Exemple #1
bool ON_HatchLoop::SetCurve( const ON_Curve& curve)
  ON_Curve* pC = curve.DuplicateCurve();
  if( pC)
    if(pC->Dimension() == 3 && !pC->ChangeDimension(2))
      return false;

    if( m_p2dCurve)
      delete m_p2dCurve;
    m_p2dCurve = pC;
  return true;
Exemple #2
ON_Surface::IsIsoparametric( const ON_Curve& curve, const ON_Interval* subdomain ) const
  ISO iso = not_iso;

  if ( subdomain )
    ON_Interval cdom = curve.Domain();
    double t0 = cdom.NormalizedParameterAt(subdomain->Min());
    double t1 = cdom.NormalizedParameterAt(subdomain->Max());
    if ( t0 < t1-ON_SQRT_EPSILON )
      if ( (t0 > ON_SQRT_EPSILON && t0 < 1.0-ON_SQRT_EPSILON) || (t1 > ON_SQRT_EPSILON && t1 < 1.0-ON_SQRT_EPSILON) )
        if ( cdom.IsIncreasing() )
          ON_NurbsCurve nurbs_curve;
          if ( curve.GetNurbForm( nurbs_curve, 0.0,&cdom) )
            return IsIsoparametric( nurbs_curve, 0 );

  ON_BoundingBox bbox;
  double tolerance = 0.0;
  const int dim = curve.Dimension();
  if ( (dim == 2 || dim==3) && curve.GetBoundingBox(bbox) ) 
    iso = IsIsoparametric( bbox );
    switch (iso) {
    case x_iso:
    case W_iso:
    case E_iso:
      // make sure curve is a (nearly) vertical line
      // and weed out vertical scribbles
      tolerance = bbox.m_max.x - bbox.m_min.x;
      if ( tolerance < ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE && ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE*1024.0 <= (bbox.m_max.y-bbox.m_min.y) )
        // 26 March 2007 Dale Lear
        //    If tolerance is tiny, then use ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
        //    This fixes cases where iso curves where not getting
        //    the correct flag because tol=1e-16 and the closest
        //    point to line had calculation errors of 1e-15.
        tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE;
      if ( !curve.IsLinear( tolerance ) )
        iso = not_iso;
    case y_iso:
    case S_iso:
    case N_iso:
      // make sure curve is a (nearly) horizontal line
      // and weed out horizontal scribbles
      tolerance = bbox.m_max.y - bbox.m_min.y;
      if ( tolerance < ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE && ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE*1024.0 <= (bbox.m_max.x-bbox.m_min.x) )
        // 26 March 2007 Dale Lear
        //    If tolerance is tiny, then use ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
        //    This fixes cases where iso curves where not getting
        //    the correct flag because tol=1e-16 and the closest
        //    point to line had calculation errors of 1e-15.
        tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE;
      if ( !curve.IsLinear( tolerance ) )
        iso = not_iso;
      // nothing here
  return iso;