NodeGroup *StrokeTesselator::Tesselate(StrokeVertexIterator begin, StrokeVertexIterator end)
  NodeGroup *group = new NodeGroup;
  NodeShape *tshape = new NodeShape;
  // tshape->material().setDiffuse(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

  for (StrokeVertexIterator c = begin, cend = end; c != cend; c++) {

  return group;
Exemple #2
void Controller::ComputeSteerableViewMap()
#if 0  //soc
	if ((!_Canvas) || (!_ViewMap))

	// Build 4 nodes containing the edges in the 4 directions
	NodeGroup *ng[Canvas::NB_STEERABLE_VIEWMAP];
	unsigned i;
	real c = 32.0f/255.0f; // see SteerableViewMap::readSteerableViewMapPixel() for information about this 32.
	for (i = 0; i < Canvas::NB_STEERABLE_VIEWMAP; ++i) {
		ng[i] = new NodeGroup;
	NodeShape *completeNS = new NodeShape;
	SteerableViewMap * svm = _Canvas->getSteerableViewMap();

	ViewMap::fedges_container& fedges = _ViewMap->FEdges();
	LineRep * fRep;
	NodeShape *ns;
	for (ViewMap::fedges_container::iterator f = fedges.begin(), fend = fedges.end();
	     f != fend;
		if ((*f)->viewedge()->qi() != 0)
		fRep = new LineRep((*f)->vertexA()->point2d(), (*f)->vertexB()->point2d());
		completeNS->AddRep(fRep); // add to the complete map anyway
		double *oweights = svm->AddFEdge(*f);
		for (i = 0; i < (Canvas::NB_STEERABLE_VIEWMAP - 1); ++i) {
			ns = new NodeShape;
			double wc = oweights[i]*c;
			if (oweights[i] == 0)
			ns->material().setDiffuse(wc, wc, wc, 1);

	GrayImage *img[Canvas::NB_STEERABLE_VIEWMAP];
	//#ifdef WIN32
	QGLBasicWidget offscreenBuffer(_pView, "SteerableViewMap", _pView->width(), _pView->height());
	QPixmap pm;
	QImage qimg;
	for (i = 0; i < Canvas::NB_STEERABLE_VIEWMAP; ++i) {
#if 0
		img[i] = new GrayImage(_pView->width(), _pView->height());
		offscreenBuffer.readPixels(0,0,_pView->width(), _pView->height(), img[i]->getArray());
		pm = offscreenBuffer.renderPixmap(_pView->width(), _pView->height());

		if (pm.isNull()) {
			if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) {
				cout << "BuildViewMap Warning: couldn't render the steerable ViewMap" << endl;
		//"steerable") + QString::number(i) + QString(".bmp"), "BMP");
		// FIXME!! Lost of time !
		qimg = pm.toImage();
		// FIXME !! again!
		img[i] = new GrayImage(_pView->width(), _pView->height());
		for (unsigned int y = 0; y < img[i]->height(); ++y) {
			for (unsigned int x = 0; x < img[i]->width(); ++x) {
				//img[i]->setPixel(x, y, (float)qGray(qimg.pixel(x, y)) / 255.0f);
				img[i]->setPixel(x, y, (float)qGray(qimg.pixel(x, y)));
				//float c = qGray(qimg.pixel(x, y));
				//img[i]->setPixel(x, y, qGray(qimg.pixel(x, y)));
		delete ng[i];
		// check
#if 0
		qimg = QImage(_pView->width(), _pView->height(), 32);
		for (unsigned int y = 0; y < img[i]->height(); ++y) {
			for (unsigned int x = 0; x < img[i]->width(); ++x) {
				float v = img[i]->pixel(x, y);
				qimg.setPixel(x, y, qRgb(v, v, v));
		}"newsteerable") + QString::number(i) + QString(".bmp"), "BMP");

	svm->buildImagesPyramids(img, false, 0, 1.0f);
Exemple #3
NodeGroup* PLYFileLoader::Load()
    printf("Loading PLY file %s\n", _FileName);

    FILE * fp = fopen(_FileName, "rt");
    if (fp == NULL)
        printf("ERROR: CANNOT OPEN INPUT FILE %s\n", _FileName);

    // ---------- Read the headers ---------

    char buffer[200];

    unsigned numVertices = 0, numFaces = 0;
    fscanf(fp, "ply\nformat ascii 1.0\n");

    fgets(buffer, 200, fp);
    bool meshSilhouettes = (strcmp(buffer, "comment mesh silhouettes\n") == 0);
    if (!meshSilhouettes && (strcmp(buffer, "comment smooth silhouettes\n") != 0))
        printf("missing comment indicating smooth vs. mesh silhouettes. line: %s\n", buffer);

    fscanf(fp,"element vertex %d\n", &numVertices);
    fscanf(fp, "property float x\nproperty float y\nproperty float z\n");

    fscanf(fp, "property float nx\n");
    fscanf(fp, "property float ny\n");
    fscanf(fp, "property float nz\n");

    fscanf(fp, "property float red\n");
    fscanf(fp, "property float green\n");
    fscanf(fp, "property float blue\n");
    fscanf(fp, "property float ndotv\n");

    fscanf(fp,"element face %d\n", &numFaces);

    if (numVertices <= 0 || numFaces <= 0)
        printf("ERROR:  READING PLY (nv = %d, nf = %d)\n", numVertices, numFaces);

    fscanf(fp, "property list uchar int vertex_index\n");
    fscanf(fp, "property uchar int\n");  // vbf
    fscanf(fp, "end_header\n");

    // ------ Initialize data structures ------

    // create of the scene root node
    _Scene = new NodeGroup;
    NodeShape * shape = new NodeShape;

    // allocate elements for the indexed face set
    real * vertices = new real[3*numVertices];
    unsigned * nvertPerFace = new unsigned[numFaces];
    IndexedFaceSet::TRIANGLES_STYLE * faceStyles = new IndexedFaceSet::TRIANGLES_STYLE[numFaces];
    unsigned * faces = new unsigned[3*numFaces];
    _numFacesRead = numFaces;

    unsigned numNormals = numVertices;
    real * normals = new real[numNormals * 3];
    unsigned * nindices = new unsigned[numFaces * 3];

    int * faceUserData = new int[numFaces];
    float * vertexUserData = new float[numVertices];

    real minBBox[3] = { 0,0,0};
    real maxBBox[3] = { 0,0,0};
    //  real minBBox[3] = { DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX };
    //  real maxBBox[3] = { DBL_MIN, DBL_MIN, DBL_MIN };

    printf("Num Vertices = %d, Num Faces = %d\n", numVertices, numFaces);

    // ------- Read the vertices and faces -----
    for(unsigned i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
        if (feof(fp) != 0)
            printf("UNEXPECTED EOF IN PLY\n");

        // note: should be using strtod

        char buffer[200];
        fgets(buffer, 200, fp);

        real x,y,z, ndotv;
        char * nextptr;

        x = strtod(buffer, &nextptr);
        y = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);
        z = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);

        vertices[3*i] = x;
        vertices[3*i+1] = y;
        vertices[3*i+2] = z;

        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
            if (vertices[3*i+j] < minBBox[j] || i == 0)
                minBBox[j] = vertices[3*i+j];
            if (vertices[3*i+j] > maxBBox[j] || i == 0)
                maxBBox[j] = vertices[3*i+j];

        // per-vertex normals
        real nx, ny, nz;

        nx = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);
        ny = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);
        nz = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);

        Vec3r normal(nx,ny,nz);
        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)

        // per-vertex color
        real red, green, blue;

        red = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);
        green = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);
        blue = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);

        ndotv = strtod(nextptr, &nextptr);
        vertexUserData[i] = ndotv;

        //if (i < 3 || i+4 > numVertices )
        //printf("Vertex %d: %f %f %f (%g %g %g)\n", i, vertices[3*i], vertices[3*i+1], vertices[3*i+2],x,y,z);

    for(unsigned i=0;i<numFaces;i++)
        if (feof(fp) != 0)
            printf("UNEXPECTED EOF IN PLY\n");

        //      char buffer[200];
        //      fgets(buffer, 200, fp);

        int N, v[3], vfint;
        int r = fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d %d\n", &N, &v[0], &v[1], &v[2], &vfint);
        faces[3*i] = 3*v[0];  // why multiply by 3?  no idea (there's a mysterious division by 3 is in WingedEdgeBuilder::buildTriangles)
        faces[3*i+1] = 3*v[1];
        faces[3*i+2] = 3*v[2];
        //      fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d\n", &N, &faces[3*i], &faces[3*i+1], &faces[3*i+2]);

        //      if (i <5  || i +3 > numFaces -1)
        //      	printf("Face %d: %d verts: %d %d %d (r = %d)\n", i, N, v[0], v[1], v[2], r);

        if (N != 3)
            printf("UNEXPECTED NON-TRIANGULAR FACE IN PLY %d: %d vertices)\n", i, N);

        nvertPerFace[i] = N;
        faceStyles[i] = IndexedFaceSet::TRIANGLES;

        faceUserData[i] = vfint;  // vbf goes here

        Vec3r vert[3];
        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
            for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
                vert[j][k] = vertices[3*v[j] + k];

        for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
            real norm = sqrt((vert[j] - vert[(j+1)%3])*(vert[j] - vert[(j+1)%3]));
            if(_minEdgeSize > norm)
                _minEdgeSize = norm;

//        if (meshSilhouettes)  // per-face normals
//        {
//            Vec3r normal = (vert[2] - vert[0]) ^ (vert[1] - vert[0]);
//            normal.normalize();
//            for(int j=0;j<3;j++) // 3 entries of the normal vector
//                normals[3*i+j] = normal[j];
//            for(int j=0;j<3;j++) // normal for each vertex
//                nindices[3*i+j] = 3*i;   // mysterious factor of 3 (see WingedEdgeBuilder::buildTriangles)
//        }
//        else
        for(int j=0;j<3;j++) // per-vertex normals
            nindices[3*i+j] = 3*v[j];

    // -------- create the indexed face set and finish up

    IndexedFaceSet * rep = new IndexedFaceSet(vertices, 3*numVertices, normals, 3*numNormals, NULL, 0, 0, 0,
                                              numFaces, nvertPerFace, faceStyles, faces, 3*numFaces, nindices, 3*numFaces, NULL, 0, NULL, 0,
                                              faceUserData, vertexUserData, 0, meshSilhouettes); // set to zero means it will be deallocated elsewhere


    const BBox<Vec3r> bbox(Vec3r(minBBox[0], minBBox[1], minBBox[2]),
                           Vec3r(maxBBox[0], maxBBox[1], maxBBox[2]));

    //  printf("dbl_min = %f, dbl_max = %f\n", DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX);
    //  printf("bbox: %f, %f, %f ; %f %f %f\n", minBBox[0], minBBox[1], minBBox[2],
    //         maxBBox[0], maxBBox[1], maxBBox[2]);
    //  printf("bbox: %f, %f, %f ; %f %f %f\n", bbox.getMin()[0], bbox.getMin()[1], bbox.getMin()[2],
    //         bbox.getMax()[0], bbox.getMax()[1], bbox.getMax()[2]);

    //Returns the built scene.
    return _Scene;