Exemple #1
int YAMRSlave::send_message(NetPackage &net_pack, const void *data, unsigned long data_len)
	int err;
	int n;

	for (err = -1, n=0; err==-1; ++n)
		err = net_pack.send(sockfd, data, data_len);
	return err;
Exemple #2
 bool RunManagerYAMR::process_model_run(int sock_id, NetPackage &net_pack)
	bool use_run = false;
	int run_id =net_pack.get_run_id();
	YamrModelRun model_run(run_id,  sock_id);
	//check if another instance of this model run has already completed 
	if (completed_runs.find(run_id) == completed_runs.end())
		completed_runs.insert(pair<int, YamrModelRun>(run_id,  model_run));
		Parameters pars;
		Observations obs;
		Serialization::unserialize(net_pack.get_data(), pars, get_par_name_vec(), obs, get_obs_name_vec());
		file_stor.update_run(run_id, pars, obs);
		use_run = true;
		//beopest-style screen output for run counting		
		//cout << setw(7) << model_runs_done;
		//if (model_runs_done % 9 == 0) cout << endl;				
	auto range_pair = active_runs.equal_range(run_id);
	//remaining runs with this id are not needed so mark them as zombies
	for ( auto b=range_pair.first; b!=range_pair.second; ++b)
		if ( (*b).second.get_socket() != model_run.get_socket())
	active_runs.erase(range_pair.first, range_pair.second);
	//kill all zombies
	for (auto it_zombie = zombie_runs.begin(); it_zombie != zombie_runs.end(); ++it_zombie)
		if (it_zombie->second.get_id() == run_id)

			int zombie_id = it_zombie->second.get_socket();
			vector<string> sock_name = w_getnameinfo_vec(zombie_id);
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "killing zombie run " << run_id << " on slave : " << sock_name[0] << "$" << slave_info.get_work_dir(zombie_id);
			report(ss.str(), false);
			NetPackage net_pack(NetPackage::PackType::REQ_KILL, 0, 0, "");
			char data = '\0';
			int err = net_pack.send(zombie_id, &data, sizeof(data));
			if (err <= 0)
				report("error sending kill request to slave:" + sock_name[0] + "$" + slave_info.get_work_dir(zombie_id), true);
	return use_run;