/// Only if it is an inbox, a ledger will loop through the transactions
/// and produce the XML output for the report that's necessary during
/// a balance agreement. (Any balance agreement for an account must
/// include the list of transactions the nym has issued for use, as
/// well as a listing of the transactions in the inbox for that account.
/// This function does that last part :)
/// returns a new balance statement item containing the inbox report
OTItem * OTLedger::GenerateBalanceStatement(const long lAdjustment, const OTTransaction & theOwner, 
											OTPseudonym & theNym, const OTAccount & theAccount, OTLedger & theOutbox) 
	if (OTLedger::inbox != GetType())
		OTLog::Error("OTLedger::GenerateBalanceStatement: Wrong ledger type.\n");
		return NULL;
	// ------------------------------------------------------
	const OTIdentifier theNymID(theNym);
	if (
		(theAccount.GetPurportedAccountID()	!= GetPurportedAccountID()) ||
		(theAccount.GetPurportedServerID()	!= GetPurportedServerID()) ||
		(theAccount.GetUserID()				!= GetUserID()) )
		OTLog::Error("Wrong Account passed in to OTLedger::GenerateBalanceStatement.\n");
		return NULL;
	if (
		(theOutbox.GetPurportedAccountID()	!= GetPurportedAccountID()) ||
		(theOutbox.GetPurportedServerID()	!= GetPurportedServerID()) ||
		(theOutbox.GetUserID()				!= GetUserID()) )
		OTLog::Error("Wrong Outbox passed in to OTLedger::GenerateBalanceStatement.\n");
		return NULL;
	if (
		(theNymID	!= GetUserID()))
		OTLog::Error("Wrong Nym passed in to OTLedger::GenerateBalanceStatement.\n");
		return NULL;
	// ---------------------------------------------------------

	// theOwner is the withdrawal, or deposit, or whatever, that wants to change
	// the account balance, and thus that needs a new balance agreement signed.
	OTItem * pBalanceItem = OTItem::CreateItemFromTransaction(theOwner, OTItem::balanceStatement); // <=== balanceStatement type, with user ID, server ID, account ID, transaction ID.

	// The above has an ASSERT, so this this will never actually happen.
	if (NULL == pBalanceItem)
		return NULL;
	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	OTPseudonym theMessageNym;
                                       theNym /*unused in this case, not saving to disk*/, theNym, false); // bSave = false;
	// -------------------------------------
	switch (theOwner.GetType()) 
			// These five options will remove the transaction number from the issued list, SUCCESS OR FAIL.
			// Server will expect the number to be missing from the list, in the case of these.
			// Therefore I remove it here in order to generate a proper balance agreement, acceptable to the server.
		case OTTransaction::processInbox:
		case OTTransaction::deposit:
		case OTTransaction::withdrawal:
        case OTTransaction::cancelCronItem:
		case OTTransaction::exchangeBasket:

			theMessageNym.RemoveIssuedNum(theOwner.GetRealServerID(), theOwner.GetTransactionNum());  // a transaction number is being used, and REMOVED from my list of responsibility,
			theMessageNym.RemoveTransactionNum(theOwner.GetRealServerID(), theOwner.GetTransactionNum());  // a transaction number is being used, and REMOVED from my list of  available numbers.
		case OTTransaction::transfer:
		case OTTransaction::marketOffer:
		case OTTransaction::paymentPlan:
			// Nothing removed here since the transaction is still in play. (Assuming success.)
			// If the server replies with rejection for any of these three, then I can remove
			// the transaction number from my list of issued/signed for. But if success, then I
			// am responsible for the transaction number until I sign off on closing it.
			// Since the Balance Statement ANTICIPATES SUCCESS, NOT FAILURE, it assumes the number
			// to be "in play" here, and thus DOES NOT remove it (vs the cases above, which do.)
			// Error
			OTLog::vError("OTLedger::GenerateBalanceStatement: wrong owner transaction type: %s\n",
	OTString	strMessageNym(theMessageNym); // Okay now we have the transaction numbers in this MessageNym string.

	pBalanceItem->SetAttachment(strMessageNym);				// <======== This is where the server will read the transaction numbers from (A nym in item.m_ascAttachment)
	// ---------------------------------------------------------

	long lCurrentBalance = theAccount.GetBalance();
	pBalanceItem->SetAmount(lCurrentBalance + lAdjustment);  // <==== Here's the new (predicted) balance for after the withdrawal is complete. (item.GetAmount)
	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	// loop through the INBOX transactions, and produce a sub-item onto pBalanceItem for each, which will
	// be a report on each transaction in this inbox, therefore added to the balance item.
	// (So the balance item contains a complete report on the receipts in this inbox.)
	OTTransaction * pTransaction = NULL;
	OTLog::Output(2, "About to loop through the inbox items and produce a report for each one...\n");
	for (mapOfTransactions::iterator ii = m_mapTransactions.begin(); 
		 ii != m_mapTransactions.end(); ++ii)
		pTransaction = (*ii).second;
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pTransaction);

		OTLog::Output(2, "Producing a report...\n");

		// it only reports receipts where we don't yet have balance agreement.
//      pTransaction->ProduceInboxReportItem(*pBalanceItem, const_cast<OTTransaction &>(theOwner));
		pTransaction->ProduceInboxReportItem(*pBalanceItem);	// <======= This function adds a receipt sub-item to pBalanceItem, where appropriate for INBOX items.
        // self note: I added the const_cast because the function needs to loop through it, even though it doesn't really change it
        // (doesn't violate the const, just needs to perform a loop and the const screws with the loop.)
	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	theOutbox.ProduceOutboxReport(*pBalanceItem);	// <======= This function adds receipt sub-items to pBalanceItem, where appropriate for the OUTBOX items.
	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	pBalanceItem->SignContract(theNym); // <=== Sign, save, and return. OTTransactionType needs to weasel in a "date signed" variable.
	return pBalanceItem;
// This is called by OTCronItem::HookRemovalFromCron
// (After calling this method, HookRemovalFromCron then calls onRemovalFromCron.)
void OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt(OTCronItem & theOrigCronItem,
                                 const long & lNewTransactionNumber,
                                 OTPseudonym & theOriginator,
                                 OTPseudonym * pRemover)
    OTCron * pCron  = GetCron();
    OT_ASSERT(NULL != pCron);
    OTPseudonym * pServerNym = pCron->GetServerNym();
    OT_ASSERT(NULL != pServerNym);
    // -------------------------------------------------
    // The finalReceipt Item's ATTACHMENT contains the UPDATED Cron Item.
    // (With the SERVER's signature on it!)
    OTString strUpdatedCronItem(*this);
    OTString * pstrAttachment=&strUpdatedCronItem;
    const OTString strOrigCronItem(theOrigCronItem);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------

    OTPseudonym theRecipientNym; // Don't use this... use the pointer just below.
    // The Nym who is actively requesting to remove a cron item will be passed in as pRemover.
    // However, sometimes there is no Nym... perhaps it just expired and pRemover is NULL.
    // The originating Nym (if different than remover) is loaded up. Otherwise the originator
    // pointer just pointers to *pRemover.
    OTPseudonym * pRecipient = NULL;
    if (pServerNym->CompareID(this->GetRecipientUserID()))
        pRecipient = pServerNym; // Just in case the recipient Nym is also the server Nym.
    // *******************************************************
    // If pRemover is NOT NULL, and he has the Recipient's ID...
    // then set the pointer accordingly.
    else if ((NULL != pRemover) && (true == pRemover->CompareID(this->GetRecipientUserID())))
        pRecipient = pRemover; // <======== now both pointers are set (to same Nym). DONE!
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (NULL == pRecipient)
        // GetSenderUserID() should be the same on THIS (updated version of the same cron item) 
        // but for whatever reason, I'm checking the userID on the original version. Sue me.
        const OTIdentifier NYM_ID(this->GetRecipientUserID());
        if (false == theRecipientNym.LoadPublicKey())
            OTString strNymID(NYM_ID);
            OTLog::vError("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure loading Recipient's public key:\n%s\n", strNymID.Get());
        else if (theRecipientNym.VerifyPseudonym() && 
                 theRecipientNym.LoadSignedNymfile(*pServerNym)) // ServerNym here is merely the signer on this file.
            pRecipient = &theRecipientNym; //  <=====
            OTString strNymID(NYM_ID);
            OTLog::vError("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure verifying Recipient's public key or loading signed nymfile: %s\n",
    // -------------------------------

    // First, we are closing the transaction number ITSELF, of this cron item,
    // as an active issued number on the originating nym. (Changing it to CLOSED.)
    // Second, we're verifying the CLOSING number, and using it as the closing number
    // on the FINAL RECEIPT (with that receipt being "InReferenceTo" this->GetTransactionNum())
    const long lRecipientOpeningNumber = this->GetRecipientOpeningNum();
    const long lRecipientClosingNumber = this->GetRecipientClosingNum();
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const long lSenderOpeningNumber = theOrigCronItem.GetTransactionNum();

    const long lSenderClosingNumber = (theOrigCronItem.GetCountClosingNumbers() > 0) ? 
        theOrigCronItem.GetClosingTransactionNoAt(0) : 0; // index 0 is closing number for sender, since GetTransactionNum() is his opening #.
    // ----------------------------------
    const OTString strServerID(GetServerID());
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    if ((lSenderOpeningNumber > 0) &&
        theOriginator.VerifyIssuedNum(strServerID, lSenderOpeningNumber))
        // The Nym (server side) stores a list of all opening and closing cron #s.
        // So when the number is released from the Nym, we also take it off that list.
        std::set<long> & theIDSet = theOriginator.GetSetOpenCronItems();
        // the RemoveIssued call means the original transaction# (to find this cron item on cron) is now CLOSED.
        // But the Transaction itself is still OPEN. How? Because the CLOSING number is still signed out.
        // The closing number is also USED, since the NotarizePaymentPlan or NotarizeMarketOffer call, but it
        // remains ISSUED, until the final receipt itself is accepted during a process inbox.
        theOriginator.RemoveIssuedNum(*pServerNym, strServerID, lSenderOpeningNumber, false); //bSave=false
        // ------------------------------------
        OTPseudonym *   pActualNym = NULL;  // use this. DON'T use theActualNym.
        OTPseudonym     theActualNym; // unused unless it's really not already loaded. (use pActualNym.)
        const OTIdentifier ACTUAL_NYM_ID = GetSenderUserID();
        if ( (NULL != pServerNym) && pServerNym->CompareID(ACTUAL_NYM_ID) )
            pActualNym = pServerNym;
        else if (theOriginator.CompareID(ACTUAL_NYM_ID))
            pActualNym = &theOriginator;
        else if ( (NULL != pRemover) && pRemover->CompareID(ACTUAL_NYM_ID) )
            pActualNym = pRemover;
        // --------------------------
        else    // We couldn't find the Nym among those already loaded--so we have to load
        {       // it ourselves (so we can update its NymboxHash value.)
            if (false == theActualNym.LoadPublicKey()) // Note: this step may be unnecessary since we are only updating his Nymfile, not his key.
                OTString strNymID(ACTUAL_NYM_ID);
                OTLog::vError("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure loading public key for Nym: %s. "
                              "(To update his NymboxHash.) \n", strNymID.Get());
            else if (theActualNym.VerifyPseudonym()	&& // this line may be unnecessary.
                     theActualNym.LoadSignedNymfile(*pServerNym)) // ServerNym here is not theActualNym's identity, but merely the signer on this file.
                OTLog::Output(0, "OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Loading actual Nym, since he wasn't already loaded. "
                              "(To update his NymboxHash.)\n");
                pActualNym = &theActualNym; //  <=====
                OTString strNymID(ACTUAL_NYM_ID);
                OTLog::vError("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure loading or verifying Actual Nym public key: %s. "
                              "(To update his NymboxHash.)\n", strNymID.Get());
        // -------------
        if (false == this->DropFinalReceiptToNymbox(GetSenderUserID(),
            OTLog::Error("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure dropping sender final receipt into nymbox.\n");
        OTLog::Error("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure verifying sender's opening number.\n");
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    if ((lSenderClosingNumber > 0) &&
        theOriginator.VerifyIssuedNum(strServerID, lSenderClosingNumber)         
        ) // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // In this case, I'm passing NULL for pstrNote, since there is no note.
        // (Additional information would normally be stored in the note.) 
        if (false == this->DropFinalReceiptToInbox(GetSenderUserID(),
                                          lSenderClosingNumber, // The closing transaction number to put on the receipt.
            OTLog::Error("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure dropping receipt into sender's inbox.\n");

        // This part below doesn't happen until theOriginator ACCEPTS the final receipt (when processing his inbox.)
//      theOriginator.RemoveIssuedNum(strServerID, lSenderClosingNumber, true); //bSave=false
        OTLog::Error("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failed verifying lSenderClosingNumber=theOrigCronItem.GetClosingTransactionNoAt(0)>0 &&  "
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    if ((NULL != pRecipient) && (lRecipientOpeningNumber > 0) && 
        pRecipient->VerifyIssuedNum(strServerID, lRecipientOpeningNumber)
        // The Nym (server side) stores a list of all opening and closing cron #s.
        // So when the number is released from the Nym, we also take it off that list.
        std::set<long> & theIDSet = pRecipient->GetSetOpenCronItems();
        // the RemoveIssued call means the original transaction# (to find this cron item on cron) is now CLOSED.
        // But the Transaction itself is still OPEN. How? Because the CLOSING number is still signed out.
        // The closing number is also USED, since the NotarizePaymentPlan or NotarizeMarketOffer call, but it
        // remains ISSUED, until the final receipt itself is accepted during a process inbox.
        pRecipient->RemoveIssuedNum(*pServerNym, strServerID, lRecipientOpeningNumber, false); //bSave=false       
//      pRecipient->SaveSignedNymfile(*pServerNym); // Moved lower.
        // -----------------------------------------------------
        if (false == this->DropFinalReceiptToNymbox(GetRecipientUserID(),
                                                    pRecipient)) // NymboxHash is updated here in pRecipient.
            OTLog::Error("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure dropping recipient final receipt into nymbox.\n");
        // -----------------------------------------------------

        // Saving both the Removed Issued Number, as well as the new NymboxHash.
        // NOTE: Todo: if the NymboxHash WAS updated (as it should have been) then
        // it was probably saved at that time. Below is therefore a redundant save.
        // Need to fix by making certain objects savable and dirty, and then let them
        // autosave before destruction, IF they are dirty.
        OTLog::Error("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failed verifying "
                     "lRecipientClosingNumber=this->GetRecipientClosingTransactionNoAt(1)>0 &&  "
                     "pRecipient->VerifyTransactionNum(lRecipientClosingNumber) && VerifyIssuedNum(lRecipientOpeningNumber)\n");
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    if ((NULL != pRecipient) && (lRecipientClosingNumber > 0) && 
        pRecipient->VerifyIssuedNum(strServerID, lRecipientClosingNumber)
        if (false == this->DropFinalReceiptToInbox(GetRecipientUserID(),
                                      lRecipientClosingNumber, // The closing transaction number to put on the receipt.
            OTLog::Error("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failure dropping receipt into recipient's inbox.\n");

        // This part below doesn't happen until pRecipient ACCEPTs the final receipt (when processing his inbox.)
//      pRecipient->RemoveIssuedNum(strServerID, lRecipientClosingNumber, true); //bSave=false
        OTLog::Error("OTAgreement::onFinalReceipt: Failed verifying "
                     "lRecipientClosingNumber=this->GetRecipientClosingTransactionNoAt(1)>0 &&  "
                     "pRecipient->VerifyTransactionNum(lRecipientClosingNumber) && VerifyIssuedNum(lRecipientOpeningNumber)\n");
    // QUESTION: Won't there be Cron Items that have no asset account at all?
    // In which case, there'd be no need to drop a final receipt, but I don't think
    // that's the case, since you have to use a transaction number to get onto cron
    // in the first place.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------