Exemple #1
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Iterator_Test)

  // instantiate point cloud and fill it with point data

  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  for (float z = 0.05f; z < 7.0f; z += 0.1f)
    for (float y = 0.05f; y < 7.0f; y += 0.1f)
      for (float x = 0.05f; x < 7.0f; x += 0.1f)
        cloudIn->points.push_back (PointXYZ (x, y, z));

  cloudIn->width = cloudIn->points.size ();
  cloudIn->height = 1;

  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ> octreeA (1.0f); // low resolution

  // add point data to octree
  octreeA.setInputCloud (cloudIn);
  octreeA.addPointsFromInputCloud ();

  // instantiate iterator for octreeA
  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::LeafNodeIterator it1 (octreeA);

  std::vector<int> indexVector;
  unsigned int leafNodeCounter = 0;

  // test preincrement
  it1.getData (indexVector);

  // test postincrement
  it1.getData (indexVector);

  while (*++it1)
    it1.getData (indexVector);

  ASSERT_EQ (indexVector.size(), cloudIn->points.size () );
  ASSERT_EQ (leafNodeCounter, octreeA.getLeafCount() );

  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::Iterator it2 (octreeA);

  unsigned int traversCounter = 0;
  while ( *++it2 )

  ASSERT_EQ (traversCounter > octreeA.getLeafCount() + octreeA.getBranchCount() , true );

Exemple #2
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Iterator_Test)
  // instantiate point cloud and fill it with point data

  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  for (float z = 0.05f; z < 7.0f; z += 0.1f)
    for (float y = 0.05f; y < 7.0f; y += 0.1f)
      for (float x = 0.05f; x < 7.0f; x += 0.1f)
        cloudIn->points.push_back (PointXYZ (x, y, z));

  cloudIn->width = cloudIn->points.size ();
  cloudIn->height = 1;

  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ> octreeA (1.0f); // low resolution

  // add point data to octree
  octreeA.setInputCloud (cloudIn);
  octreeA.addPointsFromInputCloud ();

  // instantiate iterator for octreeA
  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::LeafNodeIterator it1 (octreeA);

  std::vector<int> indexVector;
  unsigned int leafNodeCounter = 0;

  // test preincrement
  it1.getData (indexVector);

  // test postincrement
  it1.getData (indexVector);

  while (*++it1)
    it1.getData (indexVector);

  ASSERT_EQ(indexVector.size(), cloudIn->points.size ());
  ASSERT_EQ(leafNodeCounter, octreeA.getLeafCount());

  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::Iterator it2 (octreeA);

  unsigned int traversCounter = 0;
  while (*++it2)

  ASSERT_EQ(traversCounter > octreeA.getLeafCount() + octreeA.getBranchCount(), true);

  // breadth-first iterator test

  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::BreadthFirstIterator bfIt (octreeA);

  unsigned int lastDepth = 0;
  unsigned int branchNodeCount = 1;
  unsigned int leafNodeCount = 0;

  bool leafNodeVisited = false;

  while (*++bfIt)
    // tree depth of visited nodes must grow
    ASSERT_EQ( bfIt.getCurrentOctreeDepth()>=lastDepth, true);
    lastDepth = bfIt.getCurrentOctreeDepth ();

    if (bfIt.isBranchNode ())
      // leaf nodes are traversed in the end
      ASSERT_EQ( leafNodeVisited, false);

    if (bfIt.isLeafNode ())
      leafNodeVisited = true;

  // check if every branch node and every leaf node has been visited
  ASSERT_EQ( leafNodeCount, octreeA.getLeafCount());
  ASSERT_EQ( branchNodeCount, octreeA.getBranchCount());

Exemple #3
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Iterator_Test)
  // instantiate point cloud and fill it with point data

  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  for (float z = 0.05f; z < 7.0f; z += 0.1f)
    for (float y = 0.05f; y < 7.0f; y += 0.1f)
      for (float x = 0.05f; x < 7.0f; x += 0.1f)
        cloudIn->push_back (PointXYZ (x, y, z));

  cloudIn->width = static_cast<uint32_t> (cloudIn->points.size ());
  cloudIn->height = 1;

  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ> octreeA (1.0f); // low resolution

  // add point data to octree
  octreeA.setInputCloud (cloudIn);
  octreeA.addPointsFromInputCloud ();

  // instantiate iterator for octreeA
  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::LeafNodeDepthFirstIterator it1;
  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::LeafNodeDepthFirstIterator it1_end = octreeA.leaf_depth_end();

  std::vector<int> indexVector;
  unsigned int leafNodeCounter = 0;

  for (it1 = octreeA.leaf_depth_begin(); it1 != it1_end; ++it1)

  ASSERT_EQ (cloudIn->points.size (), indexVector.size());
  ASSERT_EQ (octreeA.getLeafCount (), leafNodeCounter);

  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::Iterator it2;
  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::Iterator it2_end = octreeA.end();

  unsigned int traversCounter = 0;
  for (it2 = octreeA.begin(); it2 != it2_end; ++it2)

  ASSERT_EQ (octreeA.getLeafCount () + octreeA.getBranchCount (), traversCounter);

  // breadth-first iterator test

  unsigned int lastDepth = 0;
  unsigned int branchNodeCount = 0;
  unsigned int leafNodeCount = 0;

  bool leafNodeVisited = false;

  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::BreadthFirstIterator bfIt;
  const OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ>::BreadthFirstIterator bfIt_end = octreeA.breadth_end();

  for (bfIt = octreeA.breadth_begin(); bfIt != bfIt_end; ++bfIt)
    // tree depth of visited nodes must grow
    ASSERT_TRUE (bfIt.getCurrentOctreeDepth () >= lastDepth);
    lastDepth = bfIt.getCurrentOctreeDepth ();

    if (bfIt.isBranchNode ())
      // leaf nodes are traversed in the end
      ASSERT_FALSE (leafNodeVisited);

    if (bfIt.isLeafNode ())
      leafNodeVisited = true;

  // check if every branch node and every leaf node has been visited
  ASSERT_EQ (octreeA.getLeafCount (), leafNodeCount);
  ASSERT_EQ (octreeA.getBranchCount (), branchNodeCount);