Exemple #1
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Neighbours_Within_Radius_Search)

  const unsigned int test_runs = 100;
  unsigned int test_id;

  // instantiate point clouds
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudOut (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  size_t i;

  srand (time (NULL));

  for (test_id = 0; test_id < test_runs; test_id++)
    // define a random search point
    PointXYZ searchPoint (10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX), 10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                          10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    cloudIn->width = 1000;
    cloudIn->height = 1;
    cloudIn->points.resize (cloudIn->width * cloudIn->height);

    // generate point cloud data
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      cloudIn->points[i] = PointXYZ (10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     5.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    OctreePointCloudSearch<PointXYZ> octree (0.001);

    // build octree
    octree.setInputCloud (cloudIn);

    double pointDist;
    double searchRadius = 5.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX);

    // bruteforce radius search
    vector<int> cloudSearchBruteforce;
    for (i = 0; i < cloudIn->points.size (); i++)
      pointDist = sqrt (
                        (cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x) * (cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x)
                            + (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) * (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y)
                            + (cloudIn->points[i].z - searchPoint.z) * (cloudIn->points[i].z - searchPoint.z));

      if (pointDist <= searchRadius)
        // add point candidates to vector list
        cloudSearchBruteforce.push_back ((int)i);

    vector<int> cloudNWRSearch;
    vector<float> cloudNWRRadius;

    // execute octree radius search
    octree.radiusSearch (searchPoint, searchRadius, cloudNWRSearch, cloudNWRRadius);

    ASSERT_EQ ( cloudNWRRadius.size() , cloudSearchBruteforce.size());

    // check if result from octree radius search can be also found in bruteforce search
    std::vector<int>::const_iterator current = cloudNWRSearch.begin();
    while (current != cloudNWRSearch.end())
      pointDist = sqrt (
          (cloudIn->points[*current].x-searchPoint.x) * (cloudIn->points[*current].x-searchPoint.x) +
          (cloudIn->points[*current].y-searchPoint.y) * (cloudIn->points[*current].y-searchPoint.y) +
          (cloudIn->points[*current].z-searchPoint.z) * (cloudIn->points[*current].z-searchPoint.z)

      ASSERT_EQ ( (pointDist<=searchRadius) , true);


    // check if result limitation works
    octree.radiusSearch(searchPoint, searchRadius, cloudNWRSearch, cloudNWRRadius, 5);

    ASSERT_EQ ( cloudNWRRadius.size() <= 5, true);


Exemple #2
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Test)

  size_t i;
  int test_runs = 100;
  int pointcount = 300;

  int test, point;

  float resolution = 0.01f;

  // instantiate OctreePointCloudSinglePoint and OctreePointCloudPointVector classes
  OctreePointCloudSinglePoint<PointXYZ> octreeA (resolution);
  OctreePointCloudSearch<PointXYZ> octreeB (resolution);
  OctreePointCloudPointVector<PointXYZ> octreeC (resolution);

  // create shared pointcloud instances
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudA (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudB (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  // assign input point clouds to octree
  octreeA.setInputCloud (cloudA);
  octreeB.setInputCloud (cloudB);
  octreeC.setInputCloud (cloudB);

  for (test = 0; test < test_runs; ++test)

    // clean up
    cloudA->points.clear ();
    octreeA.deleteTree ();

    cloudB->points.clear ();
    octreeB.deleteTree ();

    octreeC.deleteTree ();

    for (point = 0; point < pointcount; point++)
      // gereate a random point
      PointXYZ newPoint (1024.0 * (float)rand () / (float)RAND_MAX, 1024.0 * (float)rand () / (float)RAND_MAX,
                         1024.0 * (float)rand () / (float)RAND_MAX);

      if (!octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint (newPoint))
        // add point only to OctreePointCloudSinglePoint if voxel at point location doesn't exist
        octreeA.addPointToCloud (newPoint, cloudA);

      // OctreePointCloudPointVector can store all points..
      cloudB->points.push_back (newPoint);

    ASSERT_EQ (octreeA.getLeafCount(), cloudA->points.size());

    // checks for getVoxelDataAtPoint() and isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint() functionality
    for (i = 0; i < cloudA->points.size (); i++)
      ASSERT_EQ (octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint(cloudA->points[i]), true);
      ASSERT_EQ (octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint(cloudA->points[i]), false);

    ASSERT_EQ (octreeA.getLeafCount(), 0);

    // check if all points from leaf data can be found in input pointcloud data sets

    for (i = 0; i < cloudB->points.size (); i++)

      std::vector<int> pointIdxVec;
      octreeB.voxelSearch(cloudB->points[i], pointIdxVec);

      bool bIdxFound = false;
      std::vector<int>::const_iterator current = pointIdxVec.begin();
      while (current != pointIdxVec.end())
        if (*current == (int)i)
          bIdxFound = true;

      ASSERT_EQ (bIdxFound, true);


    // test octree pointcloud serialization

    std::vector<char> treeBinaryB;
    std::vector<char> treeBinaryC;

    std::vector<int> leafVectorB;
    std::vector<int> leafVectorC;

    double minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;

    // serialize octreeB
    octreeB.serializeTree(treeBinaryB, leafVectorB);
    octreeB.getBoundingBox ( minX, minY,minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ );

    ASSERT_EQ (cloudB->points.size(), leafVectorB.size());

    // deserialize into octreeC
    octreeC.defineBoundingBox ( minX, minY,minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ );

    octreeC.deserializeTree(treeBinaryB, leafVectorB);

    // retrieve point data content of octreeC
    octreeC.serializeTree(treeBinaryC, leafVectorC);

    // check if data is consistent
    ASSERT_EQ (octreeB.getLeafCount(), octreeC.getLeafCount());
    ASSERT_EQ (treeBinaryB.size(), treeBinaryC.size() );
    ASSERT_EQ (octreeB.getLeafCount(), cloudB->points.size());

    for (i = 0; i < leafVectorB.size(); ++i)
      ASSERT_EQ (leafVectorB[i], leafVectorC[i]);

    // check if binary octree output of both trees is equal
    for (i = 0; i < treeBinaryB.size(); ++i)
      ASSERT_EQ (treeBinaryB[i], treeBinaryC[i]);


Exemple #3
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Approx_Nearest_Neighbour_Search)

  const unsigned int test_runs = 100;
  unsigned int test_id;

  unsigned int bestMatchCount = 0;

  // instantiate point cloud
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  size_t i;
  srand (time (NULL));

  double voxelResolution = 0.1;

  // create octree
  OctreePointCloudSearch<PointXYZ> octree (voxelResolution);
  octree.setInputCloud (cloudIn);

  for (test_id = 0; test_id < test_runs; test_id++)
    // define a random search point

    PointXYZ searchPoint (10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX), 10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                          10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    // generate point cloud
    cloudIn->width = 1000;
    cloudIn->height = 1;
    cloudIn->points.resize (cloudIn->width * cloudIn->height);
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      cloudIn->points[i] = PointXYZ (5.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    // brute force search
    double pointDist;
    double BFdistance = numeric_limits<double>::max ();
    int BFindex = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < cloudIn->points.size (); i++)
      pointDist = ((cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x) * (cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x)
          + (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) * (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) + (cloudIn->points[i].z
          - searchPoint.z) * (cloudIn->points[i].z - searchPoint.z));

      if (pointDist<BFdistance)
        BFindex = i;
        BFdistance = pointDist;


    int ANNindex;
    float ANNdistance;

    // octree approx. nearest neighbor search
    octree.approxNearestSearch (searchPoint,  ANNindex, ANNdistance);

    if (BFindex==ANNindex)
      EXPECT_NEAR (ANNdistance, BFdistance, 1e-4);


  // we should have found the absolute nearest neighbor at least once
  ASSERT_EQ ( (bestMatchCount > 0) , true);

Exemple #4
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Nearest_K_Neighbour_Search)

  const unsigned int test_runs = 1;
  unsigned int test_id;

  // instantiate point cloud
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  size_t i;

  srand (time (NULL));

  unsigned int K;

  std::priority_queue<prioPointQueueEntry, std::vector<prioPointQueueEntry, Eigen::aligned_allocator<prioPointQueueEntry> > > pointCandidates;

  // create octree
  OctreePointCloudSearch<PointXYZ> octree (0.1);
  octree.setInputCloud (cloudIn);

  std::vector<int> k_indices;
  std::vector<float> k_sqr_distances;

  std::vector<int> k_indices_bruteforce;
  std::vector<float> k_sqr_distances_bruteforce;

  for (test_id = 0; test_id < test_runs; test_id++)
    // define a random search point

    PointXYZ searchPoint (10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX), 10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                          10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    K = rand () % 10;

    // generate point cloud
    cloudIn->width = 1000;
    cloudIn->height = 1;
    cloudIn->points.resize (cloudIn->width * cloudIn->height);
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      cloudIn->points[i] = PointXYZ (5.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    double pointDist;



    // push all points and their distance to the search point into a priority queue - bruteforce approach.
    for (i = 0; i < cloudIn->points.size (); i++)
      pointDist = ((cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x) * (cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x)
          + (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) * (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) + (cloudIn->points[i].z
          - searchPoint.z) * (cloudIn->points[i].z - searchPoint.z));

      prioPointQueueEntry pointEntry (cloudIn->points[i], pointDist, i);

      pointCandidates.push (pointEntry);

    // pop priority queue until we have the nearest K elements
    while (pointCandidates.size () > K)
      pointCandidates.pop ();

    // copy results into vectors
    while (pointCandidates.size ())
      k_indices_bruteforce.push_back (pointCandidates.top ().pointIdx_);
      k_sqr_distances_bruteforce.push_back (pointCandidates.top ().pointDistance_);

      pointCandidates.pop ();

    // octree nearest neighbor search
    octree.nearestKSearch (searchPoint, (int)K, k_indices, k_sqr_distances);

    ASSERT_EQ ( k_indices.size() , k_indices_bruteforce.size() );

    // compare nearest neighbor results of octree with bruteforce search
    i = 0;
    while (k_indices_bruteforce.size ())
      ASSERT_EQ ( k_indices.back() , k_indices_bruteforce.back() );
      EXPECT_NEAR (k_sqr_distances.back(), k_sqr_distances_bruteforce.back(), 1e-4);





Exemple #5
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Test)

  size_t i;
  int test_runs = 100;
  int pointcount = 300;

  int test, point;

  float resolution = 0.01f;

  // instantiate OctreePointCloudSinglePoint and OctreePointCloudPointVector classes
  OctreePointCloudSinglePoint<PointXYZ> octreeA (resolution);
  OctreePointCloudSearch<PointXYZ> octreeB (resolution);
  OctreePointCloudPointVector<PointXYZ> octreeC (resolution);

  // create shared pointcloud instances
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudA (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudB (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  // assign input point clouds to octree
  octreeA.setInputCloud (cloudA);
  octreeB.setInputCloud (cloudB);
  octreeC.setInputCloud (cloudB);

  for (test = 0; test < test_runs; ++test)

    // clean up
    cloudA->points.clear ();
    octreeA.deleteTree ();

    cloudB->points.clear ();
    octreeB.deleteTree ();

    octreeC.deleteTree ();

    for (point = 0; point < pointcount; point++)
      // gereate a random point
      PointXYZ newPoint (1024.0 * (float)rand () / (float)RAND_MAX, 1024.0 * (float)rand () / (float)RAND_MAX,
                         1024.0 * (float)rand () / (float)RAND_MAX);

      if (!octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint (newPoint))
        // add point only to OctreePointCloudSinglePoint if voxel at point location doesn't exist
        octreeA.addPointToCloud (newPoint, cloudA);

      // OctreePointCloudPointVector can store all points..
      cloudB->points.push_back (newPoint);

    ASSERT_EQ(octreeA.getLeafCount(), cloudA->points.size());

    // checks for getVoxelDataAtPoint() and isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint() functionality
    for (i = 0; i < cloudA->points.size (); i++)
      ASSERT_EQ(octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint(cloudA->points[i]), true);
      octreeA.deleteVoxelAtPoint (cloudA->points[i]);
      ASSERT_EQ(octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint(cloudA->points[i]), false);

    ASSERT_EQ(octreeA.getLeafCount(), (unsigned int)0);

    // check if all points from leaf data can be found in input pointcloud data sets
    octreeB.defineBoundingBox ();
    octreeB.addPointsFromInputCloud ();

    //  test iterator
    OctreePointCloudSearch<PointXYZ>::Iterator b_it (octreeB);
    unsigned int node_count = 0;
    unsigned int branch_count = 0;
    unsigned int leaf_count = 0;

    double minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz;
    octreeB.getBoundingBox (minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz);

    // iterate over tree
    while (*++b_it)
      // depth should always be less than tree depth
      unsigned int depth = b_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth ();
      ASSERT_LE(depth, octreeB.getTreeDepth());

      Eigen::Vector3f voxel_min, voxel_max;
      octreeB.getVoxelBounds (b_it, voxel_min, voxel_max);

      ASSERT_GE(voxel_min.x (), minx - 1e-4);
      ASSERT_GE(voxel_min.y (), miny - 1e-4);
      ASSERT_GE(voxel_min.z (), minz - 1e-4);

      ASSERT_LE(voxel_max.x (), maxx + 1e-4);
      ASSERT_LE(voxel_max.y (), maxy + 1e-4);
      ASSERT_LE(voxel_max.z (), maxz + 1e-4);

      // store node, branch and leaf count
      const OctreeNode* node = b_it.getCurrentOctreeNode ();
      if (node->getNodeType () == BRANCH_NODE)
      else if (node->getNodeType () == LEAF_NODE)

    // compare node, branch and leaf count against actual tree values
    ASSERT_EQ(node_count, branch_count + leaf_count);
    ASSERT_EQ(leaf_count, octreeB.getLeafCount ());

    for (i = 0; i < cloudB->points.size (); i++)

      std::vector<int> pointIdxVec;
      octreeB.voxelSearch (cloudB->points[i], pointIdxVec);

      bool bIdxFound = false;
      std::vector<int>::const_iterator current = pointIdxVec.begin ();
      while (current != pointIdxVec.end ())
        if (*current == (int)i)
          bIdxFound = true;

      ASSERT_EQ(bIdxFound, true);


    // test octree pointcloud serialization

    std::vector<char> treeBinaryB;
    std::vector<char> treeBinaryC;

    std::vector<int> leafVectorB;
    std::vector<int> leafVectorC;

    double minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;

    // serialize octreeB
    octreeB.serializeTree (treeBinaryB, leafVectorB);
    octreeB.getBoundingBox (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);

    ASSERT_EQ(cloudB->points.size(), leafVectorB.size());

    // deserialize into octreeC
    octreeC.deleteTree ();
    octreeC.defineBoundingBox (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);

    octreeC.deserializeTree (treeBinaryB, leafVectorB);

    // retrieve point data content of octreeC
    octreeC.serializeTree (treeBinaryC, leafVectorC);

    // check if data is consistent
    ASSERT_EQ(octreeB.getLeafCount(), octreeC.getLeafCount());
    ASSERT_EQ(treeBinaryB.size(), treeBinaryC.size());
    ASSERT_EQ(octreeB.getLeafCount(), cloudB->points.size());

    for (i = 0; i < leafVectorB.size (); ++i)
      ASSERT_EQ(leafVectorB[i], leafVectorC[i]);

    // check if binary octree output of both trees is equal
    for (i = 0; i < treeBinaryB.size (); ++i)
      ASSERT_EQ(treeBinaryB[i], treeBinaryC[i]);


Exemple #6
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Box_Search)

  const unsigned int test_runs = 30;
  unsigned int test_id;

  // instantiate point cloud
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  size_t i;

  srand (time (NULL));

  // create octree
  OctreePointCloudSearch<PointXYZ> octree (1);
  octree.setInputCloud (cloudIn);

  for (test_id = 0; test_id < test_runs; test_id++)
    std::vector<int> k_indices;

    // generate point cloud
    cloudIn->width = 300;
    cloudIn->height = 1;
    cloudIn->points.resize (cloudIn->width * cloudIn->height);
    for (i = 0; i < cloudIn->points.size(); i++)
      cloudIn->points[i] = PointXYZ (10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    // octree points to octree
    octree.deleteTree ();
    octree.addPointsFromInputCloud ();

    // define a random search area

    Eigen::Vector3f lowerBoxCorner (4.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                    4.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                    4.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));
    Eigen::Vector3f upperBoxCorner (5 + 4.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                    5 + 4.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                    5 + 4.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    octree.boxSearch (lowerBoxCorner, upperBoxCorner, k_indices);

    // test every point in point cloud
    for (i = 0; i < 300; i++)
      std::size_t j;
      bool inBox;
      bool idxInResults;
      const PointXYZ& pt = cloudIn->points[i];

      inBox = (pt.x > lowerBoxCorner (0)) && (pt.x < upperBoxCorner (0)) &&
              (pt.y > lowerBoxCorner (1)) && (pt.y < upperBoxCorner (1)) &&
              (pt.z > lowerBoxCorner (2)) && (pt.z < upperBoxCorner (2));

      idxInResults = false;
      for (j = 0; (j < k_indices.size ()) && (!idxInResults); ++j)
        if (i == (unsigned int)k_indices[j])
          idxInResults = true;

      ASSERT_EQ(idxInResults, inBox);


Exemple #7
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Test)
  size_t i;
  int test_runs = 100;
  int pointcount = 300;

  int test, point;

  float resolution = 0.01f;

  // instantiate OctreePointCloudSinglePoint and OctreePointCloudPointVector classes
  OctreePointCloudSinglePoint<PointXYZ> octreeA (resolution);
  OctreePointCloudSearch<PointXYZ> octreeB (resolution);
  OctreePointCloudPointVector<PointXYZ> octreeC (resolution);

  // create shared pointcloud instances
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudA (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudB (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  // assign input point clouds to octree
  octreeA.setInputCloud (cloudA);
  octreeB.setInputCloud (cloudB);
  octreeC.setInputCloud (cloudB);

  for (test = 0; test < test_runs; ++test)

    // clean up
    cloudA->points.clear ();
    octreeA.deleteTree ();

    cloudB->points.clear ();
    octreeB.deleteTree ();

    octreeC.deleteTree ();

    for (point = 0; point < pointcount; point++)
      // gereate a random point
      PointXYZ newPoint (static_cast<float> (1024.0 * rand () / RAND_MAX),
                         static_cast<float> (1024.0 * rand () / RAND_MAX),
                         static_cast<float> (1024.0 * rand () / RAND_MAX));

      if (!octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint (newPoint))
        // add point only to OctreePointCloudSinglePoint if voxel at point location doesn't exist
        octreeA.addPointToCloud (newPoint, cloudA);

      // OctreePointCloudPointVector can store all points..
      cloudB->push_back (newPoint);

    ASSERT_EQ (cloudA->points.size (), octreeA.getLeafCount ());

    // checks for getVoxelDataAtPoint() and isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint() functionality
    for (i = 0; i < cloudA->points.size (); i++)
      ASSERT_TRUE (octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint (cloudA->points[i]));
      octreeA.deleteVoxelAtPoint (cloudA->points[i]);
      ASSERT_FALSE (octreeA.isVoxelOccupiedAtPoint (cloudA->points[i]));

    ASSERT_EQ (static_cast<unsigned int> (0), octreeA.getLeafCount ());

    // check if all points from leaf data can be found in input pointcloud data sets
    octreeB.defineBoundingBox ();
    octreeB.addPointsFromInputCloud ();

    //  test iterator
    OctreePointCloudPointVector<PointXYZ>::Iterator b_it;
    OctreePointCloudPointVector<PointXYZ>::Iterator b_it_end = octreeB.end();

    // iterate over tree

    unsigned int node_count = 0;
    unsigned int branch_count = 0;
    unsigned int leaf_count = 0;

    double minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz;
    octreeB.getBoundingBox (minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz);

    // iterate over tree
    for (b_it = octreeB.begin(); b_it != b_it_end; ++b_it)
      // depth should always be less than tree depth
      unsigned int depth = b_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth ();
      ASSERT_LE (depth, octreeB.getTreeDepth ());

      Eigen::Vector3f voxel_min, voxel_max;
      octreeB.getVoxelBounds (b_it, voxel_min, voxel_max);

      ASSERT_GE (voxel_min.x (), minx - 1e-4);
      ASSERT_GE (voxel_min.y (), miny - 1e-4);
      ASSERT_GE (voxel_min.z (), minz - 1e-4);

      ASSERT_LE (voxel_max.x (), maxx + 1e-4);
      ASSERT_LE (voxel_max.y (), maxy + 1e-4);
      ASSERT_LE (voxel_max.z (), maxz + 1e-4);

      // store node, branch and leaf count
      const OctreeNode* node = b_it.getCurrentOctreeNode ();
      if (node->getNodeType () == BRANCH_NODE)
      else if (node->getNodeType () == LEAF_NODE)

    // compare node, branch and leaf count against actual tree values
    ASSERT_EQ (branch_count + leaf_count, node_count);
    ASSERT_EQ (octreeB.getLeafCount (), leaf_count);

    for (i = 0; i < cloudB->points.size (); i++)
      std::vector<int> pointIdxVec;
      octreeB.voxelSearch (cloudB->points[i], pointIdxVec);

      bool bIdxFound = false;
      std::vector<int>::const_iterator current = pointIdxVec.begin ();
      while (current != pointIdxVec.end ())
        if (*current == static_cast<int> (i))
          bIdxFound = true;

      ASSERT_TRUE (bIdxFound);