void QtMultimediaNotificationBackend::ConfigWidget::save()
    NotificationSettings s;
    s.setValue("QtMultimedia/Enabled", ui.enabled->isChecked());
    s.setValue("QtMultimedia/AudioFile", ui.filename->text());
Exemple #2
void SystemTray::init()
    ActionCollection *coll = QtUi::actionCollection("General");
    _minimizeRestoreAction = new Action(tr("&Minimize"), this, this, SLOT(minimizeRestore()));

#ifdef HAVE_KDE
    KMenu *kmenu;
    _trayMenu = kmenu = new KMenu();
    kmenu->addTitle(_activeIcon, "Quassel IRC");
    _trayMenu = new QMenu(associatedWidget());

    _trayMenu->setTitle("Quassel IRC");

#ifndef HAVE_KDE


    connect(_trayMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(trayMenuAboutToShow()));

    NotificationSettings notificationSettings;
    notificationSettings.initAndNotify("Systray/Animate", this, SLOT(enableAnimationChanged(QVariant)), true);
void SystrayNotificationBackend::ConfigWidget::load()
    NotificationSettings s;
    _showBubble = s.value("Systray/ShowBubble", false).toBool();
void TaskbarNotificationBackend::ConfigWidget::save()
    NotificationSettings s;
    s.setValue("Taskbar/Enabled", enabledBox->isChecked());
    s.setValue("Taskbar/Timeout", timeoutBox->value() * 1000);
void DockManagerNotificationBackend::ConfigWidget::load()
    NotificationSettings s;
    enabled = s.value("DockManager/Enabled", false).toBool();

TaskbarNotificationBackend::TaskbarNotificationBackend(QObject* parent)
    : AbstractNotificationBackend(parent)
    NotificationSettings notificationSettings;
    _enabled = notificationSettings.value("Taskbar/Enabled", true).toBool();
    _timeout = notificationSettings.value("Taskbar/Timeout", 0).toInt();

    notificationSettings.notify("Taskbar/Enabled", this, &TaskbarNotificationBackend::enabledChanged);
    notificationSettings.notify("Taskbar/Timeout", this, &TaskbarNotificationBackend::timeoutChanged);
QtMultimediaNotificationBackend::QtMultimediaNotificationBackend(QObject* parent)
    : AbstractNotificationBackend(parent)
    NotificationSettings notificationSettings;
    notificationSettings.notify("QtMultimedia/Enabled", this, &QtMultimediaNotificationBackend::enabledChanged);
    notificationSettings.notify("QtMultimedia/AudioFile", this, &QtMultimediaNotificationBackend::audioFileChanged);

    createMediaObject(notificationSettings.value("QtMultimedia/AudioFile", QString()).toString());

    _enabled = notificationSettings.value("QtMultimedia/Enabled", true).toBool();
void QtMultimediaNotificationBackend::ConfigWidget::load()
    NotificationSettings s;
    _enabled = s.value("QtMultimedia/Enabled", false).toBool();
    _filename = s.value("QtMultimedia/AudioFile", QString()).toString();


void TaskbarNotificationBackend::ConfigWidget::load()
    NotificationSettings s;
    enabled = s.value("Taskbar/Enabled", true).toBool();
    timeout = s.value("Taskbar/Timeout", 0).toInt();

    timeoutBox->setValue(timeout / 1000);

SystrayNotificationBackend::SystrayNotificationBackend(QObject *parent)
    : AbstractNotificationBackend(parent),
    NotificationSettings notificationSettings;
    notificationSettings.initAndNotify("Systray/ShowBubble", this, SLOT(showBubbleChanged(QVariant)), true);
    notificationSettings.initAndNotify("Systray/Animate", this, SLOT(animateChanged(QVariant)), true);

    connect(QtUi::mainWindow()->systemTray(), SIGNAL(messageClicked(uint)), SLOT(notificationActivated(uint)));
    connect(QtUi::mainWindow()->systemTray(), SIGNAL(activated(SystemTray::ActivationReason)),


DockManagerNotificationBackend::DockManagerNotificationBackend(QObject* parent)
    : AbstractNotificationBackend(parent)
    , _bus(QDBusConnection::sessionBus())
    NotificationSettings notificationSettings;
    _enabled = notificationSettings.value("DockManager/Enabled", false).toBool();

    notificationSettings.notify("DockManager/Enabled", this, &DockManagerNotificationBackend::enabledChanged);

    _dock = new QDBusInterface("net.launchpad.DockManager", "/net/launchpad/DockManager", "net.launchpad.DockManager", _bus, this);
    if (_dock->isValid()) {
    else {
        // evil implementations (awn) use fd.o
        _dock = new QDBusInterface("org.freedesktop.DockManager", "/org/freedesktop/DockManager", "org.freedesktop.DockManager", _bus, this);
        if (_dock->isValid()) {
        else {
            _available = _enabled = false;
    _available = true;


    connect(Client::coreConnection(), &CoreConnection::synchronized, this, &DockManagerNotificationBackend::synchronized);
void DockManagerNotificationBackend::ConfigWidget::save()
    NotificationSettings s;
    s.setValue("DockManager/Enabled", enabledBox->isChecked());
void CoreHighlightSettingsPage::importRules()
    NotificationSettings notificationSettings;

    const auto localHighlightList = notificationSettings.highlightList();

    // Re-use translations of "Legacy/Local Highlights" as this is a word-for-word reference,
    // forcing all spaces to non-breaking
    QString localHighlightsName;
    if (Quassel::runMode() == Quassel::Monolithic) {
        localHighlightsName = tr("Legacy Highlights").replace(" ", "&nbsp;");
    } else {
        localHighlightsName = tr("Local Highlights").replace(" ", "&nbsp;");

    if (localHighlightList.count() == 0) {
        // No highlight rules exist to import, do nothing
                                 tr("No highlights to import"),
                                 tr("No highlight rules in <i>%1</i>."

    int ret = QMessageBox::question(this,
                                    tr("Import highlights?"),
                                    tr("Import all highlight rules from <i>%1</i>?"

    if (ret != QMessageBox::Yes) {
        // Only two options, Yes or No, return if not Yes

    auto clonedManager = HighlightRuleManager();

    for (const auto &variant : notificationSettings.highlightList()) {
        auto highlightRule = variant.toMap();



    // Give a heads-up that all succeeded
                             tr("Imported highlights"),
                             tr("%1 highlight rules successfully imported."
void SystrayNotificationBackend::ConfigWidget::save()
    NotificationSettings s;
    s.setValue("Systray/ShowBubble", _showBubbleBox->isChecked());
Exemple #15
bool QtUiApplication::applySettingsMigration(QtUiSettings settings, const uint newVersion)
    switch (newVersion) {
    // Version 0 and 1 aren't valid upgrade paths - one represents no version, the other is the
    // oldest version.  Ignore those, start from 2 and higher.
    // Each missed version will be called in sequence.  E.g. to upgrade from '1' to '3', this
    // function will be called with '2', then '3'.
    // Use explicit scope via { ... } to avoid cross-initialization
    // In most cases, the goal is to preserve the older default values for keys that haven't been
    // saved.  Exceptions will be noted below.
    // NOTE:  If you add new upgrade logic here, you MUST ALSO increase VERSION_MINOR_CURRENT in
    // migrateSettings()!  Otherwise, your upgrade logic won't ever be called.
    case 9:
        // New default changes: show highest sender prefix mode, if available

        // --------
        // ChatView settings
        ChatViewSettings chatViewSettings;
        const QString senderPrefixModeId = "SenderPrefixMode";
        if (!chatViewSettings.valueExists(senderPrefixModeId)) {
            // New default is HighestMode, preserve previous behavior by setting to NoModes
        // --------

        // Migration complete!
        return true;

    case 8:
        // New default changes: RegEx checkbox now toggles Channel regular expressions, too
        // This only affects local highlights.  Core-side highlights weren't released in stable when
        // this change was made, so no need to migrate those.

        // --------
        // NotificationSettings
        NotificationSettings notificationSettings;

        // Check each highlight rule for a "Channel" field.  If one exists, convert to RegEx mode.
        // This might be more efficient with std::transform() or such.  It /is/ only run once...
        auto highlightList = notificationSettings.highlightList();
        bool changesMade = false;
        for (int index = 0; index < highlightList.count(); ++index)
            // Load the highlight rule...
            auto highlightRule = highlightList[index].toMap();

            // Check if "Channel" has anything set and RegEx is disabled
            if (!highlightRule["Channel"].toString().isEmpty()
                    && highlightRule["RegEx"].toBool() == false) {
                // We have a rule to convert

                // Mark as a regular expression, allowing the Channel filtering to work the same as
                // before the upgrade
                highlightRule["RegEx"] = true;

                // Convert the main rule to regular expression, mirroring the conversion to wildcard
                // format from QtUiMessageProcessor::checkForHighlight()
                highlightRule["Name"] =
                        "(^|\\W)" + QRegExp::escape(highlightRule["Name"].toString()) + "(\\W|$)";

                // Save the rule back
                highlightList[index] = highlightRule;
                changesMade = true;

        // Save the modified rules if any changes were made
        if (changesMade) {
        // --------

        // Migration complete!
        return true;
    case 7:
        // New default changes: UseProxy is no longer used in CoreAccountSettings
        CoreAccountSettings s;
        for (auto &&accountId : s.knownAccounts()) {
            auto map = s.retrieveAccountData(accountId);
            if (!map.value("UseProxy", false).toBool()) {
                map["ProxyType"] = static_cast<int>(QNetworkProxy::ProxyType::NoProxy);
            s.storeAccountData(accountId, map);

        // Migration complete!
        return true;
    case 6:
        // New default changes: sender colors switched around to Tango-ish theme

        // --------
        // QtUiStyle settings
        QtUiStyleSettings settingsUiStyleColors("Colors");
        // Preserve the old default values for all variants
        const QColor oldDefaultSenderColorSelf = QColor(0, 0, 0);
        const QList<QColor> oldDefaultSenderColors = QList<QColor> {
            QColor(204,  13, 127),  /// Sender00
            QColor(142,  85, 233),  /// Sender01
            QColor(179,  14,  14),  /// Sender02
            QColor( 23, 179,  57),  /// Sender03
            QColor( 88, 175, 179),  /// Sender04
            QColor(157,  84, 179),  /// Sender05
            QColor(179, 151, 117),  /// Sender06
            QColor( 49, 118, 179),  /// Sender07
            QColor(233,  13, 127),  /// Sender08
            QColor(142,  85, 233),  /// Sender09
            QColor(179,  14,  14),  /// Sender10
            QColor( 23, 179,  57),  /// Sender11
            QColor( 88, 175, 179),  /// Sender12
            QColor(157,  84, 179),  /// Sender13
            QColor(179, 151, 117),  /// Sender14
            QColor( 49, 118, 179),  /// Sender15
        if (!settingsUiStyleColors.valueExists("SenderSelf")) {
            // Preserve the old default sender color if none set
            settingsUiStyleColors.setValue("SenderSelf", oldDefaultSenderColorSelf);
        QString senderColorId;
        for (int i = 0; i < oldDefaultSenderColors.count(); i++) {
            // Get the sender color ID for each available color
            QString dez = QString::number(i);
            if (dez.length() == 1) dez.prepend('0');
            senderColorId = QString("Sender" + dez);
            if (!settingsUiStyleColors.valueExists(senderColorId)) {
                // Preserve the old default sender color if none set
                settingsUiStyleColors.setValue(senderColorId, oldDefaultSenderColors[i]);

        // Update the settings stylesheet with old defaults
        QtUiStyle qtUiStyle;
        // --------

        // Migration complete!
        return true;
    case 5:
        // New default changes: sender colors apply to nearly all messages with nicks

        // --------
        // QtUiStyle settings
        QtUiStyleSettings settingsUiStyleColors("Colors");
        const QString useNickGeneralColorsId = "UseNickGeneralColors";
        if (!settingsUiStyleColors.valueExists(useNickGeneralColorsId)) {
            // New default is true, preserve previous behavior by setting to false
            settingsUiStyleColors.setValue(useNickGeneralColorsId, false);

        // Update the settings stylesheet with old defaults
        QtUiStyle qtUiStyle;
        // --------

        // Migration complete!
        return true;
    case 4:
        // New default changes: system locale used to generate a timestamp format string, deciding
        // 24-hour or 12-hour timestamp.

        // --------
        // ChatView settings
        const QString useCustomTimestampFormatId = "ChatView/__default__/UseCustomTimestampFormat";
        if (!settings.valueExists(useCustomTimestampFormatId)) {
            // New default value is false, preserve previous behavior by setting to true
            settings.setValue(useCustomTimestampFormatId, true);
        // --------

        // Migration complete!
        return true;
    case 3:
        // New default changes: per-chat history and line wrapping enabled by default.

        // --------
        // InputWidget settings
        UiSettings settingsInputWidget("InputWidget");
        const QString enableInputPerChatId = "EnablePerChatHistory";
        if (!settingsInputWidget.valueExists(enableInputPerChatId)) {
            // New default value is true, preserve previous behavior by setting to false
            settingsInputWidget.setValue(enableInputPerChatId, false);

        const QString enableInputLinewrap = "EnableLineWrap";
        if (!settingsInputWidget.valueExists(enableInputLinewrap)) {
            // New default value is true, preserve previous behavior by setting to false
            settingsInputWidget.setValue(enableInputLinewrap, false);
        // --------

        // Migration complete!
        return true;
    case 2:
        // New default changes: sender <nick> brackets disabled, sender colors and sender CTCP
        // colors enabled.

        // --------
        // ChatView settings
        const QString timestampFormatId = "ChatView/__default__/TimestampFormat";
        if (!settings.valueExists(timestampFormatId)) {
            // New default value is " hh:mm:ss", preserve old default of "[hh:mm:ss]"
            settings.setValue(timestampFormatId, "[hh:mm:ss]");

        const QString showSenderBracketsId = "ChatView/__default__/ShowSenderBrackets";
        if (!settings.valueExists(showSenderBracketsId)) {
            // New default is false, preserve previous behavior by setting to true
            settings.setValue(showSenderBracketsId, true);
        // --------

        // --------
        // QtUiStyle settings
        QtUiStyleSettings settingsUiStyleColors("Colors");
        const QString useSenderColorsId = "UseSenderColors";
        if (!settingsUiStyleColors.valueExists(useSenderColorsId)) {
            // New default is true, preserve previous behavior by setting to false
            settingsUiStyleColors.setValue(useSenderColorsId, false);

        const QString useSenderActionColorsId = "UseSenderActionColors";
        if (!settingsUiStyleColors.valueExists(useSenderActionColorsId)) {
            // New default is true, preserve previous behavior by setting to false
            settingsUiStyleColors.setValue(useSenderActionColorsId, false);

        // Update the settings stylesheet with old defaults
        QtUiStyle qtUiStyle;
        // --------

        // Migration complete!
        return true;
        // Something unexpected happened
        return false;