Exemple #1
// Fourier ring correlation -----------------------------------------------
// from precalculated Fourier Transforms, and without sampling rate etc.
void getFSC(MultidimArray< Complex >& FT1,
            MultidimArray< Complex >& FT2,
            MultidimArray< double >& fsc)
	if (!FT1.sameShape(FT2))
		REPORT_ERROR("fourierShellCorrelation ERROR: MultidimArrays have different shapes!");

	MultidimArray< int > radial_count(XSIZE(FT1));
	MultidimArray<double> num, den1, den2;
	Matrix1D<double> f(3);
		int idx = ROUND(sqrt(kp * kp + ip * ip + jp * jp));
		if (idx >= XSIZE(FT1))
		Complex z1 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(FT1, k, i, j);
		Complex z2 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(FT2, k, i, j);
		double absz1 = abs(z1);
		double absz2 = abs(z2);
		num(idx) += (conj(z1) * z2).real;
		den1(idx) += absz1 * absz1;
		den2(idx) += absz2 * absz2;

		fsc(i) = num(i) / sqrt(den1(i) * den2(i));

Exemple #2
/** Kullback-Leibner divergence */
double getKullbackLeibnerDivergence(MultidimArray<Complex >& Fimg,
                                    MultidimArray<Complex >& Fref, MultidimArray<double>& sigma2,
                                    MultidimArray<double>& p_i, MultidimArray<double>& q_i, int highshell, int lowshell)
	// First check dimensions are OK
	if (!Fimg.sameShape(Fref))
		REPORT_ERROR("getKullbackLeibnerDivergence ERROR: Fimg and Fref are not of the same shape.");

	if (highshell < 0)
		highshell = XSIZE(Fimg) - 1;
	if (lowshell < 0)
		lowshell = 0;

	if (highshell > XSIZE(sigma2))
		REPORT_ERROR("getKullbackLeibnerDivergence ERROR: highshell is larger than size of sigma2 array.");

	if (highshell < lowshell)
		REPORT_ERROR("getKullbackLeibnerDivergence ERROR: highshell is smaller than lowshell.");

	// Initialize the histogram
	MultidimArray<int> histogram;
	int histogram_size = 101;
	int histogram_origin = histogram_size / 2;
	double sigma_max = 10.;
	double histogram_factor = histogram_origin / sigma_max;

	// This way this will work in both 2D and 3D
		int ires = ROUND(sqrt(kp * kp + ip * ip + jp * jp));
		if (ires >= lowshell && ires <= highshell)
			// Use FT of masked image for noise estimation!
			double diff_real = (DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(Fref, k, i, j)).real - (DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(Fimg, k, i, j)).real;
			double diff_imag = (DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(Fref, k, i, j)).imag - (DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(Fimg, k, i, j)).imag;
			double sigma = sqrt(DIRECT_A1D_ELEM(sigma2, ires));

			// Divide by standard deviation to normalise all the difference
			diff_real /= sigma;
			diff_imag /= sigma;

			// Histogram runs from -10 sigma to +10 sigma
			diff_real += sigma_max;
			diff_imag += sigma_max;

			// Make histogram on-the-fly;
			// Real part
			int ihis = ROUND(diff_real * histogram_factor);
			if (ihis < 0)
				ihis = 0;
			else if (ihis >= histogram_size)
				ihis = histogram_size - 1;
			// Imaginary part
			ihis = ROUND(diff_imag * histogram_factor);
			if (ihis < 0)
				ihis = 0;
			else if (ihis > histogram_size)
				ihis = histogram_size;


	// Normalise the histogram and the discretised analytical Gaussian
	double norm = (double)histogram.sum();
	double gaussnorm = 0.;
	for (int i = 0; i < histogram_size; i++)
		double x = (double)i / histogram_factor;
		gaussnorm += gaussian1D(x - sigma_max, 1. , 0.);

	// Now calculate the actual Kullback-Leibner divergence
	double kl_divergence = 0.;
	for (int i = 0; i < histogram_size; i++)
		// Data distribution
		p_i(i) = (double)histogram(i) / norm;
		// Theoretical distribution
		double x = (double)i / histogram_factor;
		q_i(i) = gaussian1D(x - sigma_max, 1. , 0.) / gaussnorm;

		if (p_i(i) > 0.)
			kl_divergence += p_i(i) * log(p_i(i) / q_i(i));
	kl_divergence /= (double)histogram_size;

	return kl_divergence;
