void SetOptimizationPdvsAndAdvs(
			Optimizer * aOptimizer,
			Problem   * aProblem )
//	UInt modelId = 1;
//	Model* model = aProblem->GetModelById( 1 );
//	Mesh* mesh = model->GetMesh();
//	model->BuildNodeToElementTable();
//	// Vars for creating PDVs
//	DesignDepObject desDepObj = NOD_PROP;
//	UInt propId = 11;
//	int propType = NP_LS;
//	UInt myNumNodesInSet = model->GetNumNodes();
//	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	std::vector < UInt > &DesVarKeys = aOptimizer->GetMyDesVarKeys();
//	DesVarKeys.assign( myNumNodesInSet, 0 );
//	for ( UInt in = 0; in < myNumNodesInSet; ++in )
//		DesVarKeys[in] = model->GetNode( in )->GetIdNum();
//	// Set the number of design variables per processor
//	aOptimizer->FinalizeDesVarCreation();
//	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	// Create PDVs
//	std::vector < UInt > globalNodesIds( myNumNodesInSet, 0 );
//	for ( UInt in = 0; in < myNumNodesInSet; ++in )
//		globalNodesIds[in] = model->GetNode( in )->GetIdNum();
//	UInt *ElemIndices = NULL, *ElemIds = NULL;
//	UInt numLoadElems = 0;
//	// Initialize a ParseModelHelper
//	ParseModelHelper parseModelHelper = ParseModelHelper();
//	// Kill filter in inflow and outflow.
//	std::vector< UInt > noFilterNodeIds;
//	numLoadElems = parseModelHelper.GetSideSetNeighborElemsInfoByID( mesh, sSSetIds[sLoadNSSetIndx], ElemIndices, ElemIds );
//	for ( UInt ie = 0; ie < numLoadElems; ++ie ) {
//		std::vector < UInt > NodeIdsVec( FP_MAX_NODES, 0 );
//		Element* elem = model->GetElement( ElemIndices[ie] );
//		UInt numNodes = elem->GetNodeIds( &NodeIdsVec[0] );
//		for ( UInt in = 0; in < numNodes; ++in ) {
//			noFilterNodeIds.push_back( NodeIdsVec[in] );
//		}
//	}
//	FemdocAlgorithms::SortUniqueResizeStdVector( noFilterNodeIds );
//	// Read file
//	std::string line;
//	std::ifstream myfile ( "disttable" );
//	if ( myfile.is_open() )
//	{
//		std::fprintf( stdout, "\n ... Reading PDVs file\n" );
//		while ( myfile.good() )
//		{
//			getline( myfile, line );
//			//          char* lineChar = new char[line.size() + 1];
//			//          lineChar[line.size()] = 0;
//			//          memcpy( lineChar, line.c_str(), line.size() );
//			const char* lineChar = line.c_str();
//			Real test1 = 0.0;
//			Real test2 = 0.0;
//			std::sscanf( lineChar, "%lf %lf",  &test1, &test2 );
//			UInt glbNodeId = test1;
//			UInt numNeigb = test2;
//			assert( numNeigb > 0 );
//			if ( std::find( &globalNodesIds[0], &globalNodesIds[0] + myNumNodesInSet, glbNodeId ) - &globalNodesIds[0] != myNumNodesInSet )
//			{
//				Node* node = model->GetNodeById( glbNodeId );
//				std::vector < UInt > neigbIdsVec ( ( UInt ) numNeigb , 0.0 );
//				std::vector < Real > neigbWgtVec ( ( UInt ) numNeigb , 0.0 );
//				if ( node )
//				{
//					// If found in no filter IDs.
//					if ( std::find( &noFilterNodeIds[0], &noFilterNodeIds[0] + ( UInt ) noFilterNodeIds.size(), glbNodeId ) - &noFilterNodeIds[0] != ( UInt ) noFilterNodeIds.size() ) {
//						UInt numEntries[] = {1,0};
//						neigbIdsVec[0] = glbNodeId - 1;
//						neigbWgtVec[0] = 1.0;
//						UInt paramIndex = 0;
//						UInt propTypeKey = node->GetIndexNum();
//						PhysicalDesignVar* pdv = aOptimizer->CreatePhysDesVar( aProblem, modelId, desDepObj, propId, propType, propTypeKey, paramIndex );
//						Function* PDVEvalFunc = new FunctionScalarProduct( numEntries, &neigbWgtVec[0] );
//						pdv->CreateEvaluationFunction( PDVEvalFunc, &neigbIdsVec[0] );
//					}
//					else {
//						Real neighborIds = 0;
//						Real neighborWgt = 0;
//						UInt position = 28;
//						for ( UInt ii = 0; ii < numNeigb; ii++ )
//						{
//							std::sscanf( lineChar + position,"%lf",&neighborIds );
//							neigbIdsVec[ii] = neighborIds - 1;
//							position += 14;
//						}
//						for ( UInt ii = 0; ii < numNeigb; ii++ )
//						{
//							std::sscanf( lineChar + position,"%lf",&neighborWgt );
//							neigbWgtVec[ii] = neighborWgt;
//							position += 14;
//						}
//						UInt numEntries[] = {numNeigb, 0};
//						UInt paramIndex = 0;
//						UInt propTypeKey = node->GetIndexNum();
//						PhysicalDesignVar* pdv = aOptimizer->CreatePhysDesVar( aProblem, modelId, desDepObj, propId, propType, propTypeKey, paramIndex );
//						Function* PDVEvalFunc = new FunctionScalarProduct( numEntries, &neigbWgtVec[0] );
//						pdv->CreateEvaluationFunction( PDVEvalFunc, &neigbIdsVec[0] );
//					}
//				}
//			}
//		}
//	}
//	else
//	{
//		std::fprintf( stdout, " Unable to open file!!!\n" );
//	}

	// Set number of abstract design variables (radius)
	UInt modelId = 1;
	UInt numAbsDesVar   = 1;
	UInt AbsDesVarInd[] = {0};
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Set number of abstract design variables

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create PDV's
    DesignDepObject desDepObj = NOD_PROP;
    UInt propId   = 11;
    Int  propType = NP_LS;
    PhysicalDesignVar* pdv = NULL;

    // Create optimizer sweep function
	UInt numParameters[] = { 1, 1 };					// number of coefficients and independent variables
	Real ParameterVals[] = { 0.0 };	// radius and center of circle

	Real CntrXGlbCoords = sCenterX;
	Real CntrYGlbCoords = sCenterY;
	Real CntrZGlbCoords = sCenterZ;

	Model* model = aProblem->GetModelById(modelId);
	UInt numNodes = model->GetNumNodes();


	Node* node = NULL;
	Real NodeXGlbCoords = 0.0;
	Real NodeYGlbCoords = 0.0;
	Real NodeZGlbCoords = 0.0;

	for ( UInt in = 0; in < numNodes; ++in )
		node = model->GetNode(in);
		NodeXGlbCoords = node->GetGlobalXCoord();
		NodeYGlbCoords = node->GetGlobalYCoord();
		NodeZGlbCoords = node->GetGlobalZCoord();

		Real distance = std::sqrt( std::pow((NodeXGlbCoords-CntrXGlbCoords),2) + std::pow((NodeYGlbCoords-CntrYGlbCoords),2) + std::pow((NodeZGlbCoords-CntrZGlbCoords),2));
		ParameterVals[0] = distance;

		// Parameters for moving circle will be [distance, xcoords of node, ycoords of node, zcoords of node]

		pdv = aOptimizer->CreatePhysDesVar(aProblem,modelId,desDepObj,propId,propType,node->GetIndexNum());
		Function* SweepFunc = new FunctionUserDefined(numParameters,ParameterVals,mySweepFunc,mySweepFuncDeriv);