == order_edges.back()->getEnd() ) { order_edges.push_back(edges[k]); order_edges.back().SetMarker(visited); } } } edges.RemMarker(visited); Face f = m.CreateFace(order_edges).first; f.Bulk(sliced) = 1; Cell::SplitCell(it->self(),ElementArray<Face>(&m,1,f.GetHandle()),0); nslice++; } } m.ReleaseMarker(visited); std::cout << "sliced cells: " << nslice << std::endl; if( !Element::CheckConnectivity(&m) ) std::cout << "Connectivity is broken" << std::endl; Tag material = m.CreateTag("MATERIAL",DATA_INTEGER,CELL,NONE,1); for(Mesh::iteratorCell it = m.BeginCell(); it != m.EndCell(); ++it) { double cnt[3]; it->Centroid(cnt); double v = cnt[0]*nx+cnt[1]*ny+cnt[2]*nz-d; if( v < 0.0 ) it->Integer(material) = 0; else it->Integer(material) = 1; } m.ReleaseMarker(slice,NODE|EDGE); m.Save(grid_out); return 0; }