Exemple #1
bool OTEnvelope::GetAsBookendedString(
    String& strArmorWithBookends, // output (if successful.)
    bool bEscaped) const
    OTASCIIArmor theArmoredText;
    // This function will base64 ENCODE m_dataContents, and then
    // Set() that as the string contents on theArmoredText.
    const bool bSetData = theArmoredText.SetData(
        m_dataContents, true); // bLineBreaks=true (by default anyway.)

    if (bSetData) {
        const bool bWritten = theArmoredText.WriteArmoredString(
            strArmorWithBookends, "ENVELOPE", // todo hardcoded
        if (!bWritten)
            otErr << __FUNCTION__ << ": Failed while calling: "
            return true;
        otErr << __FUNCTION__
              << ": Failed while calling: "
                 "theArmoredText.SetData(m_dataContents, true)\n";

    return false;
Exemple #2
bool OTCron::GetMarketList (OTASCIIArmor & ascOutput, int & nMarketCount)
    nMarketCount        = 0; // This parameter is set to zero here, and incremented in the loop below.
    // ------------------------
	OTMarket * pMarket  = NULL;

	OTDB::MarketList * pMarketList  = dynamic_cast<OTDB::MarketList*>(OTDB::CreateObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_MARKET_LIST));
	OTCleanup<OTDB::MarketList> theListAngel(*pMarketList);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	for (mapOfMarkets::iterator ii = m_mapMarkets.begin(); ii != m_mapMarkets.end(); ++ii)
		pMarket = (*ii).second;
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pMarket);
		OTDB::MarketData * pMarketData  = dynamic_cast<OTDB::MarketData *>(OTDB::CreateObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_MARKET_DATA));
		OTCleanup<OTDB::MarketData> theDataAngel(*pMarketData);
		// --------------------------------------------
		const OTIdentifier	MARKET_ID(*pMarket);
		const OTString		str_MARKET_ID(MARKET_ID);
		const OTString		str_ServerID(pMarket->GetServerID());
		const OTString		str_ASSET_ID(pMarket->GetAssetID());
		const OTString		str_CURRENCY_ID(pMarket->GetCurrencyID());
		pMarketData->server_id			= str_ServerID.Get();
		pMarketData->market_id			= str_MARKET_ID.Get();
		pMarketData->asset_type_id		= str_ASSET_ID.Get();
		pMarketData->currency_type_id	= str_CURRENCY_ID.Get();
		// --------------------------------------------		
		const long & lScale	= pMarket->GetScale();
		pMarketData->scale				= to_string<long>(lScale);
		// --------------------------------------------
		const uint64_t theCurrentBid	= pMarket->GetHighestBidPrice();
		const uint64_t theCurrentAsk	= pMarket->GetLowestAskPrice();
		pMarketData->current_bid		= to_string<uint64_t>(theCurrentBid);
		pMarketData->current_ask		= to_string<uint64_t>(theCurrentAsk);
		// ---------------------------------------------
		const long &	lLastSalePrice			= pMarket->GetLastSalePrice();
		const long &	lTotalAvailableAssets	= pMarket->GetTotalAvailableAssets();
		pMarketData->total_assets		= to_string<long>(lTotalAvailableAssets);
		pMarketData->last_sale_price	= to_string<long>(lLastSalePrice);

		// ---------------------------------------------
		const mapOfOffers::size_type theBidCount = pMarket->GetBidCount();
		const mapOfOffers::size_type theAskCount = pMarket->GetAskCount();
		pMarketData->number_bids		= to_string<mapOfOffers::size_type>(theBidCount);
		pMarketData->number_asks		= to_string<mapOfOffers::size_type>(theAskCount);

		// ---------------------------------------------
		// In the past 24 hours.
		// (I'm not collecting this data yet, (maybe never), so these values aren't set at all.)
//		pMarketData->volume_trades		= ???;
//		pMarketData->volume_assets		= ???;
//		pMarketData->volume_currency	= ???;
//		pMarketData->recent_highest_bid	= ???;
//		pMarketData->recent_lowest_ask	= ???;
		// ---------------------------------------------

		// *pMarketData is CLONED at this time (I'm still responsible to delete.)
		// That's also why I add it here, below: So the data is set right before the cloning occurs.
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// Now pack the list into strOutput...
    if (nMarketCount == 0)
        return true; // Success, but the list contains 0 markets.
	else if (nMarketCount > 0)
        OTDB::Storage * pStorage = OTDB::GetDefaultStorage();
        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pStorage);
        OTDB::OTPacker * pPacker = pStorage->GetPacker(); // No need to check for failure, since this already ASSERTS. No need to cleanup either.
        // -----------------------------
        OTDB::PackedBuffer * pBuffer = pPacker->Pack(*pMarketList); // Now we PACK our market list.
        if (NULL == pBuffer)
            OTLog::Error("Failed packing pMarketList in OTCron::GetMarketList. \n");
            return false;
        OTCleanup<OTDB::PackedBuffer> theBufferAngel(*pBuffer); // make sure memory is cleaned up.
        // --------------------------------------------------------	
        // Now we need to translate pBuffer into strOutput.
        const uint8_t* pUint = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pBuffer->GetData());
        const size_t theSize = pBuffer->GetSize();
        if ((theSize > 0) && (NULL != pUint))
            OTData theData(pUint, theSize);

            // This function will base64 ENCODE theData,
            // and then Set() that as the string contents.
//            bool bSuccessSetData = false;
//            bSuccessSetData = ascOutput.SetData(theData);

            return true;
            OTLog::Error("OTCron::GetMarketList: 0 size, or null return value, while getting raw data from packed buffer.\n");
        OTLog::vError("OTCron::GetMarketList: nMarketCount is less than zero: %d.\n", nMarketCount);      
	return false;
Exemple #3
// Loops through ALL markets, and calls pMarket->GetNym_OfferList(NYM_ID, *pOfferList) for each.
// Returns a list of all the offers that a specific Nym has on all the markets.
bool OTCron::GetNym_OfferList(OTASCIIArmor & ascOutput, const OTIdentifier & NYM_ID, int & nOfferCount)
    nOfferCount = 0; // Outputs the number of offers on this nym.
    // ---------------------------
	OTDB::OfferListNym * pOfferList  = dynamic_cast<OTDB::OfferListNym*>(OTDB::CreateObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_OFFER_LIST_NYM));
	OTCleanup<OTDB::OfferListNym> theListAngel(*pOfferList);
	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	for (mapOfMarkets::iterator ii = m_mapMarkets.begin(); ii != m_mapMarkets.end(); ++ii)
		OTMarket * pMarket = (*ii).second;
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pMarket);
        int nNymOfferCount = 0;
		if (false == pMarket->GetNym_OfferList(NYM_ID, *pOfferList, nNymOfferCount)) // appends to *pOfferList, each iteration.
				// may wish to add a log later. Anyway, keep iterationg and appending, then send back whatever we have.
        else // Success!
            nOfferCount += nNymOfferCount;
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// Now pack the list into strOutput...
    if (nOfferCount == 0)
        return true; // Success, but 0 offers being returned. (List is empty.)
    else if (nOfferCount > 0)
        OTDB::Storage * pStorage = OTDB::GetDefaultStorage();
        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pStorage);
        OTDB::OTPacker * pPacker = pStorage->GetPacker(); // No need to check for failure, since this already ASSERTS. No need to cleanup either.
        // -----------------------------
        OTDB::PackedBuffer * pBuffer = pPacker->Pack(*pOfferList); // Now we PACK our nym's offer list.
        if (NULL == pBuffer)
            OTLog::Error("Failed packing pOfferList in OTCron::GetNym_OfferList. \n");
            return false;
        OTCleanup<OTDB::PackedBuffer> theBufferAngel(*pBuffer); // make sure memory is cleaned up.
        // --------------------------------------------------------	
        // Now we need to translate pBuffer into strOutput.
        const uint8_t* pUint = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pBuffer->GetData());
        const size_t theSize = pBuffer->GetSize();
        if ((NULL != pUint) || (theSize < 2))
            OTData theData(pUint, theSize);
            // This function will base64 ENCODE theData,
            // and then Set() that as the string contents.
            return true;
            OTLog::Error("Null returned, or bad size, while getting buffer data in OTCron::GetNym_OfferList.\n");
        OTLog::vError("Error: Less-than-zero nOfferCount in OTCron::GetNym_OfferList: %d.\n", nOfferCount); 
	return false;	
Exemple #4
// Presumably this Envelope contains encrypted data (in binary form.)
// If you would like an ASCII-armored version of that data, just call this
// function.
// Should be called "Get Binary Envelope Encrypted Contents Into Ascii-Armored
// Form"
bool OTEnvelope::GetAsciiArmoredData(OTASCIIArmor& theArmoredText,
                                     bool bLineBreaks) const
    return theArmoredText.SetData(m_dataContents, bLineBreaks);
// Presumably this Envelope contains encrypted data (in binary form.)
// If you would like an ASCII-armored version of that data, just call this
// function.
// Should be called "Get Binary Envelope Encrypted Contents Into Ascii-Armored Form"
bool OTEnvelope::GetAsciiArmoredData(OTASCIIArmor & theArmoredText) const
	return theArmoredText.SetData(m_dataContents);
bool OTAsymmetricKey_OpenSSL::OTAsymmetricKey_OpenSSLPrivdp::ArmorPrivateKey(EVP_PKEY & theKey, OTASCIIArmor & ascKey, Timer & theTimer, OTPasswordData * pPWData/*=NULL*/, OTPassword * pImportPassword/*=NULL*/)
	bool bReturnVal = false;
    // ----------------------------------------
	// Create a new memory buffer on the OpenSSL side
	OpenSSL_BIO bmem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());    
	OT_ASSERT(NULL != bmem);
    int64_t lSize = 0;
	// ----------------------------------------
	// write a private key to that buffer, from theKey
    OTPasswordData thePWData("OTAsymmetricKey_OpenSSL::ArmorPrivateKey is calling PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey...");

    if (NULL == pPWData)
        pPWData = &thePWData;
    int32_t nWriteBio = 0;

    if (NULL == pImportPassword)
        nWriteBio = PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bmem, &theKey, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), // todo should this algorithm be hardcoded?
                                             NULL, 0, OTAsymmetricKey::GetPasswordCallback(), pPWData);
        nWriteBio = PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bmem, &theKey, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), // todo should this algorithm be hardcoded?
                                             NULL, 0, 0, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(pImportPassword->getPassword())));
	if (0 == nWriteBio)
		OTLog::vError("%s: Failed writing EVP_PKEY to memory buffer.\n", __FUNCTION__);
        // TODO (remove theTimer entirely. OTCachedKey replaces already.)
        // I set this timer because the above required a password. But now that master key is working,
        // the above would flow through even WITHOUT the user typing his passphrase (since master key still
        // not timed out.) Resulting in THIS timer being reset!  Todo: I already shortened this timer to 30
        // seconds, but need to phase it down to 0 and then remove it entirely! Master key takes over now!

        theTimer.start(); // Note: this isn't the ultimate timer solution. See notes in ReleaseKeyLowLevel.
        // --------------------
		OTLog::vOutput(5, "%s: Success writing EVP_PKEY to memory buffer.\n", __FUNCTION__);
		OTPayload theData;
		char * pChar = NULL;
		// After the below call, pChar will point to the memory buffer where the private key supposedly is,
		// and lSize will contain the size of that memory.
		lSize = BIO_get_mem_data(bmem, &pChar);
		uint32_t  nSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(lSize);
		if (nSize > 0)
			// Set the buffer size in our own memory.
//            void * pv = 
                OTPassword::safe_memcpy((static_cast<char*>(const_cast<void*>(theData.GetPayloadPointer()))), // destination
                                    theData.GetSize(),    // size of destination buffer.
                                    pChar,                // source
                                    nSize);               // length of source.
            // bool bZeroSource=false); // if true, sets the source buffer to zero after copying is done.
            // ------------------------------------------------
			// This base64 encodes the private key data, which
            // is already encrypted to its passphase as well.
            OTLog::vOutput(5, "%s: Success copying private key into memory.\n", __FUNCTION__);
			bReturnVal = true;
			OTLog::vError("%s: Failed copying private key into memory.\n", __FUNCTION__);
	return bReturnVal;	
// Take a public key, theKey (input), and create an armored version of
// it into ascKey (output.)
// OpenSSL loaded key ===> ASCII-Armored export of same key.
bool OTAsymmetricKey_OpenSSL::OTAsymmetricKey_OpenSSLPrivdp::ArmorPublicKey(EVP_PKEY & theKey, OTASCIIArmor & ascKey)
	bool bReturnVal = false;
    const char * szFunc = "OTAsymmetricKey_OpenSSL::ArmorPublicKey";
    // ----------------------------------------
	// Create a new memory buffer on the OpenSSL side
	OpenSSL_BIO bmem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());    
	OT_ASSERT_MSG(NULL != bmem, "OTAsymmetricKey_OpenSSL::ArmorPublicKey: ASSERT: NULL != bmem");
    int64_t lSize = 0;
	// ----------------------------------------
	// write a public key to that buffer, from theKey (parameter.)
	int32_t nWriteBio = PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bmem, &theKey);
	if (0 == nWriteBio)
		OTLog::vError("%s: Error: Failed writing EVP_PKEY to memory buffer.\n", szFunc);
		OTLog::vOutput(5, "%s: Success writing EVP_PKEY to memory buffer.\n", szFunc);
		OTPayload theData;
		char * pChar = NULL;
		// After the below call, pChar will point to the memory buffer where the public key
        // supposedly is, and lSize will contain the size of that memory.
		lSize = BIO_get_mem_data(bmem, &pChar);
		uint32_t  nSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(lSize); // todo security, etc. Fix this assumed type conversion.
		if (nSize > 0)
			// Set the buffer size in our own memory.
//            void * pv = 
                OTPassword::safe_memcpy((static_cast<char*>(const_cast<void*>(theData.GetPayloadPointer()))), // destination
                                    theData.GetSize(),    // size of destination buffer.
                                    pChar,                // source
                                    nSize);               // length of source.
                                    // bool bZeroSource=false); // if true, sets the source buffer to zero after copying is done.
            // ------------------------------------------------
			// This base64 encodes the public key data
            OTLog::vOutput(5, "%s: Success copying public key into memory.\n", szFunc);
			bReturnVal = true;
			OTLog::vError("%s: Failed copying public key into memory.\n", szFunc);
	return bReturnVal;	