//Compute MFCC's of the audio vector specified by audioIn Number2DArray MfccManager::computeFeatures( NumberArray audioIn) { Number2DArray mfcc_13dim; NumberArray filtAudio(audioIn.size(), 0); Dsp::prEmpFilter(audioIn, filtAudio); int hopLen = 0.01 * m_Fs; // --------- Main Algo starts here ---------// int frame, newest; for (newest = 0, frame = 0; newest < ((int) audioIn.size() - m_winLen); newest = newest + hopLen, frame++) // { NumberArray input(m_winLen, 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < m_winLen; i++) { input[i] = filtAudio[newest + i] * hammWindow[i]; } NumberArray mfccValues = mfcc.calculate(input); mfcc_13dim.push_back(mfccValues); } Number2DArray mfcc_13_cmn; mfcc_13_cmn = cepstralMeanNormalize(mfcc_13dim); // Calculate Delta/Double-Delta features return computeDeltaFeatures(mfcc_13_cmn); }
double evaluate_q (const NumberArray<NDIM, RawScalar>& xyz) { typedef DualNumber<RawScalar, NumberArray<NDIM, RawScalar> > FirstDerivType; typedef DualNumber<FirstDerivType, NumberArray<NDIM, FirstDerivType> > SecondDerivType; typedef DualNumber<SecondDerivType, NumberArray<NDIM, SecondDerivType> > ThirdDerivType; typedef ThirdDerivType ADScalar; // Treat velocity as a vector NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> U; ADScalar x = ADScalar(xyz[0],NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 0, RawScalar>::value()); ADScalar y = ADScalar(xyz[1],NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 1, RawScalar>::value()); ADScalar z = ADScalar(xyz[2],NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 2, RawScalar>::value()); // Arbitrary manufactured solutions U[0] = a * helper_f(x) + helper_g(y).derivatives()[1] + helper_h(z).derivatives()[2]; U[1] = b * helper_f(x).derivatives()[0] + helper_g(y) + helper_h(z).derivatives()[2]; U[2] = c * helper_f(x).derivatives()[0] + helper_g(y).derivatives()[1] + helper_h(z); ADScalar P = d * helper_f(x) + helper_gt(y) + helper_h(z); // NS equation residuals NumberArray<NDIM, RawScalar> Q_rho_u = raw_value( // convective term divergence(U.outerproduct(U)) // pressure - P.derivatives() // dissipation + nu * divergence(gradient(U))); return raw_value(Q_rho_u[0]); }
int main() { NumberArray first(3, 10.5); //Make second a copy of first object NumberArray second = first; // Display the values of the two objects cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint; cout << "Value stored in first object is "; first.print(); cout << "\nValue stored in second object is "; second.print(); cout << "\nOnly the value in second object will " << "be changed.\n"; //Now change value stored in second object second.setValue(20.5); // Display the values stored in the two objects cout << "Value stored in first object is "; first.print(); cout << endl << "Value stored in second object is "; second.print(); return 0; }
Scalar MASA::navierstokes_3d_incompressible<Scalar>::eval_q_u(Scalar x1, Scalar y1, Scalar z1) { typedef DualNumber<Scalar, NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar> > FirstDerivType; typedef DualNumber<FirstDerivType, NumberArray<NDIM, FirstDerivType> > SecondDerivType; typedef DualNumber<SecondDerivType, NumberArray<NDIM, SecondDerivType> > ThirdDerivType; typedef ThirdDerivType ADScalar; // Treat velocity as a vector NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> U; ADScalar x = ADScalar(x1,NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 0, Scalar>::value()); ADScalar y = ADScalar(y1,NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 1, Scalar>::value()); ADScalar z = ADScalar(z1,NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 2, Scalar>::value()); // Arbitrary manufactured solutions U[0] = a * helper_f(beta,kx,x) * helper_g(y).derivatives()[1] * helper_h(gamma,kz,z).derivatives()[2]; U[1] = b * helper_f(beta,kx,x).derivatives()[0] * helper_g(y) * helper_h(gamma,kz,z).derivatives()[2]; U[2] = c * helper_f(beta,kx,x).derivatives()[0] * helper_g(y).derivatives()[1] * helper_h(gamma,kz,z); ADScalar P = d * helper_f(beta,kx,x) * helper_gt(y) * helper_h(gamma,kz,z); // NS equation residuals NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar> Q_rho_u = raw_value( // convective term divergence(U.outerproduct(U)) // pressure - P.derivatives() // dissipation + nu * divergence(gradient(U))); return -Q_rho_u[0]; }
Scalar MASA::ad_cns_3d_crossterms<Scalar>::eval_q_e(Scalar x1, Scalar y1, Scalar z1) const { using std::cos; typedef DualNumber<Scalar, NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar> > FirstDerivType; typedef DualNumber<FirstDerivType, NumberArray<NDIM, FirstDerivType> > SecondDerivType; typedef SecondDerivType ADScalar; // Treat velocity as a vector NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> U; const ADScalar x = ADScalar(x1,NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 0, Scalar>::value()); const ADScalar y = ADScalar(y1,NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 1, Scalar>::value()); const ADScalar z = ADScalar(z1,NumberArrayUnitVector<NDIM, 2, Scalar>::value()); // Arbitrary manufactured solution U[0] = u_0 + u_x * cos(a_ux * PI * x / L) * u_y * cos(a_uy * PI * y / L) * cos(a_uy * PI * z / L); U[1] = v_0 + v_x * cos(a_vx * PI * x / L) * v_y * cos(a_vy * PI * y / L) * cos(a_vy * PI * z / L); U[2] = w_0 + w_x * cos(a_wx * PI * x / L) * w_y * cos(a_wy * PI * y / L) * cos(a_wy * PI * z / L); ADScalar RHO = rho_0 + rho_x * cos(a_rhox * PI * x / L) * rho_y * cos(a_rhoy * PI * y / L) * cos(a_rhoz * PI * z / L); ADScalar P = p_0 + p_x * cos(a_px * PI * x / L) * p_y * cos(a_py * PI * y / L) * cos(a_pz * PI * z / L); // Temperature ADScalar T = P / RHO / R; // Perfect gas energies ADScalar E = 1./(Gamma-1.)*P/RHO; ADScalar ET = E + .5 * U.dot(U); // The shear strain tensor NumberArray<NDIM, typename ADScalar::derivatives_type> GradU = gradient(U); // The identity tensor I NumberArray<NDIM, NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar> > Identity = NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar>::identity(); // The shear stress tensor NumberArray<NDIM, NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> > Tau = mu * (GradU + transpose(GradU) - 2./3.*divergence(U)*Identity); // Temperature flux NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> q = -k * T.derivatives(); // Euler equation residuals // Scalar Q_rho = raw_value(divergence(RHO*U)); // NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar> Q_rho_u = // raw_value(divergence(RHO*U.outerproduct(U) - Tau) + P.derivatives()); // energy equation Scalar Q_rho_e = raw_value(divergence((RHO*ET+P)*U + q - Tau.dot(U))); return Q_rho_e; }
/** * Calculates MFCC given audio frame */ NumberArray Mfcc::calculate( NumberArrayRef audioFrame) { //------------calculate FFT-spectrum------------------// NumberArray realPart = audioFrame; realPart.resize(m_fftSize, 0.0); // zero padding NumberArray imagPart(m_fftSize, 0.0); Dsp::fft(Dsp::FORWARD_FFT, m_pow2Size, m_fftSize, realPart, imagPart); //---------Calculate LOG of( Mel-spectrum)------------------// NumberArray filterOutput = m_bank.applyFilter(realPart, imagPart); //---------Calculate Mel-cepstrum------------------// return m_dct.applyDct(filterOutput); }
Number2DArray MfccManager::readFeatFile( string featDir, string fileId) { Number2DArray featMat; ifstream featFile((featDir + "/" + fileId + ".mfc").c_str()); string line; if (featFile.is_open()) { while (getline(featFile, line)) { NumberArray featVec; Number featVal; stringstream ss(line); while (ss >> featVal) { featVec.push_back(featVal); } featMat.push_back(featVec); } featFile.close(); } else {
int main() { NumberArray first(3, 10.5); NumberArray second = first; std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << std::showpoint; std::cout << "Value stored in first object is "; first.print(); std::cout << std::endl << "Value stored in second object is "; second.print(); std::cout << std::endl << "Only the value in second object is " << "will be changed." << std::endl; second.setValue(20.5); std::cout << "Value stored in firs object is "; first.print(); std::cout << std::endl << "Value stored in second object is"; second.print(); return 0; }
int main(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[]) { NumberArray numberArray; std::copy(Counting(0), Counting(upperLimitSqrt), numberArray.begin()); NumberArray squareArray; std::transform(numberArray.begin(), numberArray.end(), squareArray.begin(), boost::math::pow<2, Number>); NumberArray squareSumArray; Number sum = 0; for_each_indexed(squareArray.begin(), squareArray.end(), [&](Number n, size_t i) { sum += n; squareSumArray[i] = sum; }); //Number result = 0; std::set<Number> resultSet; for_distinct_collection(squareSumArray.begin(), squareSumArray.end(), 2, [&](std::vector<NumberArray::iterator>::iterator begin, std::vector<NumberArray::iterator>::iterator end) { Number number = **(begin+1) - **begin; if (number >= upperLimit) { return; } std::string s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(number); if (1 == (*(begin+1) - *begin)) { return; } if (isPalindromic(s.begin(), s.end())) { //std::cout << *begin - squareSumArray.begin() << " " << *(begin+1) - squareSumArray.begin() << std::endl; //std::cout << "@ " << number << std::endl; //std::cout << std::endl; resultSet.insert(number); //result += number; } } ); std::cout << std::accumulate(resultSet.begin(), resultSet.end(), 0L) << std::endl; }
double evaluate_q (const NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar>& xyz, const int ret) { typedef typename RawType<ADScalar>::value_type Scalar; const Scalar PI = std::acos(Scalar(-1)); const Scalar k = 1.38; const Scalar u_0 = 200.23; const Scalar u_x = 1.1; const Scalar u_y = 1.08; const Scalar v_0 = 1.2; const Scalar v_x = 1.6; const Scalar v_y = .47; const Scalar rho_0 = 100.02; const Scalar rho_x = 2.22; const Scalar rho_y = 0.8; const Scalar p_0 = 150.2; const Scalar p_x = .91; const Scalar p_y = .623; const Scalar a_px = .165; const Scalar a_py = .612; const Scalar a_rhox = 1.0; const Scalar a_rhoy = 1.0; const Scalar a_ux = .1987; const Scalar a_uy = 1.189; const Scalar a_vx = 1.91; const Scalar a_vy = 1.0; const Scalar Gamma = 1.01; const Scalar mu = .918; const Scalar L = 3.02; const ADScalar& x = xyz[0]; const ADScalar& y = xyz[1]; // Treat velocity as a vector NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> U; // Arbitrary manufactured solution U[0] = u_0 + u_x * std::sin(a_ux * PI * x / L) + u_y * std::cos(a_uy * PI * y / L); U[1] = v_0 + v_x * std::cos(a_vx * PI * x / L) + v_y * std::sin(a_vy * PI * y / L); ADScalar RHO = rho_0 + rho_x * std::sin(a_rhox * PI * x / L) + rho_y * std::cos(a_rhoy * PI * y / L); ADScalar P = p_0 + p_x * std::cos(a_px * PI * x / L) + p_y * std::sin(a_py * PI * y / L); // Perfect gas energies ADScalar E = 1./(Gamma-1.)*P/RHO; ADScalar ET = E + .5 * U.dot(U); // Euler equation residuals Scalar Q_rho = raw_value(divergence(RHO*U)); NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar> Q_rho_u = raw_value(divergence(RHO*U.outerproduct(U)) + P.derivatives()); // energy equation Scalar Q_rho_e = raw_value(divergence((RHO*ET+P)*U)); // Scalar Q_rho_e = raw_value(divergence((RHO*U*ET)+(P*U))); switch(ret) { // u case 1: return Q_rho_u[0]; break; // v case 2: return Q_rho_u[1]; break; // rho case 3: return Q_rho; break; // energy case 4: return Q_rho_e; break; default: std::cout << "something is wrong!\n"; exit; } return 0; }
double evaluate_q (const NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar>& xyz, const int ret) { typedef typename RawType<ADScalar>::value_type Scalar; const Scalar PI = std::acos(Scalar(-1)); const Scalar R = masa_get_param("R"); const Scalar u_0 = masa_get_param("u_0"); const Scalar u_x = masa_get_param("u_x"); const Scalar u_y = masa_get_param("u_y"); const Scalar v_0 = masa_get_param("v_0"); const Scalar v_x = masa_get_param("v_x"); const Scalar v_y = masa_get_param("v_y"); const Scalar rho_0 = masa_get_param("rho_0"); const Scalar rho_x = masa_get_param("rho_x"); const Scalar rho_y = masa_get_param("rho_y"); const Scalar p_0 = masa_get_param("p_0"); const Scalar p_x = masa_get_param("p_x"); const Scalar p_y = masa_get_param("p_y"); const Scalar a_px = masa_get_param("a_px"); const Scalar a_py = masa_get_param("a_py"); const Scalar a_rhox = masa_get_param("a_rhox"); const Scalar a_rhoy = masa_get_param("a_rhoy"); const Scalar a_ux = masa_get_param("a_ux"); const Scalar a_uy = masa_get_param("a_uy"); const Scalar a_vx = masa_get_param("a_vx"); const Scalar a_vy = masa_get_param("a_vy"); const Scalar Gamma = masa_get_param("Gamma"); const Scalar L = masa_get_param("L"); const Scalar mu = masa_get_param("mu"); const Scalar k = masa_get_param("k"); const ADScalar& x = xyz[0]; const ADScalar& y = xyz[1]; // Treat velocity as a vector NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> U; // Arbitrary manufactured solution U[0] = u_0 + u_x * std::cos(a_ux * PI * x / L) * u_y * std::cos(a_uy * PI * y / L); U[1] = v_0 + v_x * std::cos(a_vx * PI * x / L) * v_y * std::cos(a_vy * PI * y / L); ADScalar RHO = rho_0 + rho_x * std::cos(a_rhox * PI * x / L) * rho_y * std::cos(a_rhoy * PI * y / L); ADScalar P = p_0 + p_x * std::cos(a_px * PI * x / L) * p_y * std::cos(a_py * PI * y / L); // Temperature ADScalar T = P / RHO / R; // Perfect gas energies ADScalar E = 1./(Gamma-1.)*P/RHO; ADScalar ET = E + .5 * U.dot(U); // The shear strain tensor NumberArray<NDIM, typename ADScalar::derivatives_type> GradU = gradient(U); // The identity tensor I NumberArray<NDIM, NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar> > Identity = NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar>::identity(); // The shear stress tensor NumberArray<NDIM, NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> > Tau = mu * (GradU + transpose(GradU) - 2./3.*divergence(U)*Identity); // Temperature flux NumberArray<NDIM, ADScalar> q = -k * T.derivatives(); // Euler equation residuals Scalar Q_rho = raw_value(divergence(RHO*U)); NumberArray<NDIM, Scalar> Q_rho_u = raw_value(divergence(RHO*U.outerproduct(U) - Tau) + P.derivatives()); // energy equation Scalar Q_rho_e = raw_value(divergence((RHO*ET+P)*U + q - Tau.dot(U))); switch(ret) { // u case 1: return Q_rho_u[0]; break; // v case 2: return Q_rho_u[1]; break; // rho case 3: return Q_rho; break; // energy case 4: return Q_rho_e; break; default: std::cout << "something is wrong!\n"; exit(1); } }
int main( int argc, const char** argv ) { // Flags for various UI features bool pause = false; // pause playback? bool printFrames = false; // print frame number? int frameDisplayFrequency = 1; // Read through command line args, extract // cmd line parameters and input filename Args args; if (!args.processArgs(argc, argv)) return -2; string windowName = "Bin detection"; // GUI window name string capPath; // Output directory for captured images MediaIn* cap; openMedia(args.inputName, cap, capPath, windowName, !args.batchMode); if (!args.batchMode) namedWindow(windowName, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // Seek to start frame if necessary if (args.frameStart > 0) cap->frameCounter(args.frameStart); Mat frame; // Minimum size of a bin at ~30 feet distance // TODO : Verify this once camera is calibrated if (args.ds) minDetectSize = cap->width() * 0.07; else minDetectSize = cap->width() * 0.195; // If UI is up, pop up the parameters window if (!args.batchMode) { string detectWindowName = "Detection Parameters"; namedWindow(detectWindowName); createTrackbar ("Scale", detectWindowName, &scale, 50, NULL); createTrackbar ("Neighbors", detectWindowName, &neighbors, 50, NULL); createTrackbar ("Min Detect", detectWindowName, &minDetectSize, 200, NULL); createTrackbar ("Max Detect", detectWindowName, &maxDetectSize, max(cap->width(), cap->height()), NULL); } // Create list of tracked objects // recycling bins are 24" wide TrackedObjectList binTrackingList(24.0, cap->width()); NetworkTable::SetClientMode(); NetworkTable::SetIPAddress(""); NetworkTable *netTable = NetworkTable::GetTable("VisionTable"); const size_t netTableArraySize = 7; // 7 bins? NumberArray netTableArray; // 7 bins max, 3 entries each (confidence, distance, angle) netTableArray.setSize(netTableArraySize * 3); // Code to write video frames to avi file on disk VideoWriter outputVideo; VideoWriter markedupVideo; args.writeVideo = netTable->GetBoolean("WriteVideo", args.writeVideo); const int videoWritePollFrequency = 30; // check for network table entry every this many frames (~5 seconds or so) int videoWritePollCount = videoWritePollFrequency; FrameTicker frameTicker; DetectState detectState( ClassifierIO(args.classifierBaseDir, args.classifierDirNum, args.classifierStageNum), gpu::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0); // Start of the main loop // -- grab a frame // -- update the angle of tracked objects // -- do a cascade detect on the current frame // -- add those newly detected objects to the list of tracked objects while(cap->getNextFrame(frame, pause)) { frameTicker.start(); // start time for this frame if (--videoWritePollCount == 0) { args.writeVideo = netTable->GetBoolean("WriteVideo", args.writeVideo); videoWritePollCount = videoWritePollFrequency; } if (args.writeVideo) writeVideoToFile(outputVideo, getVideoOutName().c_str(), frame, netTable, true); //TODO : grab angle delta from robot // Adjust the position of all of the detected objects // to account for movement of the robot between frames double deltaAngle = 0.0; binTrackingList.adjustAngle(deltaAngle); // This code will load a classifier if none is loaded - this handles // initializing the classifier the first time through the loop. // It also handles cases where the user changes the classifer // being used - this forces a reload // Finally, it allows a switch between CPU and GPU on the fly if (detectState.update() == false) return -1; // Apply the classifier to the frame // detectRects is a vector of rectangles, one for each detected object vector<Rect> detectRects; detectState.detector()->Detect(frame, detectRects); checkDuplicate(detectRects); // If args.captureAll is enabled, write each detected rectangle // to their own output image file. Do it before anything else // so there's nothing else drawn to frame yet, just the raw // input image if (args.captureAll) for (size_t index = 0; index < detectRects.size(); index++) writeImage(frame, detectRects, index, capPath.c_str(), cap->frameCounter()); // Draw detected rectangles on frame if (!args.batchMode && args.rects && ((cap->frameCounter() % frameDisplayFrequency) == 0)) drawRects(frame,detectRects); // Process this detected rectangle - either update the nearest // object or add it as a new one for(vector<Rect>::const_iterator it = detectRects.begin(); it != detectRects.end(); ++it) binTrackingList.processDetect(*it); #if 0 // Print detect status of live objects if (args.tracking) binTrackingList.print(); #endif // Grab info from trackedobjects. Display it and update network tables vector<TrackedObjectDisplay> displayList; binTrackingList.getDisplay(displayList); // Draw tracking info on display if // a. tracking is toggled on // b. batch (non-GUI) mode isn't active // c. we're on one of the frames to display (every frDispFreq frames) if (args.tracking && !args.batchMode && ((cap->frameCounter() % frameDisplayFrequency) == 0)) drawTrackingInfo(frame, displayList); if (!args.ds) { // Clear out network table array for (size_t i = 0; !args.ds & (i < (netTableArraySize * 3)); i++) netTableArray.set(i, -1); for (size_t i = 0; i < min(displayList.size(), netTableArraySize); i++) { netTableArray.set(i*3, displayList[i].ratio); netTableArray.set(i*3+1, displayList[i].distance); netTableArray.set(i*3+2, displayList[i].angle); } netTable->PutValue("VisionArray", netTableArray); } // Don't update to next frame if paused to prevent // objects missing from this frame to be aged out // as the current frame is redisplayed over and over if (!pause) binTrackingList.nextFrame(); // For interactive mode, update the FPS as soon as we have // a complete array of frame time entries // For args.batch mode, only update every frameTicksLength frames to // avoid printing too much stuff if (frameTicker.valid() && ( (!args.batchMode && ((cap->frameCounter() % frameDisplayFrequency) == 0)) || ( args.batchMode && ((cap->frameCounter() % 50) == 0)))) { stringstream ss; // If in args.batch mode and reading a video, display // the frame count int frames = cap->frameCount(); if (args.batchMode && (frames > 0)) { ss << cap->frameCounter(); if (frames > 0) ss << '/' << frames; ss << " : "; } // Print the FPS ss << fixed << setprecision(2) << frameTicker.getFPS() << "FPS"; if (!args.batchMode) putText(frame, ss.str(), Point(frame.cols - 15 * ss.str().length(), 50), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.5, Scalar(0,0,255)); else cout << ss.str() << endl; } // Driverstation Code if (args.ds) { // Report boolean value for each bin on the step bool hits[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Rect dsRect(i * frame.cols / 4, 0, frame.cols/4, frame.rows); if (!args.batchMode && ((cap->frameCounter() % frameDisplayFrequency) == 0)) rectangle(frame, dsRect, Scalar(0,255,255,3)); hits[i] = false; // For each quadrant of the field, look for a detected // rectangle contained entirely in the quadrant // Assume that if that's found, it is a bin // TODO : Tune this later with a distance range for (vector<TrackedObjectDisplay>::const_iterator it = displayList.begin(); it != displayList.end(); ++it) { if (((it->rect & dsRect) == it->rect) && (it->ratio > 0.15)) { if (!args.batchMode && ((cap->frameCounter() % frameDisplayFrequency) == 0)) rectangle(frame, it->rect, Scalar(255,128,128), 3); hits[i] = true; } } writeNetTableBoolean(netTable, "Bin", i + 1, hits[i]); } } // Various random display updates. Only do them every frameDisplayFrequency // frames. Normally this value is 1 so we display every frame. When exporting // X over a network, though, we can speed up processing by only displaying every // 3, 5 or whatever frames instead. if (!args.batchMode && ((cap->frameCounter() % frameDisplayFrequency) == 0)) { // Put an A on the screen if capture-all is enabled so // users can keep track of that toggle's mode if (args.captureAll) putText(frame, "A", Point(25,25), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2.5, Scalar(0, 255, 255)); // Print frame number of video if the option is enabled int frames = cap->frameCount(); if (printFrames && (frames > 0)) { stringstream ss; ss << cap->frameCounter() << '/' << frames; putText(frame, ss.str(), Point(frame.cols - 15 * ss.str().length(), 20), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.5, Scalar(0,0,255)); } // Display current classifier under test putText(frame, detectState.print(), Point(0, frame.rows - 30), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.5, Scalar(0,0,255)); // Display crosshairs so we can line up the camera if (args.calibrate) { line (frame, Point(frame.cols/2, 0) , Point(frame.cols/2, frame.rows), Scalar(255,255,0)); line (frame, Point(0, frame.rows/2) , Point(frame.cols, frame.rows/2), Scalar(255,255,0)); } // Main call to display output for this frame after all // info has been written on it. imshow( windowName, frame ); // If saveVideo is set, write the marked-up frame to a vile if (args.saveVideo) writeVideoToFile(markedupVideo, getVideoOutName(false).c_str(), frame, netTable, false); char c = waitKey(5); if ((c == 'c') || (c == 'q') || (c == 27)) { // exit if (netTable->IsConnected()) NetworkTable::Shutdown(); return 0; } else if( c == ' ') { pause = !pause; } else if( c == 'f') // advance to next frame { cap->getNextFrame(frame, false); } else if (c == 'A') // toggle capture-all { args.captureAll = !args.captureAll; } else if (c == 't') // toggle args.tracking info display { args.tracking = !args.tracking; } else if (c == 'r') // toggle args.rects info display { args.rects = !args.rects; } else if (c == 'a') // save all detected images { // Save from a copy rather than the original // so all the markup isn't saved, only the raw image Mat frameCopy; cap->getNextFrame(frameCopy, true); for (size_t index = 0; index < detectRects.size(); index++) writeImage(frameCopy, detectRects, index, capPath.c_str(), cap->frameCounter()); } else if (c == 'p') // print frame number to console { cout << cap->frameCounter() << endl; } else if (c == 'P') // Toggle frame # printing to display { printFrames = !printFrames; } else if (c == 'S') { frameDisplayFrequency += 1; } else if (c == 's') { frameDisplayFrequency = max(1, frameDisplayFrequency - 1); } else if (c == 'G') // toggle CPU/GPU mode { detectState.toggleGPU(); } else if (c == '.') // higher classifier stage { detectState.changeSubModel(true); } else if (c == ',') // lower classifier stage { detectState.changeSubModel(false); } else if (c == '>') // higher classifier dir num { detectState.changeModel(true); } else if (c == '<') // lower classifier dir num { detectState.changeModel(false); } else if (isdigit(c)) // save a single detected image { Mat frameCopy; cap->getNextFrame(frameCopy, true); writeImage(frameCopy, detectRects, c - '0', capPath.c_str(), cap->frameCounter()); } } // Save frame time for the current frame frameTicker.end(); // Skip over frames if needed - useful for batch extracting hard negatives // so we don't get negatives from every frame. Sequential frames will be // pretty similar so there will be lots of redundant images found if (args.skip > 0) cap->frameCounter(cap->frameCounter() + args.skip - 1); } return 0; }