MythRecordingRule MythScheduleHelper75::MakeOverride(const MythRecordingRule& rule, const MythProgramInfo& recording) { MythRecordingRule modifier = rule.DuplicateRecordingRule(); // Do the same as backend even we know the modifier will be rejected for manual rule: // Don't know if this behavior is a bug issue or desired: cf libmythtv/recordingrule.cpp if (modifier.SearchType() != Myth::ST_ManualSearch) modifier.SetSearchType(Myth::ST_NoSearch); modifier.SetType(Myth::RT_OverrideRecord); modifier.SetParentID(modifier.RecordID()); modifier.SetRecordID(0); modifier.SetInactive(false); // Assign recording info modifier.SetTitle(recording.Title()); modifier.SetSubtitle(recording.Subtitle()); modifier.SetDescription(recording.Description()); modifier.SetChannelID(recording.ChannelID()); modifier.SetCallsign(recording.Callsign()); modifier.SetStartTime(recording.StartTime()); modifier.SetEndTime(recording.EndTime()); modifier.SetSeriesID(recording.SerieID()); modifier.SetProgramID(recording.ProgramID()); modifier.SetCategory(recording.Category()); if (rule.InetRef().empty()) { modifier.SetInerRef(recording.Inetref()); modifier.SetSeason(recording.Season()); modifier.SetEpisode(recording.Episode()); } return modifier; }
void MythEventHandler::MythEventHandlerPrivate::HandleAskRecording(const CStdString &databuf, MythProgramInfo &programInfo) { // ASK_RECORDING <card id> <time until> <has rec> <has later>[]:[]<program info> // Example: ASK_RECORDING 9 29 0 1[]:[]<program> // The scheduled recording will hang in MythTV if ASK_RECORDING is just ignored. // - Stop recorder (and blocked for time until seconds) // - Skip the recording by sending CANCEL_NEXT_RECORDING(true) unsigned int cardid; int timeuntil, hasrec, haslater; if (sscanf(databuf.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &cardid, &timeuntil, &hasrec, &haslater) == 4) XBMC->Log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: Event ASK_RECORDING: rec=%d timeuntil=%d hasrec=%d haslater=%d", __FUNCTION__, cardid, timeuntil, hasrec, haslater); else XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Incorrect ASK_RECORDING event: rec=%d timeuntil=%d hasrec=%d haslater=%d", __FUNCTION__, cardid, timeuntil, hasrec, haslater); CStdString title; if (!programInfo.IsNull()) title = programInfo.Title(); XBMC->Log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: Event ASK_RECORDING: title=%s", __FUNCTION__, title.c_str()); if (timeuntil >= 0 && !m_recorder.IsNull() && m_recorder.ID() == cardid) { if (g_iLiveTVConflictStrategy == LIVETV_CONFLICT_STRATEGY_CANCELREC || (g_iLiveTVConflictStrategy == LIVETV_CONFLICT_STRATEGY_HASLATER && haslater)) { XBMC->QueueNotification(QUEUE_WARNING, XBMC->GetLocalizedString(30307), title.c_str()); // Canceling conflicting recording: %s m_recorder.CancelNextRecording(true); } else // LIVETV_CONFLICT_STRATEGY_STOPTV { XBMC->QueueNotification(QUEUE_WARNING, XBMC->GetLocalizedString(30308), title.c_str()); // Stopping Live TV due to conflicting recording: %s if (m_observer) m_observer->CloseLiveStream(); } } }
float PVRClientMythTV::GetRecordingFrameRate(MythProgramInfo &recording) { // MythTV uses frame offsets whereas XBMC expects a time offset. // This function can be used to convert the frame offsets to time offsets and back. // The average frameRate is calculated by: frameRate = frameCount / duration. float frameRate = 0.0f; if (g_bExtraDebug) { XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s - Getting Framerate for: %s)", __FUNCTION__, recording.Title(false).c_str()); } // cmyth_get_bookmark_mark returns the appropriate frame offset for the given byte offset (recordedseek table) // This can be used to determine the frame count (by querying the max byte offset) long long frameCount = m_db.GetBookmarkMark(recording, LLONG_MAX, 0); if (frameCount > 0) { if (g_bExtraDebug) { XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s - FrameCount: %lld)", __FUNCTION__, frameCount); XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s - Duration: %d)", __FUNCTION__, recording.Duration()); } if (recording.Duration() > 0) { // Calculate frameRate frameRate = (float)frameCount / (float)recording.Duration(); if (g_bExtraDebug) { XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s - FrameRate: %f)", __FUNCTION__, frameRate); } } } return frameRate; }
bool MythScheduleHelper85::FillTimerEntryWithUpcoming(MythTimerEntry& entry, const MythProgramInfo& recording) const { //Only include timers which have an inactive status if the user has requested it (flag m_showNotRecording) switch (recording.Status()) { //Upcoming recordings which are disabled due to being lower priority duplicates or already recorded case Myth::RS_EARLIER_RECORDING: //will record earlier case Myth::RS_LATER_SHOWING: //will record later case Myth::RS_CURRENT_RECORDING: //Already in the current library case Myth::RS_PREVIOUS_RECORDING: //Previoulsy recorded but no longer in the library if (!m_manager->ShowNotRecording()) { XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "85::%s: Skipping %s:%s on %s because status %d", __FUNCTION__, recording.Title().c_str(), recording.Subtitle().c_str(), recording.ChannelName().c_str(), recording.Status()); return false; } default: break; } MythRecordingRuleNodePtr node = m_manager->FindRuleById(recording.RecordID()); if (node) { MythRecordingRule rule = node->GetRule(); // Relate the main rule as parent entry.parentIndex = MythScheduleManager::MakeIndex(node->GetMainRule()); switch (rule.Type()) { case Myth::RT_SingleRecord: return false; // Discard upcoming. We show only main rule. case Myth::RT_DontRecord: entry.recordingStatus = recording.Status(); entry.timerType = TIMER_TYPE_DONT_RECORD; entry.isInactive = rule.Inactive(); break; case Myth::RT_OverrideRecord: entry.recordingStatus = recording.Status(); entry.timerType = TIMER_TYPE_OVERRIDE; entry.isInactive = rule.Inactive(); break; default: entry.recordingStatus = recording.Status(); if (node->GetMainRule().SearchType() == Myth::ST_ManualSearch) entry.timerType = TIMER_TYPE_UPCOMING_MANUAL; else entry.timerType = TIMER_TYPE_UPCOMING; } entry.startOffset = rule.StartOffset(); entry.endOffset = rule.EndOffset(); entry.priority = rule.Priority(); entry.expiration = GetRuleExpirationId(RuleExpiration(rule.AutoExpire(), 0, false)); } else entry.timerType = TIMER_TYPE_ZOMBIE; switch (entry.timerType) { case TIMER_TYPE_UPCOMING: case TIMER_TYPE_OVERRIDE: case TIMER_TYPE_UPCOMING_MANUAL: entry.epgCheck = true; break; default: entry.epgCheck = false; } entry.description = ""; entry.chanid = recording.ChannelID(); entry.callsign = recording.Callsign(); entry.startTime = recording.StartTime(); entry.endTime = recording.EndTime(); entry.title.assign(recording.Title()); if (!recording.Subtitle().empty()) entry.title.append(" (").append(recording.Subtitle()).append(")"); if (recording.Season() || recording.Episode()) entry.title.append(" - ").append(Myth::IntToString(recording.Season())).append(".").append(Myth::IntToString(recording.Episode())); entry.recordingGroup = GetRuleRecordingGroupId(recording.RecordingGroup()); entry.entryIndex = MythScheduleManager::MakeIndex(recording); // upcoming index return true; }