Exemple #1
        /** \brief
        Force the pointer for the object in store to be a specific pointer.

        This can be useful for singleton values.
        These usually must be removed from the store explicitly.

        \pre No object with this value is already in the store.
        void set (std::shared_ptr <Value const> pointer) {
            // The value must not be in the store yet.
            assert (objects_.find (*pointer,
                boost::hash <Value>(), EqualToWeakPtr()) == objects_.end());

            objects_.insert (std::move (pointer));
  for(Objects::iterator i = objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i)
  for(Objects::iterator i = objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i)
  for(ObjectMoveCommandImpl::Objects::iterator i = objects.begin(); 
      i != objects.end();
Exemple #5
void SEQFile::clearAnims() {
	Objects objects = getOrderedObjects();

	// Remove the animation frames, in reverse drawing order
	for (Objects::iterator o = objects.legacy_reverse_begin(); o != objects.end(); --o) {
		int16 left, top, right, bottom;

		if (o->object->clear(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom))
			_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);
	void drawCalibratedObjects(gluit::Graphics& g) const
		Objects transformed = objects;
		for (Objects::Iterator object = transformed.begin(); object != transformed.end(); ++object) {

			gluit::Point position = convert((*object)->getPosition());

			g.drawEllipse(gluit::Rectangle(gluit::Size(40)).centerOn(position), true);
Exemple #7
void Frame::drawAll()
	Objects toDraw = objectsInBounds(sf::FloatRect(sf::Vector2f(0,0),_bounds));
	Objects::iterator it = toDraw.begin();
	for(;it != toDraw.end();it++)
Exemple #8
void TUIOSender::send(const Objects& objects)
	Mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);

	if (!socket) {

	try {
		osc::OutboundPacketStream p(buffer, OUTBOUND_PACKET_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);

		p << osc::BeginBundleImmediate;

		p << osc::BeginMessage(oscAddress.getValue().c_str()) << "source" << sourceId.get().c_str() << osc::EndMessage;

		p << osc::BeginMessage(oscAddress.getValue().c_str());
		p << "alive";
		for (Objects::ConstIterator object = objects.begin(); object != objects.end(); ++object) {
			if ((*object)->isAlive()) {
				p << int((*object)->getId());
		p << osc::EndMessage;

		for (Objects::ConstIterator object = objects.begin(); object != objects.end(); ++object) {
			if ((*object)->isAlive()) {
				p << osc::BeginMessage(oscAddress.getValue().c_str()) << "set" << (*object) << osc::EndMessage;

		p << osc::BeginMessage(oscAddress.getValue().c_str()) << "fseq" << int(frameSequenceNumber++) << osc::EndMessage;

		p << osc::EndBundle;

		socket->Send(p.Data(), p.Size());
	} catch (osc::OutOfBufferMemoryException& e) {
		LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Sending objects failed, too many objects to send (" << objects.getSize() << ")");
Exemple #9
void SEQFile::drawAnims() {
	Objects objects = getOrderedObjects();

	// Draw the animation frames and advance the animation
	for (Objects::iterator o = objects.begin(); o != objects.end(); ++o) {
		int16 left, top, right, bottom;

		if (o->object->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom))
			_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);

Exemple #10
        // Rvalue reference.
        std::shared_ptr <Value const> get (Value && value) {
            auto existing = objects_.find (value,
                boost::hash <Value>(), EqualToWeakPtr());
            if (existing != objects_.end())
                return existing->get();

            // The value is not in the store yet; insert it.
            auto sole = SoleType::construct (*this, std::move (value));
            Pointer newElement (sole);
            objects_.insert (std::move (newElement));

            return sole;
Exemple #11
	PtrTracer(const ManagedHeap& heap)
		// сформировать список объектов
		for(Allocations::const_iterator i = heap.allocations.begin(); i != heap.allocations.end(); ++i)
			objects.push_back(Object(i->first, i->second.size, i->second.info));
		std::sort(objects.begin(), objects.end(), sorter);

		// сформировать карту ссылок
		for(Ptrs::const_iterator i = heap.ptrs.begin(); i != heap.ptrs.end(); ++i)
			// найти объект, в котором содержится указатель
			Objects::const_iterator j = std::upper_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), i->first, sorter);
			if(j > objects.begin())
				if((size_t)((char*)i->first - (char*)j->data) < j->size)
					// да, указатель содержится в этом объекте
					// получить объект, на который указывает указатель, и добавить ссылку
					links.insert(std::make_pair(j, std::lower_bound(objects.begin(), objects.end(), i->second, sorter)));
Exemple #12
        /** \brief
        Retrieve the sole object with value \a value.

        If an object with this value is already in the store, return a pointer
        to that object.
        If not, return a pointer to a newly allocated object.
        std::shared_ptr <Value const> get (Value const & value) {
            auto existing = objects_.find (value,
                boost::hash <Value>(), EqualToWeakPtr());
            if (existing != objects_.end())
                return existing->get();

            // The value is not in the store yet; insert it.
            auto sole = SoleType::construct (*this, value);
            Pointer newElement (sole);
            // Note that this insertion involves a mere copy of newElement into
            // another place in memory.
            // No objects will therefore be deleted, and no objects will
            // therefore attempt to remove themselves from the store.
            objects_.insert (std::move (newElement));

            return sole;
Exemple #13
	void Print(std::ostream& stream)
		std::vector<Objects::const_iterator> referencedObjects;
		for(Links::const_iterator i = links.begin(); i != links.end(); ++i)
		std::sort(referencedObjects.begin(), referencedObjects.end());
		referencedObjects.resize(std::unique(referencedObjects.begin(), referencedObjects.end()) - referencedObjects.begin());

		// пока просто вывести
		for(Objects::const_iterator object = objects.begin(); object != objects.end(); ++object)
			if(std::binary_search(referencedObjects.begin(), referencedObjects.end(), object))
			Print(stream, object);
	void handleSourceDataUpdate(const Source<Objects>& source)
		Objects::Mutex::scoped_lock lock(objects.mutex);

		objects = source.get();

		if (calibrating) {
			for (Objects::Iterator object = objects.begin(); object != objects.end(); ++object) {
				if ((*object)->isNew()) {
				} else if ((*object)->isDead()) {
				} else {

Exemple #15
Store::rename(const iterator top, const Raul::Path& new_path)
	const Raul::Path old_path = top->first;

	// Remove the object and all its descendants
	Objects removed;
	remove(top, removed);

	// Rename all the removed objects
	for (Objects::const_iterator i = removed.begin(); i != removed.end(); ++i) {
		const Raul::Path path = (i->first == old_path)
			? new_path
			: new_path.child(
				Raul::Path(i->first.substr(old_path.base().length() - 1)));

		assert(find(path) == end());  // Shouldn't be dropping objects!
		insert(make_pair(path, i->second));
 iterator end()   { return objects.end(); }
	bool contains(ID id)
		return objects.find(id)!=objects.end();
 const_iterator end()   const { return objects.end(); }
void CriticalCurves::setParameters(double radius_1, double radius_2, Arrangements_2 insets_1, Arrangements_2 insets_2)
    Arrangement_2_iterator inset_1 = insets_1.begin();
    Arrangement_2_iterator inset_2 = insets_2.begin();

    while (inset_1 != insets_1.end() && inset_2 != insets_2.end())
        Arrangement_2 arrangement;

        // Add the curves of the inset.
        for (Edge_iterator edge = inset_1->edges_begin(); edge != inset_1->edges_end(); ++edge)
            insert(arrangement, edge->curve());

        // Add the critical curves of type I.
        for (Edge_iterator edge = inset_2->edges_begin(); edge != inset_2->edges_end(); ++edge)
            if (CGAL::COLLINEAR == edge->curve().orientation())
                // Displaced a segment.
                Nt_traits nt_traits;
                Algebraic_ft factor = nt_traits.convert(Rational(radius_1) + Rational(radius_2));
                Conic_point_2 source = edge->curve().source();
                Conic_point_2 target = edge->curve().target();
                Algebraic_ft delta_x = target.x() - source.x();
                Algebraic_ft delta_y = target.y() - source.y();
                Algebraic_ft length = nt_traits.sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y);
                Algebraic_ft translation_x = factor * delta_y / length;
                Algebraic_ft translation_y = - factor * delta_x / length;
                Conic_point_2 point_1(source.x() + translation_x, source.y() + translation_y);
                Conic_point_2 point_2(target.x() + translation_x, target.y() + translation_y);
                Algebraic_ft a = - delta_y;
                Algebraic_ft b = delta_x;
                Algebraic_ft c = factor * length - (source.y() * target.x() - source.x() * target.y());
                X_monotone_curve_2 x_monotone_curve(a, b, c, point_1, point_2);
                insert(arrangement, x_monotone_curve);
                // Displaces an arc.
                Rational two(2);
                Rational four(4);

                Rational r = edge->curve().r();
                Rational s = edge->curve().s();
                Rational t = edge->curve().t();
                Rational u = edge->curve().u();
                Rational v = edge->curve().v();
                Rational w = edge->curve().w();

                Nt_traits nt_traits;
                Rational x_center = - u / (two * r);
                Rational y_center = - v / (two * r);
                Rat_point_2 rat_center(x_center, y_center);
                Conic_point_2 center(nt_traits.convert(x_center), nt_traits.convert(y_center));

                Rational radius = Rational(radius_1) + two * Rational(radius_2);

                Algebraic_ft coefficient = nt_traits.convert(radius / Rational(radius_2));

                Conic_point_2 source_1 = edge->curve().source();
                Algebraic_ft x_source_2 = center.x() + coefficient * (source_1.x() - center.x());
                Algebraic_ft y_source_2 = center.y() + coefficient * (source_1.y() - center.y());
                Conic_point_2 source_2(x_source_2, y_source_2);

                Conic_point_2 target_1 = edge->curve().target();
                Algebraic_ft x_target_2 = center.x() + coefficient * (target_1.x() - center.x());
                Algebraic_ft y_target_2 = center.y() + coefficient * (target_1.y() - center.y());
                Conic_point_2 target_2(x_target_2, y_target_2);

                Rat_circle_2 circle(rat_center, radius * radius);

                Conic_arc_2 conic_arc(circle, CGAL::COUNTERCLOCKWISE, source_2, target_2);

                insert(arrangement, conic_arc);

        // Add the critical curves of type II.
        for (Edge_iterator edge = inset_2->edges_begin(); edge != inset_2->edges_end(); ++edge)
            double x = CGAL::to_double(edge->curve().source().x());
            double y = CGAL::to_double(edge->curve().source().y());
            double radius = radius_1 + radius_2;
            Rat_point_2 center(x, y);
            Rat_circle_2 circle(center, radius * radius);
            Conic_arc_2 conic_arc(circle);
            insert(arrangement, conic_arc);

        // Remove the curves which are not include in the inset.
        Objects objects;
        Face_handle face;
        for (Edge_iterator edge = arrangement.edges_begin(); edge != arrangement.edges_end(); ++edge)
            CGAL::zone(*inset_1, edge->curve(), std::back_inserter(objects));
            for (Object_iterator object = objects.begin(); object != objects.end(); ++object)
                if (assign(face, *object))
                    if (face->is_unbounded())
                        remove_edge(arrangement, edge);

        // Print essential information on the standard input.
        std::cout << "Arrangement:" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Number of vertices: " << arrangement.number_of_vertices() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Number of edges   : " << arrangement.number_of_edges() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Number of face    : " << arrangement.number_of_faces() << std::endl;



    // Commit changes.
	void destroy(ID id)
		Objects::iterator it=objects.find(id);
			delete it->second;