void MyMoneyQifWriter::writeTransactionEntry(QTextStream &s, const MyMoneyTransaction& t, const QString& accountId)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  MyMoneySplit split = t.splitByAccount(accountId);

  s << "D" << m_qifProfile.date(t.postDate()) << endl;

  switch(split.reconcileFlag()) {
    case MyMoneySplit::Cleared:
      s << "C*" << endl;

    case MyMoneySplit::Reconciled:
    case MyMoneySplit::Frozen:
      s << "CX" << endl;


  if(split.memo().length() > 0) {
    QString m = split.memo();
    m.replace('\n', "\\n");
    s << "M" << m << endl;

  s << "T" << m_qifProfile.value('T', split.value()) << endl;

  if(split.number().length() > 0)
    s << "N" << split.number() << endl;

  if(!split.payeeId().isEmpty()) {
    MyMoneyPayee payee = file->payee(split.payeeId());
    s << "P" << payee.name() << endl;

  QValueList<MyMoneySplit> list = t.splits();
  if(list.count() > 1) {
    MyMoneySplit sp = t.splitByAccount(accountId, false);
    MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(sp.accountId());
    if(acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Income
    && acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Expense) {
      s << "L" << m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter()[0]
              << MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountToCategory(sp.accountId())
              << m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter()[1] << endl;
    } else {
      s << "L" << file->accountToCategory(sp.accountId()) << endl;
    if(list.count() > 2) {
      QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::ConstIterator it;
      for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
        if(!((*it) == split)) {
          writeSplitEntry(s, *it);
  s << "^" << endl;
Exemple #2
void MyMoneySplitTest::testReadXML()
  MyMoneySplit s;
  QString ref_ok = QString(
                     "<!DOCTYPE TEST>\n"
                     " <SPLIT payee=\"P000001\" reconciledate=\"\" shares=\"96379/100\" action=\"Deposit\" bankid=\"SPID\" number=\"124\" reconcileflag=\"2\" memo=\"MyMemo\" value=\"96379/1000\" account=\"A000076\">\n"
                     "  <TAG id=\"G000001\"/>\n"
                     " </SPLIT>\n"

  QString ref_false = QString(
                        "<!DOCTYPE TEST>\n"
                        " <SPLITS payee=\"P000001\" reconciledate=\"\" shares=\"96379/100\" action=\"Deposit\" bankid=\"SPID\" number=\"124\" reconcileflag=\"2\" memo=\"\" value=\"96379/1000\" account=\"A000076\" />\n"
                        " <TAG id=\"G000001\"/>\n"

  QDomDocument doc;
  QDomElement node;
  node = doc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement();

  try {
    s = MyMoneySplit(node);
    QFAIL("Missing expected exception");
  } catch (const MyMoneyException &) {

  node = doc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement();

  try {
    s = MyMoneySplit(node);
    QVERIFY(s.payeeId() == "P000001");
    QList<QString> tagIdList;
    tagIdList << "G000001";
    QVERIFY(s.tagIdList() == tagIdList);
    QVERIFY(s.reconcileDate() == QDate());
    QVERIFY(s.shares() == MyMoneyMoney(96379, 100));
    QVERIFY(s.value() == MyMoneyMoney(96379, 1000));
    QVERIFY(s.number() == "124");
    QVERIFY(s.bankID() == "SPID");
    QVERIFY(s.reconcileFlag() == MyMoneySplit::Reconciled);
    QVERIFY(s.action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionDeposit);
    QVERIFY(s.accountId() == "A000076");
    QVERIFY(s.memo() == "MyMemo");
  } catch (const MyMoneyException &) {

void MyMoneyQifWriter::writeSplitEntry(QTextStream& s, const MyMoneySplit& split)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  s << "S";
  MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(split.accountId());
  if(acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Income
  && acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Expense) {
    s << m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter()[0]
      << file->accountToCategory(split.accountId())
      << m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter()[1];
  } else {
    s << file->accountToCategory(split.accountId());
  s << endl;

  if(split.memo().length() > 0) {
    QString m = split.memo();
    m.replace('\n', "\\n");
    s << "E" << m << endl;

  s << "$" << m_qifProfile.value('$', -split.value()) << endl;
void TransactionMatcher::checkTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& tm, const MyMoneyTransaction& ti, const MyMoneySplit& si, QPair<MyMoneyTransaction, MyMoneySplit>& lastMatch, TransactionMatcher::autoMatchResultE& result, int variation) const

  const QValueList<MyMoneySplit>& splits = tm.splits();
  QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_s;
  for(it_s = splits.begin(); it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) {
    MyMoneyMoney upper((*it_s).shares());
    MyMoneyMoney lower(upper);
    if((variation > 0) && (variation < 100)) {
      lower = lower - (lower.abs() * MyMoneyMoney(variation, 100));
      upper = upper + (upper.abs() * MyMoneyMoney(variation, 100));
    // we only check for duplicates / matches if the sign
    // of the amount for this split is identical
    if((si.shares() >= lower) && (si.shares() <= upper)) {
      // check for duplicate (we can only do that, if we have a bankID)
      if(!si.bankID().isEmpty()) {
        if((*it_s).bankID() == si.bankID()) {
          lastMatch = QPair<MyMoneyTransaction, MyMoneySplit>(tm, *it_s);
          result = matchedDuplicate;
        // in case the stored split already has a bankid
        // assigned, it must be a different one and therefore
        // will certainly not match
      // check if this is the one that matches
      if((*it_s).accountId() == si.accountId()
      && (si.shares() >= lower) && (si.shares() <= upper)
      && !(*it_s).isMatched()) {
        if(tm.postDate() == ti.postDate()) {
          lastMatch = QPair<MyMoneyTransaction, MyMoneySplit>(tm, *it_s);
          result = matchedExact;
        } else if(result != matchedExact) {
          lastMatch = QPair<MyMoneyTransaction, MyMoneySplit>(tm, *it_s);
          result = matched;
Exemple #5
void MyMoneySplitTest::testAssignmentConstructor()

  MyMoneySplit n;

  n = *m;

  QVERIFY(n.accountId() == "Account");
  QVERIFY(n.memo() == "Memo");
  QVERIFY(n.reconcileDate() == QDate(1, 2, 3));
  QVERIFY(n.reconcileFlag() == MyMoneySplit::Cleared);
  QVERIFY(n.shares() == MyMoneyMoney(1234, 100));
  QVERIFY(n.value() == MyMoneyMoney(3456, 100));
  QVERIFY(n.id() == "MyID");
  QVERIFY(n.payeeId() == "Payee");
  QList<QString> tagIdList;
  tagIdList << "Tag";
  QVERIFY(m->tagIdList() == tagIdList);
  QVERIFY(n.action() == "Action");
  QVERIFY(n.transactionId() == "TestTransaction");
  QVERIFY(n.value("Key") == "Value");
void MyMoneyForecast::calculateAutoLoan(const MyMoneySchedule& schedule, MyMoneyTransaction& transaction, const QMap<QString, MyMoneyMoney>& balances)
  if (schedule.type() == MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_LOANPAYMENT) {

    //get amortization and interest autoCalc splits
    MyMoneySplit amortizationSplit = transaction.amortizationSplit();
    MyMoneySplit interestSplit = transaction.interestSplit();

    if(!amortizationSplit.id().isEmpty() && !interestSplit.id().isEmpty()) {
      MyMoneyAccountLoan acc(MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(amortizationSplit.accountId()));
      MyMoneyFinancialCalculator calc;
      QDate dueDate;

      // FIXME: setup dueDate according to when the interest should be calculated
      // current implementation: take the date of the next payment according to
      // the schedule. If the calculation is based on the payment reception, and
      // the payment is overdue then take the current date
      dueDate = schedule.nextDueDate();
      if(acc.interestCalculation() == MyMoneyAccountLoan::paymentReceived) {
        if(dueDate < QDate::currentDate())
          dueDate = QDate::currentDate();

      // we need to calculate the balance at the time the payment is due

      MyMoneyMoney balance;
      if(balances.count() == 0)
        balance = MyMoneyFile::instance()->balance(acc.id(), dueDate.addDays(-1));
        balance = balances[acc.id()];

         QValueList<MyMoneyTransaction> list;
         QValueList<MyMoneyTransaction>::ConstIterator it;
         MyMoneySplit split;
         MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter(acc.id());

         filter.setDateFilter(QDate(), dueDate.addDays(-1));
         list = MyMoneyFile::instance()->transactionList(filter);

         for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
         try {
         split = (*it).splitByAccount(acc.id());
         balance += split.value();

         } catch(MyMoneyException *e) {
      // account is not referenced within this transaction
      delete e;

      // FIXME: for now, we only support interest calculation at the end of the period
      // FIXME: for now, we only support periodic compounding

      MyMoneySchedule::occurenceE compoundingOccurence = static_cast<MyMoneySchedule::occurenceE>(acc.interestCompounding());
      if(compoundingOccurence == MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ANY)
        compoundingOccurence = schedule.occurence();


      calc.setIr(static_cast<FCALC_DOUBLE> (acc.interestRate(dueDate).abs().toDouble()));

      MyMoneyMoney interest(calc.interestDue()), amortization;
      interest = interest.abs();    // make sure it's positive for now
      amortization = acc.periodicPayment() - interest;

      if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan) {
        interest = -interest;
        amortization = -amortization;


      // FIXME: for now we only assume loans to be in the currency of the transaction

Exemple #7
void MyMoneySplitTest::testReplaceId()
  MyMoneySplit s;
  bool changed;


  changed = s.replaceId("X0001", "Y00001");
  QVERIFY(changed == false);
  QVERIFY(s.payeeId() == "P000001");
  QVERIFY(s.accountId() == "A000076");

  changed = s.replaceId("P000002", "P000001");
  QVERIFY(changed == true);
  QVERIFY(s.payeeId() == "P000002");
  QVERIFY(s.accountId() == "A000076");

  changed = s.replaceId("A000079", "A000076");
  QVERIFY(changed == true);
  QVERIFY(s.payeeId() == "P000002");
  QVERIFY(s.accountId() == "A000079");

  QString ref_ok = QString(
                     "<!DOCTYPE TEST>\n"
                     "  <SPLIT payee=\"P000001\" reconciledate=\"\" shares=\"-125000/100\" action=\"Transfer\" bankid=\"A000076-2010-03-05-b6850c0-1\" number=\"\" reconcileflag=\"1\" memo=\"UMBUCHUNG\" value=\"-125000/100\" id=\"S0001\" account=\"A000076\" >\n"
                     "   <KEYVALUEPAIRS>\n"
                     "    <PAIR key=\"kmm-match-split\" value=\"S0002\" />\n"
                     "    <PAIR key=\"kmm-matched-tx\" value=\"&amp;lt;!DOCTYPE MATCH>\n"
                     "    &amp;lt;CONTAINER>\n"
                     "     &amp;lt;TRANSACTION postdate=&quot;2010-03-05&quot; memo=&quot;UMBUCHUNG&quot; id=&quot;&quot; commodity=&quot;EUR&quot; entrydate=&quot;2010-03-08&quot; >\n"
                     "      &amp;lt;SPLITS>\n"
                     "       &amp;lt;SPLIT payee=&quot;P000010&quot; reconciledate=&quot;&quot; shares=&quot;125000/100&quot; action=&quot;Transfer&quot; bankid=&quot;&quot; number=&quot;&quot; reconcileflag=&quot;0&quot; memo=&quot;UMBUCHUNG&quot; value=&quot;125000/100&quot; id=&quot;S0001&quot; account=&quot;A000087&quot; />\n"
                     "       &amp;lt;SPLIT payee=&quot;P000011&quot; reconciledate=&quot;&quot; shares=&quot;-125000/100&quot; action=&quot;&quot; bankid=&quot;A000076-2010-03-05-b6850c0-1&quot; number=&quot;&quot; reconcileflag=&quot;0&quot; memo=&quot;UMBUCHUNG&quot; value=&quot;-125000/100&quot; id=&quot;S0002&quot; account=&quot;A000076&quot; />\n"
                     "      &amp;lt;/SPLITS>\n"
                     "      &amp;lt;KEYVALUEPAIRS>\n"
                     "       &amp;lt;PAIR key=&quot;Imported&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; />\n"
                     "      &amp;lt;/KEYVALUEPAIRS>\n"
                     "     &amp;lt;/TRANSACTION>\n"
                     "    &amp;lt;/CONTAINER>\n"
                     "\" />\n"
                     "    <PAIR key=\"kmm-orig-memo\" value=\"\" />\n"
                     "   </KEYVALUEPAIRS>\n"
                     "  </SPLIT>\n"
  QDomDocument doc;
  QDomElement node;
  node = doc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement();

  try {
    s = MyMoneySplit(node);
    QVERIFY(s.payeeId() == "P000001");
    QVERIFY(s.replaceId("P2", "P1") == false);
    QVERIFY(s.matchedTransaction().splits()[0].payeeId() == "P000010");
    QVERIFY(s.matchedTransaction().splits()[1].payeeId() == "P000011");
    QVERIFY(s.replaceId("P0010", "P000010") == true);
    QVERIFY(s.matchedTransaction().splits()[0].payeeId() == "P0010");
    QVERIFY(s.matchedTransaction().splits()[1].payeeId() == "P000011");
    QVERIFY(s.replaceId("P0011", "P000011") == true);
    QVERIFY(s.matchedTransaction().splits()[0].payeeId() == "P0010");
    QVERIFY(s.matchedTransaction().splits()[1].payeeId() == "P0011");

  } catch (const MyMoneyException &) {
    QFAIL("Unexpected exception");