int main() {
	int retcode = 0;
	cout << "XMAP buffer parser!" << endl; // prints !!!Hello World!!!

	unsigned short *testfilebuf = NULL;
	unsigned int testfilelen = 1024*1024;
	testfilebuf = (unsigned short*)calloc(testfilelen, sizeof(unsigned short));
	retcode = load_dataset_txt("/home/up45/sandbox/data1.txt", testfilebuf, testfilelen);
	printf("retcode: %d\n", retcode);
	for (int i=0; i<10; i++) printf("%6d  0x%04X\n", testfilebuf[i], testfilebuf[i]);

	XmapBuffer buf;
	printf("Parsing data1.txt....\n");
	buf.parse(testfilebuf, testfilelen);

	//return 0;

	printf("Parsing testbuf1....\n");
	buf.parse(testbuf1, sizeof(testbuf1)/2);
	printf("Parsing testbuf2...\n");
	buf.parse(testbuf2, sizeof(testbuf2)/2);;

	printf("Getting pixelmap reference\n");
	XmapBuffer::PixelMap_t& pm = buf.pixels();

	printf("pixel0 report:\n");

	printf("Testing copy\n");
	unsigned short dest[3] = {0,0,0};
	XmapChannelData *xcd = pm[0].channels()[0];
	Spectrum* sp;
	sp = dynamic_cast<Spectrum*> (xcd);
	sp->copy_data(dest, 3);
	printf("dest: %d %d %d\n", dest[0], dest[1], dest[2]);

	printf("Testing copy to NDArray\n");
	NDArray ndarr;
	ndarr.dataSize = 500;
	ndarr.dataType = NDUInt16;
	ndarr.ndims = 2;
	ndarr.initDimension(ndarr.dims+0, (int)pm[0].num_channels());
	ndarr.initDimension(ndarr.dims+1, pm[0].data_size());
	ndarr.pData = calloc(ndarr.dataSize, sizeof(char));

	pm[0].copy_data( &ndarr );, 11);

	return 0;
void util_fill_ndarr_dims(NDArray &ndarr, unsigned long int *sizes, int ndims)
	log4cxx::LoggerPtr log( log4cxx::Logger::getLogger("main") );
    static short counter = 3;
    int i=0;
    ndarr.ndims = ndims;
    int num_elements = 1;
    for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) {
    	// Note: the NDArray dimensions are reverse order in relation to
    	//       the HDF5 dataset dimensionality. sigh....
        ndarr.initDimension(&(ndarr.dims[ndims-i-1]), sizes[i]);
        num_elements *= sizes[i];
    ndarr.pData = calloc(num_elements, sizeof(short));
    LOG4CXX_TRACE(log, "Filling array with dummy data...");
    for (i=0; i<num_elements; i++) {
    	*((short*)ndarr.pData + i) = i;

    short *ptrdata = (short*)ndarr.pData;
    ptrdata[0] = counter++; ptrdata[1] = counter++;
    LOG4CXX_TRACE(log, "Done filling array!");