|   PLT_LightSampleDevice::OnAction
PLT_LightSampleDevice::OnAction(PLT_ActionReference& action, NPT_SocketInfo* /* info */)
    /* parse the action name */
    NPT_String name = action->GetActionDesc()->GetName();
    if (name.Compare("SetTarget") == 0) {
        NPT_String value;
        action->GetArgumentValue("newTargetValue", value);

        PLT_StateVariable* variable = action->GetActionDesc()->GetService()->FindStateVariable("Status");
        if (NPT_FAILED(variable->SetValue(value))) {
            action->SetError(402, "Invalid Args");
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    } else if (name.Compare("GetStatus") == 0) {
        PLT_StateVariable* variable = action->GetActionDesc()->GetService()->FindStateVariable("Status");
        if (variable) {
            action->SetArgumentValue("ResultStatus", variable->GetValue());
            return NPT_SUCCESS;
    action->SetError(501, "Action Failed");
    return NPT_FAILURE;
Exemple #2
|   PLT_FileMediaServer::ServeFile
PLT_FileMediaServer::ServeFile(NPT_HttpRequest&              request, 
                               const NPT_HttpRequestContext& context,
                               NPT_HttpResponse&             response,
                               const NPT_String&             uri_path,
                               const NPT_String&             file_path)

    // prevent hackers from accessing files outside of our root
    if ((file_path.Find("/..") >= 0) || (file_path.Find("\\..") >= 0)) {
        return NPT_FAILURE;

    // File requested
    NPT_String path = m_FileBaseUri.GetPath();
    if (path.Compare(uri_path.Left(path.GetLength()), true) == 0) {
        NPT_Position start, end;
        PLT_HttpHelper::GetRange(request, start, end);
        return PLT_FileServer::ServeFile(response,
                                         NPT_FilePath::Create(m_Path, file_path), 

    // Album Art requested
    path = m_AlbumArtBaseUri.GetPath();
    if (path.Compare(uri_path.Left(path.GetLength()), true) == 0) {
        return OnAlbumArtRequest(response, m_Path + file_path);
    return NPT_FAILURE;
|   NPT_LogManager::ConfigValueIsBooleanFalse
NPT_LogManager::ConfigValueIsBooleanFalse(NPT_String& value)
        value.Compare("false", true) == 0  ||
        value.Compare("no",    true) == 0  ||
        value.Compare("off",   true) == 0  ||
        value.Compare("0",     true) == 0;
|   NPT_LogManager::ConfigValueIsBooleanTrue
NPT_LogManager::ConfigValueIsBooleanTrue(NPT_String& value)
        value.Compare("true", true) == 0 ||
        value.Compare("yes",  true) == 0 ||
        value.Compare("on",   true) == 0 ||
        value.Compare("1",    true) == 0;
|   PLT_FileMediaServer::ProcessFileRequest
PLT_FileMediaServer::ProcessFileRequest(NPT_HttpRequest&  request, 
                                        NPT_HttpResponse& response, 
                                        NPT_SocketInfo&   client_info)

    NPT_LOG_FINE("PLT_FileMediaServer::ProcessFileRequest Received Request:");

    response.GetHeaders().SetHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");

    if (request.GetMethod().Compare("GET") && request.GetMethod().Compare("HEAD")) {
        response.SetStatus(500, "Internal Server Error");
        return NPT_SUCCESS;

    // File requested
    NPT_String path = m_FileBaseUri.GetPath();
    NPT_String strUri = NPT_Uri::PercentDecode(request.GetUrl().GetPath());

    NPT_HttpUrlQuery query(request.GetUrl().GetQuery());
    NPT_String file_path = query.GetField("path");

    // hack for XBMC support for 360, we urlencoded the ? to that the 360 doesn't strip out the query
    // but then the query ends being parsed as part of the path
    int index = strUri.Find("path=");
    if (index>0) file_path = strUri.Right(strUri.GetLength()-index-5);
    if (file_path.GetLength() == 0) goto failure;

    // HACK for wmp: somehow they inverse our slashes !
    // do it only if we're on windows
    if (m_DirDelimiter == "\\") {
        file_path.Replace('/', '\\');

    if (path.Compare(strUri.Left(path.GetLength()), true) == 0) {
        NPT_Integer start, end;
        PLT_HttpHelper::GetRange(&request, start, end);

        return PLT_FileServer::ServeFile(m_Path + file_path, &response, start, end, !request.GetMethod().Compare("HEAD"));

    // Album Art requested
    path = m_AlbumArtBaseUri.GetPath();
    if (path.Compare(strUri.Left(path.GetLength()), true) == 0) {
        return OnAlbumArtRequest(m_Path + file_path, response);

    response.SetStatus(404, "File Not Found");
    return NPT_SUCCESS;
|   CUPnPDirectory::GetFriendlyName
const char*
CUPnPDirectory::GetFriendlyName(const char* url)
    NPT_String path = url;
    if (!path.EndsWith("/")) path += "/";

    if (path.Left(7).Compare("upnp://", true) != 0) {
        return NULL;
    } else if (path.Compare("upnp://", true) == 0) {
        return "UPnP Media Servers (Auto-Discover)";

    // look for nextslash
    int next_slash = path.Find('/', 7);
    if (next_slash == -1)
        return NULL;

    NPT_String uuid = path.SubString(7, next_slash-7);
    NPT_String object_id = path.SubString(next_slash+1, path.GetLength()-next_slash-2);

    // look for device
    PLT_DeviceDataReference* device;
    const NPT_Lock<PLT_DeviceMap>& devices = CUPnP::GetInstance()->m_MediaBrowser->GetMediaServers();
    if (NPT_FAILED(devices.Get(uuid, device)) || device == NULL)
        return NULL;

    return (const char*)(*device)->GetFriendlyName();
Exemple #7
|   CUPnPDirectory::GetFriendlyName
const char*
CUPnPDirectory::GetFriendlyName(const char* url)
    NPT_String path = url;
    if (!path.EndsWith("/")) path += "/";

    if (path.Left(7).Compare("upnp://", true) != 0) {
        return NULL;
    } else if (path.Compare("upnp://", true) == 0) {
        return "UPnP Media Servers (Auto-Discover)";

    // look for nextslash
    int next_slash = path.Find('/', 7);
    if (next_slash == -1)
        return NULL;

    NPT_String uuid = path.SubString(7, next_slash-7);
    NPT_String object_id = path.SubString(next_slash+1, path.GetLength()-next_slash-2);

    // look for device
    PLT_DeviceDataReference device;
    if(!FindDeviceWait(CUPnP::GetInstance(), uuid, device))
        return NULL;

    return (const char*)device->GetFriendlyName();
|   PLT_MicroMediaController::PopDirectoryStackToRoot
    NPT_String val;
    while (NPT_SUCCEEDED(m_CurBrowseDirectoryStack.Peek(val)) && val.Compare("0")) {
Exemple #9
|   PLT_HttpHelper::IsConnectionKeepAlive
PLT_HttpHelper::IsConnectionKeepAlive(NPT_HttpMessage* message) 
    NPT_String connection;

    // if we have the keep-alive header then no matter what protocol version we want keep-alive
    // if we are in HTTP 1.1 and we don't have the keep-alive header, make sure we also don't have the Connection: close header.
    NPT_String protocol = message->GetProtocol();
    if ((!protocol.Compare(NPT_HTTP_PROTOCOL_1_1, true) && connection.Compare("Close", true)) || 
        !connection.Compare("keep-alive", true)) {
        return true; 

    return false;
Exemple #10
|       PLT_MediaConnect::OnAction
PLT_MediaConnect::OnAction(PLT_ActionReference&          action, 
                           const NPT_HttpRequestContext& context)
      PLT_MediaConnectInfo* mc_info = NULL;

//    /* get MAC address from IP */
//    if (info != NULL) {
//        NPT_String ip = info->remote_address.GetIpAddress().ToString();
//        NPT_String MAC;
//        GetMACFromIP(ip, MAC);
//        if (MAC.GetLength()) {
//            NPT_Result res = m_MediaConnectDeviceInfoMap.Get(MAC, mc_info);
//            if (NPT_FAILED(res)) {
//                m_MediaConnectDeviceInfoMap.Put(MAC, PLT_MediaConnectInfo());
//                m_MediaConnectDeviceInfoMap.Get(MAC, mc_info);
//                // automatically validate for now
//                Authorize(mc_info, true);
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    /* verify device is allowed first */
//    if (mc_info == NULL || !mc_info->m_Authorized) {
//        action->SetError(801, "Access Denied");
//        return NPT_SUCCESS;
//    }

    /* parse the action name */
    NPT_String name = action->GetActionDesc()->GetName();

    /* handle X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar actions here */
    if (name.Compare("IsAuthorized") == 0) {
        return OnIsAuthorized(action, mc_info);
    if (name.Compare("RegisterDevice") == 0) {
        return OnRegisterDevice(action, mc_info);
    if (name.Compare("IsValidated") == 0) {
        return OnIsValidated(action, mc_info);

    return PLT_FileMediaServer::OnAction(action, context);
Exemple #11
|       PLT_MediaConnect::OnAction
PLT_MediaConnect::OnAction(PLT_ActionReference&          action, 
                           const PLT_HttpRequestContext& context)
    /* parse the action name */
    NPT_String name = action->GetActionDesc().GetName();

    /* handle X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar actions here */
    if (name.Compare("IsAuthorized") == 0) {
        return OnIsAuthorized(action);
    if (name.Compare("RegisterDevice") == 0) {
        return OnRegisterDevice(action);
    if (name.Compare("IsValidated") == 0) {
        return OnIsValidated(action);

    return PLT_MediaServer::OnAction(action, context);
Exemple #12
|   PLT_MediaBrowser::OnActionResponse
PLT_MediaBrowser::OnActionResponse(NPT_Result           res, 
                                   PLT_ActionReference& action, 
                                   void*                userdata)
    NPT_String actionName = action->GetActionDesc().GetName();

    // look for device in our list first
    PLT_DeviceDataReference device;
    NPT_String uuid = action->GetActionDesc().GetService()->GetDevice()->GetUUID();
    if (NPT_FAILED(FindServer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;

    // Browse action response
    if (actionName.Compare("Browse", true) == 0) {
        return OnBrowseResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    } else if (actionName.Compare("Search", true) == 0) {
        return OnSearchResponse(res, device, action, userdata);

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
|   PLT_MicroMediaController::HandleCmd_cdup
    // we don't want to pop the root off now....
    NPT_String val;
    if (val.Compare("0")) {
    } else {
        printf("Already at root\n");
Exemple #14
// CHttpHelper
bool CHttpHelper::IsConnectionKeepAlive(NPT_HttpMessage& message) 
	const NPT_String* connection = 

	// the DLNA says that all HTTP 1.0 requests should be closed immediately by the server
	NPT_String protocol = message.GetProtocol();
	if (protocol.Compare(NPT_HTTP_PROTOCOL_1_0, true) == 0) return false;

	// all HTTP 1.1 requests without a Connection header 
	// or with a keep-alive Connection header should be kept alive if possible 
	return (!connection || connection->Compare("keep-alive", true) == 0);
Exemple #15
|   PLT_MediaServer::OnAction
PLT_MediaServer::OnAction(PLT_ActionReference&          action, 
                          const PLT_HttpRequestContext& context)
    /* parse the action name */
    NPT_String name = action->GetActionDesc().GetName();
    // ContentDirectory
    if (name.Compare("Browse", true) == 0) {
        return OnBrowse(action, context);
    if (name.Compare("Search", true) == 0) {
        return OnSearch(action, context);
    if (name.Compare("UpdateObject", true) == 0) {
        return OnUpdate(action, context);
    if (name.Compare("GetSystemUpdateID", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetSystemUpdateID(action, context);
    if (name.Compare("GetSortCapabilities", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetSortCapabilities(action, context);
    if (name.Compare("GetSearchCapabilities", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetSearchCapabilities(action, context);

    // ConnectionMananger
    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionIDs", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionIDs(action, context);
    if (name.Compare("GetProtocolInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetProtocolInfo(action, context);
    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionInfo(action, context);

    action->SetError(401,"No Such Action.");
    return NPT_SUCCESS;
|   PLT_HttpHelper::IsConnectionKeepAlive
PLT_HttpHelper::IsConnectionKeepAlive(NPT_HttpMessage& message) 
    const NPT_String* connection = 

    // the DLNA says that all HTTP 1.0 requests should be closed immediately by the server
    // all HTTP 1.1 requests without a Connection header or with a Connection header 
    // NOT saying "Close" should be kept alive
    NPT_String protocol = message.GetProtocol();
    if (!protocol.Compare(NPT_HTTP_PROTOCOL_1_1, true) && 
        (!connection || connection->Compare("close", true))) {
        return true; 

    return false;
|   PLT_MediaBrowser::OnActionResponse
PLT_MediaBrowser::OnActionResponse(NPT_Result res, PLT_ActionReference& action, void* userdata)
    PLT_DeviceDataReference device;

        NPT_AutoLock lock(m_MediaServers);
        NPT_String uuid = action->GetActionDesc()->GetService()->GetDevice()->GetUUID();
        if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ContainerFind(m_MediaServers, PLT_DeviceDataFinder(uuid), device))) {
            NPT_LOG_WARNING_1("Device (%s) not found in our list of servers", (const char*)uuid);
            return NPT_FAILURE;

    NPT_String actionName = action->GetActionDesc()->GetName();

    // Browse action response
    if (actionName.Compare("Browse", true) == 0) {
        return OnBrowseResponse(res, device, action, userdata);

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #18
GPAC_MediaRenderer::OnAction(PLT_ActionReference&          action,
                            const PLT_HttpRequestContext& context)

    /* parse the action name */
    NPT_String name = action->GetActionDesc().GetName();

	m_ip_src = context.GetRemoteAddress().GetIpAddress().ToString();

	/* Is it a ConnectionManager Service Action ? */
    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionIDs", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetProtocolInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionInfo(action);
    if (name.Compare("StopForMigration", true) == 0) {
		NPT_String res = m_pUPnP->OnMigrate();
        m_pMigrationService->SetStateVariable("MigrationStatus", "OK");
        m_pMigrationService->SetStateVariable("MigrationMetaData", res);

		if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;

    /* Is it a AVTransport Service Action ? */

    // since all actions take an instance ID and we only support 1 instance
    // verify that the Instance ID is 0 and return an error here now if not
    NPT_String serviceType = action->GetActionDesc().GetService()->GetServiceType();
    if (serviceType.Compare("urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->VerifyArgumentValue("InstanceID", "0"))) {
            action->SetError(802,"Not valid InstanceID.");
            return NPT_FAILURE;

    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentTransportActions", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetDeviceCapabilities", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetMediaInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetPositionInfo", true) == 0) {
		if (m_pUPnP->m_pTerm->root_scene) {
			char szVal[100];

			m_pAVService->SetStateVariable("CurrentTrack", "0");
			format_time_string(szVal, m_Duration);
			m_pAVService->SetStateVariable("CurrentTrackDuration", szVal);

			m_pAVService->SetStateVariable("CurrentTrackMetadata", "");
			m_pAVService->SetStateVariable("CurrentTrackURI", "");
			format_time_string(szVal, m_Time);
			m_pAVService->SetStateVariable("RelativeTimePosition", szVal);
			m_pAVService->SetStateVariable("AbsoluteTimePosition", szVal);
			m_pAVService->SetStateVariable("RelativeCounterPosition", "2147483647"); // means NOT_IMPLEMENTED
			m_pAVService->SetStateVariable("AbsoluteCounterPosition", "2147483647"); // means NOT_IMPLEMENTED
		} else {
			if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
				return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetTransportInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetTransportSettings", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("Next", true) == 0) {
        return OnNext(action);
    if (name.Compare("Pause", true) == 0) {
        return OnPause(action);
    if (name.Compare("Play", true) == 0) {
        return OnPlay(action);
    if (name.Compare("Previous", true) == 0) {
        return OnPrevious(action);
    if (name.Compare("Seek", true) == 0) {
        return OnSeek(action);
    if (name.Compare("Stop", true) == 0) {
        return OnStop(action);
    if (name.Compare("SetAVTransportURI", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetAVTransportURI(action);
    if (name.Compare("SetPlayMode", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetPlayMode(action);

    /* Is it a RendererControl Service Action ? */
    if (serviceType.Compare("urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1", true) == 0) {
        /* we only support master channel */
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->VerifyArgumentValue("Channel", "Master"))) {
            action->SetError(402,"Invalid Args.");
            return NPT_FAILURE;

    if (name.Compare("GetVolume", true) == 0) {
        return NPT_SUCCESS;

    if (name.Compare("GetMute", true) == 0) {
        return NPT_SUCCESS;

    if (name.Compare("SetVolume", true) == 0) {
          return OnSetVolume(action);

    if (name.Compare("SetMute", true) == 0) {
          return OnSetMute(action);

    action->SetError(401,"No Such Action.");
    return NPT_FAILURE;
Exemple #19
|   PLT_MediaController::OnEventNotify
PLT_MediaController::OnEventNotify(PLT_Service* service, NPT_List<PLT_StateVariable*>* vars)
    if (m_Listener) {
        // parse LastChange var into smaller vars
        PLT_StateVariable* lastChangeVar = NULL;
        if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(NPT_ContainerFind(*vars, PLT_ListStateVariableNameFinder("LastChange"), lastChangeVar))) {
            PLT_Service* var_service = lastChangeVar->GetService();
            NPT_String text = lastChangeVar->GetValue();
            NPT_XmlNode* xml = NULL;
            NPT_XmlParser parser;
            if (NPT_FAILED(parser.Parse(text, xml)) || !xml || !xml->AsElementNode()) {
                delete xml;
                return NPT_FAILURE;

            NPT_XmlElementNode* node = xml->AsElementNode();
            if (!node->GetTag().Compare("Event", true)) {
                // look for the instance with attribute id = 0
                NPT_XmlElementNode* instance = NULL;
                for (NPT_Cardinal i=0; i<node->GetChildren().GetItemCount(); i++) {
                    NPT_XmlElementNode* child;
                    if (NPT_FAILED(PLT_XmlHelper::GetChild(node, child, i)))

                    if (!child->GetTag().Compare("InstanceID", true)) {
                        // extract the "val" attribute value
                        NPT_String value;
                        if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(PLT_XmlHelper::GetAttribute(child, "val", value)) &&
                            !value.Compare("0")) {
                            instance = child;

                // did we find an instance with id = 0 ?
                if (instance != NULL) {
                    // all the children of the Instance node are state variables
                    for (NPT_Cardinal j=0; j<instance->GetChildren().GetItemCount(); j++) {
                        NPT_XmlElementNode* var_node;
                        if (NPT_FAILED(PLT_XmlHelper::GetChild(instance, var_node, j)))

                        // look for the state variable in this service
                        const NPT_String* value = var_node->GetAttribute("val");
                        PLT_StateVariable* var = var_service->FindStateVariable(var_node->GetTag());
                        if (value != NULL && var != NULL) {
                            // get the value and set the state variable
                            // if it succeeded, add it to the list of vars we'll event
                            if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(var->SetValue(*value, false))) {
                                NPT_LOG_FINE_2("PLT_MediaController received var change for (%s): %s", (const char*)var->GetName(), (const char*)var->GetValue());
            delete xml;

        if (vars->GetItemCount()) {
            m_Listener->OnMRStateVariablesChanged(service, vars);
    return NPT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #20
|   PLT_MediaController::OnActionResponse
PLT_MediaController::OnActionResponse(NPT_Result res, PLT_ActionReference& action, void* userdata)
    if (m_Listener == NULL) {
        return NPT_SUCCESS;

    /* make sure device is a renderer we've previously found */
    PLT_DeviceDataReference device;
    NPT_String uuid = action->GetActionDesc()->GetService()->GetDevice()->GetUUID();
    if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ContainerFind(m_MediaRenderers, PLT_DeviceDataFinder(uuid), device))) {
        NPT_LOG_FINE_1("Device (%s) not found in our list of renderers", (const char*)uuid);
        res = NPT_FAILURE;
    /* extract action name */
    NPT_String actionName = action->GetActionDesc()->GetName();

    /* AVTransport response ? */
    if (actionName.Compare("GetCurrentTransportActions", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetCurrentTransportActionsResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetDeviceCapabilities", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetDeviceCapabilitiesResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetMediaInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetMediaInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetPositionInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetPositionInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetTransportInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetTransportInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetTransportSettings", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetTransportSettingsResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Next", true) == 0) {
        m_Listener->OnNextResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Pause", true) == 0) {
        m_Listener->OnPauseResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Play", true) == 0) {
        m_Listener->OnPlayResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Previous", true) == 0) {
        m_Listener->OnPreviousResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Seek", true) == 0) {
        m_Listener->OnSeekResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("SetAVTransportURI", true) == 0) {
        m_Listener->OnSetAVTransportURIResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("SetPlayMode", true) == 0) {
        m_Listener->OnSetPlayModeResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Stop", true) == 0) {
        m_Listener->OnStopResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionIDs", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionIDsResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetProtocolInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetProtocolInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #21
|   PLT_HttpServerSocketTask::SendResponseHeaders
PLT_HttpServerSocketTask::SendResponseHeaders(NPT_HttpResponse* response,
                                              NPT_OutputStream& output_stream,
                                              bool&             keep_alive)
    // add any headers that may be missing
    NPT_HttpHeaders& headers = response->GetHeaders();

    // get the request entity to set additional headers
    NPT_InputStreamReference body_stream;
    NPT_HttpEntity* entity = response->GetEntity();
    if (entity && NPT_SUCCEEDED(entity->GetInputStream(body_stream))) {
        // set the content length if known
        if (entity->ContentLengthIsKnown()) {

        // content type
        NPT_String content_type = entity->GetContentType();
        if (!content_type.IsEmpty()) {
            headers.SetHeader(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, content_type);

        // content encoding
        NPT_String content_encoding = entity->GetContentEncoding();
        if (!content_encoding.IsEmpty()) {
            headers.SetHeader(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, content_encoding);
        // transfer encoding
        const NPT_String& transfer_encoding = entity->GetTransferEncoding();
        if (!transfer_encoding.IsEmpty()) {
            headers.SetHeader(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING, transfer_encoding);
    } else if (!headers.GetHeader(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
        // force content length to 0 if there is no message body
		// (necessary for 1.1 or 1.0 with keep-alive connections)
        headers.SetHeader(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, "0");

    const NPT_String* content_length  = headers.GetHeaderValue(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH);
    const NPT_String* transfer_encoding  = headers.GetHeaderValue(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
    const NPT_String* connection_header  = headers.GetHeaderValue(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION);
    if (keep_alive) {
        if (connection_header && connection_header->Compare("close") == 0) {
            keep_alive = false;
        } else {
            // the request says client supports keep-alive
            // but override if response has content-length header or
            // transfer chunked encoding
            keep_alive = content_length ||
                (transfer_encoding && transfer_encoding->Compare(NPT_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED) == 0);

    // only write keep-alive header for 1.1 if it's close
    NPT_String protocol = response->GetProtocol();
    if (protocol.Compare(NPT_HTTP_PROTOCOL_1_0, true) == 0 || !keep_alive) {
        headers.SetHeader(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION, keep_alive?"keep-alive":"close", true);
    headers.SetHeader(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_SERVER, PLT_HTTP_DEFAULT_SERVER, false); // set but don't replace

    PLT_LOG_HTTP_RESPONSE(NPT_LOG_LEVEL_FINE, "PLT_HttpServerSocketTask::Write", response);

    // create a memory stream to buffer the headers
    NPT_MemoryStream header_stream;

    // send the headers
    NPT_CHECK_WARNING(output_stream.WriteFully(header_stream.GetData(), header_stream.GetDataSize()));

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #22
|   CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory
CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory(const CStdString& strPath, CFileItemList &items)
    CUPnP* upnp = CUPnP::GetInstance();

    /* upnp should never be cached, it has internal cache */

    // We accept upnp://devuuid/[item_id/]
    NPT_String path = strPath.c_str();
    if (!path.StartsWith("upnp://", true)) {
        return false;

    if (path.Compare("upnp://", true) == 0) {

        // root -> get list of devices
        const NPT_Lock<PLT_DeviceDataReferenceList>& devices = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->GetMediaServers();
        NPT_List<PLT_DeviceDataReference>::Iterator device = devices.GetFirstItem();
        while (device) {
            NPT_String name = (*device)->GetFriendlyName();
            NPT_String uuid = (*device)->GetUUID();

            CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)name));
            pItem->SetPath(CStdString((const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/"));
            pItem->m_bIsFolder = true;
            pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*)(*device)->GetIconUrl("image/jpeg"));


    } else {
        if (!path.EndsWith("/")) path += "/";

        // look for nextslash
        int next_slash = path.Find('/', 7);

        NPT_String uuid = (next_slash==-1)?path.SubString(7):path.SubString(7, next_slash-7);
        NPT_String object_id = (next_slash==-1)?"":path.SubString(next_slash+1);
        if (object_id.GetLength()) {
            CStdString tmp = (char*) object_id;
            object_id = tmp;

        // try to find the device with wait on startup
        PLT_DeviceDataReference device;
        if (!FindDeviceWait(upnp, uuid, device))
            goto failure;

        // issue a browse request with object_id
        // if object_id is empty use "0" for root
        object_id = object_id.IsEmpty()?"0":object_id;

        // remember a count of object classes
        std::map<NPT_String, int> classes;

        // just a guess as to what types of files we want
        bool video = true;
        bool audio = true;
        bool image = true;
        if (!m_strFileMask.IsEmpty()) {
            video = m_strFileMask.Find(".wmv") >= 0;
            audio = m_strFileMask.Find(".wma") >= 0;
            image = m_strFileMask.Find(".jpg") >= 0;

        // special case for Windows Media Connect and WMP11 when looking for root
        // We can target which root subfolder we want based on directory mask
        if (object_id == "0" && ((device->GetFriendlyName().Find("Windows Media Connect", 0, true) >= 0) ||
                                 (device->m_ModelName == "Windows Media Player Sharing"))) {

            // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want
            if (audio && !video && !image) {
                // music
                object_id = "1";
            } else if (!audio && video && !image) {
                // video
                object_id = "2";
            } else if (!audio && !video && image) {
                // pictures
                object_id = "3";

        // same thing but special case for XBMC
        if (object_id == "0" && ((device->m_ModelName.Find("XBMC", 0, true) >= 0) ||
                                 (device->m_ModelName.Find("Xbox Media Center", 0, true) >= 0))) {
            // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want
            if (audio && !video && !image) {
                // music
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnpmusic";
            } else if (!audio && video && !image) {
                // video
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnpvideo";
            } else if (!audio && !video && image) {
                // pictures
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnppictures";

        // if error, return now, the device could have gone away
        // this will make us go back to the sources list
        PLT_MediaObjectListReference list;
        NPT_Result res = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->BrowseSync(device, object_id, list);
        if (NPT_FAILED(res)) goto failure;

        // empty list is ok
        if (list.IsNull()) goto cleanup;

        PLT_MediaObjectList::Iterator entry = list->GetFirstItem();
        while (entry) {
            // disregard items with wrong class/type
            if( (!video && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.videoitem", 21,true) == 0)
                    || (!audio && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.audioitem", 21,true) == 0)
                    || (!image && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.imageitem", 21,true) == 0) )

            // never show empty containers in media views
            if((*entry)->IsContainer()) {
                if( (audio || video || image)
                        && ((PLT_MediaContainer*)(*entry))->m_ChildrenCount == 0) {

            NPT_String ObjectClass = (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.ToLowercase();

            // keep count of classes

            CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)(*entry)->m_Title));
            pItem->m_strTitle = (const char*)(*entry)->m_Title;
            pItem->m_bIsFolder = (*entry)->IsContainer();

            CStdString id = (char*) (*entry)->m_ObjectID;
            pItem->SetPath(CStdString((const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/" + id.c_str()));

            // if it's a container, format a string as upnp://uuid/object_id
            if (pItem->m_bIsFolder) {
                pItem->SetPath(pItem->GetPath() + "/");

                // look for metadata
                if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album.videoalbum") ) {
                    CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetVideoInfoTag(), *(*entry), NULL);

                } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album.photoalbum")) {
                    //CPictureInfoTag* tag = pItem->GetPictureInfoTag();

                } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album") ) {
                    CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetMusicInfoTag(), *(*entry), NULL);

            } else {

                // set a general content type
                if (ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.videoitem"))
                else if(ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.audioitem"))
                else if(ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.imageitem"))

                if ((*entry)->m_Resources.GetItemCount()) {
                    PLT_MediaItemResource& resource = (*entry)->m_Resources[0];

                    // set metadata
                    if (resource.m_Size != (NPT_LargeSize)-1) {
                        pItem->m_dwSize  = resource.m_Size;

                    // look for metadata
                    if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.videoitem") ) {
                        CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetVideoInfoTag(), *(*entry), &resource);

                    } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.audioitem") ) {
                        CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetMusicInfoTag(), *(*entry), &resource);

                    } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.imageitem") ) {
                        //CPictureInfoTag* tag = pItem->GetPictureInfoTag();


            // look for date?
            if((*entry)->m_Description.date.GetLength()) {
                SYSTEMTIME time = {};
                sscanf((*entry)->m_Description.date, "%hu-%hu-%huT%hu:%hu:%hu",
                       &time.wYear, &time.wMonth, &time.wDay, &time.wHour, &time.wMinute, &time.wSecond);
                pItem->m_dateTime = time;

            // if there is a thumbnail available set it here
                pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*) (*entry)->m_ExtraInfo.album_art_uri);
            else if((*entry)->m_Description.icon_uri.GetLength())
                pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*) (*entry)->m_Description.icon_uri);

            PLT_ProtocolInfo fanart_mask("xbmc.org", "*", "fanart", "*");
            for(unsigned i = 0; i < (*entry)->m_Resources.GetItemCount(); ++i) {
                PLT_MediaItemResource& res = (*entry)->m_Resources[i];
                if(res.m_ProtocolInfo.Match(fanart_mask)) {
                    pItem->SetProperty("fanart_image", (const char*)res.m_Uri);


        NPT_String max_string = "";
        int        max_count  = 0;
        for(std::map<NPT_String, int>::iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); it++)
            if(it->second > max_count)
                max_string = it->first;
                max_count  = it->second;

    return true;

    return false;
Exemple #23
|   CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory
CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory(const CStdString& strPath, CFileItemList &items)
    CUPnP* upnp = CUPnP::GetInstance();

    /* upnp should never be cached, it has internal cache */

    // We accept upnp://devuuid/[item_id/]
    NPT_String path = strPath.c_str();
    if (!path.StartsWith("upnp://", true)) {
        return false;

    if (path.Compare("upnp://", true) == 0) {

        // root -> get list of devices
        const NPT_Lock<PLT_DeviceDataReferenceList>& devices = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->GetMediaServers();
        NPT_List<PLT_DeviceDataReference>::Iterator device = devices.GetFirstItem();
        while (device) {
            NPT_String name = (*device)->GetFriendlyName();
            NPT_String uuid = (*device)->GetUUID();

            CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)name));
            pItem->SetPath(CStdString((const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/"));
            pItem->m_bIsFolder = true;
            pItem->SetArt("thumb", (const char*)(*device)->GetIconUrl("image/png"));


    } else {
        if (!path.EndsWith("/")) path += "/";

        // look for nextslash
        int next_slash = path.Find('/', 7);

        NPT_String uuid = (next_slash==-1)?path.SubString(7):path.SubString(7, next_slash-7);
        NPT_String object_id = (next_slash==-1)?"":path.SubString(next_slash+1);
        if (object_id.GetLength()) {
            CStdString tmp = (char*) object_id;
            object_id = tmp;

        // try to find the device with wait on startup
        PLT_DeviceDataReference device;
        if (!FindDeviceWait(upnp, uuid, device))
            goto failure;

        // issue a browse request with object_id
        // if object_id is empty use "0" for root
        object_id = object_id.IsEmpty()?"0":object_id;

        // remember a count of object classes
        std::map<NPT_String, int> classes;

        // just a guess as to what types of files we want
        bool video = true;
        bool audio = true;
        bool image = true;
        if (!m_strFileMask.IsEmpty()) {
            video = m_strFileMask.Find(".wmv") >= 0;
            audio = m_strFileMask.Find(".wma") >= 0;
            image = m_strFileMask.Find(".jpg") >= 0;

        // special case for Windows Media Connect and WMP11 when looking for root
        // We can target which root subfolder we want based on directory mask
        if (object_id == "0" && ((device->GetFriendlyName().Find("Windows Media Connect", 0, true) >= 0) ||
                                 (device->m_ModelName == "Windows Media Player Sharing"))) {

            // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want
            if (audio && !video && !image) {
                // music
                object_id = "1";
            } else if (!audio && video && !image) {
                // video
                object_id = "2";
            } else if (!audio && !video && image) {
                // pictures
                object_id = "3";

        // same thing but special case for XBMC
        if (object_id == "0" && ((device->m_ModelName.Find("XBMC", 0, true) >= 0) ||
                                 (device->m_ModelName.Find("Xbox Media Center", 0, true) >= 0))) {
            // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want
            if (audio && !video && !image) {
                // music
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnpmusic";
            } else if (!audio && video && !image) {
                // video
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnpvideo";
            } else if (!audio && !video && image) {
                // pictures
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnppictures";

        // if error, return now, the device could have gone away
        // this will make us go back to the sources list
        PLT_MediaObjectListReference list;
        NPT_Result res = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->BrowseSync(device, object_id, list);
        if (NPT_FAILED(res)) goto failure;

        // empty list is ok
        if (list.IsNull()) goto cleanup;

        PLT_MediaObjectList::Iterator entry = list->GetFirstItem();
        while (entry) {
            // disregard items with wrong class/type
            if( (!video && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.videoitem", 21,true) == 0)
             || (!audio && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.audioitem", 21,true) == 0)
             || (!image && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.imageitem", 21,true) == 0) )

            // never show empty containers in media views
            if((*entry)->IsContainer()) {
                if( (audio || video || image)
                 && ((PLT_MediaContainer*)(*entry))->m_ChildrenCount == 0) {

            // keep count of classes
            CFileItemPtr pItem = BuildObject(*entry);
            if(!pItem) {

            CStdString id = (char*) (*entry)->m_ObjectID;
            pItem->SetPath(CStdString((const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/" + id.c_str()));



        NPT_String max_string = "";
        int        max_count  = 0;
        for(std::map<NPT_String, int>::iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); it++)
          if(it->second > max_count)
            max_string = it->first;
            max_count  = it->second;
        std::string content = GetContentMapping(max_string);
        if (content == "unknown")
          items.AddSortMethod(SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED, 571, LABEL_MASKS("%L", "%I", "%L", ""));
          items.AddSortMethod(SORT_METHOD_LABEL_IGNORE_FOLDERS, 551, LABEL_MASKS("%L", "%I", "%L", ""));
          items.AddSortMethod(SORT_METHOD_SIZE, 553, LABEL_MASKS("%L", "%I", "%L", "%I"));
          items.AddSortMethod(SORT_METHOD_DATE, 552, LABEL_MASKS("%L", "%J", "%L", "%J"));

    return true;

    return false;
Exemple #24
|   PLT_MediaRenderer::OnAction
PLT_MediaRenderer::OnAction(PLT_ActionReference&          action,
                            const PLT_HttpRequestContext& context)

    /* parse the action name */
    NPT_String name = action->GetActionDesc().GetName();

    // since all actions take an instance ID and we only support 1 instance
    // verify that the Instance ID is 0 and return an error here now if not
    NPT_String serviceType = action->GetActionDesc().GetService()->GetServiceType();
    if (serviceType.Compare("urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->VerifyArgumentValue("InstanceID", "0"))) {
            action->SetError(718, "Not valid InstanceID");
            return NPT_FAILURE;
    serviceType = action->GetActionDesc().GetService()->GetServiceType();
    if (serviceType.Compare("urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->VerifyArgumentValue("InstanceID", "0"))) {
            action->SetError(702, "Not valid InstanceID");
            return NPT_FAILURE;

    /* Is it a ConnectionManager Service Action ? */
    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionInfo(action);

    /* Is it a AVTransport Service Action ? */
    if (name.Compare("Next", true) == 0) {
        return OnNext(action);
    if (name.Compare("Pause", true) == 0) {
        return OnPause(action);
    if (name.Compare("Play", true) == 0) {
        return OnPlay(action);
    if (name.Compare("Previous", true) == 0) {
        return OnPrevious(action);
    if (name.Compare("Seek", true) == 0) {
        return OnSeek(action);
    if (name.Compare("Stop", true) == 0) {
        return OnStop(action);
    if (name.Compare("SetAVTransportURI", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetAVTransportURI(action);
    if (name.Compare("SetNextAVTransportURI", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetNextAVTransportURI(action);
    if (name.Compare("SetPlayMode", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetPlayMode(action);

    /* Is it a RendererControl Service Action ? */
    if (name.Compare("SetVolume", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetVolume(action);
    if (name.Compare("SetVolumeDB", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetVolumeDB(action);
    if (name.Compare("GetVolumeDBRange", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetVolumeDBRange(action);

    if (name.Compare("SetMute", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetMute(action);

    // other actions rely on state variables
    NPT_CHECK_LABEL_WARNING(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable(), failure);
    return NPT_SUCCESS;

    action->SetError(401,"No Such Action.");
    return NPT_FAILURE;
|   PLT_MediaController::OnActionResponse
PLT_MediaController::OnActionResponse(NPT_Result           res, 
                                      PLT_ActionReference& action, 
                                      void*                userdata)
    if (m_Delegate == NULL) return NPT_SUCCESS;

    PLT_DeviceDataReference device;
    NPT_String uuid = action->GetActionDesc().GetService()->GetDevice()->GetUUID();
    /* extract action name */
    NPT_String actionName = action->GetActionDesc().GetName();

    /* AVTransport response ? */
    if (actionName.Compare("GetCurrentTransportActions", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetCurrentTransportActionsResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetDeviceCapabilities", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetDeviceCapabilitiesResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetMediaInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetMediaInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetPositionInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetPositionInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetTransportInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetTransportInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetTransportSettings", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetTransportSettingsResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Next", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnNextResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Pause", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnPauseResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Play", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnPlayResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Previous", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnPreviousResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Seek", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnSeekResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("SetAVTransportURI", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnSetAVTransportURIResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("SetPlayMode", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnSetPlayModeResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("Stop", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnStopResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionIDs", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionIDsResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetProtocolInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetProtocolInfoResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("SetMute", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnSetMuteResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetMute", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetMuteResponse(res, device, action, userdata);
	else if (actionName.Compare("SetVolume", true) == 0) { 
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        m_Delegate->OnSetVolumeResult(res, device, userdata);
    else if (actionName.Compare("GetVolume", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(FindRenderer(uuid, device))) res = NPT_FAILURE;
        return OnGetVolumeResponse(res, device, action, userdata);

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
|   PLT_MediaRenderer::OnAction
PLT_MediaRenderer::OnAction(PLT_ActionReference& action, NPT_SocketInfo* info /* = NULL */)

    /* parse the action name */
    NPT_String name = action->GetActionDesc()->GetName();

    /* Is it a ConnectionManager Service Action ? */
    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionIDs", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetProtocolInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentConnectionInfo", true) == 0) {
        return OnGetCurrentConnectionInfo(action);

    /* Is it a AVTransport Service Action ? */

    // since all actions take an instance ID and we only support 1 instance
    // verify that the Instance ID is 0 and return an error here now if not
    NPT_String serviceType = action->GetActionDesc()->GetService()->GetServiceType();
    if (serviceType.Compare("urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->VerifyArgumentValue("InstanceID", "0"))) {
            action->SetError(802,"Not valid InstanceID.");
            return NPT_FAILURE;

    if (name.Compare("GetCurrentTransportActions", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetDeviceCapabilities", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetMediaInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetPositionInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetTransportInfo", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("GetTransportSettings", true) == 0) {
        if (NPT_FAILED(action->SetArgumentsOutFromStateVariable())) {
            return NPT_FAILURE;
        return NPT_SUCCESS;
    if (name.Compare("Next", true) == 0) {
        return OnNext(action);
    if (name.Compare("Pause", true) == 0) {
        return OnPause(action);
    if (name.Compare("Play", true) == 0) {
        return OnPlay(action);
    if (name.Compare("Previous", true) == 0) {
        return OnPrevious(action);
    if (name.Compare("Seek", true) == 0) {
        return OnSeek(action);
    if (name.Compare("Stop", true) == 0) {
        return OnStop(action);
    if (name.Compare("SetAVTransportURI", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetAVTransportURI(action);
    if (name.Compare("SetPlayMode", true) == 0) {
        return OnSetPlayMode(action);

    action->SetError(401,"No Such Action.");
    return NPT_FAILURE;
|   CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory
CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory(const CStdString& strPath, CFileItemList &items)
    CGUIDialogProgress* dlgProgress = NULL;

    CUPnP* upnp = CUPnP::GetInstance();

    /* upnp should never be cached, it has internal cache */

    // start client if it hasn't been done yet
    bool client_started = upnp->IsClientStarted();

    // We accept upnp://devuuid/[item_id/]
    NPT_String path = strPath.c_str();
    if (!path.StartsWith("upnp://", true)) {
        return false;

    if (path.Compare("upnp://", true) == 0) {
        // root -> get list of devices
        const NPT_Lock<PLT_DeviceMap>& devices = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->GetMediaServers();
        const NPT_List<PLT_DeviceMapEntry*>& entries = devices.GetEntries();
        NPT_List<PLT_DeviceMapEntry*>::Iterator entry = entries.GetFirstItem();
        while (entry) {
            PLT_DeviceDataReference device = (*entry)->GetValue();
            NPT_String name = device->GetFriendlyName();
            NPT_String uuid = (*entry)->GetKey();

            CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)name));
            pItem->m_strPath = (const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/";
            pItem->m_bIsFolder = true;
            pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*)device->GetIconUrl("image/jpeg"));


    } else {
        if (!path.EndsWith("/")) path += "/";

        // look for nextslash
        int next_slash = path.Find('/', 7);

        NPT_String uuid = (next_slash==-1)?path.SubString(7):path.SubString(7, next_slash-7);
        NPT_String object_id = (next_slash==-1)?"":path.SubString(next_slash+1);
        if (object_id.GetLength()) {
            CStdString tmp = (char*) object_id;
            object_id = tmp;

        // look for device in our list
        // (and wait for it to respond for 5 secs if we're just starting upnp client)
        NPT_TimeStamp watchdog;
        watchdog += 5.f;

        PLT_DeviceDataReference* device;
        for (;;) {
            const NPT_Lock<PLT_DeviceMap>& devices = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->GetMediaServers();
            if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(devices.Get(uuid, device)) && device)

            // fail right away if device not found and upnp client was already running
            if (client_started)
                goto failure;

            // otherwise check if we've waited long enough without success
            NPT_TimeStamp now;
            if (now > watchdog)
                goto failure;

            // sleep a bit and try again
            NPT_System::Sleep(NPT_TimeInterval(1, 0));

        // issue a browse request with object_id
        // if object_id is empty use "0" for root
        object_id = object_id.IsEmpty()?"0":object_id;

        // just a guess as to what types of files we want
        bool video = true;
        bool audio = true;
        bool image = true;
        if (!m_strFileMask.IsEmpty()) {
            video = m_strFileMask.Find(".wmv") >= 0;
            audio = m_strFileMask.Find(".wma") >= 0;
            image = m_strFileMask.Find(".jpg") >= 0;

        // special case for Windows Media Connect and WMP11 when looking for root
        // We can target which root subfolder we want based on directory mask
        if (object_id == "0" && (((*device)->GetFriendlyName().Find("Windows Media Connect", 0, true) >= 0) ||
                                 ((*device)->m_ModelName == "Windows Media Player Sharing"))) {

            // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want
            if (audio && !video && !image) {
                // music
                object_id = "1";
            } else if (!audio && video && !image) {
                // video
                object_id = "2";
            } else if (!audio && !video && image) {
                // pictures
                object_id = "3";

        // same thing but special case for XBMC
        if (object_id == "0" && (((*device)->m_ModelName.Find("XBMC", 0, true) >= 0) ||
                                 ((*device)->m_ModelName.Find("Xbox Media Center", 0, true) >= 0))) {
            // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want
            if (audio && !video && !image) {
                // music
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnpmusic";
            } else if (!audio && video && !image) {
                // video
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnpvideo";
            } else if (!audio && !video && image) {
                // pictures
                object_id = "virtualpath://upnppictures";
        // bring up dialog if object is not cached
        if (!upnp->m_MediaBrowser->IsCached(uuid, object_id)) {
            dlgProgress = (CGUIDialogProgress*)m_gWindowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS);
            if (dlgProgress) {
                dlgProgress->SetLine(0, 194);
                dlgProgress->SetLine(1, "");
                dlgProgress->SetLine(2, "");

        // if error, return now, the device could have gone away
        // this will make us go back to the sources list
        PLT_MediaObjectListReference list;
        NPT_Result res = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->Browse(*device, object_id, list);
        if (NPT_FAILED(res)) goto failure;

        // empty list is ok
        if (list.IsNull()) goto cleanup;

        PLT_MediaObjectList::Iterator entry = list->GetFirstItem();
        while (entry) {
            // disregard items with wrong class/type
            if( (!video && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.videoitem", 21,true) == 0)
             || (!audio && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.audioitem", 21,true) == 0)
             || (!image && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.imageitem", 21,true) == 0) )

            // never show empty containers in media views
            if((*entry)->IsContainer()) {
                if( (audio || video || image)
                 && ((PLT_MediaContainer*)(*entry))->m_ChildrenCount == 0) {

            CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)(*entry)->m_Title));
            pItem->m_bIsFolder = (*entry)->IsContainer();

            // if it's a container, format a string as upnp://uuid/object_id
            if (pItem->m_bIsFolder) {
                CStdString id = (char*) (*entry)->m_ObjectID;
                pItem->m_strPath = (const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/" + id.c_str() + "/";
            } else {
                if ((*entry)->m_Resources.GetItemCount()) {
                    PLT_MediaItemResource& resource = (*entry)->m_Resources[0];

                    // look for a resource with "xbmc-get" protocol
                    // if we can't find one, keep the first resource

                    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory - resource protocol info '%s'", (const char*)(resource.m_ProtocolInfo));

                    // if it's an item, path is the first url to the item
                    // we hope the server made the first one reachable for us
                    // (it could be a format we dont know how to play however)
                    pItem->m_strPath = (const char*) resource.m_Uri;

                    // set metadata
                    if (resource.m_Size > 0) {
                        pItem->m_dwSize  = resource.m_Size;

                    // set a general content type
                    CStdString type = (const char*)(*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.Left(21);
                    if     (type.Equals("object.item.videoitem"))
                    else if(type.Equals("object.item.audioitem"))
                    else if(type.Equals("object.item.imageitem"))

                    // look for content type in protocol info
                    if (resource.m_ProtocolInfo.GetLength()) {
                        char proto[1024];
                        char dummy1[1024];
                        char ct[1204];
                        char dummy2[1024];
                        int fields = sscanf(resource.m_ProtocolInfo, "%[^:]:%[^:]:%[^:]:%[^:]", proto, dummy1, ct, dummy2);
                        if (fields == 4) {
                            if (strcmp(ct, "application/octet-stream") != 0) {
                        } else {
                            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory - invalid protocol info '%s'", (const char*)(resource.m_ProtocolInfo));

                    // look for date?
                    if((*entry)->m_Description.date.GetLength()) {
                        SYSTEMTIME time = {};
                        sscanf((*entry)->m_Description.date, "%hu-%hu-%huT%hu:%hu:%hu",
                               &time.wYear, &time.wMonth, &time.wDay, &time.wHour, &time.wMinute, &time.wSecond);
                        pItem->m_dateTime = time;

                    // look for metadata
                    if( (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.videoitem", 21,true) == 0 ) {
                        CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetVideoInfoTag(), *(*entry), &resource);
                    } else if( (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.audioitem", 21,true) == 0 ) {
                        CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetMusicInfoTag(), *(*entry), &resource);
                    } else if( (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.imageitem", 21,true) == 0 ) {
                      //CPictureInfoTag* tag = pItem->GetPictureInfoTag();

            // if there is a thumbnail available set it here
                pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*) (*entry)->m_ExtraInfo.album_art_uri);
            else if((*entry)->m_Description.icon_uri.GetLength())
                pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*) (*entry)->m_Description.icon_uri);



    if (dlgProgress) dlgProgress->Close();
    return true;

    if (dlgProgress) dlgProgress->Close();
    return false;