// CprobeTypeIGC
HRESULT     CprobeTypeIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission, Time now, const void* data, int dataSize)
    assert (pMission);
    m_pMission = pMission;

    ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize == sizeof(DataProbeTypeIGC)));
        m_data = *((DataProbeTypeIGC*)data);

        assert (iswalpha(m_data.modelName[0]));
        pMission->GetIgcSite()->Preload(m_data.modelName, iswalpha(m_data.textureName[0])
                                        ? m_data.textureName
                                        : NULL);

        MultiHullBase*  pmhb = HitTest::Load(m_data.modelName);
        if (m_data.projectileTypeID != NA)
            m_projectileType = pMission->GetProjectileType(m_data.projectileTypeID);
            assert (m_projectileType);

            if (pmhb)
                float   scale = (m_data.radius / pmhb->GetOriginalRadius());
                m_emissionPt = pmhb->GetFrameOffset("wepemt") * scale;
                m_emissionPt = Vector::GetZero();


    return S_OK;
// ChullTypeIGC
HRESULT         ChullTypeIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission,
                                         Time         now,
                                         const void*  data,
                                         int          dataSize)
    assert (pMission);
    m_pMission = pMission;

	ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize >= sizeof(DataHullTypeIGC)));

    //Note ... we need to allocate & copy the DataHullTypeIGC + the variable length fields
    m_data = (DataHullTypeIGC*)(new char [dataSize]);
    assert (m_data);
    memcpy(m_data, data, dataSize);

        for (int i = 0;
             ((i < c_cMaxPreferredPartTypes) && (m_data->preferredPartsTypes[i] != NA));
            IpartTypeIGC*  ppt = pMission->GetPartType(m_data->preferredPartsTypes[i]);
            assert (ppt);

    IIgcSite*   pigc = pMission->GetIgcSite();
    pigc->Preload(m_data->modelName, iswalpha(m_data->textureName[0])
                                              ? m_data->textureName
                                              : NULL);

    m_poIcon = pigc->LoadRadarIcon(m_data->iconName);

        static const Vector z(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

        MultiHullBase*  pmhb = HitTest::Load(m_data->modelName);
        assert (pmhb);

                float           r = pmhb->GetOriginalRadius();
                m_scale = (0.5f * m_data->length / r);
#if 0
                    const Vector&   ellipseEquation = pmhb->GetEllipseEquation();
                    debugf("%s/%d %f %f %f\n", m_data->name, m_data->hullID, ellipseEquation.x * m_scale, ellipseEquation.y * m_scale, ellipseEquation.z * m_scale);

                    double          v = ellipseEquation.x * ellipseEquation.y * ellipseEquation.z;
                    debugf("%s/%d\t(%s)\n\tOld length = %f\n\tNew Length = %f\n\tFrontal area = %f\n\tVolume = %f\n",
                           m_data->name, m_data->hullID, m_data->modelName, 
                           float(m_data->length), float(m_data->length) * r * float(pow(v, -1.0/3.0)),
                           pmhb->GetEllipseEquation().x * pmhb->GetEllipseEquation().y * m_scale * m_scale,
                           pmhb->GetEllipseEquation().x * pmhb->GetEllipseEquation().y * pmhb->GetEllipseEquation().z * m_scale * m_scale * m_scale);
                    debugf("\tDensity %f\n", m_data->mass / (0.2f * (pmhb->GetEllipseEquation().x * pmhb->GetEllipseEquation().y * pmhb->GetEllipseEquation().z * m_scale * m_scale * m_scale)));

                const FrameDataUTL*   pfd = pmhb->GetFrame("cockpt");
                m_cockpit = pfd ? (pfd->position * m_scale) : z;
				// TurkeyXIII 11/09 #94
				const FrameDataUTL*   pfd = pmhb->GetFrame("chaff");
				m_chaff = pfd ? (pfd->position * m_scale) : Vector::GetZero();

            for (Mount i = m_data->maxWeapons - 1; (i >= 0); i--)
                const HardpointData&    hd = GetHardpointData(i);

                const FrameDataUTL*   pfd = pmhb->GetFrame(hd.frameName);
                // KGJV: temp fix assert (pfd);   //Note: still need to handle pfd == NULL semi-gracefully in retail
				// mmf added debugf to log what would have been the above assert that KGJV commented out
				// this seems to happen a lot at core load, no sense logging it
				// if (pfd==NULL) debugf("mmf hullTypeIGC.cpp ln 96 pfd == NULL would have called assert\n");

                if (hd.bFixed)
                    assert (i < m_data->maxFixedWeapons);
                    m_positionWeapons[i] = pfd ? (pfd->position * m_scale) : Vector::GetZero();
					// mmf debug build failing on this assert with newer cores like plus14b or rps55
					// dn 4.05 and zone core work
					// this has been logged sufficiently to provide core authors enough info
					// if they wanted to try and resolve the 'errors' they seem not to be problematic
					// if (i < m_data->maxFixedWeapons) {
					//	debugf("mmf hullTypeIGC.cpp would have called assert\n");
					//	debugf("mmf i=%d, maxFixedWeapons=%d, hullID = %d\n",i,m_data->maxFixedWeapons,m_data->hullID);
					// }
					// end mmf
					// mmf comment out this assert so debug build will work
					// assert (i >= m_data->maxFixedWeapons);

                    if (pfd)
                        m_positionWeapons[i] = pfd->position * m_scale;

                        static const Vector up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                        if (fabs(pfd->forward * up) < 0.9f)
                            m_orientationWeapons[i].Set(pfd->forward, up);
                            m_orientationWeapons[i].Set(pfd->forward, z);
                        m_positionWeapons[i] = Vector::GetZero();

#if 0
            if (m_data->maxFixedWeapons > 1)
                debugf("\n%s/%d\t%s\t%f\n", GetName(), GetObjectID(), m_data->modelName, m_data->length);
                for (Mount i = 0; (i < m_data->maxFixedWeapons); i++)
                    for (Mount j = i+1; (j < m_data->maxFixedWeapons); j++)
                        debugf("%d <-> %d\t%f %s %s\n", i, j, (m_positionWeapons[i] - m_positionWeapons[j]).Length(),
                               GetHardpointData(i).frameName, GetHardpointData(j).frameName);

            m_nLandSlots = 0;
            m_nLaunchSlots = 0;

                //Get the stations launch slots
                static char    bfrLaunch[] = "launchX";

                while (true)
                    //Do we have a launch slot?
                    bfrLaunch[6] = '1' + m_nLaunchSlots;
                    const FrameDataUTL* pfd = pmhb->GetFrame(bfrLaunch);
                    if (pfd)
                        assert (m_nLaunchSlots < c_maxShipLaunchSlots);
                        m_positionLaunches[m_nLaunchSlots] = pfd->position * m_scale;
                        m_directionLaunches[m_nLaunchSlots++] = pfd->forward;
                //debugf("Station %s/%s\n", GetName(), m_data.modelName);
                //Refigure the stations launch slots
                static char    bfrLand[] = "garageXA";

                while (true)
                    //Do we have a launch slot?
                    bfrLand[6] = '1' + m_nLandSlots;
                    bfrLand[7] = 'A';
                    const FrameDataUTL* pfd = pmhb->GetFrame(bfrLand);
                    if (pfd)
                        assert (m_nLandSlots < c_maxShipLandSlots);

                        int i = 0;
                            assert (i < c_maxLandPlanes);
                            m_positionLandPlanes[m_nLandSlots][i] = pfd->position * m_scale;
                            m_directionLandPlanes[m_nLandSlots][i] = pfd->forward;

                            //debugf("\t%s %f %f %f\n", bfrLand, m_positionLandPlanes[m_nLandSlots][i].x, m_positionLandPlanes[m_nLandSlots][i].y, m_positionLandPlanes[m_nLandSlots][i].z);

                            bfrLand[7] = 'A' + ++i;
                            pfd = pmhb->GetFrame(bfrLand);
                        while (pfd);

                        m_nLandPlanes[m_nLandSlots++] = i;

    if (m_data->successorHullID != NA)
        m_phtSuccessor = pMission->GetHullType(m_data->successorHullID);
        // mmf this assert causing plus15b2 core to exit
		// comment out for now so this core can be tested with debug build
		// assert (m_phtSuccessor);
		// add debugf 
		// this has been logged enough if core devs want to resolve it
		// does not seem to be problem
		// debugf("mmf hullTypeIGC.cpp m_phtSuccessor == NULL would have called assert\n");
		// debugf("mmf m_data->successorHullID = %d, hullID = %d\n",m_data->successorHullID,m_data->hullID);


    if (this->GetRechargeRate() > 0.0f)
        float   eTotal = 0.0f;
        for (Mount i = 0; (i < this->GetMaxWeapons()); i++)
            const HardpointData& hd = this->GetHardpointData(i);
            float   eMax = 0.0f;
            for (PartTypeLinkIGC*   ppl = pMission->GetPartTypes()->first(); (ppl != NULL); ppl = ppl->next())
                IpartTypeIGC*   pt = ppl->data();
                if ((pt->GetEquipmentType() == ET_Weapon) &&
                    ((pt->GetPartMask() & ~hd.partMask) == 0))
                    DataWeaponTypeIGC*  dwt = (DataWeaponTypeIGC*)(pt->GetData());
                    float   e = dwt->energyPerShot / dwt->dtimeBurst;
                    if (e > eMax)
                        eMax = e;
            eTotal += eMax;

        if (this->GetPartMask(ET_Cloak, 0) != 0)
            debugf("\n%s (%d)\n\t%8.3f%8.0f%8.0f\n\t%8.3f (120)\n\t%8.3f (180)\n\t%8.3f (200)\n\t%8.3f (%8.3f) %8.3f\n",
                   GetName(), GetObjectID(),
                   this->GetMaxEnergy() / this->GetRechargeRate(), this->GetMaxEnergy(), this->GetRechargeRate(),
                   this->GetMaxEnergy() / (120.0f - this->GetRechargeRate()),
                   this->GetMaxEnergy() / (180.0f - this->GetRechargeRate()),
                   this->GetMaxEnergy() / (200.0f - this->GetRechargeRate()),
                   (eTotal > this->GetRechargeRate())
                   ? this->GetMaxEnergy() / (eTotal - this->GetRechargeRate())
                   : -1.0f, eTotal, eTotal/this->GetRechargeRate());
            debugf("\n%s (%d)\n\t%8.3f%8.0f%8.0f\n\t%8.3f (%8.3f) %8.3f\n",
                   GetName(), GetObjectID(),
                   this->GetMaxEnergy() / this->GetRechargeRate(), this->GetMaxEnergy(), this->GetRechargeRate(),
                   (eTotal > this->GetRechargeRate())
                   ? this->GetMaxEnergy() / (eTotal - this->GetRechargeRate())
                   : -1.0f, eTotal, eTotal/this->GetRechargeRate());

    return S_OK;