void ReadiumJSApi::digInto(const NavigationList& list, TOCEntry& rOut)
    std::string sBaseUrl = getBasePath();	// fast fix
    int iTrimLen = sBaseUrl.length();

    for (NavigationList::const_iterator v = list.begin(); v != list.end(); ++v)
        NavigationPoint* pt = dynamic_cast<NavigationPoint*>(v->get());
        std::string sTitle = pt->Title().c_str();
        std::string sPath = pt->AbsolutePath(pkg).c_str();
        if (0 == sPath.find(sBaseUrl))
            sPath = sPath.substr(iTrimLen, sPath.length());
        rOut.arrChildren.push_back(TOCEntry(sTitle, sPath));
        const NavigationList& list = pt->Children();
        digInto(list, (rOut.arrChildren.back()) );
Exemple #2
NavigationList PackageBase::NavTablesFromManifestItem(shared_ptr<PackageBase> owner, shared_ptr<ManifestItem> pItem)
    PackagePtr sharedPkg = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Package>(owner);
    if ( !sharedPkg )
        return NavigationList();
    if ( pItem == nullptr )
        return NavigationList();
    xmlDocPtr doc = pItem->ReferencedDocument();
    if ( doc == nullptr )
        return NavigationList();
    // find each <nav> node
    XPathWrangler xpath(doc, {{"epub", ePub3NamespaceURI}}); // goddamn I love C++11 initializer list constructors
    XPathWrangler::NamespaceList __m;
    __m["epub"] = ePub3NamespaceURI;
    XPathWrangler xpath(doc, __m);
    xmlNodeSetPtr nodes = xpath.Nodes("//html:nav");
    NavigationList tables;
    for ( int i = 0; i < nodes->nodeNr; i++ )
        xmlNodePtr navNode = nodes->nodeTab[i];
        auto navTablePtr = std::make_shared<class NavigationTable>(sharedPkg, pItem->Href());
        if ( navTablePtr->ParseXML(navNode) )
    // now look for any <dl> nodes with an epub:type of "glossary"
    nodes = xpath.Nodes("//html:dl[epub:type='glossary']");
    return tables;
Exemple #3
void PackageBase::InstallPrefixesFromAttributeValue(const ePub3::string &attrValue)
    if ( attrValue.empty() )
    static std::regex re(R"X((\w+):\s*(.+?)(?:\s+|$))X", std::regex::ECMAScript|std::regex::optimize);
    auto pos = std::sregex_iterator(attrValue.stl_str().begin(), attrValue.stl_str().end(), re);
    auto end = std::sregex_iterator();
    while ( pos != end )
        if ( pos->size() == 3 )     // entire match plus two captures
            RegisterPrefixIRIStem(pos->str(1), pos->str(2));
const SpineItem* PackageBase::ConfirmOrCorrectSpineItemQualifier(const SpineItem* pItem, CFI::Component *pComponent) const
    if ( pComponent->HasQualifier() && pItem->Idref() != pComponent->qualifier )
        // find the item with the qualifier
        pItem = _spine.get();
        uint32_t idx = 2;
        while ( pItem != nullptr )
            if ( pItem->Idref() == pComponent->qualifier )
                // found it-- correct the CFI
                pComponent->nodeIndex = idx;
            pItem = pItem->Next();
    return pItem;
NavigationList PackageBase::NavTablesFromManifestItem(const ManifestItem* pItem)
    if ( pItem == nullptr )
        return NavigationList();
    xmlDocPtr doc = pItem->ReferencedDocument();
    if ( doc == nullptr )
        return NavigationList();
    // find each <nav> node
    XPathWrangler xpath(doc, {{"epub", ePub3NamespaceURI}}); // goddamn I love C++11 initializer list constructors
    xmlNodeSetPtr nodes = xpath.Nodes("//html:nav");
    NavigationList tables;
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < nodes->nodeNr; i++ )
        xmlNodePtr navNode = nodes->nodeTab[i];
        tables.push_back(new class NavigationTable(navNode));
    // now look for any <dl> nodes with an epub:type of "glossary"
    nodes = xpath.Nodes("//html:dl[epub:type='glossary']");
    return tables;