bool ChemDrawXMLFormat::DoElement(const string& name)
    string buf;
        //This is the start of the molecule we are extracting and it will
        //be put into the OBMol* _pmol declared in the parent class.
        //initialise everything


        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("id");
        if (buf.length())
    else if(name=="n")
        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("Type");
        if (buf.length())
            if (buf != "Unspecified" && buf != "Element")
                cerr << "CDXML Format: Node type \"" << buf <<
                     "\" is not currently supported." << endl;
                return false; // FIXME: use as many types as possible
        _tempAtom.SetAtomicNum(6); // default is carbon
        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("id");
        if (buf.length())
        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("Element");
        if (buf.length())

        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("p"); // coords
        if (buf.length())
            double x = 0., y = 0.;
            sscanf(buf.c_str(), "%lf %lf", &x, &y);
            _tempAtom.SetVector(x, y, 0.);
        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("Charge");
        if (buf.length())
    else if(name=="b")
        bool invert_ends = false;
        Begin = End = Flag = 0;
        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("Order");
        if (buf.length())
            Order = atoi(buf.c_str());
            Order = 1; //default value
        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("Display");
        if (buf.length())
            if (buf == "WedgeEnd")
                invert_ends = true;
                Flag = OB_HASH_BOND;
            else if (buf == "WedgeBegin")
                Flag = OB_HASH_BOND;
            else if (buf == "Hash" ||buf == "WedgedHashBegin")
                Flag = OB_WEDGE_BOND;
            else if (buf == "WedgedHashEnd")
                invert_ends = true;
                Flag = OB_WEDGE_BOND;
        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("B");
        if (buf.length())
            if (invert_ends)
                End = atoms[atoi(buf.c_str())];
                Begin = atoms[atoi(buf.c_str())];
        buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("E");
        if (buf.length())
            if (invert_ends)
                Begin = atoms[atoi(buf.c_str())];
                End = atoms[atoi(buf.c_str())];
    // Forget that, the fragment, aka molecule, is in another XML hierachy tree than the data.
    // Parsing has already stopped before ever getting to this point
    else if(name=="tags")
    	buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("ID");
      if (buf.length())
    else if(name=="tableCell")
    	buf = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("value");
      if (buf.length())
    return true;