MidiDevice::MidiDevice(DeviceId id, InstrumentId ibase, const MidiDevice &dev) : Device(id, dev.getName(), Device::Midi), m_programList(dev.m_programList), m_bankList(dev.m_bankList), m_controlList(0), m_keyMappingList(dev.m_keyMappingList), m_metronome(0), m_direction(dev.getDirection()), m_variationType(dev.getVariationType()), m_librarian(dev.getLibrarian()), m_allocator(new AllocateChannels(ChannelSetup::MIDI)) { createInstruments(ibase); // Populate device and Instrument with Controllers. ControlList::const_iterator cIt = dev.m_controlList.begin(); for(; cIt != dev.m_controlList.end(); ++cIt) { addControlParameter(*cIt, true); } // Create and assign a metronome if required // if (dev.getMetronome()) { m_metronome = new MidiMetronome(*dev.getMetronome()); } generatePresentationList(); }
MidiDevice::MidiDevice(const MidiDevice &dev) : Device(dev.getId(), dev.getName(), dev.getType()), Controllable(), m_programList(dev.m_programList), m_bankList(dev.m_bankList), m_controlList(dev.m_controlList), m_keyMappingList(dev.m_keyMappingList), m_metronome(0), m_direction(dev.getDirection()), m_variationType(dev.getVariationType()), m_librarian(dev.getLibrarian()), m_allocator(new AllocateChannels(ChannelSetup::MIDI)) { // Create and assign a metronome if required // if (dev.getMetronome()) { m_metronome = new MidiMetronome(*dev.getMetronome()); } // Copy the instruments // InstrumentList insList = dev.getAllInstruments(); InstrumentList::iterator iIt = insList.begin(); for (; iIt != insList.end(); ++iIt) { Instrument *newInst = new Instrument(**iIt); newInst->setDevice(this); m_instruments.push_back(newInst); } // generate presentation instruments generatePresentationList(); }
std::string Studio::getSegmentName(InstrumentId id) { MidiDevice *midiDevice; std::vector<Device*>::iterator it; Rosegarden::InstrumentList::iterator iit; Rosegarden::InstrumentList instList; for (it = m_devices.begin(); it != m_devices.end(); ++it) { midiDevice = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(*it); if (midiDevice) { instList = (*it)->getAllInstruments(); for (iit = instList.begin(); iit != instList.end(); ++iit) { if ((*iit)->getId() == id) { if ((*iit)->sendsProgramChange()) { return (*iit)->getProgramName(); } else { return midiDevice->getName() + " " + (*iit)->getName(); } } } } } return std::string(""); }
SplitByRecordingSrcDialog::SplitByRecordingSrcDialog(QWidget *parent, RosegardenDocument *doc) : QDialog(parent) { setModal(true); setWindowTitle(tr("Split by Recording Source")); QGridLayout *metagrid = new QGridLayout; setLayout(metagrid); QWidget *vBox = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *vBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout; metagrid->addWidget(vBox, 0, 0); QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox( tr("Recording Source"), vBox ); groupBox->setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(groupBox); layout->setSpacing(5); vBoxLayout->addWidget(groupBox); vBox->setLayout(vBoxLayout); layout->addWidget(new QLabel( tr("Channel:"), groupBox ), 0, 0); m_channel = new QComboBox( groupBox ); m_channel->setMaxVisibleItems( 17 ); layout->addWidget(m_channel, 0, 1); QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem( 1, 1, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); layout->addItem( spacer, 0, 2 ); m_channel->addItem(tr("any")); for (int i = 1; i < 17; ++i) { m_channel->addItem(QString::number(i)); } layout->addWidget(new QLabel( tr("Device:"), groupBox ), 1, 0); m_device = new QComboBox( groupBox ); layout->addWidget( m_device, 1, 1, 0+1, 2 - 1+1); m_deviceIds.clear(); m_deviceIds.push_back( -1); m_device->addItem(tr("any")); DeviceList *devices = doc->getStudio().getDevices(); DeviceListConstIterator it; for (it = devices->begin(); it != devices->end(); it++) { MidiDevice *dev = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(*it); if (dev && dev->getDirection() == MidiDevice::Record) { QString label = QString::number(dev->getId()); label += ": "; label += strtoqstr(dev->getName()); QString connection = RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->getConnection (dev->getId()); label += " - "; if (connection == "") label += tr("No connection"); else label += connection; m_device->addItem(label); m_deviceIds.push_back(dev->getId()); } } m_channel->setCurrentIndex(0); m_device->setCurrentIndex(0); groupBox->setLayout(layout); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel ); metagrid->addWidget(buttonBox, 1, 0); metagrid->setRowStretch(0, 10); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); }
void MidiMixerWindow::setupTabs() { DeviceListConstIterator it; MidiDevice *dev = 0; InstrumentList instruments; InstrumentList::const_iterator iIt; int faderCount = 0, deviceCount = 1; if (m_tabFrame) delete m_tabFrame; // Setup m_tabFrame // QWidget *blackWidget = new QWidget(this); setCentralWidget(blackWidget); QVBoxLayout *centralLayout = new QVBoxLayout; blackWidget->setLayout(centralLayout); m_tabWidget = new QTabWidget; centralLayout->addWidget(m_tabWidget); connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(slotCurrentTabChanged(QWidget *))); m_tabWidget->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::South); setWindowTitle(tr("MIDI Mixer")); setWindowIcon(IconLoader().loadPixmap("window-midimixer")); for (it = m_studio->begin(); it != m_studio->end(); ++it) { dev = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(*it); if (dev) { // Get the control parameters that are on the IPB (and hence can // be shown here too). // ControlList controls = getIPBForMidiMixer(dev); instruments = dev->getPresentationInstruments(); // Don't add a frame for empty devices // if (!instruments.size()) continue; m_tabFrame = new QFrame(m_tabWidget); m_tabFrame->setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10); // m_tabFrame->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5); ??? QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout(m_tabFrame); // MIDI Mixer label QLabel *label = new QLabel("", m_tabFrame); mainLayout->addWidget(label, 0, 0, 0, 16, Qt::AlignCenter); // control labels for (size_t i = 0; i < controls.size(); ++i) { label = new QLabel(QObject::tr(controls[i].getName().c_str()), m_tabFrame); mainLayout->addWidget(label, i + 1, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); } // meter label // (obsolete abandoned code deleted here) // volume label label = new QLabel(tr("Volume"), m_tabFrame); mainLayout->addWidget(label, controls.size() + 2, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); // instrument label label = new QLabel(tr("Instrument"), m_tabFrame); label->setFixedWidth(80); //!!! this should come from metrics mainLayout->addWidget(label, controls.size() + 3, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); int posCount = 1; int firstInstrument = -1; for (iIt = instruments.begin(); iIt != instruments.end(); ++iIt) { // Add new fader struct // m_faders.push_back(new FaderStruct()); // Store the first ID // if (firstInstrument == -1) firstInstrument = (*iIt)->getId(); // Add the controls // for (size_t i = 0; i < controls.size(); ++i) { QColor knobColour = QColor(Qt::white); if (controls[i].getColourIndex() > 0) { Colour c = m_document->getComposition().getGeneralColourMap(). getColourByIndex(controls[i].getColourIndex()); knobColour = QColor(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue()); } Rotary *controller = new Rotary(m_tabFrame, controls[i].getMin(), controls[i].getMax(), 1.0, 5.0, controls[i].getDefault(), 20, Rotary::NoTicks, false, controls[i].getDefault() == 64); //!!! hacky controller->setKnobColour(knobColour); connect(controller, SIGNAL(valueChanged(float)), this, SLOT(slotControllerChanged(float))); mainLayout->addWidget(controller, i + 1, posCount, Qt::AlignCenter); // Store the rotary // m_faders[faderCount]->m_controllerRotaries.push_back( std::pair<MidiByte, Rotary*> (controls[i].getControllerValue(), controller)); } // VU meter // MidiMixerVUMeter *meter = new MidiMixerVUMeter(m_tabFrame, VUMeter::FixedHeightVisiblePeakHold, 6, 30); mainLayout->addWidget(meter, controls.size() + 1, posCount, Qt::AlignCenter); m_faders[faderCount]->m_vuMeter = meter; // Volume fader // Fader *fader = new Fader(0, 127, 100, 20, 80, m_tabFrame); mainLayout->addWidget(fader, controls.size() + 2, posCount, Qt::AlignCenter); m_faders[faderCount]->m_volumeFader = fader; // Label // QLabel *idLabel = new QLabel(QString("%1"). arg((*iIt)->getId() - firstInstrument + 1), m_tabFrame); idLabel->setObjectName("idLabel"); mainLayout->addWidget(idLabel, controls.size() + 3, posCount, Qt::AlignCenter); // store id in struct m_faders[faderCount]->m_id = (*iIt)->getId(); // Connect them up // connect(fader, SIGNAL(faderChanged(float)), this, SLOT(slotFaderLevelChanged(float))); // Update all the faders and controllers // slotUpdateInstrument((*iIt)->getId()); // Increment counters // posCount++; faderCount++; } QString name = QString("%1 (%2)") .arg(QObject::tr(dev->getName().c_str())) .arg(deviceCount++); addTab(m_tabFrame, name); } } }
void ModifyDeviceCommand::execute() { Device *device = m_studio->getDevice(m_device); if (!device) { std::cerr << "ERROR: ModifyDeviceCommand::execute(): no such device as " << m_device << std::endl; return; } MidiDevice *midiDevice = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>(device); if (!midiDevice) { std::cerr << "ERROR: ModifyDeviceCommand::execute(): device " << m_device << " is not a MIDI device" << std::endl; return; } // Save Original Values for Undo // ??? Really wish we could just m_oldDevice = *(midiDevice). See below. m_oldName = midiDevice->getName(); m_oldBankList = midiDevice->getBanks(); m_oldProgramList = midiDevice->getPrograms(); m_oldControlList = midiDevice->getControlParameters(); m_oldKeyMappingList = midiDevice->getKeyMappings(); m_oldLibrarianName = midiDevice->getLibrarianName(); m_oldLibrarianEmail = midiDevice->getLibrarianEmail(); m_oldVariationType = midiDevice->getVariationType(); InstrumentList instruments = midiDevice->getAllInstruments(); for (size_t i = 0; i < instruments.size(); ++i) { // ??? Preserving just the programs isn't enough. We need // to preserve the rest of the Instrument as well. However, // the auto/fixed channel feature has made it impossible // to safely make copies of Instrument objects. Also, Instrument // has an ID. How should that be handled for undo? ISTM // that we either need to introduce some sort of copyForUndo() // hack to each object, or develop a set of standards for coding // objects that are undo-safe. Sounds like a pretty big project. m_oldInstrumentPrograms.push_back(instruments[i]->getProgram()); } // Make the Changes if (m_changeVariation) midiDevice->setVariationType(m_variationType); if (m_overwrite) { if (m_clearBankAndProgramList) { midiDevice->clearBankList(); midiDevice->clearProgramList(); midiDevice->clearKeyMappingList(); } else { if (m_changeBanks) midiDevice->replaceBankList(m_bankList); if (m_changePrograms) midiDevice->replaceProgramList(m_programList); if (m_changeBanks || m_changePrograms) { // Make sure the instruments make sense. for (size_t i = 0; i < instruments.size(); ++i) { instruments[i]->pickFirstProgram( midiDevice->isPercussionNumber(i)); } } } if (m_changeKeyMappings) { midiDevice->replaceKeyMappingList(m_keyMappingList); } if (m_rename) midiDevice->setName(m_name); midiDevice->setLibrarian(m_librarianName, m_librarianEmail); } else { if (m_clearBankAndProgramList) { midiDevice->clearBankList(); midiDevice->clearProgramList(); } else { if (m_changeBanks) midiDevice->mergeBankList(m_bankList); if (m_changePrograms) midiDevice->mergeProgramList(m_programList); } if (m_changeKeyMappings) { midiDevice->mergeKeyMappingList(m_keyMappingList); } if (m_rename) { std::string mergeName = midiDevice->getName() + std::string("/") + m_name; midiDevice->setName(mergeName); } } //!!! merge option? if (m_changeControls) { midiDevice->replaceControlParameters(m_controlList); } // ??? Instead of this kludge, we should be calling a Studio::hasChanged() // which would then notify all observers (e.g. MIPP) who, in turn, // would update themselves. RosegardenMainWindow::self()->uiUpdateKludge(); }
ControlEditorDialog::ControlEditorDialog ( QWidget *parent, RosegardenDocument *doc, DeviceId device ): QMainWindow(parent), m_studio(&doc->getStudio()), m_doc(doc), m_device(device), m_modified(false) { RG_DEBUG << "ControlEditorDialog::ControlEditorDialog: device is " << m_device << endl; QWidget *mainFrame = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *mainFrameLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setCentralWidget(mainFrame); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); // everything else failed, so screw it, let's just set the fscking minimum // width the brute force way setMinimumWidth(935); setWindowTitle(tr("Manage Controllers")); QString deviceName(tr("<no device>")); MidiDevice *md = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>(m_studio->getDevice(m_device)); if (md) deviceName = strtoqstr(md->getName()); // spacing hack! new QLabel("", mainFrame); new QLabel(tr(" Controllers for %1 (device %2)") .arg(deviceName) .arg(device), mainFrame); new QLabel("", mainFrame); QStringList sl; sl << tr("Name ") << tr("Type ") << tr("Number ") << tr("Description ") << tr("Min. value ") << tr("Max. value ") << tr("Default value ") << tr("Color ") << tr("Position on instrument panel"); m_treeWidget = new QTreeWidget(mainFrame); m_treeWidget->setHeaderLabels(sl); m_treeWidget->setSortingEnabled(true); mainFrameLayout->addWidget(m_treeWidget); QFrame *btnBox = new QFrame(mainFrame); mainFrameLayout->addWidget(btnBox); mainFrame->setLayout(mainFrameLayout); btnBox->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); // QT3: I don't think it's necessary to replace the following ",4, 10" with // anything to explicitly set the dimensions of the HBox, but there might be // some compatibility trickery I'm not remembering, etc. Leaving as a // reminder in case the layout turns out broken: QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(btnBox /*, 4, 10 */); m_addButton = new QPushButton(tr("Add"), btnBox); m_deleteButton = new QPushButton(tr("Delete"), btnBox); m_closeButton = new QPushButton(tr("Close"), btnBox); m_addButton->setToolTip(tr("Add a Control Parameter to the Studio")); m_deleteButton->setToolTip(tr("Delete a Control Parameter from the Studio")); m_closeButton->setToolTip(tr("Close the Control Parameter editor")); layout->addStretch(10); layout->addWidget(m_addButton); layout->addWidget(m_deleteButton); layout->addSpacing(30); layout->addWidget(m_closeButton); layout->addSpacing(5); connect(m_addButton, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(slotAdd())); connect(m_deleteButton, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(slotDelete())); setupActions(); connect(CommandHistory::getInstance(), SIGNAL(commandExecuted()), this, SLOT(slotUpdate())); connect(m_treeWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), SLOT(slotEdit(QTreeWidgetItem *, int))); // Highlight all columns - enable extended selection mode // m_treeWidget->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); m_treeWidget->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); initDialog(); // Set the top item in the list, if able. if (m_treeWidget->topLevelItemCount()) { m_treeWidget->setCurrentItem(m_treeWidget->topLevelItem(0)); } }