void EC_WaterPlane::CreateWaterPlane() { if (!ViewEnabled()) return; if (entity_) RemoveWaterPlane(); OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); // Create water plane if (world) { Ogre::SceneManager *sceneMgr = world->GetSceneManager(); assert(sceneMgr); if (node_ != 0) { int x = xSize.Get(); int y = ySize.Get(); float uTile = scaleUfactor.Get() * x; /// Default x-size 5000 --> uTile 1.0 float vTile = scaleVfactor.Get() * y; Ogre::MeshPtr mesh = Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton().createPlane(Name().toStdString().c_str(), Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, Ogre::Plane(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y, 0), x, y, xSegments.Get(), ySegments.Get(), true, 1, uTile, vTile, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X); entity_ = sceneMgr->createEntity(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_WaterPlane_entity"), Name().toStdString().c_str()); entity_->setMaterialName(materialName.Get().toStdString().c_str()); entity_->setCastShadows(false); // Tries to attach entity, if there is not EC_Placeable availible, it will not attach object AttachEntity(); } } }
EC_Mesh::EC_Mesh(Scene* scene) : IComponent(scene), nodeTransformation(this, "Transform", Transform(float3(0,0,0),float3(0,0,0),float3(1,1,1))), meshRef(this, "Mesh ref", AssetReference("", "OgreMesh")), skeletonRef(this, "Skeleton ref", AssetReference("", "OgreSkeleton")), meshMaterial(this, "Mesh materials", AssetReferenceList("OgreMaterial")), drawDistance(this, "Draw distance", 0.0f), castShadows(this, "Cast shadows", false), entity_(0), attached_(false) { if (scene) world_ = scene->GetWorld<OgreWorld>(); static AttributeMetadata drawDistanceData("", "0", "10000"); drawDistance.SetMetadata(&drawDistanceData); static AttributeMetadata materialMetadata; materialMetadata.elementType = "assetreference"; meshMaterial.SetMetadata(&materialMetadata); meshAsset = AssetRefListenerPtr(new AssetRefListener()); skeletonAsset = AssetRefListenerPtr(new AssetRefListener()); OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); if (world) { Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->OgreSceneManager(); adjustment_node_ = sceneMgr->createSceneNode(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_Mesh_adjustment_node")); connect(this, SIGNAL(ParentEntitySet()), SLOT(UpdateSignals())); connect(meshAsset.get(), SIGNAL(Loaded(AssetPtr)), this, SLOT(OnMeshAssetLoaded(AssetPtr)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(skeletonAsset.get(), SIGNAL(Loaded(AssetPtr)), this, SLOT(OnSkeletonAssetLoaded(AssetPtr)), Qt::UniqueConnection); } }
void EC_Mesh::RemoveMesh() { OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); if (entity_) { emit MeshAboutToBeDestroyed(); RemoveAllAttachments(); DetachEntity(); Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->OgreSceneManager(); sceneMgr->destroyEntity(entity_); entity_ = 0; } if (!cloned_mesh_name_.empty()) { try { Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton().remove(cloned_mesh_name_); } catch(Ogre::Exception& e) { LogWarning("EC_Mesh::RemoveMesh: Could not remove cloned mesh:" + std::string(e.what())); } cloned_mesh_name_ = std::string(); } }
EC_Placeable::~EC_Placeable() { if (world_.expired()) { if (sceneNode_) LogError("EC_Placeable: World has expired, skipping uninitialization!"); return; } emit AboutToBeDestroyed(); OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->GetSceneManager(); if (sceneNode_) { DetachNode(); sceneMgr->destroySceneNode(sceneNode_); sceneNode_ = 0; } // Destroy the attachment node if it was created if (boneAttachmentNode_) { sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->removeChild(boneAttachmentNode_); sceneMgr->destroySceneNode(boneAttachmentNode_); boneAttachmentNode_ = 0; } }
Ogre::Mesh* EC_Mesh::PrepareMesh(const std::string& mesh_name, bool clone) { if (!ViewEnabled()) return 0; OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); Ogre::MeshManager& mesh_mgr = Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::MeshPtr mesh = mesh_mgr.getByName(AssetAPI::SanitateAssetRef(mesh_name)); // For local meshes, mesh will not get automatically loaded until used in an entity. Load now if necessary if (mesh.isNull()) { try { mesh_mgr.load(mesh_name, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); mesh = mesh_mgr.getByName(mesh_name); } catch(Ogre::Exception& e) { LogError("EC_Mesh::PrepareMesh: Could not load mesh " + mesh_name + ": " + std::string(e.what())); return 0; } } // If mesh is still null, must abort if (mesh.isNull()) { LogError("EC_Mesh::PrepareMesh: Mesh " + mesh_name + " does not exist"); return 0; } if (clone) { try { mesh = mesh->clone(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_Mesh_clone")); mesh->setAutoBuildEdgeLists(false); cloned_mesh_name_ = mesh->getName(); } catch(Ogre::Exception& e) { LogError("EC_Mesh::PrepareMesh: Could not clone mesh " + mesh_name + ":" + std::string(e.what())); return 0; } } if (mesh->hasSkeleton()) { Ogre::SkeletonPtr skeleton = Ogre::SkeletonManager::getSingleton().getByName(mesh->getSkeletonName()); if (skeleton.isNull() || skeleton->getNumBones() == 0) { LogDebug("EC_Mesh::PrepareMesh: Mesh " + mesh_name + " has a skeleton with 0 bones. Disabling the skeleton."); mesh->setSkeletonName(""); } } return mesh.get(); }
void OcclusionDebugRenderer::addPoint(const Umbra::Vector3& pt, const Umbra::Vector4& color) { OgreWorldPtr ogreWorld = renderer_->GetActiveOgreWorld(); if(!ogreWorld.get()) return; // Nothing to do here float3 point = Vector3ToFloat3(pt); ogreWorld->DebugDrawSphere(point, 0.1f, 6, Color::Red); }
void OcclusionDebugRenderer::addLine(const Umbra::Vector3& start, const Umbra::Vector3& end, const Umbra::Vector4& color) { OgreWorldPtr ogreWorld = renderer_->GetActiveOgreWorld(); if(!ogreWorld.get()) return; float3 start_ = Vector3ToFloat3(start); float3 end_ = Vector3ToFloat3(end); ogreWorld->DebugDrawLine(start_, end_, Color::Yellow); }
EC_SelectionBox::~EC_SelectionBox() { if (selectionBox_) { OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); if (world) { Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->GetSceneManager(); sceneMgr->destroyManualObject(selectionBox_); selectionBox_ = 0; } } }
void OcclusionDebugRenderer::addAABB(const Umbra::Vector3& mn, const Umbra::Vector3& mx, const Umbra::Vector4& color) { OgreWorldPtr ogreWorld = renderer_->GetActiveOgreWorld(); if(!ogreWorld.get()) return; float3 mn_ = Vector3ToFloat3(mn); float3 mx_ = Vector3ToFloat3(mx); Color color_ = Vector4ToColor(color); AABB aabb(mn_, mx_); ogreWorld->DebugDrawAABB(aabb, color_); }
void EC_Hydrax::Create() { PROFILE(EC_Hydrax_Create); SAFE_DELETE(impl); if (!framework || framework->IsHeadless()) return; try { if (!ParentScene()) { LogError("EC_Hydrax: no parent scene. Cannot be created."); return; } OgreWorldPtr w = ParentScene()->Subsystem<OgreWorld>(); assert(w); connect(w->Renderer(), SIGNAL(MainCameraChanged(Entity *)), SLOT(OnActiveCameraChanged(Entity *)), Qt::UniqueConnection); Entity *mainCamera = w->Renderer()->MainCamera(); if (!mainCamera) { // Can't create Hydrax just yet, no main camera set (Hydrax needs a valid camera to initialize). // This error is benign, and Hydrax will now postpone its initialization to until a camera is set. // (see OnActiveCameraChanged()). LogDebug("Cannot create EC_Hydrax: No main camera set!"); return; } Ogre::Camera *cam = mainCamera->GetComponent<EC_Camera>()->GetCamera(); impl = new EC_HydraxImpl(); impl->hydrax = new Hydrax::Hydrax(w->OgreSceneManager(), cam, w->Renderer()->MainViewport()); // Using projected grid module by default Hydrax::Module::ProjectedGrid *module = new Hydrax::Module::ProjectedGrid(impl->hydrax, new Hydrax::Noise::Perlin(), Ogre::Plane(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y, Ogre::Vector3::ZERO), Hydrax::MaterialManager::NM_VERTEX); impl->hydrax->setModule(module); impl->module = module; // Load all parameters from config file, but position attribute is always authoritative for the position. RequestConfigAsset(); connect(framework->Frame(), SIGNAL(PostFrameUpdate(float)), SLOT(Update(float)), Qt::UniqueConnection); } catch(const Ogre::Exception &e) { // Currently if we try to create more than one Hydrax component we end up here due to Ogre internal name collision. LogError("Could not create EC_Hydrax: " + std::string(e.what())); } }
EC_SelectionBox::EC_SelectionBox(Scene* scene) : IComponent(scene), selectionBox_(0) { if (scene) world_ = scene->GetWorld<OgreWorld>(); OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->GetSceneManager(); selectionBox_ = sceneMgr->createManualObject(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_Selected")); selectionBox_->setRenderQueueGroup(Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY); selectionBox_->setUseIdentityProjection(true); selectionBox_->setUseIdentityView(true); selectionBox_->setQueryFlags(0); sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode()->attachObject(selectionBox_); }
EC_WaterPlane::~EC_WaterPlane() { if (world_.expired()) return; OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); RemoveWaterPlane(); if (node_ != 0) { Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->GetSceneManager(); sceneMgr->destroySceneNode(node_); node_ = 0; } }
void EC_HoveringText::ShowMessage(const QString &text) { if (!ViewEnabled()) return; if (world_.expired()) return; OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); Ogre::SceneManager *scene = world->OgreSceneManager(); assert(scene); if (!scene) return; Entity* entity = ParentEntity(); assert(entity); if (!entity) return; EC_Placeable *node = entity->GetComponent<EC_Placeable>().get(); if (!node) return; Ogre::SceneNode *sceneNode = node->GetSceneNode(); assert(sceneNode); if (!sceneNode) return; // Create billboard if it doesn't exist. if (!billboardSet_) { billboardSet_ = scene->createBillboardSet(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_HoveringText"), 1); assert(billboardSet_); billboardSet_->Ogre::MovableObject::setUserAny(Ogre::Any(static_cast<IComponent *>(this))); billboardSet_->Ogre::Renderable::setUserAny(Ogre::Any(static_cast<IComponent *>(this))); sceneNode->attachObject(billboardSet_); } if (billboardSet_ && !billboard_) { billboard_ = billboardSet_->createBillboard(Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, 0.7f)); SetBillboardSize(width.Get(), height.Get()); SetPosition(position.Get()); } Redraw(); }
EC_Placeable::EC_Placeable(Scene* scene) : IComponent(scene), sceneNode_(0), boneAttachmentNode_(0), parentBone_(0), parentPlaceable_(0), parentMesh_(0), attached_(false), transform(this, "Transform"), drawDebug(this, "Show bounding box", false), visible(this, "Visible", true), selectionLayer(this, "Selection layer", 1), parentRef(this, "Parent entity ref", EntityReference()), parentBone(this, "Parent bone name", "") { if (scene) world_ = scene->GetWorld<OgreWorld>(); // Enable network interpolation for the transform static AttributeMetadata transAttrData; static AttributeMetadata nonDesignableAttrData; static bool metadataInitialized = false; if(!metadataInitialized) { transAttrData.interpolation = AttributeMetadata::Interpolate; nonDesignableAttrData.designable = false; metadataInitialized = true; } transform.SetMetadata(&transAttrData); OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); if (world) { Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->GetSceneManager(); sceneNode_ = sceneMgr->createSceneNode(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_Placeable_SceneNode")); // Would like to do this for improved debugging in the Profiler window, but because we don't have the parent entity yet, we don't know the id or the name of this entity. // sceneNode_ = sceneMgr->createSceneNode(world->GetUniqueObjectName(("EC_Placeable_SceneNode_" + QString::number(ParentEntity()->Id()) + "_" + ParentEntity()->Name()).toStdString())); // Hook the transform attribute change connect(this, SIGNAL(AttributeChanged(IAttribute*, AttributeChange::Type)), SLOT(HandleAttributeChanged(IAttribute*, AttributeChange::Type))); connect(this, SIGNAL(ParentEntitySet()), SLOT(RegisterActions())); AttachNode(); } }
void OcclusionDebugRenderer::addQuad(const Umbra::Vector3& x0y0, const Umbra::Vector3& x0y1, const Umbra::Vector3& x1y1, const Umbra::Vector3& x1y0, const Umbra::Vector4& color) { OgreWorldPtr ogreWorld = renderer_->GetActiveOgreWorld(); if(!ogreWorld.get()) return; // Nothing to do here float3 x0y0_, x0y1_, x1y0_, x1y1_; x0y0_ = Vector3ToFloat3(x0y0); x0y1_ = Vector3ToFloat3(x0y1); x1y0_ = Vector3ToFloat3(x1y0); x1y1_ = Vector3ToFloat3(x1y1); ogreWorld->DebugDrawLine(x0y0_, x1y0_, Color::Yellow); ogreWorld->DebugDrawLine(x1y0_, x1y1_, Color::Yellow); ogreWorld->DebugDrawLine(x1y1_, x0y1_, Color::Yellow); ogreWorld->DebugDrawLine(x0y1_, x0y0_, Color::Yellow); }
void PhysicsWorld::DrawDebugGeometry() { if (!IsDebugGeometryEnabled()) return; PROFILE(PhysicsModule_DrawDebugGeometry); // Draw debug only for the active (visible) scene OgreWorldPtr ogreWorld = scene_.lock()->GetWorld<OgreWorld>(); cachedOgreWorld_ = ogreWorld.get(); if (!ogreWorld) return; if (!ogreWorld->IsActive()) return; // Get all lines of the physics world world_->debugDrawWorld(); }
EC_Mesh::~EC_Mesh() { if (world_.expired()) { // Log error only if there was an Ogre object to be destroyed if (entity_) LogError("EC_Mesh: World has expired, skipping uninitialization!"); return; } OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); RemoveMesh(); if (adjustment_node_) { Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->OgreSceneManager(); sceneMgr->destroySceneNode(adjustment_node_); adjustment_node_ = 0; } }
void EC_SkyX::Create() { if (framework->IsHeadless()) return; if (!ParentScene()) { LogError("EC_SkyX: Aborting creation, parent scene is null!"); return; } // Return if main camera is not set OgreWorldPtr w = ParentScene()->GetWorld<OgreWorld>(); if (!w || !w->Renderer()) return; if (!w->Renderer()->MainCamera()) { connect(w->Renderer(), SIGNAL(MainCameraChanged(Entity*)), this, SLOT(Create()), Qt::UniqueConnection); return; }
void EC_Mesh::RemoveAttachmentMesh(uint index) { OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); if (!entity_) return; if (index >= attachment_entities_.size()) return; Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->OgreSceneManager(); if (attachment_entities_[index] && attachment_nodes_[index]) { // See if attached to a tagpoint or an ordinary node Ogre::TagPoint* tag = dynamic_cast<Ogre::TagPoint*>(attachment_nodes_[index]); if (tag) { entity_->detachObjectFromBone(attachment_entities_[index]); } else { Ogre::SceneNode* scenenode = dynamic_cast<Ogre::SceneNode*>(attachment_nodes_[index]); if (scenenode) { scenenode->detachObject(attachment_entities_[index]); sceneMgr->destroySceneNode(scenenode); } } attachment_nodes_[index] = 0; } if (attachment_entities_[index]) { if (attachment_entities_[index]->sharesSkeletonInstance()) attachment_entities_[index]->stopSharingSkeletonInstance(); sceneMgr->destroyEntity(attachment_entities_[index]); attachment_entities_[index] = 0; } }
void EC_SelectionBox::SetBoundingBox(QRect &view) { if (world_.expired()) return; OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); Renderer* renderer = world->GetRenderer(); Ogre::RenderWindow *renderWindow = renderer->GetCurrentRenderWindow(); float w= (float)renderWindow->getWidth(); float h= (float)renderWindow->getHeight(); float left = (float)(view.left()) / w, right = (float)(view.right()) / w; float top = (float)(view.top()) / h, bottom = (float)(view.bottom()) / h; if(left > right) { float tmp; tmp = left; left = right; right = tmp; } if(top > bottom) { float tmp; tmp = top; top = bottom; bottom = tmp; } // don't do selection box if too small if((right - left) * (bottom-top) < 0.0001) return; // correct coordinates for overlay left = left * 2 - 1; right = right * 2 - 1; top = 1 - top * 2; bottom = 1 - bottom * 2; selectionBox_->clear(); selectionBox_->begin("BlueTransparent",Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_STRIP); selectionBox_->position(left, bottom, -1); selectionBox_->position(right, bottom, -1); selectionBox_->position(left, top, -1); selectionBox_->position(right, top, -1); selectionBox_->end(); selectionBox_->begin("",Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_LINE_STRIP); selectionBox_->position(left, top, -1); selectionBox_->position(right, top, -1); selectionBox_->position(right, bottom, -1); selectionBox_->position(left, bottom, -1); selectionBox_->position(left, top, -1); selectionBox_->end(); selectionBox_->setBoundingBox(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::BOX_INFINITE); }
bool RayVisibilityFilter::Filter(const IMParameters& params) { if(enabled_) { float cutoffrange = range_ * range_; if(params.headless) return true; if(params.distance < cutoffrange) //If the entity is close enough, only then do a raycast { std::map<entity_id_t, bool>::iterator it; it = params.connection->syncState->visibleEntities.find(params.changed_entity->Id()); /*Check when was the last time we raycasted and dont do it if its not the time*/ int lastRaycasted = im_->FindLastRaycastedEntity(params.connection, params.changed_entity->Id()); int currentTime = im_->ElapsedTime(); if(it != params.connection->syncState->visibleEntities.end() && (lastRaycasted + raycastinterval_) > currentTime) //If the entity is located from the map { if(it->second == true) //bool which contains a value determining if the entity was visible to the user last time it was raycasted { #ifdef IM_DEBUG if(params.connection->ConnectionId() == 1) ::LogInfo("Not the time to raycast, returning true. Last " + QString::number(lastRaycasted + raycastinterval_) + " Current " + QString::number(currentTime)); #endif return true; } else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG if(params.connection->ConnectionId() == 1) ::LogInfo("Not the time to raycast, returning false. Last " + QString::number(lastRaycasted + raycastinterval_) + " Current " + QString::number(currentTime)); #endif return false; } } else { Ray ray(params.client_position, (params.entity_position - params.client_position).Normalized()); RaycastResult *result = 0; OgreWorldPtr w = params.scene->GetWorld<OgreWorld>(); result = w->Raycast(ray, 0xFFFFFFFF); im_->UpdateLastRaycastedEntity(params.connection, params.changed_entity->Id()); if(result && result->entity && result->entity->Id() == params.changed_entity->Id()) //If the ray hit someone and its our target entity { im_->UpdateEntityVisibility(params.connection, params.changed_entity->Id(), true); #ifdef IM_DEBUG ::LogInfo("Entity " + QString::number(params.changed_entity->Id()) + " is visible to connection " + QString::number(params.connection->ConnectionId())); #endif return true; } else { im_->UpdateEntityVisibility(params.connection, params.changed_entity->Id(), false); im_->UpdateRelevance(params.connection, params.changed_entity->Id(), 0); return false; } } } else return false; } else return true; }
bool EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh(uint index, const std::string& mesh_name, const std::string& attach_point, bool share_skeleton) { if (!ViewEnabled()) return false; OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); if (!entity_) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: No mesh entity created yet, can not create attachments!"); return false; } Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->OgreSceneManager(); size_t oldsize = attachment_entities_.size(); size_t newsize = index + 1; if (oldsize < newsize) { attachment_entities_.resize(newsize); attachment_nodes_.resize(newsize); for(uint i = oldsize; i < newsize; ++i) { attachment_entities_[i] = 0; attachment_nodes_[i] = 0; } } RemoveAttachmentMesh(index); Ogre::Mesh* mesh = PrepareMesh(mesh_name, false); if (!mesh) return false; if (share_skeleton) { // If sharing a skeleton, force the attachment mesh to use the same skeleton // This is theoretically quite a scary operation, for there is possibility for things to go wrong Ogre::SkeletonPtr entity_skel = entity_->getMesh()->getSkeleton(); if (entity_skel.isNull()) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: Cannot share skeleton for attachment, not found"); return false; } try { mesh->_notifySkeleton(entity_skel); } catch(const Ogre::Exception &/*e*/) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: Could not set shared skeleton for attachment"); return false; } } try { QString entityName = QString("EC_Mesh_attach") + QString::number(index); attachment_entities_[index] = sceneMgr->createEntity(world->GetUniqueObjectName(entityName.toStdString()), mesh->getName()); if (!attachment_entities_[index]) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: Could not set attachment mesh " + mesh_name); return false; } attachment_entities_[index]->setRenderingDistance(drawDistance.Get()); attachment_entities_[index]->setCastShadows(castShadows.Get()); attachment_entities_[index]->setUserAny(entity_->getUserAny()); // Set UserAny also on subentities for(uint i = 0; i < attachment_entities_[index]->getNumSubEntities(); ++i) attachment_entities_[index]->getSubEntity(i)->setUserAny(entity_->getUserAny()); Ogre::Bone* attach_bone = 0; if (!attach_point.empty()) { Ogre::Skeleton* skel = entity_->getSkeleton(); if (skel && skel->hasBone(attach_point)) attach_bone = skel->getBone(attach_point); } if (attach_bone) { Ogre::TagPoint* tag = entity_->attachObjectToBone(attach_point, attachment_entities_[index]); attachment_nodes_[index] = tag; } else { QString nodeName = QString("EC_Mesh_attachment_") + QString::number(index); Ogre::SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->createSceneNode(world->GetUniqueObjectName(nodeName.toStdString())); node->attachObject(attachment_entities_[index]); adjustment_node_->addChild(node); attachment_nodes_[index] = node; } if (share_skeleton && entity_->hasSkeleton() && attachment_entities_[index]->hasSkeleton()) { attachment_entities_[index]->shareSkeletonInstanceWith(entity_); } } catch(Ogre::Exception& e) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: Could not set attachment mesh " + mesh_name + ": " + std::string(e.what())); return false; } return true; }
bool EC_Mesh::SetMeshWithSkeleton(const std::string& mesh_name, const std::string& skeleton_name, bool clone) { if (!ViewEnabled()) return false; OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); Ogre::SkeletonPtr skel = Ogre::SkeletonManager::getSingleton().getByName(AssetAPI::SanitateAssetRef(skeleton_name)); if (skel.isNull()) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetMeshWithSkeleton: Could not set skeleton " + skeleton_name + " to mesh " + mesh_name + ": not found"); return false; } RemoveMesh(); Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->OgreSceneManager(); Ogre::Mesh* mesh = PrepareMesh(mesh_name, clone); if (!mesh) return false; try { mesh->_notifySkeleton(skel); // LogDebug("Set skeleton " + skeleton_name + " to mesh " + mesh_name); } catch(Ogre::Exception& e) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetMeshWithSkeleton: Could not set skeleton " + skeleton_name + " to mesh " + mesh_name + ": " + std::string(e.what())); return false; } try { entity_ = sceneMgr->createEntity(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_Mesh_entwithskel"), mesh->getName()); if (!entity_) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetMeshWithSkeleton: Could not set mesh " + mesh_name); return false; } entity_->setRenderingDistance(drawDistance.Get()); entity_->setCastShadows(castShadows.Get()); entity_->setUserAny(Ogre::Any(static_cast<IComponent *>(this))); // Set UserAny also on subentities for(uint i = 0; i < entity_->getNumSubEntities(); ++i) entity_->getSubEntity(i)->setUserAny(entity_->getUserAny()); if (entity_->hasSkeleton()) { Ogre::SkeletonInstance* skel = entity_->getSkeleton(); // Enable cumulative mode on skeletal animations if (skel) skel->setBlendMode(Ogre::ANIMBLEND_CUMULATIVE); } } catch(Ogre::Exception& e) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetMeshWithSkeleton: Could not set mesh " + mesh_name + ": " + std::string(e.what())); return false; } AttachEntity(); emit MeshChanged(); return true; }
EC_WaterPlane::EC_WaterPlane(Scene* scene) : IComponent(scene), xSize(this, "x-size", 5000), ySize(this, "y-size", 5000), depth(this, "Depth", 20), position(this, "Position", float3::zero), rotation(this, "Rotation", Quat::identity), scaleUfactor(this, "U factor", 0.0002f), scaleVfactor(this, "V factor", 0.0002f), xSegments(this, "Segments in x", 10), ySegments(this, "Segments in y", 10), materialName(this, "Material", QString("Ocean")), materialRef(this, "Material ref"), //textureNameAttr(this, "Texture", QString("DefaultOceanSkyCube.dds")), fogColor(this, "Fog color", Color(0.2f,0.4f,0.35f,1.0f)), fogStartDistance(this, "Fog start dist.", 100.f), fogEndDistance(this, "Fog end dist.", 2000.f), fogMode(this, "Fog mode", 3), entity_(0), node_(0), attached_(false), attachedToRoot_(false) { static AttributeMetadata metadata; static bool metadataInitialized = false; if(!metadataInitialized) { metadata.enums[Ogre::FOG_NONE] = "NoFog"; metadata.enums[Ogre::FOG_EXP] = "Exponential"; metadata.enums[Ogre::FOG_EXP2] = "ExponentiallySquare"; metadata.enums[Ogre::FOG_LINEAR] = "Linear"; metadataInitialized = true; } fogMode.SetMetadata(&metadata); if (scene) world_ = scene->GetWorld<OgreWorld>(); OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); if (world) { Ogre::SceneManager *sceneMgr = world->GetSceneManager(); node_ = sceneMgr->createSceneNode(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_WaterPlane_Root")); } QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(AttributeChanged(IAttribute*, AttributeChange::Type)), SLOT(OnAttributeUpdated(IAttribute*, AttributeChange::Type))); lastXsize_ = xSize.Get(); lastYsize_ = ySize.Get(); connect(this, SIGNAL(ParentEntitySet()), this, SLOT(SetParent())); // If there exist placeable copy its position for default position and rotation. /* EC_Placeable* placeable = dynamic_cast<EC_Placeable*>(FindPlaceable().get()); if (placeable != 0) { float3 vec = placeable->GetPosition(); position.Set(vec,AttributeChange::Default); Quaternion rot =placeable->GetOrientation(); rotation.Set(rot, AttributeChange::Default); ComponentChanged(AttributeChange::Default); } */ }
bool EC_Mesh::SetMesh(QString meshResourceName, bool clone) { if (!ViewEnabled()) return false; OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); std::string mesh_name = meshResourceName.trimmed().toStdString(); RemoveMesh(); // If placeable is not set yet, set it manually by searching it from the parent entity if (!placeable_) { Entity* entity = ParentEntity(); if (entity) { ComponentPtr placeable = entity->GetComponent(EC_Placeable::TypeNameStatic()); if (placeable) placeable_ = placeable; } } Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->OgreSceneManager(); Ogre::Mesh* mesh = PrepareMesh(mesh_name, clone); if (!mesh) return false; try { entity_ = sceneMgr->createEntity(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_Mesh_entity"), mesh->getName()); if (!entity_) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetMesh: Could not set mesh " + mesh_name); return false; } entity_->setRenderingDistance(drawDistance.Get()); entity_->setCastShadows(castShadows.Get()); entity_->setUserAny(Ogre::Any(static_cast<IComponent *>(this))); // Set UserAny also on subentities for(uint i = 0; i < entity_->getNumSubEntities(); ++i) entity_->getSubEntity(i)->setUserAny(entity_->getUserAny()); if (entity_->hasSkeleton()) { Ogre::SkeletonInstance* skel = entity_->getSkeleton(); // Enable cumulative mode on skeletal animations if (skel) skel->setBlendMode(Ogre::ANIMBLEND_CUMULATIVE); } // Make sure adjustment node is uptodate Transform newTransform = nodeTransformation.Get(); adjustment_node_->setPosition(newTransform.pos); adjustment_node_->setOrientation(newTransform.Orientation()); // Prevent Ogre exception from zero scale adjustment_node_->setScale(Max(newTransform.scale, float3::FromScalar(0.0000001f))); // Force a re-apply of all materials to this new mesh. ApplyMaterial(); } catch(Ogre::Exception& e) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetMesh: Could not set mesh " + mesh_name + ": " + std::string(e.what())); return false; } AttachEntity(); emit MeshChanged(); return true; }
void EC_Placeable::AttachNode() { if (world_.expired()) { LogError("EC_Placeable::AttachNode: No OgreWorld available to call this function!"); return; } OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); try { // If already attached, detach first if (attached_) DetachNode(); Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->GetSceneManager(); Ogre::SceneNode* root_node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode(); // Three possible cases // 1) attach to scene root node // 2) attach to another EC_Placeable's scene node // 3) attach to a bone on a skeletal mesh // Disconnect from the EntityCreated & ParentMeshChanged signals, as responding to them might not be needed anymore. // We will reconnect signals as necessary disconnect(this, SLOT(CheckParentEntityCreated(Entity*, AttributeChange::Type))); disconnect(this, SLOT(OnParentMeshChanged())); disconnect(this, SLOT(OnComponentAdded(IComponent*, AttributeChange::Type))); // Try to attach to another entity if the parent ref is non-empty // Make sure we're not trying to attach to ourselves as the parent const EntityReference& parent = parentRef.Get(); if (!parent.IsEmpty()) { Entity* ownEntity = ParentEntity(); if (!ownEntity) return; Scene* scene = ownEntity->ParentScene(); if (!scene) return; Entity* parentEntity = parent.Lookup(scene).get(); if (parentEntity == ownEntity) { // If we refer to self, attach to the root root_node->addChild(sceneNode_); attached_ = true; return; } if (parentEntity) { // Note: if we don't find the correct bone, we attach to the root QString boneName = parentBone.Get(); if (!boneName.isEmpty()) { EC_Mesh* parentMesh = parentEntity->GetComponent<EC_Mesh>().get(); if (parentMesh) { Ogre::Bone* bone = parentMesh->GetBone(boneName); if (bone) { // Create the node for bone attachment if it did not exist already if (!boneAttachmentNode_) { boneAttachmentNode_ = sceneMgr->createSceneNode(world->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_Placeable_BoneAttachmentNode")); root_node->addChild(boneAttachmentNode_); } // Setup manual bone tracking, as Ogre does not allow to attach scene nodes to bones attachmentListener.AddAttachment(parentMesh->GetEntity(), bone, this); boneAttachmentNode_->addChild(sceneNode_); parentBone_ = bone; parentMesh_ = parentMesh; connect(parentMesh, SIGNAL(MeshAboutToBeDestroyed()), this, SLOT(OnParentMeshDestroyed()), Qt::UniqueConnection); attached_ = true; return; } else { // Could not find the bone. Connect to the parent mesh MeshChanged signal to wait for the proper mesh to be assigned. connect(parentMesh, SIGNAL(MeshChanged()), this, SLOT(OnParentMeshChanged()), Qt::UniqueConnection); return; } } else { // If can't find the mesh component yet, wait for it to be created connect(parentEntity, SIGNAL(ComponentAdded(IComponent*, AttributeChange::Type)), this, SLOT(OnComponentAdded(IComponent*, AttributeChange::Type)), Qt::UniqueConnection); return; } } parentPlaceable_ = parentEntity->GetComponent<EC_Placeable>().get(); if (parentPlaceable_) { parentPlaceable_->GetSceneNode()->addChild(sceneNode_); // Connect to destruction of the placeable to be able to detach gracefully connect(parentPlaceable_, SIGNAL(AboutToBeDestroyed()), this, SLOT(OnParentPlaceableDestroyed()), Qt::UniqueConnection); attached_ = true; return; } else { // If can't find the placeable component yet, wait for it to be created connect(parentEntity, SIGNAL(ComponentAdded(IComponent*, AttributeChange::Type)), this, SLOT(OnComponentAdded(IComponent*, AttributeChange::Type)), Qt::UniqueConnection); return; } } else { // Could not find parent entity. Check for it later, when new entities are created into the scene connect(scene, SIGNAL(EntityCreated(Entity*, AttributeChange::Type)), this, SLOT(CheckParentEntityCreated(Entity*, AttributeChange::Type)), Qt::UniqueConnection); return; } }