int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    NcFile at(atpath, NcFile::ReadOnly);
    if(!at.is_valid() || at.num_dims() != 3 || at.num_vars() != 4) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed reading file: %s\n", atpath);
        return 1;

    NcVar* data = at.get_var("rhum");
    if(!data->is_valid() || data->num_dims() != 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "rhum has incorrect dimensions");
        return 1;

    NcDim* time = data->get_dim(0);
    int timecnt = time->size();
    float  *rhumd = new float[timecnt*LATS*LONS];
    data->get(rhumd, timecnt, LATS, LONS);

    float  rhumdmon[12][LATS][LONS];
    for(int i = 0; i<LATS; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j<LONS; j++) {
            float rhumdmoncnt[12];
            for(int k = 0; k<12; k++) {
                rhumdmon[k][i][j] = 0;
                rhumdmoncnt[k] = 0;
            for(int k = 0; k<timecnt; k++) {
                double v = rhumd[(k*LATS+i)*LONS+j]*.1 + 3276.5;
                if(v >= 0 && v <= 100) {
                    rhumdmon[k%12][i][j] += v;
            for(int k = 0; k<12; k++)
                rhumdmon[k][i][j] /= rhumdmoncnt[k];
    delete [] rhumd;

    /* use a single byte instead of 2 to save memory,
       resolution of 1/5th of a mm/day resolution */
    uint8_t rhumbyte[12][LATS][LONS];
    for(int i = 0; i<12; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j<LATS; j++)
            for(int k = 0; k<LONS; k++)
                if(isnan(rhumdmon[i][j][k]) || fabs(rhumdmon[i][j][k]) > 100)
                    rhumbyte[i][j][k] = 255;
                    rhumbyte[i][j][k] = rhumdmon[i][j][k]*2.0;
    fwrite(rhumbyte, sizeof rhumbyte, 1, stdout);
    return 0;
Exemple #2
 const bool isValid( void ) const
     return( m_var->is_valid() != 0 );
// Creates NetCDF product
bool NetCDFProduct(MSG_header *PRO_head, MSG_data* PRO_data,
                   int totalsegs, int *segsindexes,
		   MSG_header *header, MSG_data *msgdat)
  struct tm *tmtime;
  char NcName[1024];
  char reftime[64];
  char projname[16];
  int wd, hg;
  int bpp;
  int ncal;
  float *cal;
  NcVar *ivar;
  NcVar *tvar;
  NcDim *tdim;
  NcDim *ldim;
  NcDim *cdim;
  NcDim *caldim;

  int npix = header[0].image_structure->number_of_columns;
  int nlin = header[0].image_structure->number_of_lines;
  size_t npixperseg = npix*nlin;

  size_t total_size = totalsegs*npixperseg;
  MSG_SAMPLE *pixels = new MSG_SAMPLE[total_size];
  memset(pixels, 0, total_size*sizeof(MSG_SAMPLE));
  size_t pos = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < totalsegs; i ++)
    if (segsindexes[i] >= 0)
      memcpy(pixels+pos, msgdat[segsindexes[i]].image->data,
    pos += npixperseg;

  nlin = nlin*totalsegs;

  // Manage subarea
  if (is_subarea)
    if (AreaLinStart < 0                             ||
        AreaLinStart > nlin - AreaNlin ||
        AreaNlin > nlin - AreaLinStart)
      std::cerr << "Wrong Subarea in lines...." << std::endl;
    if (AreaPixStart < 0               ||
        AreaPixStart > npix - AreaNpix ||
        AreaNpix > npix - AreaPixStart)
      std::cerr << "Wrong Subarea in Pixels...." << std::endl;
    size_t newsize = AreaNpix * AreaNlin;
    MSG_SAMPLE *newpix = new MSG_SAMPLE[newsize];
    memset(newpix, 0, newsize*sizeof(MSG_SAMPLE));
    for (int i = 0; i < AreaNlin; i ++)
      memcpy(newpix + i * AreaNpix,
             pixels + (AreaLinStart + i) * npix + AreaPixStart,
             AreaNpix * sizeof(MSG_SAMPLE));
    delete [ ] pixels;
    pixels = newpix;
    total_size = newsize;
    AreaNpix = npix;
    AreaNlin = nlin;

  tmtime = PRO_data->prologue->image_acquisition.PlannedAquisitionTime.TrueRepeatCycleStart.get_timestruct( );
  t_enum_MSG_spacecraft spc = header[0].segment_id->spacecraft_id;
  uint_1 chn = header[0].segment_id->spectral_channel_id;
  float sublon = header[0].image_navigation->subsatellite_longitude;
  int cfac = header[0].image_navigation->column_scaling_factor;
  int lfac = header[0].image_navigation->line_scaling_factor;
  int coff = header[0].image_navigation->column_offset;
  int loff = header[0].image_navigation->line_offset;
  float sh = header[0].image_navigation->satellite_h;

  char *channelstring = strdup(MSG_channel_name(spc, chn).c_str( ));
  char *channel = chname(channelstring, strlen(channelstring) + 1);

  // Build up output NetCDF file name and open it
  sprintf( NcName, "", channel,
           tmtime->tm_year + 1900, tmtime->tm_mon + 1, tmtime->tm_mday,
	   tmtime->tm_hour, tmtime->tm_min );
  NcFile ncf ( NcName , NcFile::Replace );
  if (! ncf.is_valid()) return false;

  // Fill arrays on creation

  // Add Global Attributes
  if (! ncf.add_att("Satellite", MSG_spacecraft_name(spc).c_str()))
	            return false;
  sprintf(reftime, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:00 UTC",
      tmtime->tm_year + 1900, tmtime->tm_mon + 1, tmtime->tm_mday,
      tmtime->tm_hour, tmtime->tm_min);
  if (! ncf.add_att("Antenna", "Fixed") ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Receiver", "HIMET") ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Time", reftime) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Area_Name", "SpaceView" ) ) return false;
  sprintf(projname, "GEOS(%3.1f)", sublon);
  if (! ncf.add_att("Projection", projname) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Columns", AreaNpix ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Lines", AreaNlin ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("SampleX", 1.0 ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("SampleY", 1.0 ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("AreaStartPix", AreaPixStart ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("AreaStartLin", AreaLinStart ) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Column_Scale_Factor", cfac) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Line_Scale_Factor", lfac) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Column_Offset", coff) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Line_Offset", loff) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Orbit_Radius", sh) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Longitude", sublon) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("NortPolar", 1) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("NorthSouth", 1) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("title", TITLE) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Institution", INSTITUTION) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Type", TYPE) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Version", HIMET_VERSION) ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("Conventions", "COARDS") ) return false;
  if (! ncf.add_att("history", "Created from raw data") ) return false;

  // Dimensions
  wd = AreaNpix;
  hg = AreaNlin;
  bpp = header[0].image_structure->number_of_bits_per_pixel;
  ncal = (int) pow(2.0, bpp);

  tdim = ncf.add_dim("time");
  if (!tdim->is_valid()) return false;
  ldim = ncf.add_dim("line", hg);
  if (!ldim->is_valid()) return false;
  cdim = ncf.add_dim("column", wd);
  if (!cdim->is_valid()) return false;
  caldim = ncf.add_dim("calibration", ncal);
  if (!caldim->is_valid()) return false;

  // Get calibration values
  cal = PRO_data->prologue->radiometric_proc.get_calibration((int) chn, bpp);

  // Add Calibration values
  NcVar *cvar = ncf.add_var("calibration", ncFloat, caldim);
  if (!cvar->is_valid()) return false;
  cvar->add_att("long_name", "Calibration coefficients");
  cvar->add_att("variable", channel);
  if (chn > 3 && chn < 12)
    cvar->add_att("units", "K");
    cvar->add_att("units", "mW m^-2 sr^-1 (cm^-1)^-1");
  if (!cvar->put(cal, ncal)) return false;

  tvar = ncf.add_var("time", ncDouble, tdim);
  if (!tvar->is_valid()) return false;
  tvar->add_att("long_name", "Time");
  tvar->add_att("units", "seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC");
  double atime;
  time_t ttime;
  extern long timezone;
  ttime = mktime(tmtime);
  atime = ttime - 946684800 - timezone;
  if (!tvar->put(&atime, 1)) return false;

  ivar = ncf.add_var(channel, ncShort, tdim, ldim, cdim);
  if (!ivar->is_valid()) return false;
  if (!ivar->add_att("add_offset", 0.0)) return false;
  if (!ivar->add_att("scale_factor", 1.0)) return false;
  if (!ivar->add_att("chnum", chn)) return false;

  // Write output values
  if (!ivar->put((const short int *) pixels, 1, hg, wd)) return false;

  // Close NetCDF output
  (void) ncf.close( );

  delete [ ] pixels;
  delete [ ] cal;

  return( true );