int main(int argc, const char **argv) { OptionsParser parser; if (parser.ParseOptions(argc, argv) < 0 || parser.m_Help) { parser.Usage(argv[0]); return -1; } Sid::SkypePCMInterfaceServer *pcmif_server = new Sid::SkypePCMInterfaceServer(); Sid::SkypePCMCallbackInterfaceClient *pcmif_cb_client = new Sid::SkypePCMCallbackInterfaceClient(); SkypePCMInterface* pcmif = SkypePCMInterfaceGet(pcmif_cb_client); pcmif_server->set_if(pcmif); Sid::String fromskypekitkey; Sid::String toskypekitkey; fromskypekitkey.Format( "%spcm_from_skypekit_key", parser.m_IpcPrefix); toskypekitkey.Format( "%spcm_to_skypekit_key", parser.m_IpcPrefix); pcmif_server->Connect(, 0); pcmif_cb_client->Connect(, 500); if(parser.m_OutFile) { Sid::String cmd; Sid::String response; cmd.Format("OUT:%s",parser.m_OutFile); pcmif->CustomCommand(cmd, response); } if(parser.m_InFile) { Sid::String cmd; Sid::String response; cmd.Format("IN:%s",parser.m_InFile); pcmif->CustomCommand(cmd,response); } if(parser.m_Loop) { Sid::String cmd = "LOOP:1"; Sid::String response; pcmif->CustomCommand("LOOP:1", response); } Sid::Protocol::Status status; do { status =pcmif_server->ProcessCommands(); } while (status == Sid::Protocol::OK); SkypePCMInterfaceRelease(pcmif); pcmif_server->Disconnect(); pcmif_cb_client->Disconnect(); delete pcmif_server; delete pcmif_cb_client; printf("PCMServerTransport disconnected, exiting from pcmtesthost\n"); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { OptionsParser parser; if (parser.ParseOptions(argc, argv) < 0 || parser.m_Help) { parser.Usage(argv[0]); return -1; } if (parser.m_List) { CPPUNIT_NS::Test *test = CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest(); for (int i = 0; i < test->getChildTestCount(); i++) { printf("test %s\n", test->getChildTestAt(i)->getName().c_str()); for (int j = 0; j < test->getChildTestAt(i)->getChildTestCount(); j++) { printf("test %s\n", test->getChildTestAt(i)->getChildTestAt(j)->getName().c_str()); } } return 0; } CPPUNIT_NS::TestResult controller; // Add a listener that colllects test result CPPUNIT_NS::TestResultCollector result; controller.addListener( &result ); // Add a listener that print dots as test run. CPPUNIT_NS::BriefTestProgressListener progress; controller.addListener( &progress ); CPPUNIT_NS::TestRunner runner; // Add the single test to the test runner if (parser.m_RunSingle) { runner.addTest( CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest()->findTest(parser.m_TestName)); // Add the top suite to the test runner } else { runner.addTest(CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest()); } controller ); // Print test in a compiler compatible format. CPPUNIT_NS::CompilerOutputter outputter( &result, CPPUNIT_NS::stdCOut() ); outputter.write(); return result.wasSuccessful() ? 0 : 1; }
// ================================================================================================================== // BEGIN: main // ================================================================================================================== int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { OptionsParser op; if (!op.ParseOptions(argc, argv)) return -1; std::string outputDir = utils::GetParentDirectory(op.outputFilename); communicator_type com; com.allocateGPU(); agile::GPUTimer timer; timer.start(); agile::GPUEnvironment::printInformation(std::cout); std::cout << std::endl; // kdata CVector kdata; // kspace mask/trajectory RVector mask; // density compensation in case of nonuniform data RVector w(0); // get data dimensions std::string extension = utils::GetFileExtension(op.kdataFilename); std::cout << "Extension:" << extension << std::endl; Dimension dims; // = op.dims; if (".bin") == 0) dims = op.dims; else if (".cfl") == 0) { long dimensions[4]; utils::ReadCflHeader(op.kdataFilename, dimensions); dims.width=dimensions[0]; dims.height=dimensions[1]; dims.depth=dimensions[2]; dims.readouts=dimensions[0]; dims.encodings=dimensions[1]; dims.encodings2=dimensions[2]; dims.coils=dimensions[3]; dims.frames=dimensions[3]; std::cout << "DIMS main; nx: " << dims.width << " / ny:" << dims.height << " / nz:" << dims.depth << " / nc:" << dims.coils << std::endl; std::cout << "DIMS main; nRO: " << dims.readouts << " / nENC1:" << dims.encodings << " / nENC2:" << dims.encodings2 << " / nframes:" << dims.frames << std::endl; } if (op.rawdata) { PerformRawDataPreparation(dims, op, kdata, mask, w); } else { std::cout << "Binary files defined...." << std::endl; if (!LoadGPUVectorFromFile(op.kdataFilename, kdata)) return -1; else std::cout << "Data File " << op.kdataFilename << " successfully loaded." << std::endl; if (!LoadGPUVectorFromFile(op.maskFilename, mask)) return -1; else std::cout << "Mask File " << op.maskFilename << " successfully loaded." << std::endl; // set values in data-array to zero according to mask if (!op.nonuniform) { if (op.method==TGV2_3D) { for (unsigned coil = 0; coil < dims.coils; coil++) { unsigned offset = dims.width * dims.height * dims.depth * coil; agile::lowlevel::multiplyElementwise( + offset,, + offset, dims.width * dims.height * dims.depth); } } else { for (unsigned frame = 0; frame < dims.frames; frame++) { unsigned offset = dims.width * dims.height * dims.coils * frame; for (unsigned coil = 0; coil < dims.coils; coil++) { unsigned int x_offset = offset + coil * dims.width * dims.height; agile::lowlevel::multiplyElementwise( + x_offset, + dims.width * dims.height * frame, + x_offset, dims.width * dims.height); } } } } } BaseOperator *baseOp = NULL; unsigned N; if (op.method==TGV2_3D) N = dims.width * dims.height * dims.depth; else N = dims.width * dims.height; CVector b1, u0; // init b1 and u0 b1 = CVector(N * dims.coils); b1.assign(N * dims.coils, 1.0); u0 = CVector(N); u0.assign(N, 0.0); // check if b1 and u0 data is provided if (LoadGPUVectorFromFile(op.sensitivitiesFilename, b1)) { std::cout << "B1 File " << op.sensitivitiesFilename << " successfully loaded." << std::endl; if (LoadGPUVectorFromFile(op.u0Filename, u0)) { std::cout << " initial solution (u0) file " << op.u0Filename << " successfully loaded." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "no initial solution (u0) data provided!" << std::endl; } } else { if (op.method==TGV2_3D) { std::cerr << "Coil Construction for 3D reconstruction not implemented! Provide b1 seperately!" << std::endl; return -1; } std::cout << "Performing Coil Construction!" << std::endl; CVector u(N * dims.coils); u.assign(N * dims.coils, 0.0); if (op.nonuniform) { PerformNonCartesianCoilConstruction(dims, op, kdata, u, b1, mask, w, com); } else { PerformCartesianCoilConstruction(dims, op, kdata, u, b1, mask, com); } utils::GetSubVector(u, u0, dims.coils - 1, N); ExportAdditionalResultsToMatlabBin(outputDir.c_str(), "b1_reconstructed.bin", b1); ExportAdditionalResultsToMatlabBin(outputDir.c_str(), "u0_reconstructed.bin", u0); } if (op.nonuniform) { unsigned nFE = dims.readouts; unsigned spokesPerFrame = dims.encodings; std::cout << "Init NonCartesian Operator using kernelWidth:" << op.gpuNUFFTParams.kernelWidth << " sectorWidth:" << op.gpuNUFFTParams.sectorWidth << " OSF:" << op.gpuNUFFTParams.osf << std::endl; // Create 2d-t MR Operator baseOp = new NoncartesianOperator( dims.width, dims.height, dims.coils, dims.frames, spokesPerFrame * dims.frames, nFE, spokesPerFrame, mask, w, b1, op.gpuNUFFTParams.kernelWidth, op.gpuNUFFTParams.sectorWidth, op.gpuNUFFTParams.osf); } else { // Create 3d MR Operator if (op.method==TGV2_3D) { baseOp = new CartesianOperator3D(dims.width, dims.height, dims.depth, dims.coils, mask, false); } else { baseOp = new CartesianOperator(dims.width, dims.height, dims.coils, dims.frames, mask, false); } } // ================================================================================================================== // BEGIN: Perform iterative (TV, TGV2, TGV_3D, ICTGV2) reconstruction // ================================================================================================================== PDRecon *recon = NULL; GenerateReconOperator(&recon, op, baseOp); CVector x(0); // resize at runtime if (op.method==TGV2_3D) { x.resize(N, 0.0); agile::copy(u0, x); } else { x.resize(N * dims.frames, 0.0); for (unsigned frame = 0; frame < dims.frames; frame++) { utils::SetSubVector(u0, x, frame, N); } } std::cout << "Initialization time: " << timer.stop() / 1000 << "s" << std::endl; timer.start(); // run reconstruction recon->IterativeReconstruction(kdata, x, b1); std::cout << "Execution time: " << timer.stop() / 1000 << "s" << std::endl; // ================================================================================================================== // END: Perform iterative (TV, TGV2, TGV_3D, ICTGV2) reconstruction // ================================================================================================================== // ================================================================================================================== // BEGIN: Define output // ================================================================================================================== std::string extension_out = utils::GetFileExtension(op.outputFilename); std::vector<CType> xHost; x.copyToHost(xHost); // write reconstruction to bin file if (".bin") == 0) { std::cout << "writing output file to: " << op.outputFilename << std::endl; agile::writeVectorFile(op.outputFilename.c_str(), xHost); } // write reconstruction to h5 file else if (".h5") == 0) { std::vector<size_t> dimVec; dimVec.push_back(dims.width); dimVec.push_back(dims.height); dimVec.push_back(dims.frames); utils::WriteH5File(op.outputFilename, "recon", dimVec, xHost); } // write reconstruction to dicom file else if (".dcm") == 0) { agile::DICOM dicomfile; std::string filenamewoe = utils::GetFilename(op.outputFilename); std::ostringstream ss; for (unsigned frame = 0; frame < dims.frames; frame++) { std::vector<float> xoutmag; std::vector<float> xoutphs; for( unsigned i = N*frame; i < N*(frame+1); i++ ) { xoutmag.push_back( (float)std::sqrt( pow(real(xHost[i]),2) + pow(std::imag(xHost[i]),2) ) ) ; xoutphs.push_back( (float)std::atan2( real(xHost[i]),std::imag(xHost[i]) ) ); } ss << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << frame; // magnitude const std::string str = ss.str(); std::string outputPath1 = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(outputDir) + "/" + filenamewoe + "_magframe" + ss.str() + ".dcm"; std::cout << "writing dicom file to: " << outputPath1 << std::endl; //dicomfile.set_dicominfo(_in_dicomfile.get_dicominfo()); dicomfile.gendicom(outputPath1.c_str(), xoutmag, dims.height, dims.width); // phase std::string outputPath2 = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(outputDir) + "/" + filenamewoe + "_phsframe" + ss.str() + ".dcm"; std::cout << "writing dicom file to: " << outputPath2 << std::endl; //dicomfile.set_dicominfo(_in_dicomfile.get_dicominfo()); dicomfile.gendicom(outputPath2.c_str(), xoutphs, dims.height, dims.width); ss.str(""); } } else { // write reconstruction to binary file agile::writeVectorFile(op.outputFilename.c_str(), xHost); } // export additional information (pdgap, ictgv-component) if (op.extradata) recon->ExportAdditionalResults(outputDir.c_str(), &ExportAdditionalResultsToMatlabBin); // ================================================================================================================== // END: Define output // ================================================================================================================== delete recon; delete baseOp; }