AlwaysLocationUpdatePolicy::AlwaysLocationUpdatePolicy(const String& args) : LocationUpdatePolicy(), mServerSubscriptions(this), mObjectSubscriptions(this) { OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions(ALWAYS_POLICY_OPTIONS,NULL); optionsSet->parse(args); }
static OH::Storage* createCassandraStorage(ObjectHostContext* ctx, const String& args) { OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("cassandrastorage",NULL); optionsSet->parse(args); String host = optionsSet->referenceOption("host")->as<String>(); int32 port = optionsSet->referenceOption("port")->as<int32>(); return new OH::CassandraStorage(ctx, host, port); }
static ObjectFactory* createCassandraObjectFactory(ObjectHostContext* ctx, ObjectHost* oh, const SpaceID& space, const String& args) { OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("cassandrafactory",NULL); optionsSet->parse(args); String host = optionsSet->referenceOption("host")->as<String>(); int32 port = optionsSet->referenceOption("port")->as<int32>(); String ohid = optionsSet->referenceOption("ohid")->as<String>(); return new CassandraObjectFactory(ctx, oh, space, host, port, ohid); }
static OH::PersistedObjectSet* createCassandraPersistedObjectSet(ObjectHostContext* ctx, const String& args) { OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("cassandrapersistedset",NULL); optionsSet->parse(args); String host = optionsSet->referenceOption("host")->as<String>(); int32 port = optionsSet->referenceOption("port")->as<int32>(); String ohid = optionsSet->referenceOption("ohid")->as<String>(); return new OH::CassandraPersistedObjectSet(ctx, host, port, ohid); }
void ParseOptions(int argc, char** argv, const String& config_file_option) { OptionSet* options = OptionSet::getOptions(SIRIKATA_OPTIONS_MODULE,NULL); // Parse command line once to make sure we have the right config // file. On this pass, use defaults so everything gets filled in. options->parse(argc, argv, true); // Get the config file name and parse it. Don't use defaults to // avoid overwriting. String fname = GetOptionValue<String>(config_file_option.c_str()); if (!fname.empty()) options->parseFile(fname, false, false); // And parse the command line args a second time to overwrite any settings // the config file may have overwritten. Don't use defaults to // avoid overwriting. options->parse(argc, argv, false); setLogOutput(); }
SaveFilter::SaveFilter(const String& args) { Sirikata::InitializeClassOptions ico("save_filter", NULL, new OptionValue("filename","",Sirikata::OptionValueType<String>(),"Name of file to save to."), new OptionValue("format","colladamodels",Sirikata::OptionValueType<String>(),"Format to save to."), NULL); OptionSet* optionSet = OptionSet::getOptions("save_filter",NULL); optionSet->parse(args); mFilename = optionSet->referenceOption("filename")->as<String>(); mFormat = optionSet->referenceOption("format")->as<String>(); }
Prox::QueryHandler<SimulationTraits>* QueryHandlerFactory(const String& type, const String& args) { static OptionValue* branching = NULL; static OptionValue* rebuild_batch_size = NULL; if (branching == NULL) { branching = new OptionValue("branching", "10", Sirikata::OptionValueType<uint32>(), "Number of children each node should have."); rebuild_batch_size = new OptionValue("rebuild-batch-size", "10", Sirikata::OptionValueType<uint32>(), "Number of queries to transition on each iteration when rebuilding. Keep this small to avoid long latencies between updates."); Sirikata::InitializeClassOptions ico("query_handler", NULL, branching, rebuild_batch_size, NULL); } assert(branching != NULL); // Since these options end up being shared if you instantiate multiple // QueryHandlers, reset them each time. branching->unsafeAs<uint32>() = 10; OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("query_handler", NULL); optionsSet->parse(args); if (type == "brute") { return new Prox::RebuildingQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>( Prox::BruteForceQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>::Constructor(), rebuild_batch_size->unsafeAs<uint32>() ); } else if (type == "rtree") { return new Prox::RebuildingQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>( Prox::RTreeAngleQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>::Constructor(branching->unsafeAs<uint32>()), rebuild_batch_size->unsafeAs<uint32>() ); } else if (type == "rtreedist" || type == "dist") { return new Prox::RebuildingQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>( Prox::RTreeDistanceQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>::Constructor(branching->unsafeAs<uint32>()), rebuild_batch_size->unsafeAs<uint32>() ); } else if (type == "rtreecut") { return new Prox::RebuildingQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>( Prox::RTreeCutQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>::Constructor(branching->unsafeAs<uint32>(), false), rebuild_batch_size->unsafeAs<uint32>() ); } else if (type == "rtreecutagg") { return new Prox::RebuildingQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>( Prox::RTreeCutQueryHandler<SimulationTraits>::Constructor(branching->unsafeAs<uint32>(), true), rebuild_batch_size->unsafeAs<uint32>() ); } else { return NULL; } }
ByteTransferScenario::ByteTransferScenario(const String &options):mStartTime(Time::epoch()){ mNumTotalPings=0; mContext=NULL; mObjectTracker = NULL; BTSInitOptions(this); OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("DistributedPingScenario",this); optionsSet->parse(options); mSameObjectHostPings=optionsSet->referenceOption("allow-same-object-host")->as<bool>(); mForceSameObjectHostPings=optionsSet->referenceOption("force-same-object-host")->as<bool>(); mPacketSize=optionsSet->referenceOption("packet-size")->as<size_t>(); mPort=OBJECT_PORT_PING; mGeneratePings=std::tr1::bind(&ByteTransferScenario::generatePings,this); }
OSegScenario::OSegScenario(const String &options) : mStartTime(Time::epoch()) { mNumTotalPings=0; mContext=NULL; mObjectTracker = NULL; mPingID=0; DPSInitOptions(this); OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("OSegScenario",this); optionsSet->parse(options); mNumPingsPerSecond=optionsSet->referenceOption("num-pings-per-second")->as<double>(); mPingPayloadSize=optionsSet->referenceOption("ping-size")->as<uint32>(); mFloodServer = optionsSet->referenceOption("flood-server")->as<uint32>(); mSourceFloodServer = optionsSet->referenceOption("source-flood-server")->as<bool>(); mNumObjectsPerServer=optionsSet->referenceOption("num-objects-per-server")->as<uint32>(); mLocalTraffic = optionsSet->referenceOption("local")->as<bool>(); mFractionMessagesUniform= optionsSet->referenceOption("prob-messages-uniform")->as<double>(); mNumGeneratedPings = 0; mGeneratePingsStrand = NULL; mGeneratePingPoller = NULL; mPings = // We allocate space for 1/4 seconds worth of pings new Sirikata::SizedThreadSafeQueue<PingInfo,CountResourceMonitor>( CountResourceMonitor(std::max((uint32)(mNumPingsPerSecond / 4), (uint32)2)) ); mWeightCalculator = RegionWeightCalculatorFactory::getSingleton().getConstructor(GetOptionValue<String>(OPT_REGION_WEIGHT))(GetOptionValue<String>(OPT_REGION_WEIGHT_ARGS)) ; mPingPoller = NULL; // NOTE: We have this limit because we can get in lock-step with the // generator, causing this to run for excessively long when we fall behind // on pings. This allows us to burst to catch up when there is time (and // amortize the constant overhead of doing 1 round), but if // there is other work to be done we won't make our target rate. mMaxPingsPerRound = 40; // Do we want to vary this based on mNumPingsPerSecond? 20 is a decent // burst, but at 10k/s can take 2ms (we're seeing about 100us/ping // currently), which is potentially a long delay for other things in this // strand. If we try to get to 100k, that can be up to 20ms which is very // long to block other things on the main strand. }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { string src_conn_name = "unknown"; string dst_conn_name = "hdmi"; PixelFormat pixfmt = PixelFormat::XRGB8888; OptionSet optionset = { Option("s|src=", [&](string s) { src_conn_name = s; }), Option("d|dst=", [&](string s) { dst_conn_name = s; }), Option("f|format=", [&](string s) { pixfmt = FourCCToPixelFormat(s); }), Option("h|help", [&]() { puts(usage_str); exit(-1); }), }; optionset.parse(argc, argv); if (optionset.params().size() > 0) { puts(usage_str); exit(-1); } VideoDevice vid("/dev/video11"); Card card; ResourceManager resman(card); auto src_conn = resman.reserve_connector(src_conn_name); auto src_crtc = resman.reserve_crtc(src_conn); uint32_t src_width = src_crtc->mode().hdisplay; uint32_t src_height = src_crtc->mode().vdisplay; printf("src %s, crtc %ux%u\n", src_conn->fullname().c_str(), src_width, src_height); auto dst_conn = resman.reserve_connector(dst_conn_name); auto dst_crtc = resman.reserve_crtc(dst_conn); auto dst_plane = resman.reserve_overlay_plane(dst_crtc, pixfmt); FAIL_IF(!dst_plane, "Plane not found"); uint32_t dst_width = min((uint32_t)dst_crtc->mode().hdisplay, src_width); uint32_t dst_height = min((uint32_t)dst_crtc->mode().vdisplay, src_height); printf("dst %s, crtc %ux%u, plane %ux%u\n", dst_conn->fullname().c_str(), dst_crtc->mode().hdisplay, dst_crtc->mode().vdisplay, dst_width, dst_height); for (int i = 0; i < CAMERA_BUF_QUEUE_SIZE; ++i) { auto fb = new DumbFramebuffer(card, src_width, src_height, pixfmt); s_fbs.push_back(fb); s_free_fbs.push_back(fb); } // get one fb for initial setup s_ready_fbs.push_back(s_free_fbs.back()); s_free_fbs.pop_back(); // This draws a moving bar to SRC display BarFlipState barflipper(card, src_crtc); barflipper.start_flipping(); // This shows the captures SRC frames on DST display WBFlipState wbflipper(card, dst_crtc, dst_plane); wbflipper.setup(0, 0, dst_width, dst_height); WBStreamer wb(vid.get_capture_streamer(), src_crtc, src_width, src_height, pixfmt); wb.start_streaming(); vector<pollfd> fds(3); fds[0].fd = 0; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = wb.fd(); fds[1].events = POLLIN; fds[2].fd = card.fd(); fds[2].events = POLLIN; while (true) { int r = poll(, fds.size(), -1); ASSERT(r > 0); if (fds[0].revents != 0) break; if (fds[1].revents) { fds[1].revents = 0; wb.Dequeue(); wbflipper.queue_next(); } if (fds[2].revents) { fds[2].revents = 0; card.call_page_flip_handlers(); wb.Queue(); } } printf("exiting...\n"); }
static SpaceModule* createEnvironment(SpaceContext* ctx, const String& args) { OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("space_environment",NULL); optionsSet->parse(args); return new Environment(ctx); }
void ParseOptions(int argc, char** argv) { OptionSet* options = OptionSet::getOptions(SIRIKATA_OPTIONS_MODULE,NULL); options->parse(argc, argv); setLogOutput(); }
void FakeParseOptions() { OptionSet* options = OptionSet::getOptions(SIRIKATA_OPTIONS_MODULE,NULL); int argc = 1; const char* argv[2] = { "bogus", NULL }; options->parse(argc, argv); }
static PintoServerQuerier* createLocalPintoServerQuerier(SpaceContext* ctx, const String& args) { OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("space_local",NULL); optionsSet->parse(args); return new LocalPintoServerQuerier(ctx); }
static ObjectSegmentation* createLocalOSeg(SpaceContext* ctx, Network::IOStrand* oseg_strand, CoordinateSegmentation* cseg, OSegCache* cache, const String& args) { OptionSet* optionsSet = OptionSet::getOptions("space_local",NULL); optionsSet->parse(args); return new LocalObjectSegmentation(ctx, oseg_strand, cseg, cache); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { string dev_path; unsigned id = 0; OptionSet optionset = { Option("|device=", [&](string s) { dev_path = s; }), Option("|id=", [&](string s) { id = stoul(s); }), Option("p", [&](string s) { opts.print_props = true; }), Option("m", [&](string s) { opts.print_modes = true; }), Option("r", [&](string s) { opts.recurse = true; }), Option("h|help", [&]() { usage(); exit(-1); }), }; optionset.parse(argc, argv); if (optionset.params().size() > 0) { usage(); exit(-1); } Card card; /* No options impliles recursion */ if (id == 0) { opts.recurse = true; for (auto conn : card.get_connectors()) print_connector(*conn, 0); return 0; } else { auto ob = card.get_object(id); if (!ob) { cerr << "kmsprint" << ": Object id " << id << " not found." << endl; return -1; } if (auto co = dynamic_cast<Connector*>(ob)) print_connector(*co, 0); else if (auto en = dynamic_cast<Encoder*>(ob)) print_encoder(*en, 0); else if (auto cr = dynamic_cast<Crtc*>(ob)) print_crtc(*cr, 0); else if (auto pl = dynamic_cast<Plane*>(ob)) print_plane(*pl, 0); else { cerr << "kmsprint" << ": Unkown DRM Object type" << endl; return -1; } return 0; } }