void KInstitutionsView::loadSubAccounts(KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* parent)
  bool showClosedAccounts = kmymoney2->toggleAction("view_show_all_accounts")->isChecked()
      || !KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideClosedAccounts();
  const MyMoneyAccount& account = dynamic_cast<const MyMoneyAccount&>(parent->itemObject());
  QValueList<QString>::const_iterator it_a;
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  for(it_a = account.accountList().begin(); it_a != account.accountList().end(); ++it_a) {
    MyMoneyAccount acc = m_accountMap[(*it_a)];
    if(acc.isClosed() && !showClosedAccounts)
    const MyMoneySecurity& security = m_securityMap[acc.currencyId()];
    QValueList<MyMoneyPrice> prices;
    prices += file->price(acc.currencyId(), security.tradingCurrency());
    if(security.tradingCurrency() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
      MyMoneySecurity sec = m_securityMap[security.tradingCurrency()];
      prices += file->price(sec.id(), file->baseCurrency().id());
    KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* item = new KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem(parent, acc, prices, security);
    if(acc.id() == m_reconciliationAccount.id())
Exemple #2
MyMoneyMoney ReportAccount::deepCurrencyPrice(const QDate& date, bool exactDate) const

  MyMoneyMoney result(1, 1);
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  MyMoneySecurity undersecurity = file->security(currencyId());
  if (! undersecurity.isCurrency()) {
    const MyMoneyPrice &price = file->price(undersecurity.id(), undersecurity.tradingCurrency(), date, exactDate);
    if (price.isValid()) {
      result = price.rate(undersecurity.tradingCurrency());

      DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Converting under %1 to deep %2, price on %3 is %4")
    } else {
      DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("No price to convert under %1 to deep %2 on %3")
      result = MyMoneyMoney();

  return result;
KInvestmentListItem::KInvestmentListItem(KListView* parent, const MyMoneyAccount& account)
  : KListViewItem(parent)
  bColumn5Negative = false;
  bColumn6Negative = false;
  bColumn7Negative = false;
  bColumn8Negative = false;
  bColumn9Negative = false;

  m_account = account;
  m_listView = parent;

  MyMoneySecurity security;
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  security = file->security(m_account.currencyId());
  m_tradingCurrency = file->security(security.tradingCurrency());

  int prec = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(m_tradingCurrency.smallestAccountFraction());

  QValueList<MyMoneyTransaction> transactionList;
  // equity_price_history history = equity.priceHistory();

  //column 0 (COLUMN_NAME_INDEX) is the name of the stock
  setText(COLUMN_NAME_INDEX, m_account.name());

  //column 1 (COLUMN_SYMBOL_INDEX) is the ticker symbol
  setText(COLUMN_SYMBOL_INDEX, security.tradingSymbol());

  //column 2 is the net value (price * quantity owned)
  MyMoneyPrice price = file->price(m_account.currencyId(), m_tradingCurrency.id());
  if(price.isValid()) {
    setText(COLUMN_VALUE_INDEX, (file->balance(m_account.id()) * price.rate(m_tradingCurrency.id())).formatMoney(m_tradingCurrency.tradingSymbol(), prec));
  } else {
    setText(COLUMN_VALUE_INDEX, "---");

  //column 3 (COLUMN_QUANTITY_INDEX) is the quantity of shares owned
  prec = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(security.smallestAccountFraction());
  setText(COLUMN_QUANTITY_INDEX, file->balance(m_account.id()).formatMoney("", prec));

  //column 4 is the current price
  // Get the price precision from the configuration
  prec = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision();

  // prec = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(m_tradingCurrency.smallestAccountFraction());
  if(price.isValid()) {
    setText(COLUMN_PRICE_INDEX, price.rate(m_tradingCurrency.id()).formatMoney(m_tradingCurrency.tradingSymbol(), prec));
  } else {
    setText(COLUMN_PRICE_INDEX, "---");
void KEquityPriceUpdateDlg::addPricePair(const MyMoneySecurityPair& pair, bool dontCheckExistance)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QString symbol = QString("%1 > %2").arg(pair.first, pair.second);
  QString id = QString("%1 %2").arg(pair.first, pair.second);
  // Check that the pair does not already exist
  if (lvEquityList->findItems(id, Qt::MatchExactly, ID_COL).empty()) {
    const MyMoneyPrice &pr = file->price(pair.first, pair.second);
    if (pr.source() != "KMyMoney") {
      bool keep = true;
      if ((pair.first == file->baseCurrency().id())
          || (pair.second == file->baseCurrency().id())) {
        const QString& foreignCurrency = file->foreignCurrency(pair.first, pair.second);
        // check that the foreign currency is still in use
        QList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
        QList<MyMoneyAccount> list;
        for (it_a = list.constBegin(); !dontCheckExistance && it_a != list.constEnd(); ++it_a) {
          // if it's an account denominated in the foreign currency
          // keep it
          if (((*it_a).currencyId() == foreignCurrency)
              && !(*it_a).isClosed())
          // if it's an investment traded in the foreign currency
          // keep it
          if ((*it_a).isInvest() && !(*it_a).isClosed()) {
            MyMoneySecurity sec = file->security((*it_a).currencyId());
            if (sec.tradingCurrency() == foreignCurrency)
        // if it is in use, it_a is not equal to list.end()
        if (it_a == list.constEnd() && !dontCheckExistance)
          keep = false;

      if (keep) {
        QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
        item->setText(SYMBOL_COL, symbol);
        item->setText(NAME_COL, i18n("%1 units in %2", pair.first, pair.second));
        if (pr.isValid()) {
          item->setText(PRICE_COL, pr.rate(pair.second).formatMoney(file->currency(pair.second).tradingSymbol(), KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()));
          item->setText(DATE_COL, pr.date().toString(Qt::ISODate));
        item->setText(ID_COL, id);
        item->setText(SOURCE_COL, "Yahoo Currency");  // This string value should not be localized
void makeEquityPrice(const QString& _id, const QDate& _date, const MyMoneyMoney& _price )
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
  QString basecurrencyid = file->baseCurrency().id();
  MyMoneyPrice price = file->price( _id, basecurrencyid, _date, true );
  if ( !price.isValid() )
    MyMoneyPrice newprice( _id, basecurrencyid, _date, _price, "test" );
Exemple #6
QList<MyMoneyPrice> KForecastView::getAccountPrices(const MyMoneyAccount& acc)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  QList<MyMoneyPrice> prices;
  MyMoneySecurity security = file->baseCurrency();
  try {
    if (acc.isInvest()) {
      security = file->security(acc.currencyId());
      if (security.tradingCurrency() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
        MyMoneySecurity sec = file->security(security.tradingCurrency());
        prices += file->price(sec.id(), file->baseCurrency().id());
    } else if (acc.currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
      if (acc.currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
        security = file->security(acc.currencyId());
        prices += file->price(acc.currencyId(), file->baseCurrency().id());

  } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) {
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " caught exception while adding " << acc.name() << "[" << acc.id() << "]: " << e.what();
  return prices;
void KEquityPriceUpdateDlg::addInvestment(const MyMoneySecurity& inv)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QString symbol = inv.tradingSymbol();
  QString id = inv.id();
  // Check that the pair does not already exist
  if (lvEquityList->findItems(id, Qt::MatchExactly, ID_COL).empty()) {
    // check that the security is still in use
    QList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
    QList<MyMoneyAccount> list;
    for (it_a = list.constBegin(); it_a != list.constEnd(); ++it_a) {
      if ((*it_a).isInvest()
          && ((*it_a).currencyId() == inv.id())
          && !(*it_a).isClosed())
    // if it is in use, it_a is not equal to list.end()
    if (it_a != list.constEnd()) {
      QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
      item->setText(SYMBOL_COL, symbol);
      item->setText(NAME_COL, inv.name());
      MyMoneySecurity currency = file->currency(inv.tradingCurrency());
      const MyMoneyPrice &pr = file->price(id.toUtf8(), inv.tradingCurrency());
      if (pr.isValid()) {
        item->setText(PRICE_COL, pr.rate(currency.id()).formatMoney(currency.tradingSymbol(), KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()));
        item->setText(DATE_COL, pr.date().toString(Qt::ISODate));
      item->setText(ID_COL, id);
      if (inv.value("kmm-online-quote-system") == "Finance::Quote")
        item->setText(SOURCE_COL, QString("Finance::Quote %1").arg(inv.value("kmm-online-source")));
        item->setText(SOURCE_COL, inv.value("kmm-online-source"));


      // If this investment is denominated in a foreign currency, ensure that
      // the appropriate price pair is also on the list

      if (currency.id() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
        addPricePair(MyMoneySecurityPair(currency.id(), file->baseCurrency().id()));
void MyMoneyForecast::doFutureScheduledForecast(void)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();



  //do not show accounts with no transactions

  //adjust value of investments to deep currency
  QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it_n;
  for ( it_n = m_nameIdx.begin(); it_n != m_nameIdx.end(); ++it_n ) {
    MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account ( *it_n );

    if ( acc.isInvest() ) {
      //get the id of the security for that account
      MyMoneySecurity undersecurity = file->security ( acc.currencyId() );

      //only do it if the security is not an actual currency
      if ( ! undersecurity.isCurrency() )
        //set the default value
        MyMoneyMoney rate = MyMoneyMoney ( 1, 1 );
        MyMoneyPrice price;

        for (QDate it_day = QDate::currentDate(); it_day <= forecastEndDate(); ) {
          //get the price for the tradingCurrency that day
          price = file->price ( undersecurity.id(), undersecurity.tradingCurrency(), it_day );
          if ( price.isValid() )
            rate = price.rate ( undersecurity.tradingCurrency() );
          //value is the amount of shares multiplied by the rate of the deep currency
          m_accountList[acc.id() ][it_day] = m_accountList[acc.id() ][it_day] * rate;
          it_day = it_day.addDays(1);
Exemple #9
MyMoneyMoney ReportAccount::foreignCurrencyPrice(const QString foreignCurrency, const QDate& date, bool exactDate) const

  MyMoneyMoney result(1, 1);
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  MyMoneySecurity security = file->security(foreignCurrency);

  //check whether it is a currency or a commodity. In the latter case case, get the trading currency
  QString tradingCurrency;
  if (security.isCurrency()) {
    tradingCurrency = foreignCurrency;
  } else {
    tradingCurrency = security.tradingCurrency();

  //It makes no sense to get the price if both currencies are the same
  if (currency().id() != tradingCurrency) {
    const MyMoneyPrice &price = file->price(currency().id(), tradingCurrency, date, exactDate);

    if (price.isValid()) {
      result = price.rate(tradingCurrency);
      DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Converting deep %1 to currency %2, price on %3 is %4")
    } else {
      DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("No price to convert deep %1 to currency %2 on %3")
  return result;
void InvTransactionHelper::init( const QDate& _date, const QString& _action, MyMoneyMoney _shares, MyMoneyMoney _price, const QString& _stockaccountid, const QString& _transferid, const QString& _categoryid )
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  MyMoneyAccount stockaccount = file->account(_stockaccountid);
  MyMoneyMoney value = _shares * _price;


  MyMoneySplit s1;

  if ( _action == MyMoneySplit::ActionReinvestDividend )

    MyMoneySplit s2;
  else if ( _action == MyMoneySplit::ActionDividend || _action == MyMoneySplit::ActionYield )

    // Split 2 will be the zero-amount investment split that serves to
    // mark this transaction as a cash dividend and note which stock account
    // it belongs to.
    MyMoneySplit s2;

    MyMoneySplit s3;
  else if ( _action == MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares )

    MyMoneySplit s3;

  //kdDebug(2) << "created transaction, now adding..." << endl;

  MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;

  //kdDebug(2) << "updating price..." << endl;

  // update the price, while we're here
  QString stockid = stockaccount.currencyId();
  QString basecurrencyid = file->baseCurrency().id();
  MyMoneyPrice price = file->price( stockid, basecurrencyid, _date, true );
  if ( !price.isValid() )
    MyMoneyPrice newprice( stockid, basecurrencyid, _date, _price, "test" );
  //kdDebug(2) << "successfully added " << id() << endl;
void MyMoneyForecast::setStartingBalance(const MyMoneyAccount &acc)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  //Get current account balance
  if ( acc.isInvest() ) { //investments require special treatment
    //get the security id of that account
    MyMoneySecurity undersecurity = file->security ( acc.currencyId() );

    //only do it if the security is not an actual currency
    if ( ! undersecurity.isCurrency() )
      //set the default value
      MyMoneyMoney rate = MyMoneyMoney ( 1, 1 );
        //get te
      MyMoneyPrice price = file->price ( undersecurity.id(), undersecurity.tradingCurrency(), QDate::currentDate() );
      if ( price.isValid() )
        rate = price.rate ( undersecurity.tradingCurrency() );
      m_accountList[acc.id()][QDate::currentDate()] = file->balance(acc.id(), QDate::currentDate()) * rate;
  } else {
    m_accountList[acc.id()][QDate::currentDate()] = file->balance(acc.id(), QDate::currentDate());

  //if the method is linear regression, we have to add the opening balance to m_accountListPast
  if(forecastMethod() == eHistoric && historyMethod() == 2) {
    //FIXME workaround for stock opening dates
    QDate openingDate;
    if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Stock) {
      MyMoneyAccount parentAccount = file->account(acc.parentAccountId());
      openingDate = parentAccount.openingDate();
    } else {
      openingDate = acc.openingDate();

    //add opening balance only if it opened after the history start
    if(openingDate >= historyStartDate()) {

      MyMoneyMoney openingBalance;

      openingBalance = file->balance(acc.id(), openingDate);

      //calculate running sum
      for(QDate it_date = openingDate; it_date <= historyEndDate(); it_date = it_date.addDays(1) ) {
        //investments require special treatment
        if ( acc.isInvest() ) {
          //get the security id of that account
          MyMoneySecurity undersecurity = file->security ( acc.currencyId() );

          //only do it if the security is not an actual currency
          if ( ! undersecurity.isCurrency() )
            //set the default value
            MyMoneyMoney rate = MyMoneyMoney ( 1, 1 );

            //get the rate for that specific date
            MyMoneyPrice price = file->price ( undersecurity.id(), undersecurity.tradingCurrency(), it_date );
            if ( price.isValid() )
              rate = price.rate ( undersecurity.tradingCurrency() );
            m_accountListPast[acc.id()][it_date] += openingBalance * rate;
        } else {
          m_accountListPast[acc.id()][it_date] += openingBalance;
void MyMoneyForecast::pastTransactions()
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter;

  filter.setDateFilter(historyStartDate(), historyEndDate());

  QValueList<MyMoneyTransaction> transactions = file->transactionList(filter);
  QValueList<MyMoneyTransaction>::const_iterator it_t = transactions.begin();

  //Check past transactions
  for(; it_t != transactions.end(); ++it_t ) {
    const QValueList<MyMoneySplit>& splits = (*it_t).splits();
    QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_s = splits.begin();
    for(; it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s ) {
      if(!(*it_s).shares().isZero()) {
        MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId());

        //workaround for stock accounts which have faulty opening dates
        QDate openingDate;
        if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Stock) {
          MyMoneyAccount parentAccount = file->account(acc.parentAccountId());
          openingDate = parentAccount.openingDate();
        } else {
          openingDate = acc.openingDate();

        if(isForecastAccount(acc) //If it is one of the accounts we are checking, add the amount of the transaction
           && ( (openingDate < (*it_t).postDate() && skipOpeningDate())
           || !skipOpeningDate() ) ){ //don't take the opening day of the account to calculate balance
          dailyBalances balance;
          //FIXME deal with leap years
          balance = m_accountListPast[acc.id()];
          if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Income) {//if it is income, the balance is stored as negative number
            balance[(*it_t).postDate()] += ((*it_s).shares() * MyMoneyMoney(-1, 1));
          } else {
            balance[(*it_t).postDate()] += (*it_s).shares();
          // check if this is a new account for us
          m_accountListPast[acc.id()] = balance;

  //purge those accounts with no transactions on the period
  if(isIncludingUnusedAccounts() == false)

  //calculate running sum
  QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it_n;
  for(it_n = m_nameIdx.begin(); it_n != m_nameIdx.end(); ++it_n) {
    MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(*it_n);
    m_accountListPast[acc.id()][historyStartDate().addDays(-1)] = file->balance(acc.id(), historyStartDate().addDays(-1));
    for(QDate it_date = historyStartDate(); it_date <= historyEndDate(); ) {
      m_accountListPast[acc.id()][it_date] += m_accountListPast[acc.id()][it_date.addDays(-1)]; //Running sum
      it_date = it_date.addDays(1);

  //adjust value of investments to deep currency
  for ( it_n = m_nameIdx.begin(); it_n != m_nameIdx.end(); ++it_n ) {
    MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account ( *it_n );

    if ( acc.isInvest() ) {
      //get the id of the security for that account
      MyMoneySecurity undersecurity = file->security ( acc.currencyId() );
      if ( ! undersecurity.isCurrency() ) //only do it if the security is not an actual currency
        MyMoneyMoney rate = MyMoneyMoney ( 1, 1 ); //set the default value
        MyMoneyPrice price;

        for ( QDate it_date = historyStartDate().addDays(-1) ; it_date <= historyEndDate();) {
          //get the price for the tradingCurrency that day
          price = file->price ( undersecurity.id(), undersecurity.tradingCurrency(), it_date );
          if ( price.isValid() )
            rate = price.rate ( undersecurity.tradingCurrency() );
          //value is the amount of shares multiplied by the rate of the deep currency
          m_accountListPast[acc.id() ][it_date] = m_accountListPast[acc.id() ][it_date] * rate;
          it_date = it_date.addDays(1);
Exemple #13
void KTagsView::showTransactions()
  MyMoneyMoney balance;
  MyMoneyFile *file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  MyMoneySecurity base = file->baseCurrency();

  // setup sort order

  // clear the register

  if (m_tag.id().isEmpty() || !m_tabWidget->isEnabled()) {
    m_balanceLabel->setText(i18n("Balance: %1", balance.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction())));

  // setup the list and the pointer vector
  MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter;
  filter.setDateFilter(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::startDate().date(), QDate());

  // retrieve the list from the engine
  file->transactionList(m_transactionList, filter);

  // create the elements for the register
  QList<QPair<MyMoneyTransaction, MyMoneySplit> >::const_iterator it;
  QMap<QString, int> uniqueMap;
  MyMoneyMoney deposit, payment;

  int splitCount = 0;
  bool balanceAccurate = true;
  for (it = m_transactionList.constBegin(); it != m_transactionList.constEnd(); ++it) {
    const MyMoneySplit& split = (*it).second;
    MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(split.accountId());

    KMyMoneyRegister::Register::transactionFactory(m_register, (*it).first, (*it).second, uniqueMap[(*it).first.id()]);

    // take care of foreign currencies
    MyMoneyMoney val = split.shares().abs();
    if (acc.currencyId() != base.id()) {
      const MyMoneyPrice &price = file->price(acc.currencyId(), base.id());
      // in case the price is valid, we use it. Otherwise, we keep
      // a flag that tells us that the balance is somewhat inaccurate
      if (price.isValid()) {
        val *= price.rate(base.id());
      } else {
        balanceAccurate = false;

    if (split.shares().isNegative()) {
      payment += val;
    } else {
      deposit += val;
  balance = deposit - payment;

  // add the group markers

  // sort the transactions according to the sort setting

  // remove trailing and adjacent markers


  // we might end up here with updates disabled on the register so
  // make sure that we enable updates here
  m_balanceLabel->setText(i18n("Balance: %1%2",
                               balanceAccurate ? "" : "~",
void KInstitutionsView::loadSubAccounts(KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* parent, const QString& institutionId)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QMap<QString, MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
  MyMoneyMoney  value;
  bool showClosedAccounts = kmymoney2->toggleAction("view_show_all_accounts")->isChecked()
      || !KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideClosedAccounts();

  for(it_a = m_accountMap.begin(); it_a != m_accountMap.end(); ++it_a) {
    const MyMoneyAccount& acc = *it_a;
    MyMoneyMoney factor(1,1);
    switch(acc.accountGroup()) {
      case MyMoneyAccount::Liability:
        factor = MyMoneyMoney(-1,1);
        // tricky fall through here

      case MyMoneyAccount::Asset:
        if(acc.institutionId() == institutionId
        && !acc.isInvest()
        && (!acc.isClosed() || showClosedAccounts)) {
          QValueList<MyMoneyPrice> prices;
          MyMoneySecurity security = file->baseCurrency();
          try {
            if(acc.currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
              security = m_securityMap[acc.currencyId()];
              prices += file->price(acc.currencyId(), file->baseCurrency().id());

          } catch(MyMoneyException *e) {
            kdDebug(2) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " caught exception while adding " << acc.name() << "[" << acc.id() << "]: " << e->what();
            delete e;

          KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* item = new KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem(parent, acc, prices, security);
          if(acc.id() == m_reconciliationAccount.id())

          if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment)
          value += (item->totalValue() * factor);


  // the calulated value for the institution is not correct as
  // it does not take the negative sign for liability accounts
  // into account. So we correct this here with the value we
  // have calculated while filling the list
  parent->adjustTotalValue(-parent->totalValue());  // load a 0
  parent->adjustTotalValue(value);                  // now store the new value

  // we need to call slotUpdateNetWorth() here manually, because
  // KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem::adjustTotalValue() does not send out
  // the valueChanged() signal