void Simulator::handleIO( const Operation& operation, int pid )
    string startMsg = "I/O: process " + to_string(pid) + " starting ";
    string endMsg = "Interrupt: process " + to_string(pid) + " done with ";

    if( operation.parameters().description == "hard drive" )
        string type = operation.parameters().id == 'I' ? "input" : "output";

        display( startMsg + "hard drive " + type );
        wait( operation.parameters().duration );
        display( startMsg + "hard drive " + type );
    else if( operation.parameters().description == "keyboard" )
        display( startMsg + "keyboard input" );
        wait( operation.parameters().duration );
        display( endMsg + "keyboard input" );
    else if( operation.parameters().description == "printer" )
        display( startMsg + "printer output" );
        wait( operation.parameters().duration );
        display( endMsg + "printer output" );
    else if( operation.parameters().description == "monitor" )
        display( startMsg + "monitor output" );
        wait( operation.parameters().duration );
        display( endMsg + "monitor output" );

void Simulator::executeProgram( Program *program )
    int pid = program->process_control_block().processID;
    Operation* operation = program->step();
    char operationType = operation->parameters().id;

    // Create thread lambda
    auto ThreadStart = [this, operation, pid]()
        handleIO(*operation, pid);


    // Start
    if( operationType == 'A' &&
            operation->parameters().description == "start")
        display("OS: starting process " + to_string(pid));
        operation = program->step();

    // I/O
    if( operationType == 'I' || operationType == 'O')
        display("Process: " + to_string(pid) + ": starting I/O");
        thread IO_thread(ThreadStart);
        IO_thread.detach(); // async, do not block

        suspendedPrograms_[pid] = *program;

    // Processing
    else if( operationType == 'P' )
        display("Process " + to_string(pid) + ": processing action");
        int quantum = 0;
        while( !operation->completed() && interrupts_.empty() )

            operation = program->step();
            wait( operation->parameters().cycleTime );

            if( quantum == configurationData.quantum )
                // Launch a quantum interrupt to stop execution of the program
                display("Interrupt: quantum expired");

        if( operation->completed() )
            display("Process " + to_string(pid) + ": end processing action");

    // The last operation in a program is an exit operation
    if( program->operations_left() <= 1 &&
            program->process_control_block().state != SUSPENDED)
        display("OS: removing process " + to_string(pid));