Exemple #1
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP compPvals3(NumericVector nullvec, NumericVector vec) { //A fancyer version using iterators. Actually runs much slower!!!!
  int n = nullvec.size();
  int m = vec.size();
  Rcpp::NumericVector pvalVec(m);
  typedef Rcpp::NumericVector::iterator vec_iterator;
  //vec_iterator it_nv = nullvec.begin();
  //vec_iterator it_v = vec.begin();
  //vec_iterator it_pv = pvalVec.begin();
  for(vec_iterator it_v = vec.begin(), it_pv = pvalVec.begin(); it_v != vec.end(); ++it_v, ++it_pv) {
    int count = 0;
    for(vec_iterator it_nv = nullvec.begin(); it_nv != nullvec.end(); ++it_nv) {
      count = count + ( *it_nv >= *it_v );
    double val = ((double)count)/((double)n);
    *it_pv = val;
  return pvalVec;
Exemple #2
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector ddirichlet(NumericVector xx , NumericVector alphaa){
  if (is_true(any(alphaa<=0))){
    return wrap(-1e20);

  if (is_true(any( (xx <=0) ))){
    return wrap(-1e20);

  double alpha_sum = std::accumulate(alphaa.begin(), alphaa.end(), 0.0); 
  // this will return alpha_sum = 0 0 0
  //return (alpha_sum);

  NumericVector log_gamma_alpha = lgamma(alphaa);
  NumericVector log_alpha_sum = lgamma(wrap(alpha_sum));

  double sum_log_gamma_alpha = std::accumulate(log_gamma_alpha.begin(), log_gamma_alpha.end(), 0.0); 
  double logD = sum_log_gamma_alpha - as<double>(log_alpha_sum);

  NumericVector a = ( alphaa - 1.0 ) * log(xx);
  return wrap( std::accumulate(a.begin(), a.end(), 0.0) - logD ); 
Exemple #3
// Quick and dirty implementation of lowerBound, the complement to R's
// findInterval
// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector lowerBound(const NumericVector& x, const NumericVector& breaks) {
  int n = x.size();
  IntegerVector out(n);

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    NumericVector::const_iterator it =
      std::lower_bound(breaks.begin(), breaks.end(), x[i]);
    if (it == breaks.end()) --it;
    out[i] = it - breaks.begin() + 1;
  return out;
Exemple #4
//' Sorted vector index.
//' The sorted vector is returned along with the original index of the vector it belonged to.
//' @param x A real-valued vector to be sorted.
//' @return A list with two components:
//' \itemize{
//' \item sorted: The sorted version of \code{x}.
//' \item index: The index of the \eqn{i^{th}} element in \code{x}.
//' }
//' @examples
//' pairSort(c(5, 2, 6))
//' @export
List pairSort(NumericVector x)
int n = x.size();
NumericVector x_sorted(n);
IntegerVector x_index(n);

std::vector<double> arr(x.begin(), x.end());
std::vector<std::pair<double,int> >V;

for (int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
std::pair<double,int>P = std::make_pair(arr[i], i);

std::sort(V.begin(), V.end());

for (int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
x_sorted[i] = V[i].first;
x_index[i] = V[i].second;

return List::create(_["sorted"] = x_sorted,
_["index"] = x_index);
Exemple #5
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector ptsThresh(NumericVector values,NumericVector endDates,int window){
  int valuesLen = values.length();
  NumericVector out = clone(values);
  NumericVector startDates = endDates - window;

  for (int i = 0; i < valuesLen; ++i){
    LogicalVector idx = (endDates <= endDates[i]) & (endDates >= startDates[i]);
    NumericVector valuesWindow = values[idx];
    int lenCur = valuesWindow.length();

    if (lenCur == 1){
      out[i] = (1.4 / 1.3) * valuesWindow[i];
    if (lenCur == 2){
      out[i] = (1.5 / 2.4) * sum(valuesWindow);
    if (lenCur == 3){
      out[i] = (1.5 / 3.3) * sum(valuesWindow);
    if (lenCur == 4){
      out[i] = (1.5 / 4.0) * sum(valuesWindow);
    if (lenCur >= 5){
      std::nth_element(valuesWindow.begin(),valuesWindow.begin() + 5,valuesWindow.end());
      out[i] = valuesWindow[4];

  return out;
Exemple #6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double GoFBHK(NumericVector x,double a) { 
  double s = 0;
  double n = x.size();
  double  e = n/sum(x);    
  NumericMatrix k(2,n);
  double res=0;
  NumericVector k1(n);
  NumericVector k2(n);
  NumericVector y = e*x;
  k(0,0) = y[1];
  k(1,0) = 0;
  for(int i=0; i<(n-1);i++){
     s = 0;
     s = sum(y[Range(0,i)]);
     k(0,(i+1)) = s/n + y[i+1]*(1-(i+1)/n) - (i+1)/n;
     k(1,(i+1)) = (i+1)/n - s/n - y[i]*(1-(i+1)/n);
  k1 = k(0,_);
  k2 = k(1,_);
  res= sqrt(n)*std::max(s,e);
return res;
Exemple #7
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector loopC(NumericVector nodelist,int al,IntegerVector x, IntegerVector x2, List pm_lc, NumericMatrix Lix, int finind){
  NumericVector::iterator k;
  LogicalVector res;
  IntegerVector daughter;
  int temp1, temp2;
  int k2;
  int l = 0;
  int g = 0;
  int n = x.size();
  LogicalVector in1(x2.size());
  LogicalVector in2(x2.size());
  IntegerVector indices = seq_len(n); //from 1 to n...
  for(k = nodelist.begin(); k != nodelist.end(); ++k) {
    k2  = nodelist[l];
    res = x == k2;
    daughter = x2[res];
    in1 = x2==daughter[0];
    in2 = x2==daughter[1];
    temp1 = as<int>(indices[in1]);
    temp2 = as<int>(indices[in2]);
    NumericMatrix pmtmp1 = pm_lc[temp1 - 1];
    NumericMatrix pmtmp2 = pm_lc[temp2 - 1];
    for(g = 0; g<al; ++g){
      Lix(k2 - 1, g) = sum(Lix.row(daughter[0] - 1) * pmtmp1.row(g)) *
      sum(Lix.row(daughter[1] - 1) * pmtmp2.row(g));
  NumericVector res2 = Lix(finind,_);
  return res2;
Exemple #8
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List instrumented_count_positive_threaded(NumericVector data, int nthreads){
  int n = data.size() ;
  int chunk_size = n / nthreads ; 
  std::vector<Timer> timers(nthreads) ; 
  std::vector<std::future<int>> futures(nthreads-1) ;
  std::vector<std::thread> threads(nthreads-1) ;
  timers[0].step("data structures") ;
  double* it = data.begin() ;
  for( int i=0; i<nthreads-1; i++){
    InstrumentedTask instr_task(timers[i+1]) ;
    Task task(instr_task) ;
    futures[i] = task.get_future();
    threads[i] = std::thread( std::move(task), it, it + chunk_size ) ;
    it += chunk_size ;
    timers[0].step( "spawning" ) ;
  timers[0].step( "spawning" ) ;
  int result = InstrumentedTask(timers[0])(it, data.end()); 
  for( int i=0; i<nthreads-1; i++) {
    threads[i].join() ;
    timers[0].step("fusion") ;
    result += futures[i].get() ;  
  timers[0].step( "fusion" ) ;
  return List::create( _["res"] = result, _["timers"] = timers );
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void appendRcpp(  List fillVecs, NumericVector newLengths, NumericMatrix retmat, NumericVector retmatLengths ) {
  /* appendRcpp
	Fills numeric matrix
	Loop through rows, filling retmat in with the vectors in list
	then update return matrix size to index the next free
	// Declare vars
	NumericVector fillTmp;
	int sizeOld, sizeNew;
	// Pull out dimensions of return matrix to fill
	int nrow = retmat.nrow();
  int ncol = retmat.ncol();
	// Check that dimensions match
	if ( nrow != retmatLengths.size() || nrow != fillVecs.size() ) { 
        throw std::range_error("In appendC(): dimension mismatch");
	// Traverse ddimensions
	for (int ii=0; ii<ncol; ii++) {
        throw std::range_error("In appendC(): exceeded max cols");
	// Iterator for row to fill
        NumericMatrix::Row retRow = retmat(ii, _);
  // Fill row of return matrix, starting at first non-zero element
        std::copy( fillTmp.begin(), fillTmp.end(), retRow.begin() + sizeOld );
  // Update size of return matrix
        retmatLengths[ii] = sizeNew;
Exemple #10
    Rcpp::NumericVector glmerResp::sqrtWrkWt() const {
	NumericVector me = muEta();
	return sqrt(d_weights * me * me / variance());
	NumericVector vv = variance();
	std::transform(me.begin(), me.end(), me.begin(), me.begin(),
	std::transform(me.begin(), me.end(), d_weights.begin(),
		       me.begin(), std::multiplies<double>());
	std::transform(me.begin(), me.end(), vv.begin(), me.begin(),
	std::transform(me.begin(), me.end(), me.begin(), &::sqrt);
	return me;
Exemple #11
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List split_runs_numeric( NumericVector X ) {

	List out( X.size() );

	std::vector< std::vector< double > > all_nums;
	std::vector< double > curr_nums;

	// initial stuff
	curr_nums.push_back( X[0] );

	for( NumericVector::iterator it = X.begin()+1; it != X.end(); ++it ) {
		if( (*it) != (*(it-1)) ) {
			all_nums.push_back( curr_nums );
			curr_nums.push_back( *it );
		} else {
			curr_nums.push_back( *it );

	// push the final vector in
	all_nums.push_back( curr_nums );

	return wrap( all_nums );

Exemple #12
    double glmResp::updateWts() {
	d_sqrtrwt = sqrt(d_weights/d_fam.variance(d_mu));
	NumericVector muEta = d_fam.muEta(d_eta);
	std::transform(muEta.begin(), muEta.end(), d_sqrtrwt.begin(),
		       d_sqrtXwt.begin(), std::multiplies<double>());
	return updateWrss();
Exemple #13
 void append(  List fillVecs) {
     // "append" fill oldmat w/  
     // we will loop through cols, filling retmat in with the vectors in list
     // then update retmat_size to index the next free
     // newLenths isn't used, added for compatibility
     std::size_t sizeOld, sizeAdd, sizeNew, icol;
     NumericVector fillTmp;
     // check that number of vectors match
     if ( nvec != fillVecs.size()) {
         throw std::range_error("In append(): dimension mismatch");
     for (icol = 0; icol<nvec; icol++){
         // vector to append
         fillTmp = fillVecs[icol];
         // compute lengths
         sizeOld = lengths[icol];
         sizeAdd = fillTmp.size();
         sizeNew = sizeOld + sizeAdd;
         // grow data matrix as needed
         if ( sizeNew > allocLen) {
         // iterator for col to fill
         NumericMatrix::Column dataCol = data(_, icol);
         // fill row of return matrix, starting at first non-zero elem
         std::copy( fillTmp.begin(), fillTmp.end(), dataCol.begin() + sizeOld);
         // update size of retmat
         lengths[icol] = sizeNew;
Exemple #14
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double sum2(NumericVector x) {
    double total = 0;

    for(NumericVector::iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); it++) {
        total += *it;
    return total;
Exemple #15
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector Cquant(NumericVector A, NumericVector probs) {

    NumericVector q(probs) ;
    NumericVector y = wrap(na_omit(A)) ;

    std::sort(y.begin(), y.end());
    return y[y.size()*(q - 0.000000001)];
Exemple #16
    double glmerResp::residDeviance() const {
	return sum(devResid());
	NumericVector dd = devResid();
	return std::accumulate(dd.begin(), dd.end(), double());
Exemple #17
    double glmerResp::updateWts() {
	d_sqrtrwt = sqrt(d_weights/variance());
	NumericVector tmp = muEta() * d_sqrtrwt;
	NumericVector vv = variance();
	std::transform(d_weights.begin(), d_weights.end(), vv.begin(),
		       d_sqrtrwt.begin(), std::divides<double>());
	std::transform(d_sqrtrwt.begin(), d_sqrtrwt.end(),
		       d_sqrtrwt.begin(), &::sqrt);
	NumericVector tmp = muEta();
	std::transform(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), d_sqrtrwt.begin(),
		       tmp.begin(), std::multiplies<double>());
	std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), d_sqrtXwt.begin());
	return updateWrss();
Exemple #18
//' De-duplicates a numeric vector/data.table/data.frame
//' @description These set of functions take a vector, or a datatable/dataframe (with a particular column)
//' and compress it by de-duplicating its values. Ideally, this is a good way to reduce the amount of data
//' for time-series use cases
//' @param x A vector/data.table/data.frame
//' @param returnIndex If TRUE, will return indexes, otherwise will return actual values
//' @param key If using a data.table/data.frame, the index for performing the operation on
//' @return Returns a vector/data.table/data.frame that has been de-deduplicated. 
//' De-duplicated means that consecutive duplicate values are reduced to the first occurance. 
//' @examples
//' vec <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1)
//' vdeduplicate(vec)
//' vdeduplicate(vec, TRUE)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector vdeduplicate(NumericVector x, bool returnIndex = false){
      NumericVector::iterator it, out_it, i;
      NumericVector xx = clone(x);
              it = uniqueIndex(xx.begin(), xx.end()); //cloning object so it does not change the actual R object
              it = std::unique (xx.begin(), xx.end());
      NumericVector out(std::distance(xx.begin(),it));
      //Loops through using iterators
      //Because the values that we want are at x[0] (aka *x.begin()) and go to where 'it' left off
      //We just need to get the value of all the pointers between those to pointers
      for(i = xx.begin(),out_it = out.begin(); i != it; ++i, ++out_it){
        *out_it = *i;
      return out;      
Exemple #19
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double sum3(NumericVector x) {
    double total = 0;

    NumericVector::iterator it;
    for(it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it) {
        total += *it;
    return total;
Exemple #20
double dev(const colvec& resid, double taue)
        // NumericVector r(resid);
        // devvec is an nc x 1 vector
        NumericVector r = wrap(resid);
        NumericVector devvec  = dnorm( r, 0.0, sqrt(1/taue), true ); /* logD */
        double deviance = accumulate(devvec.begin(),devvec.end(),0.0);
        deviance *= -2;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector row_medians(NumericMatrix toSort) {
  int n = toSort.rows();
  int medN  = toSort.cols();
  NumericVector meds = NumericVector(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    NumericVector curRow = toSort.row(i);
    std::nth_element(curRow.begin(), curRow.begin() + curRow.size()/2 - 1, curRow.end());
    double med1 = curRow[curRow.size()/2 - 1];
    if (medN % 2 == 0) {
      std::nth_element(curRow.begin(), curRow.begin() + curRow.size()/2, curRow.end());
      double med2 = curRow[curRow.size()/2];
      meds[i] = (med1 + med2)/2.0;
    } else {
      meds[i] = med1;

  return meds;
Exemple #22
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double median_rcpp(NumericVector x) {
   NumericVector y = clone(x);
   int n, half;
   double y1, y2;
   n = y.size();
   half = n / 2;
   if(n % 2 == 1) {
      // median for odd length vector
      std::nth_element(y.begin(), y.begin()+half, y.end());
      return y[half];
   } else {
      // median for even length vector
      std::nth_element(y.begin(), y.begin()+half, y.end());
      y1 = y[half];
      std::nth_element(y.begin(), y.begin()+half-1, y.begin()+half);
      y2 = y[half-1];
      return (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector row_kth(NumericMatrix toSort, int k) {
  int n = toSort.rows();
  NumericVector meds = NumericVector(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    NumericVector curRow = toSort.row(i);
    std::nth_element(curRow.begin(), curRow.begin() + k, curRow.end());
    meds[i] = curRow[k];

  return meds;
Exemple #24
    double glmerResp::updateMu(const Rcpp::NumericVector& gamma) {
	d_eta = d_offset + gamma;
	std::transform(d_offset.begin(), d_offset.end(), gamma.begin(),
		       d_eta.begin(), std::plus<double>());
	NumericVector mmu = d_fam.linkInv(d_eta);
	std::copy(mmu.begin(), mmu.end(), d_mu.begin());
	return updateWrss();
Exemple #25
//' Empirical sample quantile.
//' Calculate empirical sample quantile.
//' @param x A numeric vector, specifying the sample for which the quantile is to be calculated.
//' @param q A real number between 0 and 1 inclusive, specifying the desired quantile.
//' @return The empirical quantile of the provided sample.
//' @examples
//' x<-rnorm(100)
//' qsamp(x, 0.5)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double qsamp(NumericVector x, double q)
int n = x.size();
int Q = floor(n*q);
double g = n*q-double(Q);
if (g == 0) Q -= 1; //Q = Q, but c++ uses 0-based indexing
else Q = Q; //Q -= 1 0-based indexing

std::nth_element(x.begin(), x.begin()+Q, x.end());

return x[Q];
Exemple #26
void sampleRho(Rcpp::NumericVector& rho, Rcpp::NumericMatrix& A, arma::mat A_restrict, double rhoa, double rhob){
    int k = A.ncol();
    int p = A.nrow();
	arma::rowvec A_maxnnz_col = arma::sum(A_restrict, 0);
    for (int i=0; i<k; i++) {
        NumericMatrix::Column col = A.column(i) ;
        NumericVector As = ifelse(abs(col)<1e-10, 0.0, 1.0);
        double nnz = std::accumulate(As.begin(), As.end(), 0.0);
        double maxnnz = A_maxnnz_col(i);
        rho(i) = Rf_rbeta(rhoa + nnz, rhob + maxnnz-nnz);
Exemple #27
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP C_MedianSpec(SEXP x) {
   NumericMatrix VV(x);
   int n_specs = VV.nrow();
   int count_max = VV.ncol();
   int position = n_specs / 2; // Euclidian division
   NumericVector out(count_max);
   for (int j = 0; j < count_max; j++) { 
        NumericVector y = VV(_,j); // Copy column -- original will not be mod
        std::nth_element(y.begin(), y.begin() + position, y.end()); 
        out[j] = y[position];  
   return out;
Exemple #28
// use calc_resid_linreg for a 3-dim array
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_resid_linreg_3d(const NumericMatrix& X, const NumericVector& P)
    int nrowx = X.rows();
    int sizep = P.size();

    NumericMatrix pr(nrowx, sizep/nrowx);
    std::copy(P.begin(), P.end(), pr.begin()); // FIXME I shouldn't need to copy

    NumericMatrix result = calc_resid_linreg(X, pr);
    result.attr("dim") = P.attr("dim");

    return result;
Exemple #29
NumericVector permut(const NumericVector& a)
        // already added by sourceCpp(), but needed standalone
        RNGScope scope;             
        // clone a into b to leave a alone
        NumericVector b = clone(a);
        random_shuffle(b.begin(), b.end(), randWrapper);
        return b;
Exemple #30
// get a set of permutations of a vector, as columns of a matrix
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix permute_nvector(const int n_perm, const NumericVector x)
    unsigned int length = x.size();

    NumericMatrix result(length,n_perm);

    for(unsigned int i=0; i<n_perm; i++) {
        NumericVector permx = permute_nvector(x);
        std::copy(permx.begin(), permx.end(), result.begin()+i*length);

    return result;