Promise<RefreshResult> Client::Refresh ( String access_token, String client_token, Nullable<Profile> profile ) { // Create JSON request JSON::Object obj; obj.Add( refresh_token_key, std::move(access_token), refresh_client_token_key, std::move(client_token) ); if (!profile.IsNull()) obj.Add( refresh_profile_key, profile->ToJSON() ); // Dispatch request return dispatch<RefreshResult>( refresh_endpoint, std::move(obj) ); }
Promise<AuthenticateResult> Client::Authenticate ( String username, String password, Nullable<String> client_token, Nullable<Agent> agent ) { // Create JSON request JSON::Object obj; obj.Add( auth_username_key, std::move(username), auth_password_key, std::move(password) ); if (!client_token.IsNull()) obj.Add( auth_client_token_key, std::move(*client_token) ); if (!agent.IsNull()) obj.Add( auth_agent_key, agent->ToJSON() ); // Dispatch request return dispatch<AuthenticateResult>( auth_endpoint, std::move(obj) ); }
// void Animation::SetPlaybackRate(double aPlaybackRate) { if (aPlaybackRate == mPlaybackRate) { return; } AutoMutationBatchForAnimation mb(*this); Nullable<TimeDuration> previousTime = GetCurrentTime(); mPlaybackRate = aPlaybackRate; if (!previousTime.IsNull()) { SetCurrentTime(previousTime.Value()); } // In the case where GetCurrentTime() returns the same result before and // after updating mPlaybackRate, SetCurrentTime will return early since, // as far as it can tell, nothing has changed. // As a result, we need to perform the following updates here: // - update timing (since, if the sign of the playback rate has changed, our // finished state may have changed), // - dispatch a change notification for the changed playback rate, and // - update the playback rate on animations on layers. UpdateTiming(SeekFlag::DidSeek, SyncNotifyFlag::Async); if (IsRelevant()) { nsNodeUtils::AnimationChanged(this); } PostUpdate(); }
void WebGLContext::GetSupportedExtensions(JSContext *cx, Nullable< nsTArray<nsString> > &retval) { retval.SetNull(); if (IsContextLost()) return; nsTArray<nsString>& arr = retval.SetValue(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(WebGLExtensionID_max); i++) { WebGLExtensionID extension = WebGLExtensionID(i); if (IsExtensionSupported(cx, extension)) { arr.AppendElement(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(GetExtensionString(extension))); } } /** * We keep backward compatibility for these deprecated vendor-prefixed * alias. Do not add new ones anymore. Hide it behind the * webgl.enable-draft-extensions flag instead. */ if (IsExtensionSupported(cx, WEBGL_lose_context)) arr.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_STRING("MOZ_WEBGL_lose_context")); if (IsExtensionSupported(cx, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc)) arr.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_STRING("MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc")); if (IsExtensionSupported(cx, WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc)) arr.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_STRING("MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc")); if (IsExtensionSupported(cx, WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc)) arr.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_STRING("MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc")); if (IsExtensionSupported(cx, WEBGL_depth_texture)) arr.AppendElement(NS_LITERAL_STRING("MOZ_WEBGL_depth_texture")); }
void AnimationPlayer::DoPlay() { // FIXME: When we implement finishing behavior (bug 1074630) we will // need to pass a flag so that when we start playing due to a change in // animation-play-state we *don't* trigger finishing behavior. Nullable<TimeDuration> currentTime = GetCurrentTime(); if (currentTime.IsNull()) { mHoldTime.SetValue(TimeDuration(0)); } else if (mHoldTime.IsNull()) { // If the hold time is null, we are already playing normally return; } // Clear ready promise. We'll create a new one lazily. mReady = nullptr; mIsPending = true; nsIDocument* doc = GetRenderedDocument(); if (!doc) { StartOnNextTick(Nullable<TimeDuration>()); return; } PendingPlayerTracker* tracker = doc->GetOrCreatePendingPlayerTracker(); tracker->AddPlayPending(*this); // We may have updated the current time when we set the hold time above // so notify source content. UpdateSourceContent(); }
/** * @return true, if row number was adjusted, false otherwise */ static bool AdjustRowNumber(Nullable<Codeword>& codeword, const Nullable<Codeword>& otherCodeword) { if (codeword != nullptr && otherCodeword != nullptr && otherCodeword.value().hasValidRowNumber() && otherCodeword.value().bucket() == codeword.value().bucket()) { codeword.value().setRowNumber(otherCodeword.value().rowNumber()); return true; } return false; }
// Helper function for converting values of char * to Nullable<std::wstring> Nullable<std::wstring> GetNullableWString(const std::string& value) { Nullable<std::wstring> ret; std::wstring str = Utils::ConvertToUtf16(value); wprintf(L"%ls\n", str.c_str()); ret.SetValue(str); return ret; }
bool HTMLElementImp::evalNoWrap(HTMLElementImp* element) { Nullable<std::u16string> value = element->getAttribute(u"nowrap"); if (value.hasValue()) { element->getStyle().setProperty(u"white-space", u"nowrap", u"non-css"); return true; } return false; }
bool HTMLElementImp::evalValign(HTMLElementImp* element) { Nullable<std::u16string> value = element->getAttribute(u"valign"); if (value.hasValue()) { element->getStyle().setProperty(u"vertical-align", value.value(), u"non-css"); return true; } return false; }
void MessageEvent::GetSource(Nullable<OwningWindowProxyOrMessagePort>& aValue) const { if (mWindowSource) { aValue.SetValue().SetAsWindowProxy() = mWindowSource; } else if (mPortSource) { aValue.SetValue().SetAsMessagePort() = mPortSource; } }
tagger(CharacterVector dict, CharacterVector model, CharacterVector user,Nullable<CharacterVector> stop) : dict_path(dict[0]), model_path(model[0]), user_path(user[0]), stopWords(unordered_set<string>()), taggerseg(dict_path, model_path, user_path) { if(!stop.isNull()){ CharacterVector stop_value = stop.get(); const char *const stop_path = stop_value[0]; _loadStopWordDict(stop_path,stopWords); } }
void Animation::SilentlySetPlaybackRate(double aPlaybackRate) { Nullable<TimeDuration> previousTime = GetCurrentTime(); mPlaybackRate = aPlaybackRate; if (!previousTime.IsNull()) { SilentlySetCurrentTime(previousTime.Value()); } }
/* static */ nsresult IccContact::Create(mozContact& aMozContact, nsIIccContact** aIccContact) { *aIccContact = nullptr; ErrorResult er; // Id nsAutoString id; aMozContact.GetId(id, er); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(er.StealNSResult(), NS_ERROR_FAILURE); // Names Nullable<nsTArray<nsString>> names; aMozContact.GetName(names, er); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(er.StealNSResult(), NS_ERROR_FAILURE); if (names.IsNull()) { // Set as Empty nsTarray<nsString> for IccContact constructor. names.SetValue(); } // Numbers Nullable<nsTArray<ContactTelField>> nullableNumberList; aMozContact.GetTel(nullableNumberList, er); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(er.StealNSResult(), NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsTArray<nsString> numbers; if (!nullableNumberList.IsNull()) { const nsTArray<ContactTelField>& numberList = nullableNumberList.Value(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberList.Length(); i++) { if (numberList[i].mValue.WasPassed()) { numbers.AppendElement(numberList[i].mValue.Value()); } } } // Emails Nullable<nsTArray<ContactField>> nullableEmailList; aMozContact.GetEmail(nullableEmailList, er); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(er.StealNSResult(), NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsTArray<nsString> emails; if (!nullableEmailList.IsNull()) { const nsTArray<ContactField>& emailList = nullableEmailList.Value(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < emailList.Length(); i++) { if (emailList[i].mValue.WasPassed()) { emails.AppendElement(emailList[i].mValue.Value()); } } } nsCOMPtr<nsIIccContact> iccContact = new IccContact(id, names.Value(), numbers, emails); iccContact.forget(aIccContact); return NS_OK; }
bool HTMLElementImp::evalBackground(HTMLElementImp* element) { Nullable<std::u16string> attr = element->getAttribute(u"background"); if (attr.hasValue()) { css::CSSStyleDeclaration style = element->getStyle(); style.setProperty(u"background-image", u"url(" + attr.value() + u")", u"non-css"); return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the device context. /// </summary> void BaseTelemetryContext::InitDevice() { Nullable<std::wstring> strOs; strOs.SetValue(L"Windows"); device.SetOs(strOs); Nullable<std::wstring> strType; strType.SetValue(L"Other"); device.SetType(strType); }
bool HTMLElementImp::evalColor(HTMLElementImp* element, const std::u16string& attr, const std::u16string& prop) { Nullable<std::u16string> value = element->getAttribute(attr); if (value.hasValue()) { css::CSSStyleDeclaration style = element->getStyle(); style.setProperty(prop, value.value(), u"non-css"); return true; } return false; }
void Animation::SilentlySetPlaybackRate(double aPlaybackRate) { Nullable<TimeDuration> previousTime = GetCurrentTime(); mPlaybackRate = aPlaybackRate; if (!previousTime.IsNull()) { ErrorResult rv; SilentlySetCurrentTime(previousTime.Value()); MOZ_ASSERT(!rv.Failed(), "Should not assert for non-null time"); } }
void FileList::Item(uint32_t aIndex, Nullable<OwningFileOrDirectory>& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) const { if (aIndex >= mFilesOrDirectories.Length()) { aValue.SetNull(); return; } aValue.SetValue(mFilesOrDirectories[aIndex]); }
NS_IMETHODIMP QuotaManagerService::ClearStoragesForPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, const nsACString& aPersistenceType, bool aClearAll, nsIQuotaRequest** _retval) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); MOZ_ASSERT(aPrincipal); nsCString suffix; aPrincipal->OriginAttributesRef().CreateSuffix(suffix); if (NS_WARN_IF(aClearAll && !suffix.IsEmpty())) { // The originAttributes should be default originAttributes when the // aClearAll flag is set. return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } RefPtr<Request> request = new Request(aPrincipal); ClearOriginParams params; nsresult rv = CheckedPrincipalToPrincipalInfo(aPrincipal, params.principalInfo()); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } Nullable<PersistenceType> persistenceType; rv = NullablePersistenceTypeFromText(aPersistenceType, &persistenceType); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } if (persistenceType.IsNull()) { params.persistenceTypeIsExplicit() = false; } else { params.persistenceType() = persistenceType.Value(); params.persistenceTypeIsExplicit() = true; } params.clearAll() = aClearAll; nsAutoPtr<PendingRequestInfo> info(new RequestInfo(request, params)); rv = InitiateRequest(info); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } request.forget(_retval); return NS_OK; }
bool Animation::IsFinished() const { // Unfortunately there's some weirdness in the spec at the moment where if // you're finished and paused, the playState is paused. This prevents us // from just checking |PlayState() == AnimationPlayState::Finished| here, // and we need this much more messy check to see if we're finished. Nullable<TimeDuration> currentTime = GetCurrentTime(); return !currentTime.IsNull() && ((mPlaybackRate > 0.0 && currentTime.Value() >= EffectEnd()) || (mPlaybackRate < 0.0 && currentTime.Value().ToMilliseconds() <= 0.0)); }
void TestDatabase::Test2() { cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl; bool wasCaught = false; try { Database db("localhost", "root", "", "sakila", 0, NULL, 0); db.Connect(); UTASSERT(db.IsConnected()); Statement stmt(db, "SELECT * from COUNTRY"); stmt.Execute(); int testId = 0; std::string lastCountry; while (stmt.FetchNextRow()) { testId++; Nullable<unsigned short int> countryId = stmt.GetUShortDataInRow(0); Nullable<std::string> countryName = stmt.GetStringDataInRow(1); Nullable<Julian> lastUpdate = stmt.GetTimeDataInRow(2); UTASSERT(testId == (*countryId)); GregorianBreakdown gb = lastUpdate->to_gregorian(0); UTASSERT(gb.year == 2006); UTASSERT(gb.month == 2); UTASSERT( == 15); if (testId > 1) { UTASSERT(countryName.deref() > lastCountry); } lastCountry = countryName.deref(); } UTASSERT(testId == 109); } catch (const DatabaseException &de) { cout << de << endl; wasCaught = true; } catch (const UTFail &fail) { throw; } catch (const JulianException &je) { cout << je.what() << endl; wasCaught = true; } catch (...) { cout << "random exception caught" << endl; wasCaught = true; } UTASSERT(! wasCaught); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "trolley"); boost::thread spin_thread(&spinThread); ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::Publisher ledPublisher = nh.advertise<kinect_motor::LED>("led", 10); ros::Publisher motor = nh.advertise<kinect_motor::angle>("angle", 10); cout << "Start" << endl; // Prostredi. Environment * environment = new Environment(); // Nacteni prostredi ze souboru. environment->Load("configuration.xml"); // Rizeni pohybu robota. Control control(environment); while (ros::ok()) { // Pozice osoby. NITE. Nullable<XnPoint3D> userPosition = User::getInstance().UserPosition(); // Rizeni pohybu robota. control.Position(userPosition); if (userPosition.HasValue()) { // Osoba byla detekovana. // Rozsvit celni diodu. kinect_motor::LED msg; msg.ledColor = 2; ledPublisher.publish(msg); } else { // Zhasni celni diodu. kinect_motor::LED msg; msg.ledColor = 0; ledPublisher.publish(msg); } } cout << "Finished" << endl; spin_thread.join(); delete environment; return 0; }
void Animation::SetCurrentTimeAsDouble(const Nullable<double>& aCurrentTime, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (aCurrentTime.IsNull()) { if (!GetCurrentTime().IsNull()) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_TYPE_ERR); } return; } return SetCurrentTime(TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(aCurrentTime.Value())); }
bool HTMLElementImp::evalPxOrPercentage(HTMLElementImp* element, const std::u16string& attr, const std::u16string& prop) { Nullable<std::u16string> value = element->getAttribute(attr); if (value.hasValue()) { std::u16string length = value.value(); if (toPxOrPercentage(length)) { css::CSSStyleDeclaration style = element->getStyle(); style.setProperty(prop, length, u"non-css"); return true; } } return false; }
void WebGLContext::BufferData(GLenum target, const Nullable<ArrayBuffer> &maybeData, GLenum usage) { if (IsContextLost()) return; if (maybeData.IsNull()) { // see return ErrorInvalidValue("bufferData: null object passed"); } WebGLRefPtr<WebGLBuffer>* bufferSlot = GetBufferSlotByTarget(target, "bufferData"); if (!bufferSlot) { return; } const ArrayBuffer& data = maybeData.Value(); data.ComputeLengthAndData(); // Careful: data.Length() could conceivably be any uint32_t, but GLsizeiptr // is like intptr_t. if (!CheckedInt<GLsizeiptr>(data.Length()).isValid()) return ErrorOutOfMemory("bufferData: bad size"); if (!ValidateBufferUsageEnum(usage, "bufferData: usage")) return; WebGLBuffer* boundBuffer = bufferSlot->get(); if (!boundBuffer) return ErrorInvalidOperation("bufferData: no buffer bound!"); MakeContextCurrent(); InvalidateBufferFetching(); GLenum error = CheckedBufferData(target, data.Length(), data.Data(), usage); if (error) { GenerateWarning("bufferData generated error %s", ErrorName(error)); return; } boundBuffer->SetByteLength(data.Length()); if (!boundBuffer->ElementArrayCacheBufferData(data.Data(), data.Length())) { return ErrorOutOfMemory("bufferData: out of memory"); } }
// [[Rcpp::export]] List get_idf_cpp(List x,Nullable<CharacterVector> stop_) { IDFmap m; for(ListOf<CharacterVector>::iterator it = x.begin();it != x.end();it++){ unsigned int dis = distance( x.begin(), it ); auto tmp = as<CharacterVector>(*it); inner_find(tmp,m,dis); } vector<string> sts; vector<double> stn; sts.reserve(m.size()); stn.reserve(m.size()); unordered_set<string> st; double xsize = x.size(); if(!stop_.isNull()){ CharacterVector stop_value = stop_.get(); const char *const stop_path = stop_value[0]; _loadStopWordDict(stop_path,st); for(auto its= m.begin();its!=m.end();its++){ if(st.find((*its).first) ==st.end()){ sts.push_back((*its).first); stn.push_back( log(xsize / (*its).second.second) ); } } }else{ for(auto its= m.begin();its!=m.end();its++){ sts.push_back((*its).first); stn.push_back((*its).second.second); } } vector<string> row_names; row_names.reserve(sts.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sts.size(); ++i) { row_names.emplace_back(int64tos(i)); } List res = List::create(_["name"] = wrap(sts),_["count"] = wrap(stn)); res.attr("row.names") = row_names; res.attr("names") = CharacterVector::create("name","count"); res.attr("class") = "data.frame"; return res; }
bool HTMLElementImp::evalVspace(HTMLElementImp* element, const std::u16string& prop) { Nullable<std::u16string> value = element->getAttribute(prop); if (value.hasValue()) { std::u16string px = value.value(); if (toPx(px)) { css::CSSStyleDeclaration style = element->getStyle(); style.setProperty(u"margin-top", px, u"non-css"); style.setProperty(u"margin-bottom", px, u"non-css"); return true; } } return false; }
bool HTMLElementImp::evalBorder(HTMLElementImp* element) { Nullable<std::u16string> value = element->getAttribute(u"border"); if (value.hasValue()) { std::u16string px = value.value(); if (toPx(px)) { css::CSSStyleDeclaration style = element->getStyle(); style.setProperty(u"border-width", px, u"non-css"); style.setProperty(u"border-style", u"solid", u"non-css"); return true; } } return false; }
bool CSymbolEntry::CollectMargin(const CTradeEntry& entry) { Nullable<double> value = entry.GetMargin(); if (!value.HasValue()) { return false; } double margin = value.Value(); if (TradeType_Position == entry.GetType()) { if (TradeSide_Buy == entry.GetSide()) { m_buyPositionsMargin += margin; } else { m_sellPositionsMargin += margin; } } else if (TradeType_Limit == entry.GetType()) { if (TradeSide_Buy == entry.GetSide()) { m_buyLimitOrdersMargin += margin; } else { m_sellLimitOrdersMargin += margin; } } else if (TradeType_Stop == entry.GetType()) { if (TradeSide_Buy == entry.GetSide()) { m_buyStopOrdersMargin += margin; } else { m_sellStopOrdersMargin += margin; } } else { throw runtime_error("CSymbolEntry::CollectMargin() unknown type"); } return true; }
bool EventTarget::ComputeWantsUntrusted(const Nullable<bool>& aWantsUntrusted, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (!aWantsUntrusted.IsNull()) { return aWantsUntrusted.Value(); } bool defaultWantsUntrusted = ComputeDefaultWantsUntrusted(aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return false; } return defaultWantsUntrusted; }