Status IndexAccessMethod::BulkBuilder::insert(OperationContext* txn,
                                              const BSONObj& obj,
                                              const RecordId& loc,
                                              const InsertDeleteOptions& options,
                                              int64_t* numInserted) {
    BSONObjSet keys = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
    MultikeyPaths multikeyPaths;
    _real->getKeys(obj, &keys, &multikeyPaths);

    _everGeneratedMultipleKeys = _everGeneratedMultipleKeys || (keys.size() > 1);

    if (!multikeyPaths.empty()) {
        if (_indexMultikeyPaths.empty()) {
            _indexMultikeyPaths = multikeyPaths;
        } else {
            invariant(_indexMultikeyPaths.size() == multikeyPaths.size());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < multikeyPaths.size(); ++i) {
                _indexMultikeyPaths[i].insert(multikeyPaths[i].begin(), multikeyPaths[i].end());

    for (BSONObjSet::iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {
        _sorter->add(*it, loc);

    if (NULL != numInserted) {
        *numInserted += keys.size();

    return Status::OK();
Status AbstractIndexAccessMethod::BulkBuilderImpl::insert(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                          const BSONObj& obj,
                                                          const RecordId& loc,
                                                          const InsertDeleteOptions& options) {
    BSONObjSet keys = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
    MultikeyPaths multikeyPaths;

    _real->getKeys(obj, options.getKeysMode, &keys, &_multikeyMetadataKeys, &multikeyPaths);

    if (!multikeyPaths.empty()) {
        if (_indexMultikeyPaths.empty()) {
            _indexMultikeyPaths = multikeyPaths;
        } else {
            invariant(_indexMultikeyPaths.size() == multikeyPaths.size());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < multikeyPaths.size(); ++i) {
                _indexMultikeyPaths[i].insert(multikeyPaths[i].begin(), multikeyPaths[i].end());

    for (const auto& key : keys) {
        _sorter->add(key, loc);

    _isMultiKey =
        _isMultiKey || _real->shouldMarkIndexAsMultikey(keys, _multikeyMetadataKeys, multikeyPaths);

    return Status::OK();
bool KVCollectionCatalogEntry::setIndexIsMultikey(OperationContext* txn,
                                                  StringData indexName,
                                                  const MultikeyPaths& multikeyPaths) {
    MetaData md = _getMetaData(txn);

    int offset = md.findIndexOffset(indexName);
    invariant(offset >= 0);

    const bool tracksPathLevelMultikeyInfo = !md.indexes[offset].multikeyPaths.empty();
    if (tracksPathLevelMultikeyInfo) {
        invariant(multikeyPaths.size() == md.indexes[offset].multikeyPaths.size());
    } else {

        if (md.indexes[offset].multikey) {
            // The index is already set as multikey and we aren't tracking path-level multikey
            // information for it. We return false to indicate that the index metadata is unchanged.
            return false;

    md.indexes[offset].multikey = true;

    if (tracksPathLevelMultikeyInfo) {
        bool newPathIsMultikey = false;
        bool somePathIsMultikey = false;

        // Store new path components that cause this index to be multikey in catalog's index
        // metadata.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < multikeyPaths.size(); ++i) {
            std::set<size_t>& indexMultikeyComponents = md.indexes[offset].multikeyPaths[i];
            for (const auto multikeyComponent : multikeyPaths[i]) {
                auto result = indexMultikeyComponents.insert(multikeyComponent);
                newPathIsMultikey = newPathIsMultikey || result.second;
                somePathIsMultikey = true;

        // If all of the sets in the multikey paths vector were empty, then no component of any
        // indexed field caused the index to be multikey. setIndexIsMultikey() therefore shouldn't
        // have been called.

        if (!newPathIsMultikey) {
            // We return false to indicate that the index metadata is unchanged.
            return false;

    _catalog->putMetaData(txn, ns().toString(), md);
    return true;
void QueryPlannerTest::addIndex(BSONObj keyPattern, const MultikeyPaths& multikeyPaths) {
    invariant(multikeyPaths.size() == static_cast<size_t>(keyPattern.nFields()));

    const bool multikey =
                    [](const std::set<size_t>& components) { return !components.empty(); });
    const bool sparse = false;
    const bool unique = false;
    const char name[] = "my_index_with_path_level_multikey_info";
    const MatchExpression* filterExpr = nullptr;
    const BSONObj infoObj;
    IndexEntry entry(keyPattern, multikey, sparse, unique, name, filterExpr, infoObj);
    entry.multikeyPaths = multikeyPaths;
void IndexCatalogEntryImpl::setMultikey(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                        const MultikeyPaths& multikeyPaths) {
    if (!_indexTracksPathLevelMultikeyInfo && isMultikey()) {
        // If the index is already set as multikey and we don't have any path-level information to
        // update, then there's nothing more for us to do.

    if (_indexTracksPathLevelMultikeyInfo) {
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_indexMultikeyPathsMutex);
        invariant(multikeyPaths.size() == _indexMultikeyPaths.size());

        bool newPathIsMultikey = false;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < multikeyPaths.size(); ++i) {
            if (!std::includes(_indexMultikeyPaths[i].begin(),
                               multikeyPaths[i].end())) {
                // If 'multikeyPaths' contains a new path component that causes this index to be
                // multikey, then we must update the index metadata in the CollectionCatalogEntry.
                newPathIsMultikey = true;

        if (!newPathIsMultikey) {
            // Otherwise, if all the path components in 'multikeyPaths' are already tracked in
            // '_indexMultikeyPaths', then there's nothing more for us to do.

        // Only one thread should set the multi-key value per collection, because the metadata for a
        // collection is one large document.
        Lock::ResourceLock collMDLock(
            opCtx->lockState(), ResourceId(RESOURCE_METADATA, _ns), MODE_X);

        if (!_indexTracksPathLevelMultikeyInfo && isMultikey()) {
            // It's possible that we raced with another thread when acquiring the MD lock. If the
            // index is already set as multikey and we don't have any path-level information to
            // update, then there's nothing more for us to do.

        // This effectively emulates a side-transaction off the main transaction, which invoked
        // setMultikey. The reason we need is to avoid artificial WriteConflicts, which happen with
        // snapshot isolation.
            StorageEngine* storageEngine = getGlobalServiceContext()->getGlobalStorageEngine();
            RecoveryUnitSwap ruSwap(opCtx, storageEngine->newRecoveryUnit());

            WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx);

            // It's possible that the index type (e.g. ascending/descending index) supports tracking
            // path-level multikey information, but this particular index doesn't.
            // CollectionCatalogEntry::setIndexIsMultikey() requires that we discard the path-level
            // multikey information in order to avoid unintentionally setting path-level multikey
            // information on an index created before 3.4.
            if (_collection->setIndexIsMultikey(
                    _indexTracksPathLevelMultikeyInfo ? multikeyPaths : MultikeyPaths{})) {
                if (_infoCache) {
                    LOG(1) << _ns << ": clearing plan cache - index " << _descriptor->keyPattern()
                           << " set to multi key.";


    if (_indexTracksPathLevelMultikeyInfo) {
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_indexMultikeyPathsMutex);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < multikeyPaths.size(); ++i) {
            _indexMultikeyPaths[i].insert(multikeyPaths[i].begin(), multikeyPaths[i].end());