void* Forwarder(void* ignored) { MessageManager mm; SDMData dat; mm.Async_Init(MYPORT2); char buf[BUFSIZE]; SDMComponent_ID Receiver; Receiver.setAddress(inet_addr("")); Receiver.setPort(MYPORT); while(1) { if (mm.IsReady()) { if (mm.GetMessage(buf) == SDM_Data) { SDMData received; long Length = received.Unmarshal(buf); printf("(Forwarder) Received SDMData with timestamp %ld, %ld length is %ld.\n",received.GetSecondsStamp(), received.GetSubSecondsStamp(), Length); Length = received.Forward(Receiver); printf("(Forwarder) Forwarding message length is %ld.\n", Length); fflush(NULL); } else printf("(Forwarder) Unknown message received.\n"); } sleep(1); } return NULL; }
// wrapper around MessageManager::spin() that can be passed to // pthread_create() void* spinFunc(void* arg) { MessageManager* mgr = (MessageManager*)arg; mgr->spin(); return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize ROS node "sm_talker" ros::init(argc, argv, "sm_listener"); // Required to start timers for non-node ROS use. ros::Time::init(); // Little message to know she's started ROS_INFO_STREAM("STARTING SM_MANAGER"); // Create and execute manager // * Create a TCP server connection on TCP_PORT (see common.h) // * Initialize manager using server connection // * Initialize handler using server connection // * Add handler to manager // * Execute manager spin loop TcpServer server; server.init(TCP_PORT); MessageManager manager; MyHandler handler; manager.init(&server); // Handler initilaized with reply connection (typically the same as // incoming connection but now always) handler.init(&server); manager.add(&handler); manager.spin(); return 0; }
TEST(MessageManagerSuite, init) { MessageManager manager; TestClient client; EXPECT_TRUE(manager.init(&client)); EXPECT_FALSE(manager.init(NULL)); }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { MessageManager mm; SDMData dat; SDMRegInfo info; SDMReqReg req_reg; char buf[BUFSIZE]; long length; //initialize consumer SDMInit(argc,argv); my_port = getPort(); mm.Async_Init(my_port); signal(SIGINT, SigHandler); printf("%s listening on port %ld\n",argv[0],my_port); while(1) { if (mm.IsReady()) { switch(mm.GetMessage(buf,length)) { case SDM_Data: dat.Unmarshal(buf,length); DataHandler(dat,length); break; case SDM_RegInfo: if(info.Unmarshal(buf)!=SDM_NO_FURTHER_DATA_PROVIDER) { RegInfoHandler(info); } break; default: printf("Unexpected message\n"); } } else { //check for data and service providers if(consume_msgs[0].source.getSensorID() == 0) { //request info on integer data providers //Set variable name strcpy(req_reg.item_name,"Total_Messages_Recd"); //Set the quallist can be empty strcpy(req_reg.quallist,"< format=\"UINT32\"/>"); req_reg.reply = SDM_REQREG_CURRENT_FUTURE_AND_CANCELLATIONS; req_reg.destination.setPort(my_port); req_reg.id = DATA_PROVIDER; req_reg.Send(); printf("Searching for new data provider\n"); sleep(2); } usleep(1000); } } }
void NewProjectAudioProcessor::processBlock (AudioSampleBuffer& buffer, MidiBuffer& midiMessages) { if(editorIsReady) newNotesFromAnalyser->sendActionMessage("N"); if(analyseNewFile){ analyseNewFile = false; MessageManager* mm = MessageManager::getInstance(); void* dummy = this; void* d = mm->callFunctionOnMessageThread(loadNewWaveFile, dummy); } // This is the place where you'd normally do the guts of your plugin's // audio processing... for (int channel = 0; channel < getNumInputChannels(); ++channel) { } // In case we have more outputs than inputs, we'll clear any output // channels that didn't contain input data, (because these aren't // guaranteed to be empty - they may contain garbage). for (int i = getNumInputChannels(); i < getNumOutputChannels(); ++i) { buffer.clear (i, 0, buffer.getNumSamples()); } AudioPlayHead* playHead = getPlayHead(); AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo info; playHead->getCurrentPosition(info); float* channelData = buffer.getSampleData (0); if(soundEditor != 0 && !loadingNewComponent) soundEditor->getAudioSamplesToPlay(buffer, info.ppqPositionOfLastBarStart, getSampleRate(), currentSamplesPerBlock); }
void* Listener(void * args) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; SDMSubreqst sub; SDMDeletesub del; MessageManager mm; mm.Async_Init(my_port); // Send one hearbeat, let the app fail SendHeartbeat(); while(1) { if(mm.IsReady()) { //SendHeartbeat(); #ifdef WIN32 switch(mm.GetMsg(buf)) #else switch(mm.GetMessage(buf)) #endif { case SDM_Subreqst: sub.Unmarshal(buf); printf("Subscription Rec'd for %d\n",sub.msg_id.getInterfaceMessagePair()); fflush(NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&subscription_mutex); subscriptions.AddSubscription(sub); pthread_mutex_unlock(&subscription_mutex); break; case SDM_Deletesub: printf("Cancel Rec'd\n"); del.Unmarshal(buf); pthread_mutex_lock(&subscription_mutex); subscriptions.RemoveSubscription(del); pthread_mutex_unlock(&subscription_mutex); break; default: printf("Invalid Message found!\n"); fflush(NULL); break; } } else { usleep(100000); } } return NULL; }
// /// NAME // /// SHORT DESCRIPTION // /// Description: /// LONG DESCRIPTION /// /// Return /// VALUE and DESCRIPTION // STATUS SystemManager::triggerShutdown(void) { SystemManagerMessage message; MessageManager<SystemManagerMessage> messageManager; // Post an activate message message.major_type = SYSTEM_TRANSITION_TO_SHUTDOWN; messageManager.postMessage(SystemManager::queue_id, message, QUEUE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE); // Post an activate message message.major_type = SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN; messageManager.postMessage(SystemManager::queue_id, message, QUEUE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ImageManager::ShowMessageFromDirectory(const char* dirPath) { if( imgTree.empty()) return; tVecStr fileList = FileSystem::GetFiles(dirPath,File); if(fileList.empty()) return; std::list<string> listNameMsg; string strDirPath(dirPath); StrToken::FormatPath(strDirPath); for( unsigned int i=0; i<fileList.size(); i++) { string fullPath = strDirPath + fileList[i]; KeyStr key(fileList[i]); ValueInt* vInt = dynamic_cast<ValueInt*>(imgTree.find(key)); if( vInt == NULL) continue; ImgRegistry* imgReg = dynamic_cast<ImgRegistry*>(orgImages.GetRegistry(vInt->getValue())); tRegisterList* listIdMsg = this->orgListMsgs.GetList(imgReg->GetPtrFreeSpaceList()); if( listIdMsg != NULL ) { itRegisterList it; MessageManager* messageManager = MessageManager::GetInstance(); for( it=listIdMsg->begin(); it != listIdMsg->end(); it++ ) { ListMsgRegistry* listMsgReg = dynamic_cast<ListMsgRegistry*>(*it); ID_type idMsg = listMsgReg->GetIDMessage(); std::string nameMsg = messageManager->GetNameMessage(idMsg); listNameMsg.push_back(nameMsg); delete listMsgReg; } delete listIdMsg; } delete vInt; delete imgReg; delete listIdMsg; } listNameMsg.unique(); std::list<string>::iterator it; for(it=listNameMsg.begin(); it != listNameMsg.end(); it++) { std::cout << (*it) << "\n"; } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { SDMInit(argc,argv); MessageManager mm; mm.Async_Init(my_port); signal(SIGINT,SigHandler); SDMReqReg request; SDMRegInfo info; char buf[BUFSIZE]; long length; request.destination.setPort(my_port); request.id = 1; request.reply = SDM_REQREG_CURRENT_FUTURE_AND_CANCELLATIONS; printf("Sending ReqReg for Message_Count.\n"); strcpy(request.item_name,"Message_Count"); strcpy(request.quallist,"</>"); request.Send(); printf("Sending ReqReg for Enable_Logging.\n"); strcpy(request.item_name,"Enable_Logging"); request.Send(); printf("Sending ReqReg for faults.\n"); strcpy(request.item_name,"faultdata"); request.Send(); while(1) { if (mm.IsReady()) { mm.GetMessage(buf,length); if (info.Unmarshal(buf) > 0) { printf("RegInfo received\n%s\n\n",info.msg_def); } } else { printf("."); sleep(1); } } request.reply = SDM_REQREG_CANCEL; request.Send(); return 1; }
void* Sender(void* ignored) { MessageManager mm; SDMData dat; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) dat.msg[i] = 0x45; dat.length = 256; mm.Async_Init(MYPORT); char buf[BUFSIZE]; SDMComponent_ID Receiver; Receiver.setAddress(inet_addr("")); Receiver.setPort(MYPORT2); while(1) { if (mm.IsReady()) { if (mm.GetMessage(buf) == SDM_Data) { SDMData received; received.Unmarshal(buf); printf("(Sender) Received SDMData with timestamp %ld, %ld.\n",received.GetSecondsStamp(), received.GetSubSecondsStamp()); fflush(NULL); if (!DataCheck(received)) { printf("(Sender) ERROR message doesn't match!\n"); } } else printf("(Sender) Unknown message received.\n"); } // Send the message printf("(Sender) Sending message...\n"); dat.SendTo(Receiver); sleep(1); } return NULL; }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ImageManager::DeleteImage(ID_type idImg, tVecStr* imgErasedList, bool filterAll, bool removetoTree){ ImgRegistry* img=dynamic_cast<ImgRegistry*>(orgImages.GetRegistry(idImg)); FreeSpaceManager* fsManager = FreeSpaceManager::GetInstance(); MessageManager* msgManager = MessageManager::GetInstance(); //Obtener la lista de mensajes. if( img->GetPtrMsgList() > 0 ) { tRegisterList* msgList = this->orgListMsgs.GetList(img->GetPtrMsgList()); itRegisterList it = msgList->begin(); //Eliminar mensajes asociados. while(it != msgList->end()) { ListMsgRegistry* msgReg = dynamic_cast<ListMsgRegistry*>(*it); if(filterAll) msgManager->DeleteMessage(msgReg->GetIDMessage(),false, imgErasedList); else msgManager->DeleteMessage(msgReg->GetIDMessage(),true, imgErasedList); it++; } } //Eliminar Path string path=orgNamesImages.GetText(img->GetIDImagePath()); orgNamesImages.DeleteText(img->GetIDImagePath()); //Eliminar el espacio libre disponible. delete img; img = dynamic_cast<ImgRegistry*>(orgImages.GetRegistry(idImg)); fsManager->RemoveFreeSpaceList(img->GetPtrFreeSpaceList()); //Eliminar Registro Imagen. this->orgImages.DeleteRegistry(idImg); //Eliminar el arbol. KeyStr kImgTree(path.c_str()); if (!imgTree.empty() && removetoTree) if (imgTree.exists(kImgTree)) imgTree.remove(kImgTree); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { char ip[1024] = ""; // Robot IP address TcpClient connection; MessageManager manager; ros::init(argc, argv, "state_interface"); ros::NodeHandle n; JointRelayHandler jr_handler(n); ROS_INFO("Setting up client"); connection.init(ip, StandardSocketPorts::STATE); connection.makeConnect(); jr_handler.init(&connection); manager.init(&connection); manager.add(&jr_handler); manager.spin(); }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { SDMData dat; SDMInit(argc,argv); my_port = getPort(); if (my_port < 0) { printf("Error requesting port.\n"); return -1; } mm.Async_Init(my_port); RegisterxTEDS(); GetComponentID(); CancelxTEDS(); }
TEST(MessageManagerSuite, addHandler) { MessageManager manager; TestClient client; PingHandler handler; EXPECT_EQ(0, (int)manager.getNumHandlers()); ASSERT_TRUE(manager.init(&client)); EXPECT_EQ(1, (int)manager.getNumHandlers()); EXPECT_FALSE(manager.add(NULL)); ASSERT_TRUE(handler.init(&client)); EXPECT_FALSE(manager.add(&handler)); }
void GetComponentID() { char buf[BUFSIZE]; SDMService service; SDMData data; service.source = DataManager; service.source.setSensorID(1); //DataManager sensor_id is always 1 service.destination.setPort(my_port); service.command_id = 264; //Could be queried for by using a SDMReqReg with item_name = ReturnSensorID service.length = 4; PUT_INT(service.data,PID); service.Send(); mm.BlockGetMessage(buf); data.Unmarshal(buf); my_PID = GET_LONG(data.msg); my_sensorID = GET_LONG(&data.msg[4]); //Could be gotten from the Messagemanipulator printf("My PID is %ld\n",my_PID); printf("My sensor_id is %ld\n",my_sensorID); }
void* Listener(void * args) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; SDMSubreqst sub; SDMDeletesub del; MessageManager mm; mm.Async_Init(myPort); while(1) { pthread_testcancel(); if(mm.IsReady()) { SendHeartbeat(); #ifdef WIN32 switch(mm.GetMsg(buf)) #else switch(mm.GetMessage(buf)) #endif { case SDM_ACK: printf("SDMAck received\n"); helloReply = true; break; case SDM_Register: printf("SDMRegister received\n"); waitForReg = false; break; case SDM_ID: printf("SDMID received\n"); myID.Unmarshal(buf); printf("CompID: \n"); printf(" SensorID: %li\n", myID.destination.getSensorID()); printf(" Address: %lx\n", myID.destination.getAddress()); printf(" Port: %i\n", myID.destination.getPort()); waitForID = false; break; case SDM_Subreqst: sub.Unmarshal(buf); printf("Subscription Rec'd for %d\n",sub.msg_id.getInterfaceMessagePair()); pthread_mutex_lock(&subscription_mutex); subscriptions.AddSubscription(sub); pthread_mutex_unlock(&subscription_mutex); break; case SDM_Deletesub: printf("Cancel Rec'd\n"); del.Unmarshal(buf); pthread_mutex_lock(&subscription_mutex); subscriptions.RemoveSubscription(del); pthread_mutex_unlock(&subscription_mutex); break; default: printf("Invalid Message found!\n"); break; } } else { usleep(100000); } } return NULL; }
TEST(DISABLED_MessageManagerSuite, tcp) { const int port = TEST_PORT_BASE + 201; char ipAddr[] = ""; TestClient* client = new TestClient(); TestServer server; SimpleMessage pingRequest, pingReply; MessageManager msgManager; // MessageManager uses ros::ok, which needs ros spinner ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(0); spinner.start(); ASSERT_TRUE(pingRequest.init(StandardMsgTypes::PING, CommTypes::SERVICE_REQUEST, ReplyTypes::INVALID)); // TCP Socket testing // Construct server ASSERT_TRUE(server.init(port)); // Construct a client ASSERT_TRUE(client->init(&ipAddr[0], port)); // Connect server and client pthread_t serverConnectThrd; pthread_create(&serverConnectThrd, NULL, connectServerFunc, &server); ASSERT_TRUE(client->makeConnect()); pthread_join(serverConnectThrd, NULL); // Listen for client connection, init manager and start thread ASSERT_TRUE(msgManager.init(&server)); // TODO: The message manager is not thread safe (threads are used for testing, // but running the message manager in a thread results in errors when the // underlying connection is deconstructed before the manager //boost::thread spinSrvThrd(boost::bind(&MessageManager::spin, &msgManager)); pthread_t spinSrvThrd; pthread_create(&spinSrvThrd, NULL, spinFunc, &msgManager); // Ping the server ASSERT_TRUE(client->sendMsg(pingRequest)); ASSERT_TRUE(client->receiveMsg(pingReply)); ASSERT_TRUE(client->sendAndReceiveMsg(pingRequest, pingReply)); // Delete client and try to reconnect delete client; sleep(10); //Allow time for client to destruct and free up port client = new TestClient(); ASSERT_TRUE(client->init(&ipAddr[0], port)); ASSERT_TRUE(client->makeConnect()); ASSERT_TRUE(client->sendAndReceiveMsg(pingRequest, pingReply)); pthread_cancel(spinSrvThrd); pthread_join(spinSrvThrd, NULL); delete client; }
void MessageManagerPrototype::printToOutputPane(const QString &text, bool bringToForeground) { MessageManager *mm = qscriptvalue_cast<MessageManager *>(thisObject()); QTC_ASSERT(mm, return); mm->printToOutputPane(text, bringToForeground); }
int main() { // A message manager MessageModule* messageModule = Gnoll::Core::MessageModule::getInstancePtr(); MessageManager* mymanager = messageModule->getMessageManager(); // A message type called "string" Messages::MessageType mytype("string"); // A listener shared_ptr<MessageListener> mylistener(new MyMessageListener); /* * We add a listner and send some messages * Each of them are handle by the listener thanks to the message manager */ mymanager->addListener ( mylistener, mytype ); cout << "Listener ajoute" << endl; shared_ptr<boost::any> texte (new boost::any(string("blablabla..."))) ; shared_ptr<Message> mymessage (new Message(mytype, texte )); try { mymanager->queueMessage(mymessage); cout << "Message ajoute" << endl; mymanager->queueMessage(mymessage); cout << "Message ajoute" << endl; mymanager->queueMessage(mymessage); cout << "Message ajoute" << endl; } catch(...) { } messageModule->processQueue(); /* * If the listener is deleted, no one care about the message. * The message manager rejects the message since there is no listener * which care about this message type */ try { mymanager->delListener ( mylistener, mytype ); cout << "Listener supprime" << endl; mymanager->queueMessage(mymessage); cout << "Message ajoute" << endl; } catch(...) { } messageModule->processQueue(); /* * We re-add the listener, send some messages and abort all of them. */ try { mymanager->addListener ( mylistener, mytype ); cout << "Listener ajoute" << endl; mymanager->queueMessage(mymessage); cout << "Message ajoute" << endl; mymanager->queueMessage(mymessage); cout << "Message ajoute" << endl; mymanager->abortMessage(mytype, true); cout << "Message annule" << endl; } catch(...) { } messageModule->processQueue(); /* * The listener is re-deleted and a message is sent * -> No one cares about this message */ try { mymanager->delListener ( mylistener, mytype ); cout << "Listener supprime" << endl; mymanager->queueMessage(mymessage); cout << "Message ajoute" << endl; } catch(...) { } messageModule->processQueue(); // Bye bye cout << "Au revoir !" << endl; messageModule->destroy(); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { MessageManager mm; SDMData dat; SDMRegInfo info; SDMReqReg req_reg; char buf[BUFSIZE]; long length; bool infosDone = false; int numRecd = 0; //initialize consumer SDMInit(argc,argv); my_port = getPort(); mm.Async_Init(my_port); printf("Consumer listening on port %ld\n",my_port); while(!infosDone) { if (mm.IsReady()) { switch(mm.GetMessage(buf,length)) { case SDM_RegInfo: if(info.Unmarshal(buf)!=SDM_NO_FURTHER_DATA_PROVIDER) { numRecd++; RegInfoHandler(info); } else { if (numRecd == 0) { printf("No log messages found.\n"); fflush(NULL); } infosDone = true; } break; default: printf("Unexpected message\n"); } } else { //check for data and service providers if(data_provider.getSensorID() == 0) { //request info on integer data providers //Set variable name strcpy(req_reg.item_name,"Disable_Logging"); //Set the quallist can be empty strcpy(req_reg.quallist,"< >"); req_reg.reply = SDM_REQREG_CURRENT_AND_FUTURE; req_reg.destination.setPort(my_port); req_reg.id = DATA_PROVIDER; req_reg.Send(); printf("Searching for log command...\n"); sleep(2); } usleep(1000); } } }
void MessageManagerPrototype::displayStatusBarMessage(const QString &text, int ms) { MessageManager *mm = qscriptvalue_cast<MessageManager *>(thisObject()); QTC_ASSERT(mm, return); mm->displayStatusBarMessage(text, ms); }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { MessageManager mm; char buf[BUFSIZE]; SDMSearchReply ReplyMsg; unsigned char type; char InfoSource[40]; char MessageID[40]; SDMInit(argc, argv); signal(SIGINT,SigHandler); myPort = getPort(); if (myPort == SDM_PM_NOT_AVAILABLE) { myPort = 4059; } mm.Async_Init(myPort); printf("-------------------SDMSearch Tester-------------------\n"); bool MenuFinished = false; while (!MenuFinished) MenuFinished = Menu(); printf("Sending request...\n"); Request.destination.setPort(myPort); Request.Send(); int count = 1; bool Finished = false; if (Request.reply > SDM_SEARCH_CURRENT) { printf("Press CTRL+C to quit.\n"); sleep(1); } while (!Finished || Request.reply > SDM_SEARCH_CURRENT) { type = mm.BlockGetMessage(buf); switch (type) { case SDM_SearchReply: { long length = ReplyMsg.Unmarshal(buf); if (length == SDM_NO_FURTHER_DATA_PROVIDER) Finished = true; else { ReplyMsg.source.IDToString(InfoSource, sizeof(InfoSource)); printf("(%d) SearchReply received (%s):\n",count++, InfoSource); printf("\t---Captured Text Portion:---\n"); bool nullFound = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(ReplyMsg.captured_matches); i++) { if (isprint(ReplyMsg.captured_matches[i])) { printf("%c", ReplyMsg.captured_matches[i]); nullFound = false; } else if (ReplyMsg.captured_matches[i] == '\0') { printf("0"); if (nullFound) { printf("\n"); break; } nullFound = true; } } } break; } default: printf("Unexpected message (%d).\n",type); } } printf("End of SDMSearch messages.\n"); printf("-------------------SDMSearch Tester Finished-------------------\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { SDMService service; SDMConsume con; MessageManager mm; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char name[128]; char ip[17]; long port; SDMComponent_ID id; int pid = 0; SDMData dat; SDMInit(argc,argv); my_port = getPort(); if (my_port < 0) { printf("Error getting port.\n"); return -1; } mm.Async_Init(my_port); RegisterxTEDS(); usleep(100); service.source.setSensorID(1); service.command_id = 264; service.destination.setPort(my_port); service.length = 4; pid = atoi(argv[3]); memcpy(service.data,&pid,4); service.Send(); if (mm.BlockGetMessage(buf) != SDM_Data) { printf("Error, unknown message received.\n"); return -1; } dat.Unmarshal(buf); pid = GET_LONG(dat.msg); printf("My SensorID is %d\n",pid); service.command_id = 262; memcpy(service.data,&pid,4); service.Send(); if (mm.BlockGetMessage(buf) != SDM_Data) { printf("Error, unknown message received.\n"); return -1; } dat.Unmarshal(buf); memset(name,0,128); strncpy(name,dat.msg,127); printf("My name is %s\n",name); service.command_id = 268; service.Send(); if (mm.BlockGetMessage(buf) != SDM_Data) { printf("Error, unknown message received.\n"); return -1; } dat.Unmarshal(buf); port = GET_LONG(dat.msg); strcpy(ip,&dat.msg[4]); printf("My port is %ld and my ip is %s\n",port,ip); service.command_id = 267; service.Send(); service.command_id = 270; id.setSensorID(pid); id.setPort(port); id.setAddress(inet_addr(ip)); id.Unmarshal(service.data,0); service.Send(); if (mm.BlockGetMessage(buf) != SDM_Data) { printf("Error, unknown message received.\n"); return -1; } dat.Unmarshal(buf); printf("My componentKey is %s\n",dat.msg); CancelxTEDS(); }
// /// NAME // /// SHORT DESCRIPTION // /// Description: /// LONG DESCRIPTION /// /// Return /// VALUE and DESCRIPTION // STATUS SystemManager::systemLoop(void) { STATUS status = STATUS_FAILURE; MessageManager<SystemManagerMessage> messageManager; SystemManagerMessage message; // Create a message queue QueueManager::createQueue(SystemManager::queue_id, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT); // Post an activate message message.major_type = SYSTEM_ACTIVATE; messageManager.postMessage(SystemManager::queue_id, message, QUEUE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE); // Start loop while(1) { status = messageManager.getMessage(SystemManager::queue_id, message, QUEUE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); if(status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { LogManager::logMessage(MODULE_SYSTEM_MANAGER, DEBUG_LEVEL, NULL, "Received Message, Major Type: %lu", message.major_type); switch(mState) { case SYSTEM_MANAGER_INIT: status = initProcessing(message); break; case SYSTEM_MANAGER_ACTIVE: status = activeProcessing(message); break; case SYSTEM_MANAGER_SHUTDOWN: status = shutdownProcessing(message); break; default: break; } if(status == STATUS_SHUTDOWN_SUCCESS) { break; } } } mThreadGroup.join_all(); LogManager::logMessage(MODULE_SYSTEM_MANAGER, DEBUG_LEVEL, NULL, "All Threads Joined Succesfully."); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { unsigned long result = 0; int length = 0; int miss_count = 0; int num_toget = 0; char buf[BUFSIZE]; SDMReady heartbeat; MessageManager mm; SDMComponent_ID tm; //Set monitor process address heartbeat.source.setSensorID(0); heartbeat.source.setAddress(inet_addr("")); heartbeat.source.setPort(PORT_TM_MONITOR); //Set TM address tm.setAddress(inet_addr("")); tm.setPort(PORT_TM); tm.setSensorID(0); signal(SIGINT, SigIntHandler); tm_handle = StartTM(argv); mm.Async_Init_Both(PORT_TM_MONITOR); /* If spawn was successful */ if (tm_handle != NULL) { /* Allow the TM to get started up */ sleep(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); while (1) { //Send heartbeats via UDP heartbeat.SendTo(tm); length = heartbeat.Marshal(buf); sleep(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); //If Task Manager quit if (!GetExitCodeProcess(tm_handle,&result)) printf(" Monitor: Invalid handle for retrieving exit code.\n"); /* If the TaskManager has quit for some reason */ if (result != STILL_ACTIVE) { printf(" Monitor: TM failed, restarting...\n"); tm_handle = StartTM(argv); if (tm_handle != NULL) { /* Allow the TM to restart */ sleep(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); /* Start over at while */ continue; } /* Error re-starting TM */ else { printf(" Monitor: Could not restart the TM.\n"); return -1; } } /* The TM is still running, check for responses to heartbeat messages */ else if (mm.IsReady()) { //Should respond with one message num_toget = 1; while (mm.IsReady()) { num_toget--; /* Message is discarded, we only care that one was received */ mm.GetMsg(buf); } if (num_toget > 0) miss_count++; else miss_count = 0; } /* The TM is still running, but no responses were received */ else { //If no messages were received miss_count++; if (miss_count == NUM_HEARTBEAT_TRIES) { printf(" Monitor: TM unresponsive, restarting...\n"); /* If the Terminate fails and the TM is already dead */ if (!TerminateProcess(tm_handle,0)) { /* Get its return value */ GetExitCodeProcess(tm_handle,&result); } /* Restart the TM */ tm_handle = StartTM(argv); /* Success restarting */ if (tm_handle != NULL) { /* Allow TM to get started */ sleep(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); /* Start over at while loop */ continue; } /* Error restarting */ else { printf(" Monitor: Could not restart the TM.\n"); return -1; } } } } } else { printf(" Monitor: Error starting the TM.\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { SDMSearch s; SDMSearchReply reply; SDMData dat; SDMConsume con; int result = 0; char buf[BUFSIZE]; long length; MessageManager mm; int cur = 0; int count = 0; char c; unsigned long SID; signal(SIGINT,SigHandler); SDMInit(argc,argv); my_port = getPort(); if(my_port == SDM_PM_NOT_AVAILABLE) { printf("Unable to get a port from the Process Manager!\n"); exit(0); } mm.Async_Init(my_port); sleep(1); s.destination.setPort(my_port); s.destination.setAddress(DataManager.getAddress()); //This application must be run on the same node as the DM s.reply = SDM_SEARCH_CURRENT_AND_FUTURE; printf("\nSending SDMSearch for Device orientation\n"); memset(s.reg_expr,0,512); strcpy(s.reg_expr,".*?<Orientation.*?axis=\"(.*?)\".*"); s.id = ORIENTATION_SEARCH_ID; s.Send(); con.destination = s.destination; con.source.setPort(PORT_DM); con.source.setAddress(DataManager.getAddress()); con.source.setSensorID(1); con.msg_id = 0x103; con.Send(); con.msg_id = 0x104; con.Send(); while(1) { if (mm.IsReady()) { c = mm.GetMessage(buf,length); cur = 0; switch(c) { case SDM_SearchReply: result = reply.Unmarshal(buf); if(result == SDM_NO_FURTHER_DATA_PROVIDER) continue; printf("\n"); if (reply.id == ORIENTATION_SEARCH_ID) printf("Reply for orientation search:\n"); if(count != 0) printf("\n"); printf("Match(es) from %lu:%lu:%d\n",reply.source.getSensorID(),reply.source.getAddress(),reply.source.getPort()); count++; while(reply.captured_matches[cur]!=0) { if(strlen(reply.captured_matches+cur)<32) printf("Match is %s\n",reply.captured_matches+cur); else printf("Match length of %d exceeds name length restriction of 32\n",strlen(reply.captured_matches+cur)); cur += strlen(reply.captured_matches+cur)+1; } break; case SDM_Data: result = dat.Unmarshal(buf); if(dat.length > 4) { memcpy(&SID,&dat.msg[1],4); printf("xTEDS change of type %d on SID %ld\n",dat.msg[0],SID); } else { memcpy(&SID,&dat.msg[0],4); printf("xTEDS modificaton of SID %ld\n",SID); } break; default: printf("Unexpected message of type %c \n",c); } } else { printf("."); sleep(1); fflush(NULL); } } }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; long length; SDMRegInfo info; SDMData data; SDMInit(argc, argv); int Count = 0; MessageManager mm; mm.Async_Init(my_port); signal(SIGINT, SigHandler); while (1) { if (mm.IsReady()) { switch(mm.GetMessage(buf, length)) { case SDM_RegInfo: if (info.Unmarshal(buf) != SDM_NO_FURTHER_DATA_PROVIDER) { RegInfoHandler(info); } break; case SDM_Data: data.Unmarshal(buf); DataHandler(data); break; } } else if (!providers_found) { SendRegReqs(); sleep(1); } else { sleep(1); /* if (Count++ == 10) { printf(" Starting task %s...\n", START_TASKNAME); SDMCommand request; request.source = TMID; request.command_id = starttask_id; request.destination.setPort(my_port); const unsigned short ZERO = 0; PUT_USHORT(request.data, ZERO); PUT_INT(request.data + 2, 0); const unsigned int FILENAME_OFFSET = 6; strcpy(request.data + FILENAME_OFFSET, START_TASKNAME); request.length = 27; request.Send(); Count = 0; }*/ } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { MessageManager msgmgr; static struct option long_options[] = { {"nozoom", 0, 0, 0}, {"goto", 1, 0, 0}, {"gotoright", 0, 0, 0}, {"gotoleft", 0, 0, 0}, {"gotoup", 0, 0, 0}, {"gotodown", 0, 0, 0}, {"mode", 1, 0, 0}, {"acquire", 2, 0, 0}, {"acquirecurrent", 0, 0, 0}, {"stop", 0, 0, 0}, {"gotocolumn", 1, 0, 0}, {"gotorow", 1, 0, 0}, {"view", 1, 0, 0}, {"zoom", 0, 0, 0}, {"reload", 0, 0, 0}, {"changespeed", 1, 0, 0}, {"zoomspeed", 1, 0, 0}, {"dontexit", 0, 0, 0}, {"noautofun", 0, 0, 0}, {"revmousewheel", 0, 0, 0}, {"swapmousebuttons", 0, 0, 0}, {"altmousebuttons", 0, 0, 0}, {"justswitch", 0, 0, 0}, {"version", 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; float tmp; int c; int option_index; while (1) { c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "v", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: // long option switch (option_index) { case 0: // 'nozoom' msgmgr.msg.zoom = 0; break; case 1: // 'goto' ---- use is deprecated (in favor of gotocolumn) msgmgr.msg.goto_column = atoi (optarg); if (msgmgr.msg.goto_column < 1) usage_and_bye(); break; case 2: // 'gotoright' msgmgr.msg.goto_column = GOTO_FACE_RIGHT; break; case 3: // 'gotoleft' msgmgr.msg.goto_column = GOTO_FACE_LEFT; break; case 4: // 'gotonext' msgmgr.msg.goto_row = GOTO_FACE_UP; break; case 5: // 'gotoprev' msgmgr.msg.goto_row = GOTO_FACE_DOWN; break; case 6: // 'mode' if (strcmp(optarg, "cylinder") == 0) { msgmgr.msg.face_type = FACE_TYPE_CYLINDER; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "linear") == 0) { msgmgr.msg.face_type = FACE_TYPE_LINEAR; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "viewmaster") == 0) { msgmgr.msg.face_type = FACE_TYPE_VIEWMASTER; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "carousel") == 0) { msgmgr.msg.face_type = FACE_TYPE_CAROUSEL; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "priceisright") == 0) { msgmgr.msg.face_type = FACE_TYPE_PRICEISRIGHT; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "flip") == 0) { msgmgr.msg.face_type = FACE_TYPE_FLIP; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "random") == 0) { msgmgr.msg.face_type = FACE_TYPE_RANDOM; } else { usage_and_bye(); } break; case 7: // 'acquire' msgmgr.msg.mtype = MTYPE_ACQUIRE; if (optarg) { int tmpint = atoi (optarg); // must be between 10ms and 3sec for now if (10 < tmpint && tmpint < 3000) msgmgr.msg.acquire_sleep = tmpint; } else { msgmgr.msg.acquire_sleep = 700; } break; case 8: // 'acquirecurrent' msgmgr.msg.mtype = MTYPE_ACQUIRE_CURRENT; break; case 9: // 'stop' msgmgr.msg.mtype = MTYPE_STOP; printf ("Stopping 3ddesktop daemon...\n"); break; case 10: // 'gotocolumn' msgmgr.msg.goto_column = atoi (optarg); if (msgmgr.msg.goto_column < 1) usage_and_bye(); break; case 11: // 'gotorow' msgmgr.msg.goto_row = atoi (optarg); if (msgmgr.msg.goto_row < 1) usage_and_bye(); break; case 12: // 'view' strcpy(msgmgr.msg.view, optarg); break; case 13: // 'zoom' msgmgr.msg.zoom = 1; break; case 14: // 'reload' msgmgr.msg.reload = 1; break; case 15: // 'changespeed' tmp = atof(optarg); if (tmp >= 1.0 && tmp <= 300.0) { msgmgr.msg.face_change_steps = tmp; } break; case 16: // 'zoomspeed' tmp = atof(optarg); if (tmp >= 1.0 && tmp <= 300.0) { msgmgr.msg.zoom_steps = tmp; } break; case 17: // 'dontexit' msgmgr.msg.disable_exit_after_goto = 1; break; case 18: // 'noautofun' msgmgr.msg.disable_random_fun = 1; break; case 19: // 'revmousewheel' msgmgr.msg.reverse_mousewheel = 1; break; case 20: // 'swapmousebuttons' msgmgr.msg.swap_mousebuttons = 1; break; case 21: // 'altmousebuttons' msgmgr.msg.alt_mousebuttons = 1; break; case 22: // 'justswitch' msgmgr.msg.mtype = MTYPE_JUSTSWITCH; break; case 23: // 'version' printf("3ddesktop %s (3ddesk client)\nWritten by Brad Wasson.\n\nCopyright (C) 2002 - 2005 Brad Wasson.\n" "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO\n" "warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n\n" "This binary compiled %s %s.\n\n", VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); exit(0); break; } break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; default: usage_and_bye(); break; } } if (msgmgr.open() < 0 || !server_running()) { if (msgmgr.msg.mtype == MTYPE_STOP) { // already stopped... fprintf(stderr, "Server not running.\n"); exit (1); } fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to start 3ddesktop server.\n"); if (start_daemon() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not start server.\n" "Try starting manually (3ddeskd)\n\n"); exit(1); } if (wait_for_server_to_start() == 0) { if (msgmgr.open() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't get message queue: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr, "Maybe 3ddeskd server not started?\n"); exit (1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find server.\n" "Try starting manually (3ddeskd)\n\n"); exit (1); } } if (msgmgr.send() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to send server a message\n"); exit (1); } return 0; }