void Source::start() {
  NetworkAccessManager* accessManager = manager()->networkAccessManager();
  QNetworkRequest request(page()->currentFrame()->url());
  reply = accessManager->get(request);

  connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(sourceLoaded()));
Exemple #2
bool SongLoader::LoadRemotePlaylist(const QUrl& url) {
  // This function makes a remote request for the given URL and, if its MIME
  // type corresponds to a known playlist type, saves the content to a
  // temporary file, loads it, and returns true.
  // If the URL does not point to a playlist file we could handle,
  // it returns false.

  NetworkAccessManager manager;
  QNetworkRequest req = QNetworkRequest(url);

  // Getting headers:
  QNetworkReply* const headers_reply = manager.head(req);
  WaitForSignal(headers_reply, SIGNAL(finished()));

  if (headers_reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
    qLog(Error) << url.toString() << headers_reply->errorString();
    return false;

  // Now we check if there is a parser that can handle that MIME type.
  QString mime_type =

  ParserBase* const parser = playlist_parser_->ParserForMimeType(mime_type);
  if (parser == nullptr) {
    qLog(Debug) << url.toString() << "seems to not be a playlist";
    return false;

  // We know it is a playlist!
  // Getting its contents:
  QNetworkReply* const data_reply = manager.get(req);
  WaitForSignal(data_reply, SIGNAL(finished()));

  if (data_reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
    qLog(Error) << url.toString() << data_reply->errorString();
    return false;

  // Save them to a temporary file...
  QString playlist_filename =
  if (playlist_filename.isEmpty()) {
    qLog(Error) << url.toString()
                << "could not write contents to temporary file";
    return false;

  qLog(Debug) << url.toString() << "with MIME" << mime_type << "loading from"
              << playlist_filename;

  // ...and load it.
  LoadPlaylist(parser, playlist_filename);

  return true;
Exemple #3
DownloadItem * DownloadManager::download(const QUrl & from, const QUrl & to)
    NetworkAccessManager * manager = NetworkAccessManager::networkAccessManager();
    DownloadItem * item = new DownloadItem(manager->get(QNetworkRequest(from)), to, this);
    beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0);
    emit newItem();
    return item;