void CompositeMat::PreShade(ShadeContext& sc, IReshadeFragment* pFrag)
	int i(0);
	Mtl *submtl = NULL;
//	BOOL enabled(FALSE);

	char texLengths[12];

	int lengthChan = pFrag->NTextures();

	int nPrevTex = 3 + lengthChan;

	// preshade any submaterials
	for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_MTLS; i++)
		pblock2->GetValue(compmat_mtls, sc.CurTime(), submtl, FOREVER, i);
		if (submtl){
			IReshading* pReshading = (IReshading*)(submtl->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
			if( pReshading ){
				pReshading->PreShade(sc, pFrag);
				int nTex = pFrag->NTextures();
				texLengths[i] = char( nTex - nPrevTex);
				nPrevTex = nTex;
	int* pI = (int*)&texLengths[0];
	pFrag->SetIntChannel( lengthChan++, pI[0] );
	pFrag->SetIntChannel( lengthChan++, pI[1] );
	pFrag->SetIntChannel( lengthChan, pI[2] );

*  @brief
*    Creates a material
PLSceneMaterial *PLSceneMaterial::Create(PLScene &cScene, IGameMaterial *pParentIGameMaterial, IGameMaterial &cIGameMaterial, const String &sName)
	// Get the 3ds Max material... I don't use IGame for this because I didn't get it working using it...
	Mtl *pMaxMaterial = cIGameMaterial.GetMaxMaterial();
	if (pMaxMaterial) {
		// DxMaterial or extend?
		IDxMaterial2 *pFXMaterial = static_cast<IDxMaterial2*>(pMaxMaterial->GetInterface(IDXMATERIAL2_INTERFACE));
		if (!pFXMaterial && pParentIGameMaterial)
			pFXMaterial = static_cast<IDxMaterial2*>(pParentIGameMaterial->GetMaxMaterial()->GetInterface(IDXMATERIAL2_INTERFACE));
		if (pFXMaterial) { // Get information from the DirectX Shader material
			// Get effect filename
		#if MAX_RELEASE >= 12000	// For R12 release
			Url cUrl = pFXMaterial->GetEffectFile().GetFullFilePath().data();
			Url cUrl = pFXMaterial->GetEffectFilename();
			String sEffectFilenameName = cUrl.GetFilename();

			// Our effect?
			if (sEffectFilenameName == "PixelLight_SRShaderLighting.fx")
				return new PLSceneMaterialSRShaderLighting(cScene, pParentIGameMaterial, cIGameMaterial, sName);
				return new PLSceneMaterialFX(cScene, pParentIGameMaterial, cIGameMaterial, sName);
		} else {
			// Is this a shell material used for 'backed texture'?
			if (pMaxMaterial->ClassID() == Class_ID(BAKE_SHELL_CLASS_ID, 0))
				return new PLSceneMaterialBakeShell(cScene, pParentIGameMaterial, cIGameMaterial, sName);
				return new PLSceneMaterialStandard(cScene, pParentIGameMaterial, cIGameMaterial, sName);

	// Error!
	return nullptr;
Exemple #3
void M3Mat::PreShade(ShadeContext& sc, IReshadeFragment* pFrag)
	int i; 
	IReshading* pReshading;

	TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
	Interval valid = FOREVER;

	// get the base material value into i
	pblockMat->GetValue(100, t, i, valid );

	Mtl *sm1 = mTex[100];

	// handle no base mat
	if(sm1 == NULL) 

		for( i=0;i<100;i++)
			float u;

			if(mTex[i]!=NULL && u!=0 && mapOn[i])
				Mtl *comb = mTex[i];
				pReshading = (IReshading*)(comb->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
				if( pReshading ) 
					pReshading->PreShade(sc, pFrag);

		pReshading = (IReshading*)(sm1->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
		if( pReshading ) 
			pReshading->PreShade(sc, pFrag);
	else {
		// i == 1 && not inRender
		pReshading = (IReshading*)(sm1->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
		if( pReshading ) 
			pReshading->PreShade(sc, pFrag);
void CompositeMat::PostShade(ShadeContext& sc, IReshadeFragment* pFrag, int& nextTexIndex, IllumParams* )
	int i(0), type(2);
	Mtl* submtl = NULL;
	BOOL enabled(TRUE);
	ShadeOutput out1, out2;
	float amount(100.0f); // , gamount(0.0f);

	char texLengths[12];

	int* pI = (int*)&texLengths[0];
	pI[0] = pFrag->GetIntChannel(nextTexIndex++);
	pI[1] = pFrag->GetIntChannel(nextTexIndex++);
	pI[2] = pFrag->GetIntChannel(nextTexIndex++);

	// postshade any submaterials
	for ( i=0; i<MAX_NUM_MTLS; i++)
		if( i>0 )
			pblock2->GetValue(compmat_map_on, sc.CurTime(), enabled, FOREVER, i-1);
			enabled = TRUE;

		pblock2->GetValue(compmat_mtls, sc.CurTime(), submtl, FOREVER, i);
		if ( enabled && submtl ){
			if( i > 0 ){
				pblock2->GetValue(compmat_amount, sc.CurTime(), amount, FOREVER, i-1);
				pblock2->GetValue(compmat_type, sc.CurTime(), type, FOREVER, i-1);
			amount = amount * 0.01f;
			IReshading* pReshading = (IReshading*)(submtl->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
			if( pReshading ) 
				pReshading->PostShade(sc, pFrag, nextTexIndex);
			// first check for base material
			if( i > 0 ) {
				// not base material, composite the next material
				out2 = sc.out;
				if (type == 0) // additive
					out2.t.r += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.t.g += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.t.b += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.c *= amount;
					out2.ior *= amount;

					float f1 = 1.0f - (out1.t.r + out1.t.g + out1.t.b) / 3.0f; 
					float f2 = 1.0f - (out2.t.r + out2.t.g + out2.t.b) / 3.0f; 
					out1.c = out1.c * (1.0f-f2) + out2.c * f1;
					out1.t = out1.t - (1.0f-out2.t);
					out1.ior = out1.ior + out2.ior;
				else if (type == 1) // subtractive
					out2.t.r += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.t.g += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.t.b += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.c *= amount;
					out2.ior *= amount;

					float f1 = 1.0f - (out1.t.r + out1.t.g + out1.t.b) / 3.0f;
					float f2 = 1.0f - (out2.t.r + out2.t.g + out2.t.b) / 3.0f;

					out1.c = out1.c * (1.0f-f2) - out2.c * f1;
					out1.t = out1.t - (1.0f-out2.t);
					out1.ior = out1.ior + out2.ior;

				else //mix
					out1.MixIn(out2, 1.0f-amount);
			}// end, not base mtl
			else {
				// base material.
				out1 = sc.out;
				out1.ior *= amount;

		}// end, if has submtl & enabled
		else {
			nextTexIndex += texLengths[i];

	}// end, for each mtl

	sc.out = out1;
void SceneBuilder::ConvertMaterial (Mtl &mtl, MtlTree &mtlTree)
	// 光照属性
	PX2::Shine *shine = new0 PX2::Shine;
	Color color = mtl.GetAmbient();
	float alpha = 1.0f - mtl.GetXParency();
	shine->Ambient = PX2::Float4(color.r, color.g, color.b, 1.0f);
	color = mtl.GetDiffuse();
	shine->Diffuse = PX2::Float4(color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha);
	color = mtl.GetSpecular();
	float shininess = mtl.GetShininess()*2.0f;
	shine->Specular = PX2::Float4(color.r, color.g, color.b, shininess);

	const char *name = (const char*)mtl.GetName();


	bool IsDirect9Shader = false;

	if (mtl.ClassID() == Class_ID(CMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)
		|| mtl.ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0))
		StdMat2 *stdMat2 = (StdMat2*)(&mtl);
		Interval valid = FOREVER;
		stdMat2->Update(mTimeStart, valid);

		std::string strName(stdMat2->GetName());
		bool doubleSide = (stdMat2->GetTwoSided()==1);

		char strBitMapName[256];
		memset(strBitMapName, 0, 256*sizeof(char));
		std::string resourcePath;

		PX2::Shader::SamplerFilter filter = PX2::Shader::SF_LINEAR_LINEAR;
		PX2::Shader::SamplerCoordinate uvCoord = PX2::Shader::SC_REPEAT;

		if (stdMat2->MapEnabled(ID_DI))
			BitmapTex *tex = (BitmapTex*)stdMat2->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);

			BitmapInfo bI;
			const char *mapName = tex->GetMapName();
			TheManager->GetImageInfo(&bI, mapName);
			strcpy(strBitMapName, bI.Name());

			std::string fullName = std::string(strBitMapName);
			std::string::size_type sizeT = fullName.find_first_not_of(mSettings->SrcRootDir);
			resourcePath = std::string(strBitMapName).substr(sizeT);

			StdUVGen* uvGen = tex->GetUVGen();
			int filType = tex->GetFilterType();
			switch (filType)
				case FILTER_PYR:
					filter = PX2::Shader::SF_LINEAR_LINEAR;
				case FILTER_SAT:
					filter = PX2::Shader::SF_NEAREST;
			sprintf(strBitMapName, "%s/%s", mSettings->SrcRootDir, PX2_DEFAULT_TEXTURE);
			resourcePath = PX2_DEFAULT_TEXTURE;

		PX2::Texture2D *tex2d = PX2::DynamicCast<PX2::Texture2D>(

		if (tex2d)
			PX2::Texture2DMaterial *tex2dMtl = new0 PX2::Texture2DMaterial(filter, 
				uvCoord, uvCoord);
			if (doubleSide)
				tex2dMtl->GetCullProperty(0, 0)->Enabled = false;

			PX2::MaterialInstance *instance = tex2dMtl->CreateInstance(tex2d);

			PX2::VertexColor4Material *vcMtl = new0 PX2::VertexColor4Material();
			PX2::MaterialInstance *instance = vcMtl->CreateInstance();
	else if (mtl.ClassID() == Class_ID(MULTI_CLASS_ID, 0))
	else if (mtl.ClassID() == DIRECTX_9_SHADER_CLASS_ID)
		IsDirect9Shader = true;

		IDxMaterial* dxMtl = (IDxMaterial*)mtl.GetInterface(IDXMATERIAL_INTERFACE);
		char *effectName = dxMtl->GetEffectFilename();
		IParamBlock2 *paramBlock = mtl.GetParamBlock(0);

		std::string outPath;
		std::string outBaseName;
		std::string outExtention;
		PX2::StringHelp::SplitFullFilename(effectName, outPath, outBaseName,

		PX2::ShinePtr shineStandard = new0 PX2::Shine();
		bool alphaVertex = false;
		PX2::Texture2DPtr diffTex;
		bool normalEnable = false;
		PX2::Texture2DPtr normalTex;
		float normalScale = 0.0f;
		bool specEnable = false;
		PX2::Texture2DPtr specTex;
		float specPower = 0.0f;
		bool reflectEnable = false;
		PX2::TextureCubePtr reflectTex;
		float reflectPower = 0.0f;
		bool doubleSide = false;
		int blendMode = 2;

		ParamBlockDesc2 *paramDesc = 0;
		int numParam = 0;
		if (paramBlock)
			paramDesc = paramBlock->GetDesc();
			numParam = paramBlock->NumParams();

			ParamType2 paramType;
			for (int i=0; i<numParam; i++)
				std::string parmName;
				PX2::Float4 color4 = PX2::Float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				PX2::Float3 color3 = PX2::Float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				float floatValue = 0.0f;
				bool boolValue = false;
				float *floatTable = 0;
				int intValue = 0;
				std::string str;
				PX2::Texture2D *tex2d = 0;

				paramType = paramBlock->GetParameterType((ParamID)i);

				if (TYPE_STRING == paramType)
					ConvertStringAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, str);
				else if (TYPE_FLOAT == paramType)
					ConvertFloatAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, floatValue);
				else if (TYPE_INT == paramType)
					ConvertIntAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, intValue);
				else if (TYPE_RGBA == paramType)
					ConvertColorAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, color4, i);
				else if (TYPE_POINT3 == paramType)
					ConvertPoint3Attrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, color3);
				else if (TYPE_POINT4 == paramType)
					ConvertPoint4Attrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, color4);
				else if (TYPE_BOOL == paramType)
					ConvertBoolAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, boolValue);
				else if (TYPE_FLOAT_TAB == paramType)
					ConvertFloatTabAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, floatTable);
				else if (TYPE_BITMAP == paramType)
					ConvertBitMapAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, tex2d);
				else if (TYPE_FRGBA ==paramType)
					ConvertFRGBAAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, color4);

				// shine
				if (parmName == "gBlendMode")
					blendMode = intValue;
				else if (parmName == "gShineEmissive")
					shineStandard->Emissive = color4;
				else if (parmName == "gShineAmbient")
					shineStandard->Ambient = color4;
				else if (parmName == "gShineDiffuse")
					shineStandard->Diffuse = color4;
				// alpha vertex
				else if (parmName == "gAlphaVertex")
					alphaVertex = boolValue;
				// diffuse
				else if (parmName == "gDiffuseTexture")
					diffTex = tex2d;
				// normal
				else if (parmName == "gNormalEnable")
					normalEnable = boolValue;
				else if (parmName == "gNormalTexture")
					normalTex = tex2d;
				else if (parmName == "gNormalScale")
					normalScale = floatValue;
				// specular
				else if (parmName == "gSpecularEnable")
					specEnable = boolValue;
				else if (parmName == "gSpecularTexture")
					specTex = tex2d;
				else if (parmName == "gSpecularPower")
					specPower = floatValue;
				// reflect
				else if (parmName == "gReflectionEnable")
					reflectEnable = boolValue;
				else if (parmName == "gReflectTexture")
					//reflectTex = tex2d;
				else if (parmName == "gReflectPower")
					reflectPower = floatValue;
				// other
				else if (parmName == "gDoubleSide")
					doubleSide = boolValue;

		PX2::MaterialInstance *inst = 0;
		PX2::StandardMaterial *standardMtl = 0;
		PX2::StandardESMaterial_Default *standardESMtl_D = 0;
		PX2::StandardESMaterial_Specular *standardESMtl_S = 0;
		if (outBaseName == "Standard")
			char mtlName[256];
			memset(mtlName, 0, 256*sizeof(char));
			sprintf(mtlName, "%s/%s", mSettings->DstRootDir, 
			standardMtl = new0 PX2::StandardMaterial(mtlName);
		else if (outBaseName == "StandardES")
			if (false == specEnable)
				standardESMtl_D = new0 PX2::StandardESMaterial_Default();

				if (0 == blendMode)
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->BlendEnabled = false;
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->CompareEnabled = false;
				else if (1 == blendMode)
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->BlendEnabled = true;
				else if (2 == blendMode)
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->BlendEnabled = false;
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->CompareEnabled = true;
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->Compare = PX2::AlphaProperty::CM_GEQUAL;
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->Reference = 0.2f;
				char mtlName[256];
				memset(mtlName, 0, 256*sizeof(char));
				sprintf(mtlName, "%s/%s", mSettings->DstRootDir, 
				standardESMtl_S = new0 PX2::StandardESMaterial_Specular(mtlName);

		if (standardMtl && diffTex)
			if (doubleSide)
				standardMtl->GetCullProperty(0, 0)->Enabled = false;

			inst = standardMtl->CreateInstance(diffTex, alphaVertex, 
				normalEnable, normalTex, normalScale, specEnable, specTex,
				specPower, 0, shineStandard);
		else if (standardESMtl_D && diffTex)
			if (doubleSide)
				standardESMtl_D->GetCullProperty(0, 0)->Enabled = false;

			inst = standardESMtl_D->CreateInstance(diffTex, 0, shineStandard);
		else if (standardESMtl_S && diffTex && specTex)
			if (doubleSide)
				standardESMtl_S->GetCullProperty(0, 0)->Enabled = false;

			inst = standardESMtl_S->CreateInstance(diffTex, specTex, specPower,
				0, shineStandard);

		if (inst)
			PX2::MaterialInstance *instance = 
		PX2::VertexColor4Material *vcMtl = new0 PX2::VertexColor4Material();
		PX2::MaterialInstance *instance = vcMtl->CreateInstance();

	// 对子材质进行处理
	if (IsDirect9Shader)

	int mQuantity = mtl.NumSubMtls(); // Class_ID(MULTI_CLASS_ID, 0)
	if (mQuantity > 0)
		for (int i=0; i<mQuantity; i++)
			Mtl *subMtl = 0;
			subMtl = mtl.GetSubMtl(i);
			if (subMtl)
				ConvertMaterial(*subMtl, mtlTree.GetMChild(i));
Exemple #6
void M3Mat::PostShade(ShadeContext& sc, IReshadeFragment* pFrag, int& nextTexIndex, IllumParams* ip)
	int i; 
	IReshading* pReshading;

	TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
	Interval valid = FOREVER;


	Mtl *sm1 = mTex[100];
	float total(0.0f);
	ShadeOutput	sDatabase[100];
	float u[100];
	ShadeOutput sFinal; 

	// handle no base mat
		sc.out.c = black;
		sc.out.t = black;

	if(i==0 || (i==1 && inRender) )
		for( i=0; i<100; i++)
			u[i] /= 100.0f;

			if( mTex[i]!=NULL && u[i]!=0 && mapOn[i] )
				Mtl *comb = mTex[i];
				pReshading = (IReshading*)(comb->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
				if( pReshading ) 
					pReshading->PostShade(sc, pFrag, nextTexIndex, ip );
				sDatabase[i] = sc.out;
				total += u[i];

		pReshading = (IReshading*)(sm1->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
		if( pReshading ) 
			pReshading->PostShade(sc, pFrag, nextTexIndex, ip );

		sFinal.c = black;
		sFinal.t = black;
		sFinal.ior = 0.0f;

		for( i=0;i<100;i++)
			if(mTex[i]!=NULL && u[i]!=0 && mapOn[i])
				sc.out.flags |= sDatabase[i].flags;
					sFinal.c += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].c;
					sFinal.t += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].t;
					sFinal.ior += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].ior;
					sFinal.c += u[i] * sDatabase[i].c;
					sFinal.t += u[i] * sDatabase[i].t;
					sFinal.ior += u[i] * sDatabase[i].ior;
		if(total) {
			sc.out.MixIn(sFinal, 1.0f-total);
	else {
		pReshading = (IReshading*)(sm1->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
		if( pReshading ) 
			pReshading->PostShade(sc, pFrag, nextTexIndex, ip );
void DumpMaterial(IGameMaterial *pGMaxMat)
    m_material *pMat = NULL;

	if (!pGMaxMat->IsMultiType()) // check not a mix material
        pMat = new m_material;

		// set the name of the material...
	    pMat->name = pGMaxMat->GetMaterialName();

		// add the new material to the TOC(Table Of Contants) and set its id...
		pMat->id = ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->AddMaterial(pGMaxMat, pMat);

		Mtl *pMaxMaterial = pGMaxMat->GetMaxMaterial();
		if (pMaxMaterial->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0))
			StdMat *pStandardMaterial = (StdMat*)pMaxMaterial;
			Color col;

			// diffuse color...
			col = pStandardMaterial->GetDiffuse(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());
			pMat->diffuse = Vector4f(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.f);

			// ambient color...
			col = pStandardMaterial->GetAmbient(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());
			pMat->ambient = Vector4f(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.f);

			// specular color...
			col = pStandardMaterial->GetSpecular(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());
			pMat->specular = Vector4f(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.f);

			// emissive color...
			pMat->emission = Vector4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);

			// level of transparency
			pMat->transparent = pStandardMaterial->GetOpacity(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());

			// specular exponent...
			pMat->shininess = pStandardMaterial->GetShininess(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());
			// transparency
			if (pMat->transparent < 1.f){
				pMat->diffuse.z = pMat->transparent;
		}// 3dsmax6 HLSL Material support. (IDxMaterial)
		else if (IsDynamicDxMaterial((MtlBase*)pMaxMaterial))
			IDxMaterial *idxm = (IDxMaterial*)pMaxMaterial->GetInterface(IDXMATERIAL_INTERFACE);
			int lightParams = idxm->GetNumberOfLightParams();

			for (int i = 0; i < lightParams; ++i)
                INode *pNode = idxm->GetLightNode(i);

				if (pNode){
                    TCHAR *paramName = idxm->GetLightParameterName(i);

			// Other attributes are located in paramblk 0...
			IParamBlock2 *pParamBlk2 = (IParamBlock2*)(pMaxMaterial->GetParamBlock(0));
			TimeValue t0 = ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetIGame()->GetSceneStartTime();
			TimeValue t1 = ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetIGame()->GetSceneEndTime();
			TimeValue DeltaTime = ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetIGame()->GetSceneTicks();

			const int SamplingRate = 1;

			int numkeys = (t1 - t0) / (DeltaTime * SamplingRate) + 1; 

			for (int i = 0; i < pParamBlk2->NumParams(); ++i)
				ParamID id = pParamBlk2->IndextoID(i);
				ParamDef paramDef = pParamBlk2->GetParamDef(id);

				// we want the variable name not the UI Name...
		//do the textures if they are there
		DumpTexture(pMat, pGMaxMat);