/// Creates an observer int luaEvent::createObserver(lua_State *luaL) { Reference<luaEvent>::getReference(luaL); // flags para a defini??o do uso de compress?o // na transmiss?o de datagramas e da visibilidade // dos observadores Udp Sender bool compressDatagram = false, obsVisible = true; int top = lua_gettop(luaL); int typeObserver =(int)luaL_checkinteger(luaL, 1); QStringList allAttribs, cols; allAttribs.push_back("EventTime"); allAttribs.push_back("Periodicity"); allAttribs.push_back("Priority"); lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top - 1) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) key = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: { QString value(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); cols.push_back(value); break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { bool val = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); if (key == "visible") obsVisible = val; else // if (key == "compress") compressDatagram = val; } default: break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } if (cols.isEmpty()) { if (execModes != Quiet){ string err_out = string("Warning: The parameter table is empty."); lua_getglobal(L, "customWarning"); lua_pushstring(L, err_out.c_str()); lua_pushnumber(L, 5); lua_call(L, 2, 0); } cols << "" << ""; } ObserverTextScreen *obsText = 0; ObserverTable *obsTable = 0; ObserverLogFile *obsLog = 0; ObserverUDPSender *obsUDPSender = 0; int obsId = -1; switch (typeObserver) { case TObsTextScreen: obsText =(ObserverTextScreen*) EventSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTextScreen); if (obsText) { obsId = obsText->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsLogFile: obsLog =(ObserverLogFile*) EventSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsLogFile); if (obsLog) { obsId = obsLog->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsTable: obsTable =(ObserverTable *) EventSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTable); if (obsTable) { obsId = obsTable->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsUDPSender: obsUDPSender =(ObserverUDPSender *) EventSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsUDPSender); if (obsUDPSender) { obsId = obsUDPSender->getId(); obsUDPSender->setCompressDatagram(compressDatagram); if (obsVisible) obsUDPSender->show(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; default: if (execModes != Quiet) { qWarning("Error: In this context, the code '%s' does not " "correspond to a valid type of Observer.", getObserverName(typeObserver)); } return 0; } QStringList obsAttribs; obsAttribs = allAttribs; observedAttribs = allAttribs; if (obsLog) { obsLog->setAttributes(obsAttribs); if (cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty()) { obsLog->setFileName(DEFAULT_NAME + ".csv"); } else { obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); } obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); // caso n?o seja definido, utiliza o default ";" if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { obsLog->setSeparator(); } else { obsLog->setSeparator(cols.at(1)); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsText) { obsText->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsTable) { obsTable->setColumnHeaders(cols); obsTable->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsUDPSender) { obsUDPSender->setAttributes(obsAttribs); obsUDPSender->setPort(cols.at(0).toInt()); // broadcast if ((cols.size() == 1) ||((cols.size() == 2) && cols.at(1).isEmpty())) { obsUDPSender->addHost(BROADCAST_HOST); } else { // multicast or unicast for (int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++){ if (!cols.at(i).isEmpty()) obsUDPSender->addHost(cols.at(i)); } } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } return 0; }
/// Creates an observer int luaEvent::createObserver( lua_State *L ) { #ifdef DEBUG_OBSERVER stackDump(luaL); #endif // recupero a referencia da celula lua_rawgeti(luaL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); // flags para a definição do uso de compressão // na transmissão de datagramas e da visibilidade // dos observadores Udp Sender bool compressDatagram = false, obsVisible = true; int top = lua_gettop(luaL); int typeObserver = (int)luaL_checkinteger(luaL, 1); QStringList allAttribs, cols; allAttribs.push_back("EventTime"); allAttribs.push_back("Periodicity"); allAttribs.push_back("Priority"); // Recupera a tabela de parametros //if(! lua_istable(luaL, top - 1) ) //{ // if (! QUIET_MODE ) // qWarning("Warning: Parameter table not found."); //} //else //{ lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 1) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) key = QString( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: { QString value( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); cols.push_back(value); break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { bool val = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); if (key == "visible") obsVisible = val; else // if (key == "compress") compressDatagram = val; } default: break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } // } if (cols.isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: The Parameters Table is empty."); cols << "" << ""; } ObserverTextScreen *obsText = 0; ObserverTable *obsTable = 0; ObserverLogFile *obsLog = 0; ObserverUDPSender *obsUDPSender = 0; int obsId = -1; switch (typeObserver) { case TObsTextScreen: obsText = (ObserverTextScreen*) EventSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTextScreen); if (obsText) { obsId = obsText->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; case TObsLogFile: obsLog = (ObserverLogFile*) EventSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsLogFile); if (obsLog) { obsId = obsLog->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; case TObsTable: obsTable = (ObserverTable *) EventSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTable); if (obsTable) { obsId = obsTable->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; case TObsUDPSender: obsUDPSender = (ObserverUDPSender *) EventSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsUDPSender); if (obsUDPSender) { obsId = obsUDPSender->getId(); obsUDPSender->setCompressDatagram(compressDatagram); if (obsVisible) obsUDPSender->show(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; default: if (! QUIET_MODE ) { qWarning("Error: In this context, the code '%s' does not " "correspond to a valid type of Observer.", getObserverName(typeObserver) ); } return 0; } QStringList obsAttribs; obsAttribs = allAttribs; observedAttribs = allAttribs; /// Define alguns parametros do observador instanciado --------------------------------------------------- if (obsLog) { obsLog->setHeaders(obsAttribs); if (cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) { qWarning("Warning: Filename was not specified, using a " "default \"%s\".", qPrintable(DEFAULT_NAME)); } obsLog->setFileName(DEFAULT_NAME + ".csv"); } else { obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); } // caso não seja definido, utiliza o default ";" if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Separator not defined, using \";\"."); obsLog->setSeparator(); } else { obsLog->setSeparator(cols.at(1)); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsText) { obsText->setHeaders(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsTable) { if ((cols.size() < 1) || (cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty() || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Column title not defined."); } obsTable->setColumnHeaders(cols); obsTable->setLinesHeader(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsUDPSender) { obsUDPSender->setAttributes(obsAttribs); if (cols.isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Port not defined."); } else { obsUDPSender->setPort(cols.at(0).toInt()); } // broadcast if ((cols.size() == 1) || ((cols.size() == 2) && cols.at(1).isEmpty()) ) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Observer will send to broadcast."); obsUDPSender->addHost(BROADCAST_HOST); } else { // multicast or unicast for(int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++){ if (! cols.at(i).isEmpty()) obsUDPSender->addHost(cols.at(i)); } } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } return 0; }
int luaTrajectory::createObserver( lua_State *L ) { #ifdef DEBUG_OBSERVER luaStackToQString(7); #endif // recupero a referencia da celula lua_rawgeti(luaL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); // flags para a definição do uso de compressão // na transmissão de datagramas e da visibilidade // dos observadores Udp Sender bool compressDatagram = false, obsVisible = true; // recupero a tabela de atributos da celula int top = lua_gettop(luaL); // Não modifica em nada a pilha recupera o enum referente ao tipo // do observer int typeObserver = (int)luaL_checkinteger(luaL, 1); if ((typeObserver != TObsMap) && (typeObserver != TObsImage)) { QStringList allAttribs, obsAttribs, obsParams, cols; // qDebug() << "Recupera a tabela de parametros"; lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 1) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) { key = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2); } //else //{ // if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TNUMBER) // { // char aux[100]; // double number = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -2); // sprintf(aux, "%g", number); // key = aux; // } //} switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { bool val = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); if (key == "visible") obsVisible = val; else // if (key == "compress") compressDatagram = val; break; } case LUA_TSTRING: { const char *strAux = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); cols.append(strAux); break; } case LUA_TTABLE: { int pos = lua_gettop(luaL); QString k; lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, pos) != 0) { if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) { obsParams.append( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2) ); } switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: k = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: { char aux[100]; double number = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); sprintf(aux, "%g", number); k = QString(aux); break; } default: break; } cols.append(k); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } break; } default: break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } // qDebug() << "Recupera a tabela de atributos"; lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 2) != 0) { if (lua_type(luaL, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) { // QString key( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1) ); obsAttribs.push_back(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } // Retrieves all subject attributes lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) allAttribs.append( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2) ); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } if (obsAttribs.empty()) { obsAttribs = allAttribs; observedAttribs = allAttribs; } else { // Verifica se o atributo informado realmente existe na celula for (int i = 0; i < obsAttribs.size(); i++) { if (! observedAttribs.contains(obsAttribs.at(i)) ) observedAttribs.push_back(obsAttribs.at(i)); if (! allAttribs.contains(obsAttribs.at(i))) { qFatal("\nError: Attribute name '%s' not found.\n", qPrintable(obsAttribs.at(i)) ); return -1; } } } ObserverTextScreen *obsText = 0; ObserverTable *obsTable = 0; ObserverGraphic *obsGraphic = 0; ObserverLogFile *obsLog = 0; ObserverUDPSender *obsUDPSender = 0; int obsId = -1; switch (typeObserver) { case TObsTextScreen: obsText = (ObserverTextScreen*) TrajectorySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTextScreen); if (obsText) { obsId = obsText->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsLogFile: obsLog = (ObserverLogFile*) TrajectorySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsLogFile); if (obsLog) { obsId = obsLog->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsTable: obsTable = (ObserverTable *) TrajectorySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTable); if (obsTable) { obsId = obsTable->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsDynamicGraphic: obsGraphic = (ObserverGraphic *) TrajectorySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsDynamicGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setObserverType(TObsDynamicGraphic); obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsGraphic: obsGraphic = (ObserverGraphic *) TrajectorySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsUDPSender: obsUDPSender = (ObserverUDPSender *) TrajectorySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsUDPSender); if (obsUDPSender) { obsId = obsUDPSender->getId(); obsUDPSender->setCompressDatagram(compressDatagram); if (obsVisible) obsUDPSender->show(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; default: if (! QUIET_MODE ) { qWarning("Warning: In this context, the code '%s' does not correspond to a " "valid type of Observer.", getObserverName(typeObserver) ); } return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_OBSERVER qDebug() << "obsParams: " << obsParams; qDebug() << "\nobsAttribs: " << obsAttribs; qDebug() << "\nallAttribs: " << allAttribs; qDebug() << "\ncols: " << cols; #endif if (obsLog) { obsLog->setAttributes(obsAttribs); if (cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Filename was not specified, using a " "default \"%s\".", qPrintable(DEFAULT_NAME)); obsLog->setFileName(DEFAULT_NAME + ".csv"); } else { obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); } // caso não seja definido, utiliza o default ";" if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Separator not defined, using \";\"."); obsLog->setSeparator(); } else { obsLog->setSeparator(cols.at(1)); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsText) { obsText->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsTable) { if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty() || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Column title not defined."); } obsTable->setColumnHeaders(cols); obsTable->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setLegendPosition(); // Takes titles of three first locations obsGraphic->setTitles(cols.at(0), cols.at(1), cols.at(2)); cols.removeFirst(); // remove graphic title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis x title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis y title // Splits the attribute labels in the cols list obsGraphic->setAttributes(obsAttribs, cols.takeFirst().split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts), obsParams, cols); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if(obsUDPSender) { obsUDPSender->setAttributes(obsAttribs); // if (cols.at(0).isEmpty()) if (cols.isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Port not defined."); } else { obsUDPSender->setPort(cols.at(0).toInt()); } // broadcast if ((cols.size() == 1) || ((cols.size() == 2) && cols.at(1).isEmpty()) ) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Observer will send to broadcast."); obsUDPSender->addHost(BROADCAST_HOST); } else { // multicast or unicast for(int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++) { if (! cols.at(i).isEmpty()) obsUDPSender->addHost(cols.at(i)); } } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } } // ((typeObserver != TObsMap) && (typeObserver != TObsImage)) // Creation of spatial observers else { QStringList obsParams, obsParamsAtribs; // parametros/atributos da legenda bool getObserverId = false, isLegend = false; int obsId = -1; AgentObserverMap *obsMap = 0; AgentObserverImage *obsImage = 0; // Recupera os parametros lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 1) != 0) { // Recupera o ID do observer map if ( (lua_isnumber(luaL, -1) && (! getObserverId)) ) { obsId = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); getObserverId = true; isLegend = true; } // recupera o espao celular if (lua_istable(luaL, -1)) { int paramTop = lua_gettop(luaL); lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, paramTop) != 0) { if (isudatatype(luaL, -1, "TeCellularSpace")) { cellSpace = Luna<luaCellularSpace>::check(L, -1); } else { if (isLegend) { QString key = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2); obsParams.push_back(key); bool boolAux; double numAux; QString strAux; switch( lua_type(luaL, -1) ) { case LUA_TBOOLEAN: boolAux = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: numAux = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString::number(numAux)); break; case LUA_TSTRING: strAux = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString(strAux)); break; default: break; } } // isLegend } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } QString errorMsg = QString("\nError: The Observer ID \"%1\" was not found. " "Check the declaration of this observer.\n").arg(obsId); if (! cellSpace) qFatal("%s", qPrintable(errorMsg)); if (typeObserver == TObsMap) { obsMap = (AgentObserverMap *)cellSpace->getObserver(obsId); if (! obsMap) qFatal("%s", qPrintable(errorMsg)); obsMap->registry(this); } else { obsImage = (AgentObserverImage *)cellSpace->getObserver(obsId); if (! obsImage) qFatal("%s", qPrintable(errorMsg)); obsImage->registry(this); } QStringList allAttribs, obsAttribs; // Recupera os atributos lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 2) != 0) { const char * key = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); obsAttribs.push_back(QString(key)); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } for(int i = 0; i < obsAttribs.size(); i++) { if (! observedAttribs.contains(obsAttribs.at(i)) ) observedAttribs.push_back(obsAttribs.at(i)); } if (typeObserver == TObsMap) { // ao definir os valores dos atributos do agente, // redefino o tipo do atributos na super classe ObserverMap obsMap->setAttributes(obsAttribs, obsParams, obsParamsAtribs); obsMap->setSubjectAttributes(obsAttribs, TObsTrajectory); } else { obsImage->setAttributes(obsAttribs, obsParams, obsParamsAtribs); obsImage->setSubjectAttributes(obsAttribs, TObsTrajectory); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } return 0; }
/// Creates several types of observers /// parameters: observer type, observeb attributes table, observer type parameters // verif. ref (endereco na pilha lua) // olhar a classe event int luaCell::createObserver( lua_State * ) { // recupero a referencia da celula lua_rawgeti(luaL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); // flags para a definição do uso de compressão // na transmissão de datagramas e da visibilidade // dos observadores Udp Sender bool compressDatagram = false, obsVisible = true; // recupero a tabela de // atributos da celula int top = lua_gettop(luaL); // Nao modifica em nada a pilha // recupera o enum referente ao tipo // do observer int typeObserver = (int)luaL_checkinteger(luaL, -4); //@RAIAN // Para o Observer do tipo Neighbohrood if( typeObserver != TObsNeigh ) { bool isGraphicType = (typeObserver == TObsDynamicGraphic) || (typeObserver == TObsGraphic); //------------------------ QStringList allAttribs, obsAttribs; // Pecorre a pilha lua recuperando todos os atributos celula lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2) ); allAttribs.push_back(key); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } //------------------------ // pecorre a pilha lua recuperando // os atributos celula que se quer observar lua_settop(luaL, top - 1); top = lua_gettop(luaL); // Verificacao da sintaxe da tabela Atributos if(! lua_istable(luaL, top) ) { qFatal("Error: Attributes table not found. Incorrect sintax.\n"); return -1; } bool attribTable = false; lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 1 ) != 0) { QString key( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1) ); attribTable = true; // Verifica se o atributo informado não existe deve ter sido digitado errado if (allAttribs.contains(key)) { obsAttribs.push_back(key); if (! observedAttribs.contains(key)) observedAttribs.push_back(key); } else { if ( ! key.isNull() || ! key.isEmpty()) { qFatal("Error: Attribute name '%s' not found.\n", qPrintable(key)); return -1; } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } //------------------------ // if ((obsAttribs.empty() ) && (! isGraphicType)) if (obsAttribs.empty()) { obsAttribs = allAttribs; observedAttribs = allAttribs; } //if(! lua_istable(luaL, top) ) //{ // qWarning("Warning: Parameter table not found. Incorrect sintax."); // return 0; //} QStringList cols, obsParams; // Recupera a tabela de parametros os observadores do tipo Table e Graphic // caso não seja um tabela a sintaxe do metodo esta incorreta lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) key = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: { QString value( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); cols.push_back(value); break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { bool val = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); if (key == "visible") obsVisible = val; else // if (key == "compress") compressDatagram = val; break; } case LUA_TTABLE: { int tableTop = lua_gettop(luaL); lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, tableTop) != 0) { if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) obsParams.append(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TNUMBER: cols.append(QString::number(luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1)) ); break; case LUA_TSTRING: cols.append(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } } default: break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } // Caso não seja definido nenhum parametro, // e o observador não é TextScreen então // lança um warning if ((cols.isEmpty()) && (typeObserver != TObsTextScreen)) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: The Parameters Table is empty."); } //------------------------ ObserverTextScreen *obsText = 0; ObserverTable *obsTable = 0; ObserverGraphic *obsGraphic = 0; ObserverLogFile *obsLog = 0; ObserverUDPSender *obsUDPSender = 0; int obsId = -1; switch (typeObserver) { case TObsTextScreen: obsText = (ObserverTextScreen*) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTextScreen); if (obsText) { obsId = obsText->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsLogFile: obsLog = (ObserverLogFile*) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsLogFile); if (obsLog) { obsId = obsLog->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsTable: obsTable = (ObserverTable *) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTable); if (obsTable) { obsId = obsTable->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsDynamicGraphic: obsGraphic = (ObserverGraphic *) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsDynamicGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setObserverType(TObsDynamicGraphic); obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsGraphic: obsGraphic = (ObserverGraphic *) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsUDPSender: obsUDPSender = (ObserverUDPSender *) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsUDPSender); if (obsUDPSender) { obsId = obsUDPSender->getId(); obsUDPSender->setCompressDatagram(compressDatagram); if (obsVisible) obsUDPSender->show(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsMap: default: if (! QUIET_MODE ) { qWarning("Warning: In this context, the code '%s' does not correspond to a " "valid type of Observer.", getObserverName(typeObserver) ); } return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_OBSERVER qDebug() << "luaCell"; qDebug() << "obsParams: " << obsParams; qDebug() << "obsAttribs: " << obsAttribs; qDebug() << "allAttribs: " << allAttribs; qDebug() << "cols: " << cols; #endif //@RODRIGO //serverSession->add(obsKey); /// Define alguns parametros do observador instanciado --------------------------------------------------- if (obsLog) { obsLog->setAttributes(obsAttribs); if (cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Filename was not specified, using a " "default \"%s\".", qPrintable(DEFAULT_NAME)); obsLog->setFileName(DEFAULT_NAME + ".csv"); } else { obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); } // caso não seja definido, utiliza o default ";" if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Separator not defined, using \";\"."); obsLog->setSeparator(); } else { obsLog->setSeparator(cols.at(1)); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsText) { obsText->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsTable) { if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty() || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Column title not defined."); } obsTable->setColumnHeaders(cols); obsTable->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setLegendPosition(); // Takes titles of three first locations obsGraphic->setTitles(cols.at(0), cols.at(1), cols.at(2)); cols.removeFirst(); // remove graphic title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis x title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis y title // Splits the attribute labels in the cols list obsGraphic->setAttributes(obsAttribs, cols.takeFirst().split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts), obsParams, cols); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if(obsUDPSender) { obsUDPSender->setAttributes(obsAttribs); // if (cols.at(0).isEmpty()) if (cols.isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Port not defined."); } else { obsUDPSender->setPort(cols.at(0).toInt()); } // broadcast if ((cols.size() == 1) || ((cols.size() == 2) && cols.at(1).isEmpty()) ) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Observer will send to broadcast."); obsUDPSender->addHost(BROADCAST_HOST); } else { // multicast or unicast for(int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++) { if (! cols.at(i).isEmpty()) obsUDPSender->addHost(cols.at(i)); } } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } } //@RAIAN // Comeca a criacao do Observer do tipo Neighborhood else { QStringList obsParams, obsParamsAtribs; bool getObserverID = false, isLegend = false; int obsID = -1; AgentObserverMap *obsMap = 0; luaCellularSpace *cellSpace = 0; // Recupera os parametros lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 1) != 0) { // Recupera o ID do observer map if( lua_isnumber(luaL, -1) && (!getObserverID) ) { obsID = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); getObserverID = true; isLegend = true; } //Recupera o espaco celular e a legenda if(lua_istable(luaL, -1)) { int paramTop = lua_gettop(luaL); lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, paramTop) != 0) { if(isudatatype(luaL, -1, "TeCellularSpace")) { cellSpace = Luna<luaCellularSpace>::check(luaL, -1); } else { if(isLegend) { QString key(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); obsParams.push_back(key); bool boolAux; double numAux; QString strAux; switch(lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TBOOLEAN: boolAux = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: numAux = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString::number(numAux)); break; case LUA_TSTRING: strAux = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString(strAux)); case LUA_TNIL: case LUA_TTABLE: default: ; } } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } QString errorMsg = QString("\nError: The Observer ID \"%1\" was not found. " "Check the declaration of this observer.\n").arg(obsID); if(!cellSpace) qFatal("%s", qPrintable(errorMsg)); QStringList neighIDs; QString exhibitionName; // Recupera os IDs das Vizinhancas a serem observadas lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 2) != 0) { const char* key = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); this->attrNeighName.append(key); exhibitionName = QString("neighborhood (%1)").arg(this->attrNeighName); neighIDs.push_back(exhibitionName); observedAttribs.push_back(exhibitionName); #ifdef TME_BLACK_BOARD // Solucao provisoria para o observer do tipo Neighbohrood observedAttribs.push_front("@getNeighborhoodState"); #endif lua_pop(luaL, 1); } if(typeObserver == TObsNeigh) { obsMap = (AgentObserverMap *)cellSpace->getObserver(obsID); if(!obsMap) qFatal("%s", qPrintable(errorMsg)); obsMap->registry(this, exhibitionName); obsMap->setAttributes(neighIDs, obsParams, obsParamsAtribs); obsMap->setSubjectAttributes(neighIDs, TObsNeighborhood, this->attrNeighName); } // @RAIAN: Acrescentei estas linhas para retornar o ID do observer, que estava faltando lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsID); return 1; } //@RAIAN - FIM return 0; }
int luaLocalAgent::createObserver(lua_State *L) { // recupero a referencia da celula Reference<luaAgent>::getReference(luaL); // flags para a defini(C)(C)o do uso de compress(C)o // na transmiss(C)o de datagramas e da visibilidade // dos observadores Udp Sender bool compressDatagram = false, obsVisible = true; // recupero a tabela de atributos da celula int top = lua_gettop(luaL); // No modifica em nada a pilha recupera o enum // referente ao tipo do observer int typeObserver =(int)luaL_checkinteger(luaL, 1); //top - 3); if ((typeObserver != TObsMap) && (typeObserver != TObsImage)) { bool isGraphicType =(typeObserver == TObsDynamicGraphic) ||(typeObserver == TObsGraphic); //------------------------ QStringList allAttribs, obsAttribs; QList<QPair<QString, QString> > allStates; // Pecorre a pilha lua recuperando // todos os atributos celula lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key; switch (lua_type(luaL, -2)) { case LUA_TSTRING: key = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: { char aux[100]; double number = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -2); sprintf(aux, "%g", number); key = QString(aux); break; } default: break; } // Recupero os estados do TeState if (isudatatype(luaL, -1, "TeState")) { ControlMode* lcm =(ControlMode*)Luna<luaControlMode>::check(L, -1); QString state, transition; state.append(lcm->getControlModeName().c_str()); // Adiciona o estado do atributo na lista de parametros // allAttribs.push_back(state); // Recupero a transi(C)(C)o dos estados ProcessCompositeInterf::iterator prIt; prIt = lcm->ProcessCompositeInterf::begin(); JumpCompositeInterf::iterator jIt; jIt = prIt->JumpCompositeInterf::begin(); while (jIt != prIt->JumpCompositeInterf::end()) { transition = QString((*jIt)->getTargetControlModeName().c_str()); jIt++; } // cria um par(estado, transi(C)(C)o) e adiciona na lista de estados allStates.push_back(qMakePair(state, transition)); } allAttribs.push_back(key); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } // Adiciono o currentState no observador allAttribs.push_back("currentState"); // insere o estado atual //------------------------ // pecorre a pilha lua recuperando // os atributos celula que se quer observar lua_settop(luaL, top - 1); top = lua_gettop(luaL); // Verificao da sintaxe da tabela Atributos if (!lua_istable(luaL, top)) { qFatal("Error: Attributes table not found. Incorrect sintax.\n"); return -1; } lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top - 1) != 0) { QString key = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); // Verifica se o atributo informado existe // ou pode ter sido digitado errado if (allAttribs.contains(key)) { obsAttribs.push_back(key); if (!observedAttribs.contains(key)) observedAttribs.push_back(key); } else { if (!key.isNull() || !key.isEmpty()) { string err_out = string("Error: Attribute name '") + string(qPrintable(key)) + string("' not found."); lua_getglobal(L, "customError"); lua_pushstring(L, err_out.c_str()); lua_pushnumber(L, 4); lua_call(L, 2, 0); return -1; } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } //------------------------ // Adiciono o currentState no observador if ((obsAttribs.empty()) && (!isGraphicType)) { obsAttribs = allAttribs; observedAttribs = allAttribs; } //------------------------ if (!lua_istable(luaL, top)) { qFatal("Error: Parameter table not found. Incorrect sintax.\n"); return -1; } QStringList obsParams, obsParamsAtribs; // parametros/atributos da legenda QStringList cols; bool isLegend = false; // Recupera a tabela de parametros lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) key = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: { QString value(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); cols.push_back(value); break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { bool val = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); if (key == "visible") obsVisible = val; else // if (key == "compress") compressDatagram = val; break; } // Recupera a celula que se deseja observar o automato case LUA_TTABLE: { int paramTop = lua_gettop(luaL); QString value; lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, paramTop) != 0) { if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) { value = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); if (value == "cObj_") { //int cellTop = lua_gettop(luaL); //lua_pushstring(luaL, "cObj_"); //lua_gettable(luaL, cellTop); whereCell =(luaCell*)Luna<luaCell>::check(L, -1); // lua_pop(luaL, 1); // lua_pushstring } if (isLegend) { // bool boolAux; const char *strAux; double numAux = -1; obsParams.push_back(value); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TBOOLEAN: // boolAux = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); // obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString::number(boolAux)); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: numAux = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString::number(numAux)); break; case LUA_TSTRING: strAux = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString(strAux)); break; case LUA_TNIL: case LUA_TTABLE: default: break; } } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } isLegend = true; } default: break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } ObserverTextScreen *obsText = 0; ObserverTable *obsTable = 0; ObserverGraphic *obsGraphic = 0; ObserverLogFile *obsLog = 0; ObserverUDPSender *obsUDPSender = 0; ObserverStateMachine *obsStateMachine = 0; int obsId = -1; // QStringList attrs; switch (typeObserver) { case TObsTextScreen: obsText =(ObserverTextScreen *) LocalAgentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTextScreen); if (obsText) { obsId = obsText->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsLogFile: obsLog =(ObserverLogFile *) LocalAgentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsLogFile); if (obsLog) { obsId = obsLog->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsTable: obsTable =(ObserverTable *) LocalAgentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTable); if (obsTable) { obsId = obsTable->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsUDPSender: obsUDPSender =(ObserverUDPSender *) LocalAgentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsUDPSender); if (obsUDPSender) { obsId = obsUDPSender->getId(); obsUDPSender->setCompressDatagram(compressDatagram); if (obsVisible) obsUDPSender->show(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsStateMachine: obsStateMachine =(ObserverStateMachine *) LocalAgentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsStateMachine); if (obsStateMachine) { obsId = obsStateMachine->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsDynamicGraphic: obsGraphic =(ObserverGraphic *) LocalAgentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsDynamicGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setObserverType(TObsDynamicGraphic); obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsGraphic: obsGraphic =(ObserverGraphic *) LocalAgentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; default: if (execModes != Quiet) { qWarning("Warning: In this context, the code '%s' does not correspond to a " "valid type of Observer.", getObserverName(typeObserver)); } return 0; } /// Define alguns parametros do observador instanciado ------------------------------------- if (obsLog) { obsLog->setAttributes(obsAttribs); if (cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty()) { obsLog->setFileName(DEFAULT_NAME + ".csv"); } else { obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); } // caso no seja definido, utiliza o default ";" if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { obsLog->setSeparator(); } else { obsLog->setSeparator(cols.at(1)); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsText) { obsText->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsTable) { obsTable->setColumnHeaders(cols); obsTable->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsUDPSender) { obsUDPSender->setAttributes(obsAttribs); obsUDPSender->setPort(cols.at(0).toInt()); // broadcast if ((cols.size() == 1) ||((cols.size() == 2) && cols.at(1).isEmpty())) { obsUDPSender->addHost(BROADCAST_HOST); } else { // multicast or unicast for (int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++){ if (!cols.at(i).isEmpty()) obsUDPSender->addHost(cols.at(i)); } } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setLegendPosition(); // if (obsAttribs.contains("currentState")) // obsGraphic->setCurveStyle(); // Takes titles of three first locations obsGraphic->setTitles(cols.at(0), cols.at(1), cols.at(2)); cols.removeFirst(); // remove graphic title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis x title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis y title // Splits the attribute labels in the cols list obsGraphic->setAttributes(obsAttribs, cols.takeFirst().split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts), obsParams, obsParamsAtribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////// if (obsStateMachine) { obsStateMachine->addState(allStates); obsStateMachine->setAttributes(obsAttribs, obsParams, obsParamsAtribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } } // typeObserver != TerraMEObserver::TObsMap) else { QStringList obsParams, obsParamsAtribs; // parametros/atributos da legenda bool getObserverID = false, isLegend = false; int obsID = -1; AgentObserverMap *obsMap = 0; // Recupera os parametros lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top - 1) != 0) { // Recupera o ID do observer map if ((lua_isnumber(luaL, -1) && (!getObserverID))) { // obsID = lua_tonumber(luaL, paramTop - 1); obsID = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); getObserverID = true; isLegend = true; } // recupera o espao celular if (lua_istable(luaL, -1)) { int paramTop = lua_gettop(luaL); lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, paramTop) != 0) { if (isudatatype(luaL, -1, "TeCellularSpace")) { cellSpace = Luna<luaCellularSpace>::check(L, -1); } else { if (isLegend) { QString key = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2); obsParams.push_back(key); bool boolAux; double numAux; QString strAux; switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TBOOLEAN: boolAux = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: numAux = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString::number(numAux)); break; case LUA_TSTRING: strAux = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); obsParamsAtribs.push_back(QString(strAux)); break; default: break; } } // isLegend } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } QString errorMsg = QString("\nError: The Observer ID \"%1\" was not found. " "Check the declaration of this observer.\n").arg(obsID); if (!cellSpace) qFatal("%s", qPrintable(errorMsg)); QStringList allAttribs, obsAttribs; // Recupera todos os atributos do agente // buscando apenas o classe do agente lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) { QString key; key = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); if (key == "class") attrClassName = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } attrClassName.push_front("("); attrClassName.push_back(")"); if (typeObserver == TObsMap) { obsMap =(AgentObserverMap *)cellSpace->getObserver(obsID); if (!obsMap) qFatal("%s", qPrintable(errorMsg)); obsMap->registry(this, attrClassName); } // Recupera os atributos lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top - 2) != 0) { QString key = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); if (key == "currentState") obsAttribs.push_back(key + attrClassName); else obsAttribs.push_back(key); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } for (int i = 0; i < obsAttribs.size(); i++) { if (!observedAttribs.contains(obsAttribs.at(i))) observedAttribs.push_back(obsAttribs.at(i)); } if (typeObserver == TObsMap) { // ao definir os valores dos atributos do agente, // redefino o tipo do atributos na super classe ObserverMap obsMap->setAttributes(obsAttribs, obsParams, obsParamsAtribs); obsMap->setSubjectAttributes(obsAttribs, TObsAutomaton, attrClassName); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsID); return 1; } return 0; }
/// Creates several types of observers /// parameters: observer type, observeb attributes table, observer type parameters // verif. ref(endereco na pilha lua) // olhar a classe event int luaSociety::createObserver(lua_State *) { // recupero a referencia da celula Reference<luaSociety>::getReference(luaL); // flags para a definicao do uso de compressao // na transmissao de datagramas e da visibilidade // dos observadores Udp Sender bool compressDatagram = false, obsVisible = true; // recupero a tabela de // atributos da celula int top = lua_gettop(luaL); // Nao modifica em nada a pilha // recupera o enum referente ao tipo // do observer int typeObserver =(int)luaL_checkinteger(luaL, -4); //@RAIAN // Para o Observer do tipo Neighbohrood bool isGraphicType =(typeObserver == TObsDynamicGraphic) ||(typeObserver == TObsGraphic); //------------------------ QStringList allAttribs, obsAttribs; // Pecorre a pilha lua recuperando todos os atributos celula lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); allAttribs.push_back(key); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } //------------------------ // pecorre a pilha lua recuperando // os atributos celula que se quer observar lua_settop(luaL, top - 1); top = lua_gettop(luaL); // Verificacao da sintaxe da tabela Atributos if (!lua_istable(luaL, top)) { qFatal("Error: Attributes table not found. Incorrect sintax.\n"); return -1; } bool attribTable = false; lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top - 1) != 0) { QString key(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); attribTable = true; // Verifica se o atributo informado nao existe deve ter sido digitado errado if (allAttribs.contains(key)) { obsAttribs.push_back(key); if (!observedAttribs.contains(key)) observedAttribs.push_back(key); } else { if (!key.isNull() || !key.isEmpty()) { string err_out = string("Error: Attribute name '") + string(qPrintable(key)) + string("' not found."); lua_getglobal(L, "customError"); lua_pushstring(L, err_out.c_str()); lua_pushnumber(L, 4); lua_call(L, 2, 0); return -1; } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } //------------------------ // if ((obsAttribs.empty()) && (! isGraphicType)) if (obsAttribs.empty()) { obsAttribs = allAttribs; observedAttribs = allAttribs; } QStringList cols, obsParams; // Recupera a tabela de parametros os observadores do tipo Table e Graphic // caso nao seja um tabela a sintaxe do metodo esta incorreta lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) key = QString(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: { QString value(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); cols.push_back(value); break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { bool val = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); if (key == "visible") obsVisible = val; else // if (key == "compress") compressDatagram = val; break; } case LUA_TTABLE: { int tableTop = lua_gettop(luaL); lua_pushnil(luaL); while (lua_next(luaL, tableTop) != 0) { if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) obsParams.append(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TNUMBER: cols.append(QString::number(luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1))); break; case LUA_TSTRING: cols.append(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } } default: break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } // Caso nao seja definido nenhum parametro, // e o observador nao e' TextScreen entao // lanca um warning if ((cols.isEmpty()) && (typeObserver != TObsTextScreen)) { if (execModes != Quiet) { string err_out = string("Warning: The parameter table is empty."); lua_getglobal(L, "customWarning"); lua_pushstring(L, err_out.c_str()); lua_pushnumber(L, 5); lua_call(L, 2, 0); } } //------------------------ ObserverTextScreen *obsText = 0; ObserverTable *obsTable = 0; ObserverGraphic *obsGraphic = 0; ObserverLogFile *obsLog = 0; ObserverUDPSender *obsUDPSender = 0; int obsId = -1; switch (typeObserver) { case TObsTextScreen: obsText =(ObserverTextScreen*) SocietySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTextScreen); if (obsText) { obsId = obsText->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsLogFile: obsLog =(ObserverLogFile*) SocietySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsLogFile); if (obsLog) { obsId = obsLog->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsTable: obsTable =(ObserverTable *) SocietySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTable); if (obsTable) { obsId = obsTable->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsDynamicGraphic: obsGraphic =(ObserverGraphic *) SocietySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsDynamicGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setObserverType(TObsDynamicGraphic); obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsGraphic: obsGraphic =(ObserverGraphic *) SocietySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsUDPSender: obsUDPSender =(ObserverUDPSender *) SocietySubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsUDPSender); if (obsUDPSender) { obsId = obsUDPSender->getId(); obsUDPSender->setCompressDatagram(compressDatagram); if (obsVisible) obsUDPSender->show(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsMap: default: if (execModes != Quiet) { qWarning("Warning: In this context, the code '%s' does not correspond to a " "valid type of Observer.", getObserverName(typeObserver)); } return 0; } /// Define alguns parametros do observador instanciado --------------------------------------------------- if (obsLog) { obsLog->setAttributes(obsAttribs); obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); obsLog->setSeparator(cols.at(1)); obsLog->setWriteMode(cols.at(2)); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); lua_pushlightuserdata(luaL, (void*) obsLog); return 2; } if (obsText) { obsText->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); lua_pushlightuserdata(luaL, (void*) obsText); return 2; } if (obsTable) { obsTable->setColumnHeaders(cols); obsTable->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); lua_pushlightuserdata(luaL, (void*) obsTable); return 2; } if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setLegendPosition(); // Takes titles of three first locations obsGraphic->setTitles(cols.at(0), cols.at(1), cols.at(2)); cols.removeFirst(); // remove graphic title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis x title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis y title // Splits the attribute labels in the cols list obsGraphic->setAttributes(obsAttribs, cols.takeFirst().split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts), obsParams, cols); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); lua_pushlightuserdata(luaL, (void*) obsGraphic); return 2; } if (obsUDPSender) { obsUDPSender->setAttributes(obsAttribs); obsUDPSender->setPort(cols.at(0).toInt()); // broadcast if ((cols.size() == 1) ||((cols.size() == 2) && cols.at(1).isEmpty())) { obsUDPSender->addHost(BROADCAST_HOST); } else { // multicast or unicast for (int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++) { if (!cols.at(i).isEmpty()) obsUDPSender->addHost(cols.at(i)); } } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); lua_pushlightuserdata(luaL, (void*) obsUDPSender); return 2; } return 0; }
/// Creates several types of observers /// parameters: observer type, observeb attributes table, observer type parameters // verif. ref (endereco na pilha lua) // olhar a classe event int luaCell::createObserver( lua_State *L ) { // recupero a referencia da celula lua_rawgeti(luaL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); // flags para a definição do uso de compressão // na transmissão de datagramas e da visibilidade // dos observadores Udp Sender bool compressDatagram = false, obsVisible = true; // recupero a tabela de // atributos da celula int top = lua_gettop(luaL); // Nao modifica em nada a pilha // recupera o enum referente ao tipo // do observer int typeObserver = (int)luaL_checkinteger(luaL, -4); bool isGraphicType = (typeObserver == TObsDynamicGraphic) || (typeObserver == TObsGraphic); //------------------------ QStringList allAttribs, obsAttribs; // Pecorre a pilha lua recuperando todos os atributos celula lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2) ); allAttribs.push_back(key); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } //------------------------ // pecorre a pilha lua recuperando // os atributos celula que se quer observar lua_settop(luaL, top - 1); top = lua_gettop(luaL); // Verificacao da sintaxe da tabela Atributos if(! lua_istable(luaL, top) ) { qFatal("Error: Attributes table not found. Incorrect sintax.\n"); return -1; } bool attribTable = false; lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 1 ) != 0) { QString key( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1) ); attribTable = true; // Verifica se o atributo informado não existe deve ter sido digitado errado if (allAttribs.contains(key)) { obsAttribs.push_back(key); if (! observedAttribs.contains(key)) observedAttribs.push_back(key); } else { if ( ! key.isNull() || ! key.isEmpty()) { qFatal("Error: Attribute name '%s' not found.\n", qPrintable(key)); return -1; } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } //------------------------ //QStringList lines; if ((obsAttribs.empty() ) && (! isGraphicType)) { obsAttribs = allAttribs; observedAttribs = allAttribs; } if(! lua_istable(luaL, top) ) { qWarning("Warning: Parameter table not found. Incorrect sintax."); return 0; } QStringList cols; // Recupera a tabela de parametros os observadores do tipo Table e Graphic // caso não seja um tabela a sintaxe do metodo esta incorreta lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) key = QString( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: { QString value( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); cols.push_back(value); break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { bool val = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); if (key == "visible") obsVisible = val; else // if (key == "compress") compressDatagram = val; } default: break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } // Caso não seja definido nenhum parametro, // e o observador não é TextScreen então // lança um warning if ((cols.isEmpty()) && (typeObserver != TObsTextScreen)) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: The Parameters Table is empty."); } //------------------------ ObserverTextScreen *obsText = 0; ObserverTable *obsTable = 0; ObserverGraphic *obsGraphic = 0; ObserverLogFile *obsLog = 0; ObserverUDPSender *obsUDPSender = 0; int obsId = -1; switch (typeObserver) { case TObsTextScreen : obsText = (ObserverTextScreen*) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTextScreen); if (obsText) { obsId = obsText->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; case TObsLogFile: obsLog = (ObserverLogFile*) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsLogFile); if (obsLog) { obsId = obsLog->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; case TObsTable: obsTable = (ObserverTable *) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTable); obsId = obsTable->getId(); break; case TObsDynamicGraphic: obsGraphic = (ObserverGraphic *) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsDynamicGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setObserverType(TObsDynamicGraphic); obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; case TObsGraphic: obsGraphic = (ObserverGraphic *) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; case TObsUDPSender: obsUDPSender = (ObserverUDPSender *) CellSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsUDPSender); if (obsUDPSender) { obsId = obsUDPSender->getId(); obsUDPSender->setCompressDatagram(compressDatagram); if (obsVisible) obsUDPSender->show(); } else { if (! QUIET_MODE) qWarning("%s", TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED); } break; case TObsMap: default: if (! QUIET_MODE ) { qWarning("Warning: In this context, the code '%s' does not correspond to a " "valid type of Observer.", getObserverName(typeObserver) ); } return 0; } //@RODRIGO //serverSession->add(obsKey); /// Define alguns parametros do observador instanciado --------------------------------------------------- if (obsLog) { obsLog->setHeaders(obsAttribs); if (cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Filename was not specified, using a " "default \"%s\".", qPrintable(DEFAULT_NAME)); obsLog->setFileName(DEFAULT_NAME + ".csv"); } else { obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); } // caso não seja definido, utiliza o default ";" if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Separator not defined, using \";\"."); obsLog->setSeparator(); } else { obsLog->setSeparator(cols.at(1)); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsText) { obsText->setHeaders(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsTable) { if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty() || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Column title not defined."); } obsTable->setColumnHeaders(cols); obsTable->setLinesHeader(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setLegendPosition(); if (obsAttribs.size() <= 2) { obsGraphic->setHeaders(obsAttribs); } else { //printf("\nError: This observer works only with one or two elements.\n"); qFatal("Error: This observer works only with one or two elements.\n"); return -1; } // titulo do gráfico if (cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Graphic title not defined."); obsGraphic->setGraphicTitle(); } else { obsGraphic->setGraphicTitle(cols.at(0)); } // nome da curva if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Curve name not defined."); obsGraphic->setCurveTitle(); } else { obsGraphic->setCurveTitle(cols.at(1)); } // nome dos eixos // FIX-ME: Separar as chamadas do nome dos eixos if ( (cols.size() < 3) || (cols.size() < 4) || cols.at(2).isNull() || cols.at(2).isEmpty() || cols.at(3).isNull() || cols.at(3).isEmpty() ) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Axis name not defined."); obsGraphic->setAxisTitle(); } else { obsGraphic->setAxisTitle(cols.at(2), cols.at(3)); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if(obsUDPSender) { obsUDPSender->setAttributes(obsAttribs); // if (cols.at(0).isEmpty()) if (cols.isEmpty()) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Port not defined."); } else { obsUDPSender->setPort(cols.at(0).toInt()); } // broadcast if ((cols.size() == 1) || ((cols.size() == 2) && cols.at(1).isEmpty()) ) { if (! QUIET_MODE ) qWarning("Warning: Observer will send to broadcast."); obsUDPSender->addHost(BROADCAST_HOST); } else { // multicast or unicast for(int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++){ if (! cols.at(i).isEmpty()) obsUDPSender->addHost(cols.at(i)); } } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } return 0; }
int luaEnvironment::createObserver(lua_State *luaL) { // recupero a referencia da celula // @DANIEL // lua_rawgeti(luaL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); Reference<luaEnvironment>::getReference(luaL); // flags para a defini??o do uso de compress?o // na transmiss?o de datagramas e da visibilidade // dos observadores Udp Sender bool compressDatagram = false, obsVisible = true; // recupero a tabela de // atributos da celula int top = lua_gettop(luaL); // N?o modifica em nada a pilha // recupera o enum referente ao tipo // do observer TypesOfObservers typeObserver = (TypesOfObservers)luaL_checkinteger(luaL, -4); bool isGraphicType = (typeObserver == TObsDynamicGraphic) || (typeObserver == TObsGraphic); //------------------------ QStringList allAttribs, obsAttribs; // Pecorre a pilha lua recuperando todos os atributos celula lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) { key = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2); } else { if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TNUMBER) { char aux[100]; double number = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -2); sprintf(aux, "%g", number); key = aux; } } allAttribs.push_back(key); lua_pop(luaL, 1); } //------------------------ // pecorre a pilha lua recuperando // os atributos celula que se quer observar lua_settop(luaL, top - 1); top = lua_gettop(luaL); if(! lua_istable(luaL, top) ) { //printf("\nError: Attributes table not found. Incorrect sintax.\n"); qFatal("Error: Attributes table not found. Incorrect sintax.\n"); return -1; } lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top - 1 ) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) { key = luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1); } else { if (lua_type(luaL, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) { char aux[100]; double number = luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1); sprintf(aux, "%g", number); key = aux; } } // Verifica se o atributo informado n?o existe deve ter sido digitado errado if (allAttribs.contains(key)) { obsAttribs.push_back(key); if (! observedAttribs.contains(key)) observedAttribs.push_back(key); } else { if ( ! key.isNull() || ! key.isEmpty()) { string err_out = string("Error: Attribute name '" ) + string (qPrintable(key)) + string("' not found."); lua_getglobal(L, "customError"); lua_pushstring(L,err_out.c_str()); lua_pushnumber(L,5); lua_call(L,2,0); return -1; } } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } if ((obsAttribs.empty() ) && (! isGraphicType)) { obsAttribs = allAttribs; observedAttribs = allAttribs; } if(! lua_istable(luaL, top) ) { qFatal("Error: Parameter table not found. Incorrect sintax."); return -1; } QStringList cols, obsParams; // Recupera a tabela de parametros os observadores do tipo Table e Graphic // caso n?o seja um tabela a sintaxe do metodo esta incorreta lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, top) != 0) { QString key; if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) key = QString( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TSTRING: { QString value( luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); cols.push_back(value); break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { bool val = lua_toboolean(luaL, -1); if (key == "visible") obsVisible = val; else // if (key == "compress") compressDatagram = val; } case LUA_TTABLE: { int tableTop = lua_gettop(luaL); lua_pushnil(luaL); while(lua_next(luaL, tableTop) != 0) { if (lua_type(luaL, -2) == LUA_TSTRING) obsParams.append(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -2)); switch (lua_type(luaL, -1)) { case LUA_TNUMBER: cols.append(QString::number(luaL_checknumber(luaL, -1)) ); break; case LUA_TSTRING: cols.append(luaL_checkstring(luaL, -1)); break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } } default: break; } lua_pop(luaL, 1); } ObserverTextScreen *obsText = 0; ObserverTable *obsTable = 0; ObserverGraphic *obsGraphic = 0; ObserverLogFile *obsLog = 0; ObserverUDPSender *obsUDPSender = 0; int obsId = -1; switch (typeObserver) { case TObsTextScreen: obsText = (ObserverTextScreen*) EnvironmentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTextScreen); if (obsText) { obsId = obsText->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsLogFile: obsLog = (ObserverLogFile*) EnvironmentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsLogFile); if (obsLog) { obsId = obsLog->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsTable: obsTable = (ObserverTable *) EnvironmentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsTable); if (obsTable) { obsId = obsTable->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsDynamicGraphic: obsGraphic = (ObserverGraphic *) EnvironmentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsDynamicGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setObserverType(TObsDynamicGraphic); obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsGraphic: obsGraphic = (ObserverGraphic *) EnvironmentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsGraphic); if (obsGraphic) { obsId = obsGraphic->getId(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; case TObsUDPSender: obsUDPSender = (ObserverUDPSender *) EnvironmentSubjectInterf::createObserver(TObsUDPSender); if (obsUDPSender) { obsId = obsUDPSender->getId(); obsUDPSender->setCompressDatagram(compressDatagram); if (obsVisible) obsUDPSender->show(); } else { if (execModes != Quiet) qWarning("%s", qPrintable(TerraMEObserver::MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED)); } break; default: if (execModes != Quiet ) { qWarning("Warning: In this context, the code '%s' does not " "correspond to a valid type of Observer.", getObserverName(typeObserver) ); } return 0; } if (obsLog) { obsLog->setAttributes(obsAttribs); if (cols.at(0).isNull() || cols.at(0).isEmpty()) { obsLog->setFileName(DEFAULT_NAME + ".csv"); } else { obsLog->setFileName(cols.at(0)); } if ((cols.size() < 2) || cols.at(1).isNull() || cols.at(1).isEmpty()) { obsLog->setSeparator(); } else { obsLog->setSeparator(cols.at(1)); } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsText) { obsText->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsTable) { obsTable->setColumnHeaders(cols); obsTable->setAttributes(obsAttribs); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsGraphic) { obsGraphic->setLegendPosition(); // Takes titles of three first locations obsGraphic->setTitles(cols.at(0), cols.at(1), cols.at(2)); cols.removeFirst(); // remove graphic title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis x title cols.removeFirst(); // remove axis y title // Splits the attribute labels in the cols list obsGraphic->setAttributes(obsAttribs, cols.takeFirst().split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts), obsParams, cols); lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } if (obsUDPSender) { obsUDPSender->setAttributes(obsAttribs); obsUDPSender->setPort(cols.at(0).toInt()); // broadcast if ((cols.size() == 1) || ((cols.size() == 2) && cols.at(1).isEmpty()) ) { obsUDPSender->addHost(BROADCAST_HOST); } else { // multicast or unicast for(int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++) { if (! cols.at(i).isEmpty()) obsUDPSender->addHost(cols.at(i)); } } lua_pushnumber(luaL, obsId); return 1; } return 0; }