CRhinoCommand::result CCommandVRaptor::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { // CCommandVRaptor::RunCommand() is called when the user runs the "VRaptor" // command or the "VRaptor" command is run by a history operation. // TODO: Add command code here. // Rhino command that display a dialog box interface should also support // a command-line, or scriptable interface. ON_wString wStr; wStr.Format( L"The raptor is slumbering.\n", EnglishCommandName() ); RhinoApp().Print( wStr ); wStr.Format( L"another one.\n", EnglishCommandName() ); RhinoApp().Print( wStr ); // TODO: Return one of the following values: // CRhinoCommand::success: The command worked. // CRhinoCommand::failure: The command failed because of invalid input, inability // to compute the desired result, or some other reason // computation reason. // CRhinoCommand::cancel: The user interactively canceled the command // (by pressing ESCAPE, clicking a CANCEL button, etc.) // in a Get operation, dialog, time consuming computation, etc. return CRhinoCommand::success; }
void ON_RadialDimension::SetTextToDefault() { ON_wString s; if( Type() == ON::dtDimDiameter) s.Format( L"%c<>", ON_Annotation::diametersym); else s.Format( L"%c<>", ON_Annotation::radiussym); SetUserText( s); }
void CSamplePickObjectsDialog::OnBnClickedPick() { // If our dialog contains controls that had values we cared about, // you will want to call UpdateData() before hiding the dialog. //UpdateData( TRUE ); // Hide this dialog PushPickButton( TRUE ); // Pick some objects CRhinoGetObject go; go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Pick objects" ); go.GetObjects( 1, 0 ); if( go.CommandResult() == CRhinoCommand::success ) { int count = go.ObjectCount(); ON_wString str; if( 1 == count ) str = L"1 object picked."; else str.Format( L"%d objects picked.", count ); m_message.SetWindowText( str ); } // Hide this dialog PushPickButton( FALSE ); // If our dialog contains controls that had values we cared about, // you will want to call UpdateData() before showing the dialog. //UpdateData( FALSE ); }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandExposeSdk::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { // CCommandExposeSdk::RunCommand() is called when the user runs the "ExposeSdk" // command or the "ExposeSdk" command is run by a history operation. // TODO: Add command code here. // Rhino command that display a dialog box interface should also support // a command-line, or scriptable interface. ON_wString wStr; wStr.Format( L"The \"%s\" command is under construction.\n", EnglishCommandName() ); if( context.IsInteractive() ) RhinoMessageBox( wStr, PlugIn()->PlugInName(), MB_OK ); else RhinoApp().Print( wStr ); // TODO: Return one of the following values: // CRhinoCommand::success: The command worked. // CRhinoCommand::failure: The command failed because of invalid input, inability // to compute the desired result, or some other reason // computation reason. // CRhinoCommand::cancel: The user interactively canceled the command // (by pressing ESCAPE, clicking a CANCEL button, etc.) // in a Get operation, dialog, time consuming computation, etc. return CRhinoCommand::success; }
static void SyncVR( CRhinoView* lView, CRhinoView* rView) // not calling continuously. much else to add; re:conduits ... pull from example. werk till it werks. then OVRintegration { VR().HMDPoseUpdate(); if (lView && rView) { // first we will make it sync the two views as in example ON_wString inIf; inIf.Format(L"inIf\n"); RhinoApp().Print( inIf ); const ON_3dmView& v0 = lView->Viewport().View(); // get Open Nurbs view from 1st CRhinoView* object const ON_Viewport& vp0 = lView->Viewport().VP(); // get ON viewport from 1st CRhinoView* object ON_3dmView& v1 = rView->Viewport().m_v; // non-const; ? this important? otherwise same structure as above ON_Viewport& vp1 = rView->Viewport().m_v.m_vp; // m_v is settings, m_vp is projection information vp1.SetProjection( vp0.Projection() ); // so using Viewport().View() to pull from and Viewport().m_v to write to. cannot write to function, yah, duh, all these Things() are functions which return values. not things themselves. vp1.SetCameraLocation( vp0.CameraLocation() ); vp1.SetCameraDirection( vp0.CameraDirection() ); vp1.SetCameraUp( vp0.CameraUp() ); // breakpoint triggered here // v1.SetTargetPoint( v0.TargetPoint() ); // ok so all these assignments make sense double fl, fr, ft, fb, fn, ff, fa; // ok dealing with frustrums now: 'Bounding Box' for rendering images. Apparently needs to be kept in sync as well vp1.GetFrustumAspect( fa ); // vp1 may be an error -> vp0 . this from example vp0.GetFrustum( &fl, &fr, &fb, &ft, &fn, &ff ); // & denotes pointer, I think, or 'disembodied' reference. so the double can be written to? vp1.SetFrustum( fl, fr, fb, ft, fn, ff ); vp1.SetFrustumAspect( fa ); lView->Viewport().SetTarget( rView->Viewport().Target() ); // this is confusing, though... we have been setting left to right otherwise? ? AND it works both ways! } } // need to setup so this calls everytime at beginning of pipeline
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleOpenIges::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { ON_wString filename; if( context.IsInteractive() ) { DWORD dwFlags = OFN_ENABLESIZING | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; const wchar_t* szFilter = L"IGES Files (*.igs;*.iges)|*.igs; *.iges||"; CWnd* pParentWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( RhinoApp().MainWnd() ); #if defined(WIN64) CFileDialog dialog( TRUE, L"igs", 0, dwFlags, szFilter, pParentWnd, 0, TRUE ); #else CFileDialog dialog( TRUE, L"igs", 0, dwFlags, szFilter, pParentWnd ); #endif INT_PTR rc = dialog.DoModal(); if( rc != IDOK ) return CRhinoCommand::cancel; filename = dialog.GetPathName(); } else { CRhinoGetString gs; gs.SetCommandPrompt( L"IGES file to open" ); gs.GetString(); if( gs.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return gs.CommandResult(); filename = gs.String(); } filename.TrimLeftAndRight(); if( filename.IsEmpty() ) return CRhinoCommand::nothing; if( !CRhinoFileUtilities::FileExists(filename) ) { RhinoApp().Print( L"File \"%s\" not found.\n", filename ); return CRhinoCommand::failure; } // Note, setting the document modified flag to false will prevent the // "Do you want to save this file..." mesasge from displaying when you // open a file (if the current document has been modified in any way). // But, you will (also) loose any modifications to the current document. // So, use the following line of code carefully. context.m_doc.SetModifiedFlag( FALSE ); ON_wString script; script.Format( L"_-Open \"%s\" _Enter _Enter _Enter", filename ); RhinoApp().RunScript( script, 0 ); return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleTabbedDockBar::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { ON_UUID tabId = CSampleTabbedDockBarDialog::ID(); if( context.IsInteractive() ) { CRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog::OpenDockbarTab( tabId ); } else { bool bVisible = CRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog::IsTabVisible( tabId ); ON_wString str; str.Format( L"%s is %s. New value", LocalCommandName(), bVisible ? L"visible" : L"hidden" ); CRhinoGetOption go; go.SetCommandPrompt( str ); int h_option = go.AddCommandOption( RHCMDOPTNAME(L"Hide") ); int s_option = go.AddCommandOption( RHCMDOPTNAME(L"Show") ); int t_option = go.AddCommandOption( RHCMDOPTNAME(L"Toggle") ); go.GetOption(); if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return go.CommandResult(); const CRhinoCommandOption* option = go.Option(); if( 0 == option ) return CRhinoCommand::failure; int option_index = option->m_option_index; if( h_option == option_index && bVisible ) CRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog::ShowDockbarTab( tabId, false ); else if( s_option == option_index && !bVisible ) CRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog::ShowDockbarTab( tabId, true ); else if( t_option == option_index ) CRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog::ShowDockbarTab( tabId, !bVisible ); } return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleDimStyleTextHeight::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { // Get the current dimstyle const CRhinoDimStyle& dimstyle = context.m_doc.m_dimstyle_table.CurrentDimStyle(); ON_wString prompt; prompt.Format( L"New text height for \"%s\" dimension style", dimstyle.Name() ); // Prompt for a new text height value CRhinoGetNumber gn; gn.SetCommandPrompt( prompt ); gn.SetDefaultNumber( dimstyle.TextHeight() ); gn.SetLowerLimit( 0.0, TRUE ); gn.AcceptNothing(); gn.GetNumber(); if( gn.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return gn.CommandResult(); // New text height value double height = gn.Number(); // Validate new value if( height != dimstyle.TextHeight() && ON_IsValid(height) && height > ON_SQRT_EPSILON ) { int style_index = dimstyle.Index(); // Copy everything from the dimension's dimstyle ON_DimStyle modified_dimstyle( context.m_doc.m_dimstyle_table[style_index] ); // Modify the text height modified_dimstyle.SetTextHeight( height ); // Modify the dimension style if( context.m_doc.m_dimstyle_table.ModifyDimStyle(modified_dimstyle, style_index) ) context.m_doc.Redraw(); } return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleMenuToggle::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { BOOL bVisible = SampleMenuPlugIn().IsSampleMenuVisible(); ON_wString str; str.Format( L"%s is %s. New value", LocalCommandName(), bVisible ? L"visible" : L"hidden" ); CRhinoGetOption go; go.SetCommandPrompt( str ); int h_option = go.AddCommandOption( RHCMDOPTNAME(L"Hide") ); int s_option = go.AddCommandOption( RHCMDOPTNAME(L"Show") ); int t_option = go.AddCommandOption( RHCMDOPTNAME(L"Toggle") ); go.GetOption(); if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return go.CommandResult(); const CRhinoCommandOption* option = go.Option(); if( 0 == option ) return CRhinoCommand::failure; int option_index = option->m_option_index; if( h_option == option_index && bVisible ) SampleMenuPlugIn().HideSampleMenu(); else if( s_option == option_index && !bVisible ) SampleMenuPlugIn().ShowSampleMenu(); else if( t_option == option_index ) { if( bVisible ) SampleMenuPlugIn().HideSampleMenu(); else SampleMenuPlugIn().ShowSampleMenu(); } return CRhinoCommand::success; }
void ON_AngularDimension::SetTextToDefault() { ON_wString s; s.Format( L"<>%c", ON_Annotation::degreesym); SetUserText( s); }
BOOL CSampleExportMeshPlugIn::WriteFile( const wchar_t* filename, int index, CRhinoDoc& doc, const CRhinoFileWriteOptions& options ) { // Description: // Rhino calls WriteFile() to write document geometry to an external file. // Parameters: // filename [in] The name of file to write. // index [in] The index of file extension added to list in AddToFileType(). // doc [in] The current Rhino document. // options [in] File write options. // Remarks: // The plug-in is responsible for opening the file and writing to it. // Return TRUE if successful, otherwise return FALSE. // TODO: Add file export code here. // Are we saving or exporting? bool bExport = options.Mode( CRhinoFileWriteOptions::SelectedMode ); // Are we in interactive or scripted mode? bool bScript = options.Mode( CRhinoFileWriteOptions::BatchMode ); ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*> objects( 256 ); // Get objects to save/export CRhinoObjectIterator it( doc, CRhinoObjectIterator::undeleted_objects ); if( bExport ) { it.EnableSelectedFilter(); it.EnableVisibleFilter(); } // Do the iteration... const CRhinoObject* obj = 0; for( obj = it.First(); obj; obj = it.Next() ) objects.Append( obj ); ON_ClassArray<CRhinoObjectMesh> meshes( objects.Count() ); ON_MeshParameters mesh_parameters = m_mesh_parameters; int mesh_ui_style = ( bScript ) ? 2 : m_mesh_ui_style; // Get the meshes to save/export CRhinoCommand::result res = RhinoMeshObjects( objects, mesh_parameters, mesh_ui_style, meshes ); if( res == CRhinoCommand::success ) { if( mesh_ui_style >= 0 && mesh_ui_style <= 1 ) m_mesh_ui_style = mesh_ui_style; m_mesh_parameters = mesh_parameters; } else { if( bExport ) RhinoApp().Print( L"\nNo meshes to export.\n" ); else RhinoApp().Print( L"\nNo meshes to save.\n" ); return FALSE; } // Write the mesh file FILE* fp = 0; errno_t err = _wfopen_s( &fp, filename, L"w" ); bool rc = ( 0 == err || 0 != fp ); if( !rc ) { RhinoApp().Print( L"\nUnable to open \"%s\" for writing.\n", filename ); return FALSE; } // Write mesh count ON_wString s; s.Format( L"meshcount=%d\n", meshes.Count() ); rc = ( fputws(s, fp) >= 0 ); int i, j; for( i = 0; rc && i < meshes.Count(); i++ ) { const CRhinoObjectMesh& obj_mesh = meshes[i]; const ON_Mesh* mesh = obj_mesh.m_mesh; rc = ( 0 != mesh ); // Write mesh number if( rc ) { s.Format( L"mesh=%d\n", i ); rc = ( fputws(s, fp) >= 0 ); } // Write mesh vertex count if( rc ) { s.Format( L"vertexcount=%d\n", mesh->m_V.Count() ); rc = ( fputws(s, fp) >= 0 ); } // Write mesh face count if( rc ) { s.Format( L"facecount=%d\n", mesh->m_F.Count() ); rc = ( fputws(s, fp) >= 0 ); } // Write mesh vertices if( rc ) { for( j = 0; rc && j < mesh->m_V.Count(); j++ ) { const ON_3fPoint& p = mesh->m_V[j]; s.Format( L"vertex=(%.16f,%.16f,%.16f)\n", p.x, p.y, p.z ); rc = ( fputws(s, fp) >= 0 ); } } // Write mesh faces if( rc ) { for( j = 0; rc && j < mesh->m_F.Count(); j++ ) { const ON_MeshFace& f = mesh->m_F[j]; s.Format( L"face=(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",[0],[1],[2],[3] ); rc = ( fputws(s, fp) >= 0 ); } } } fclose( fp ); return ( rc ) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
BOOL ON_UserStringList::GetDescription( ON_wString& description ) { description.Format("User text (%d entries)",m_e.Count()); return true; }
ON_BOOL32 ON_HatchExtra::GetDescription( ON_wString& description) { description.Format( "Userdata extension of ON_Hatch (contains basepoint)"); return true; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandVRCreateViews::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE( ::RhinoApp().RhinoModuleState() ); // dunno, from example ON_wString wStr; wStr.Format( L"READY SET\n", EnglishCommandName() ); RhinoApp().Print( wStr ); ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoView*> viewList; // don't know what is up with* this* ON_SimpleArray<ON_UUID> viewportIds; CRhinoView* lView = 0; CRhinoView* rView = 0; ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoView*> lrViews; // will contain our vr views int i = 0; // also use this in loops int lr = 0; // use to track 1st and 2nd find // builds a list of (current) viewport IDs context.m_doc.GetViewList( viewList, true, false ); for ( i = 0; i < viewList.Count(); i ++) { CRhinoView* tempView = viewList[i]; // pull view out -> this is redeclared here, in sample, but not in second loop if (tempView) viewportIds.Append( tempView->ActiveViewportID() ); } viewList.Empty(); // empty bc we are going to re-build later when new views context.m_doc.NewView( ON_3dmView() ); context.m_doc.NewView( ON_3dmView() ); // we will build two // find viewport UUID just created context.m_doc.GetViewList( viewList, true, false); for (i = 0; i < viewList.Count(); i++) { CRhinoView* tempView = viewList[i]; if (tempView) { int rc = viewportIds.Search( tempView->ActiveViewportID() ); // returns index of 1st element which satisfies search. returns -1 when no such item found if (rc < 0 ) // if current tempView did not exist prior to this running { if (lr > 0) // and if lr already found 1 { rView = tempView; // right is 2nd view we find break; // so this breaks when we find, and lView is left as the viewList[i] where we found the new viewport, whose ID was not in our list. // and we are left with lView being = viewList[i] at new view } if (lr == 0) { lView = tempView; // left is 1st view lr = 1; } } else tempView = 0; // reset lView to null and re-loop } } lrViews.Append(lView); lrViews.Append(rView); // init points ON_3dPoint locationL = ON_3dPoint(100.0,100.0,100.0); ON_3dPoint locationR = ON_3dPoint(100.0,165.1,100.0); ON_3dPoint targetSetup = ON_3dPoint(0,0,0); if (lView && rView) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // RhinoApp().ActiveView()-> ON_3dmView onView = lrViews[i]->ActiveViewport().View(); if(i == 0) onView.m_name = L"lView"; //lrViews[i]->MoveWindow(0,0,VR().resolution.w/2,VR().resolution.h, true); if(i == 1) onView.m_name = L"rView"; //lrViews[i]->MoveWindow(960,0,VR().resolution.w/2,VR().resolution.h, true); lrViews[i]->ActiveViewport().SetView(onView); lrViews[i]->ActiveViewport().m_v.m_vp.ChangeToPerspectiveProjection(50,true,35); lrViews[i]->ActiveViewport().m_v.m_vp.SetCameraLocation(locationL); lrViews[i]->FloatRhinoView(true); lrViews[i]->Redraw(); } } VR().lView = lView; VR().rView = rView; ON_wString SYNC; SYNC.Format(L"SYNCVRBEGIN\n" ); RhinoApp().Print( SYNC ); if (vrConduit.IsEnabled() && ::IsWindow( vrConduit.m_hWnd1 ) && ::IsWindow( vrConduit.m_hWnd2 ) ) // if is already enabled ? { vrConduit.m_pView1 = 0; vrConduit.m_pView2 = 0; vrConduit.Disable(); } else { vrConduit.m_pView1 = lView; vrConduit.m_pView2 = rView; vrConduit.m_hWnd1 = vrConduit.m_pView1->m_hWnd; vrConduit.m_hWnd2 = vrConduit.m_pView2->m_hWnd; SyncVR(lView, rView); // ok it runs once. we should also set them up perspective & looking at 0,0 vrConduit.Bind( *lView ); vrConduit.Bind( *rView ); lView->Redraw(); rView->Redraw(); vrConduit.Enable(); } // but do not update names immediately; have to refresh somehow // now re-name update positions outside of loop: continuously // bring in OVR Tracking and assign to VR Viewports // then, orbit? return CRhinoCommand::success; }