void MonteCarloRayTracer::threadRender(int tId, float *pixels, const Octree &tree, const Camera &cam, int row, const int NUM_THREADS) {

	int *tex = new int[_W * _H * 3];
	for (int u = 0; u < _W / NUM_THREADS; ++u) {

		glm::vec3 accumDiffColor(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);

		float randU, randV;
		for(int rpp=1; rpp<=_raysPerPixel; ++rpp) {

			randU = _rgen.nextFloat() / 1.f;
			randV = _rgen.nextFloat() / 1.f;
			float u2 = u * NUM_THREADS + tId + randU;
			float v2 = row + randV;
			float x;
			float y;
			calculateXnY(u2, v2, x, y);
			Ray r = cam.createRay(x, y);
			IntersectionPoint ip;
			if (tree.intersect(r, ip)) {
				Ray ray(ip.getPoint() + r.getDirection() * 0.00001f, r.getDirection());
				glm::vec3 color = iterateRay(ray, tree, 0, false);
				accumDiffColor += color;
			ProgressBar::printTimedProgBar(_rayCounter, _W * _H * _raysPerPixel, "Carlo");

		int id = calculateId(u * NUM_THREADS + tId, row);

		pixels[id + 0] = accumDiffColor.x/float(_raysPerPixel);
		pixels[id + 1] = accumDiffColor.y/float(_raysPerPixel);
		pixels[id + 2] = accumDiffColor.z/float(_raysPerPixel);

	threadDone[tId] = true;
	delete tex;
glm::vec3 MonteCarloRayTracer::iterateRay(Ray &ray, const Octree &tree, int depth, bool kill) {
	IntersectionPoint ip;
	glm::vec3 color(0.0f);
	glm::vec3 rad(0.0f);
	if(tree.intersect(ray, ip)) {
		if (ip.getMaterial().getMaterialType() == LIGHT) {
			return ip.getMaterial().getDiffuseColor();

		// Do russian roulette to terminate rays.
		float russianRandom = _rgen.nextFloat();
		float killRange = 0.98f;
		if (killRange < russianRandom) kill = true;
		if(depth < _maxDepth || !kill) {
			rad = ip.getMaterial().getEmission();
			bool isInsideObj = ( glm::dot(ray.getDirection(), ip.getNormal() ) > 0.0f) ? true : false;

			if(isInsideObj) { // If coming from inside obj going out into air (refraction needed)
				float n2overn1 = REFRACTION_AIR / ray.getRefractionIndex();
				float critical_angle = asin(n2overn1);
				float cosIn = glm::dot(ip.getNormal(), -ray.getDirection());
				if(acos(cosIn) > critical_angle) { // Total internal reflection
					Ray new_ray = calculateReflection(ray, ip);
					rad += ip.getMaterial().getDiffuseColor()*iterateRay(new_ray, tree, ++depth, kill);
				} else { // Calc and spawn refracted and reflected rays
					Material m = ip.getMaterial();

					Ray new_ray = calculateRefraction(ray, ip);

					rad += (1.0f-ip.getMaterial().getOpacity()) *
						ip.getMaterial().getDiffuseColor()*iterateRay(new_ray, tree, ++depth, kill);

					new_ray = calculateReflection(ray, ip);
					rad += ip.getMaterial().getOpacity() *
						ip.getMaterial().getDiffuseColor()*iterateRay(new_ray, tree, ++depth, kill);

			else { // Check for opacity (-> refraction + reflection), otherwise just reflect
				glm::vec3 origin = ip.getPoint();
				// // Calc vectors for plane of intersection point
				// glm::vec3 a = glm::vec3(1,0,0)*ip.getNormal() - origin;
				// glm::vec3 b = glm::cross(a,ip.getNormal());

				// // Diffuse refl in random direction
				// float phi = glm::linearRand(0.0f,2.0f*PI);
				// float rand = _rgen.nextFloat();
				// glm::vec3 diffuse_dir = a*rand*glm::cos(phi) + b*rand*glm::sin(phi) + ip.getNormal()*glm::sqrt(1.0f-rand*rand);

				// float x1 = _rgen.nextFloat(), x2 = , x3 = _rgen.nextFloat();
				glm::vec3 diffuse_dir = glm::vec3(2.f * _rgen.nextFloat() - 1.f,
												  2.f * _rgen.nextFloat() - 1.f,
												  2.f * _rgen.nextFloat() - 1.f);
				// float x1, x2, S;
				// do {
				// 	x1 = 2.0f * _rgen.nextFloat() - 1.0f;
				// 	x2 = 2.0f * _rgen.nextFloat() - 1.0f;
				// 	S = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2;
				// } while (S > 1.f);
				// glm::vec3 diffuse_dir = glm::vec3(2.0f * x1 * sqrt(1.0f - S),
				// 								  2.0f * x2 * sqrt(1.0f - S),
				// 								  abs(1.0f - 2.0f * S));
				if (glm::dot(diffuse_dir, ip.getNormal()) < 0) {
					diffuse_dir = -diffuse_dir;
				// Not sure if the diffuse dir is in sphere or half-sphere. Seems like
				// sphere.
				// Perfect refl ray
				Ray refl_ray = calculateReflection(ray,ip);
				// Interpolate between diffuse and perf refl to get new reflected ray
				float t = 0.f; // ip.getMaterial().getSpecular();
				glm::vec3 dir = glm::normalize(diffuse_dir*(1.0f-t) + refl_ray.getDirection()*t);
				refl_ray = Ray(origin + dir * 0.0001f, dir);

				if(ip.getMaterial().getOpacity() < 1.f) { // Do refraction + reflection
					//std::cout<<"Should not happen yet!\n";
					float n2overn1 = ip.getMaterial().getRefractionIndex() / REFRACTION_AIR;
					float critical_angle = asin(n2overn1);
					float cosIn = glm::dot(ip.getNormal(), -ray.getDirection());
					if(acos(cosIn) < critical_angle) { // Refraction + reflection
						Ray refr_ray = calculateRefraction(ray, ip);

						rad += /*(1.0f-ip.getMaterial().getOpacity())*/0.5f*ip.getMaterial().getDiffuseColor()*iterateRay(refr_ray, tree, ++depth, kill);

						rad += /*ip.getMaterial().getOpacity()*/0.5f*ip.getMaterial().getDiffuseColor()*iterateRay(refl_ray, tree, ++depth, kill);

				} else { // Only reflection
					Ray new_ray = calculateReflection(ray, ip);
					rad +=ip.getMaterial().getDiffuseColor() * iterateRay(refl_ray, tree, ++depth, kill);
		else {
			//rad += ip.getMaterial().getDiffuseColor();

	return rad;