 * Currently the allowable shard keys are either
 * i) a hashed single field, e.g. { a : "hashed" }, or
 * ii) a compound list of ascending, potentially-nested field paths, e.g. { a : 1 , b.c : 1 }
static vector<FieldRef*> parseShardKeyPattern(const BSONObj& keyPattern) {
    OwnedPointerVector<FieldRef> parsedPaths;
    static const vector<FieldRef*> empty;

    BSONObjIterator patternIt(keyPattern);
    while (patternIt.more()) {
        BSONElement patternEl = patternIt.next();
        parsedPaths.push_back(new FieldRef(patternEl.fieldNameStringData()));
        const FieldRef& patternPath = *parsedPaths.back();

        // Empty path
        if (patternPath.numParts() == 0)
            return empty;

        // Extra "." in path?
        if (patternPath.dottedField() != patternEl.fieldNameStringData())
            return empty;

        // Empty parts of the path, ".."?
        for (size_t i = 0; i < patternPath.numParts(); ++i) {
            if (patternPath.getPart(i).size() == 0)
                return empty;

        // Numeric and ascending (1.0), or "hashed" and single field
        if (!patternEl.isNumber()) {
            if (keyPattern.nFields() != 1 || !isHashedPatternEl(patternEl))
                return empty;
        } else if (patternEl.numberInt() != 1) {
            return empty;

    return parsedPaths.release();
    vector<RecordIterator*> SimpleRecordStoreV1::getManyIterators( OperationContext* txn ) const {
        OwnedPointerVector<RecordIterator> iterators;
        const Extent* ext;
        for (DiskLoc extLoc = details()->firstExtent(txn); !extLoc.isNull(); extLoc = ext->xnext) {
            ext = _getExtent(txn, extLoc);
            if (ext->firstRecord.isNull())
                new RecordStoreV1Base::IntraExtentIterator(txn, ext->firstRecord, this));

        return iterators.release();
Exemple #3
    vector<PlanStageStats*> MultiPlanStage::generateCandidateStats() {
        OwnedPointerVector<PlanStageStats> candidateStats;

        for (size_t ix = 0; ix < _candidates.size(); ix++) {
            if (ix == (size_t)_bestPlanIdx) { continue; }
            if (ix == (size_t)_backupPlanIdx) { continue; }

            PlanStageStats* stats = _candidates[ix].root->getStats();

        return candidateStats.release();
        virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int options,
                          string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result,
                          bool fromRepl = false ) {

            NamespaceString ns( dbname, cmdObj[name].String() );

            AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, ns.ns());

            Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();
            if ( !collection )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "ns does not exist: " << ns.ns() ) );

            size_t numCursors = static_cast<size_t>( cmdObj["numCursors"].numberInt() );

            if ( numCursors == 0 || numCursors > 10000 )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "numCursors has to be between 1 and 10000" <<
                                                    " was: " << numCursors ) );

            OwnedPointerVector<RecordIterator> iterators(collection->getManyIterators(txn));

            if (iterators.size() < numCursors) {
                numCursors = iterators.size();

            OwnedPointerVector<PlanExecutor> execs;
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < numCursors; i++ ) {
                WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet();
                MultiIteratorStage* mis = new MultiIteratorStage(txn, ws, collection);

                PlanExecutor* rawExec;
                // Takes ownership of 'ws' and 'mis'.
                Status execStatus = PlanExecutor::make(txn, ws, mis, collection,
                                                       PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, &rawExec);
                auto_ptr<PlanExecutor> curExec(rawExec);

                // The PlanExecutor was registered on construction due to the YIELD_AUTO policy.
                // We have to deregister it, as it will be registered with ClientCursor.

                // Need to save state while yielding locks between now and getMore().


            // transfer iterators to executors using a round-robin distribution.
            // TODO consider using a common work queue once invalidation issues go away.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < iterators.size(); i++) {
                PlanExecutor* theExec = execs[i % execs.size()];
                MultiIteratorStage* mis = static_cast<MultiIteratorStage*>(theExec->getRootStage());

                // This wasn't called above as they weren't assigned yet


                BSONArrayBuilder bucketsBuilder;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < execs.size(); i++) {
                    // transfer ownership of an executor to the ClientCursor (which manages its own
                    // lifetime).
                    ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor( collection->getCursorManager(),
                                                         ns.ns() );

                    BSONObjBuilder threadResult;
                    appendCursorResponseObject( cc->cursorid(),
                                                &threadResult );
                    threadResult.appendBool( "ok", 1 );

                    bucketsBuilder.append( threadResult.obj() );
                result.appendArray( "cursors", bucketsBuilder.obj() );

            return true;

        virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int options,
                          string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result,
                          bool fromRepl = false ) {

            NamespaceString ns( dbname, cmdObj[name].String() );

            AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, ns.ns());

            Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();
            if ( !collection )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "ns does not exist: " << ns.ns() ) );

            size_t numCursors = static_cast<size_t>( cmdObj["numCursors"].numberInt() );

            if ( numCursors == 0 || numCursors > 10000 )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "numCursors has to be between 1 and 10000" <<
                                                    " was: " << numCursors ) );

            OwnedPointerVector<RecordIterator> iterators(collection->getManyIterators(txn));

            if (iterators.size() < numCursors) {
                numCursors = iterators.size();

            OwnedPointerVector<PlanExecutor> execs;
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < numCursors; i++ ) {
                WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet();
                MultiIteratorStage* mis = new MultiIteratorStage(txn, ws, collection);
                // Takes ownership of 'ws' and 'mis'.
                auto_ptr<PlanExecutor> curExec(new PlanExecutor(txn, ws, mis, collection));

                // Each of the plan executors should yield automatically. We pass "false" to
                // indicate that 'curExec' should not register itself, as it will get registered
                // by ClientCursor instead.
                curExec->setYieldPolicy(PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, false);

                // Need to save state while yielding locks between now and newGetMore.


            // transfer iterators to executors using a round-robin distribution.
            // TODO consider using a common work queue once invalidation issues go away.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < iterators.size(); i++) {
                PlanExecutor* theExec = execs[i % execs.size()];
                MultiIteratorStage* mis = static_cast<MultiIteratorStage*>(theExec->getRootStage());

                BSONArrayBuilder bucketsBuilder;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < execs.size(); i++) {
                    // transfer ownership of an executor to the ClientCursor (which manages its own
                    // lifetime).
                    ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor( collection, execs.releaseAt(i) );

                    // we are mimicking the aggregation cursor output here
                    // that is why there are ns, ok and empty firstBatch
                    BSONObjBuilder threadResult;
                        BSONObjBuilder cursor;
                        cursor.appendArray( "firstBatch", BSONObj() );
                        cursor.append( "ns", ns );
                        cursor.append( "id", cc->cursorid() );
                        threadResult.append( "cursor", cursor.obj() );
                    threadResult.appendBool( "ok", 1 );

                    bucketsBuilder.append( threadResult.obj() );
                result.appendArray( "cursors", bucketsBuilder.obj() );

            return true;

Exemple #6
    // static
    void Explain::explainStages(PlanExecutor* exec,
                                ExplainCommon::Verbosity verbosity,
                                BSONObjBuilder* out) {
        // Step 1: run the stages as required by the verbosity level.

        // Inspect the tree to see if there is a MultiPlanStage.
        MultiPlanStage* mps = getMultiPlanStage(exec->getRootStage());

        // Get stats of the winning plan from the trial period, if the verbosity level
        // is high enough and there was a runoff between multiple plans.
        auto_ptr<PlanStageStats> winningStatsTrial;
        if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_ALL_PLANS && NULL != mps) {

        // If we need execution stats, then run the plan in order to gather the stats.
        Status executePlanStatus = Status::OK();
        if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
            executePlanStatus = exec->executePlan();

        // Step 2: collect plan stats (which also give the structure of the plan tree).

        // Get stats for the winning plan.
        scoped_ptr<PlanStageStats> winningStats(exec->getStats());

        // Get stats for the rejected plans, if more than one plan was considered.
        OwnedPointerVector<PlanStageStats> allPlansStats;
        if (NULL != mps) {
            allPlansStats = mps->generateCandidateStats();

        // Step 3: use the stats trees to produce explain BSON.

        CanonicalQuery* query = exec->getCanonicalQuery();
        if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::QUERY_PLANNER) {
            generatePlannerInfo(query, winningStats.get(), allPlansStats.vector(), out);

        if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
            BSONObjBuilder execBob(out->subobjStart("executionStats"));

            // If there is an execution error while running the query, the error is reported under
            // the "executionStats" section and the explain as a whole succeeds.
            execBob.append("executionSuccess", executePlanStatus.isOK());
            if (!executePlanStatus.isOK()) {
                execBob.append("errorMessage", executePlanStatus.reason());
                execBob.append("errorCode", executePlanStatus.code());

            // Generate exec stats BSON for the winning plan.
            OperationContext* opCtx = exec->getOpCtx();
            long long totalTimeMillis = opCtx->getCurOp()->elapsedMillis();
            generateExecStats(winningStats.get(), verbosity, &execBob, totalTimeMillis);

            // Also generate exec stats for all plans, if the verbosity level is high enough.
            // These stats reflect what happened during the trial period that ranked the plans.
            if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_ALL_PLANS) {
                // If we ranked multiple plans against each other, then add stats collected
                // from the trial period of the winning plan. The "allPlansExecution" section
                // will contain an apples-to-apples comparison of the winning plan's stats against
                // all rejected plans' stats collected during the trial period.
                if (NULL != mps) {

                BSONArrayBuilder allPlansBob(execBob.subarrayStart("allPlansExecution"));
                for (size_t i = 0; i < allPlansStats.size(); ++i) {
                    BSONObjBuilder planBob(allPlansBob.subobjStart());
                    generateExecStats(allPlansStats[i], verbosity, &planBob);


Exemple #7
    static Status parseGeoJSONPolygonCoordinates(const BSONElement& elem, S2Polygon *out) {
        if (Array != elem.type()) { return BAD_VALUE("Polygon coordinates must be an array"); }

        OwnedPointerVector<S2Loop> loops;
        Status status = Status::OK();
        string err;

        BSONObjIterator it(elem.Obj());
        // Iterate all loops of the polygon.
        while (it.more()) {
            // Parse the array of vertices of a loop.
            BSONElement coordinateElt = it.next();
            vector<S2Point> points;
            status = parseArrayOfCoodinates(coordinateElt, &points);
            if (!status.isOK()) return status;

            // Check if the loop is closed.
            status = isLoopClosed(points, coordinateElt);
            if (!status.isOK()) return status;

            // Drop the duplicated last point.
            points.resize(points.size() - 1);

            S2Loop* loop = new S2Loop(points);

            // Check whether this loop is valid.
            // 1. At least 3 vertices.
            // 2. All vertices must be unit length. Guaranteed by parsePoints().
            // 3. Loops are not allowed to have any duplicate vertices.
            // 4. Non-adjacent edges are not allowed to intersect.
            if (!loop->IsValid(&err)) {
                return BAD_VALUE("Loop is not valid: " << coordinateElt.toString(false) << " "
                                 << err);
            // If the loop is more than one hemisphere, invert it.

            // Check the first loop must be the exterior ring and any others must be
            // interior rings or holes.
            if (loops.size() > 1 && !loops[0]->Contains(loop)) {
                return BAD_VALUE("Secondary loops not contained by first exterior loop - "
                    "secondary loops must be holes: " << coordinateElt.toString(false)
                    << " first loop: " << elem.Obj().firstElement().toString(false));

        // Check if the given loops form a valid polygon.
        // 1. If a loop contains an edge AB, then no other loop may contain AB or BA.
        // 2. No loop covers more than half of the sphere.
        // 3. No two loops cross.
        if (!S2Polygon::IsValid(loops.vector(), &err))
            return BAD_VALUE("Polygon isn't valid: " << err << " " << elem.toString(false));

        // Given all loops are valid / normalized and S2Polygon::IsValid() above returns true.
        // The polygon must be valid. See S2Polygon member function IsValid().

        // Transfer ownership of the loops and clears loop vector.

        // Check if every loop of this polygon shares at most one vertex with
        // its parent loop.
        if (!out->IsNormalized(&err))
            // "err" looks like "Loop 1 shares more than one vertex with its parent loop 0"
            return BAD_VALUE(err << ": " << elem.toString(false));

        // S2Polygon contains more than one ring, which is allowed by S2, but not by GeoJSON.
        // Loops are indexed according to a preorder traversal of the nesting hierarchy.
        // GetLastDescendant() returns the index of the last loop that is contained within
        // a given loop. We guarantee that the first loop is the exterior ring.
        if (out->GetLastDescendant(0) < out->num_loops() - 1) {
            return BAD_VALUE("Only one exterior polygon loop is allowed: " << elem.toString(false));

        // In GeoJSON, only one nesting is allowed.
        // The depth of a loop is set by polygon according to the nesting hierarchy of polygon,
        // so the exterior ring's depth is 0, a hole in it is 1, etc.
        for (int i = 0; i < out->num_loops(); i++) {
            if (out->loop(i)->depth() > 1) {
                return BAD_VALUE("Polygon interior loops cannot be nested: "<< elem.toString(false));
        return Status::OK();
        virtual bool run( const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int options,
                          string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result,
                          bool fromRepl = false ) {

            NamespaceString ns( dbname, cmdObj[name].String() );

            Client::ReadContext ctx(ns.ns());

            Database* db = ctx.ctx().db();
            Collection* collection = db->getCollection( ns );

            if ( !collection )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "ns does not exist: " << ns.ns() ) );

            size_t numCursors = static_cast<size_t>( cmdObj["numCursors"].numberInt() );

            if ( numCursors == 0 || numCursors > 10000 )
                return appendCommandStatus( result,
                                            Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    str::stream() <<
                                                    "numCursors has to be between 1 and 10000" <<
                                                    " was: " << numCursors ) );

            OwnedPointerVector<RecordIterator> iterators(collection->getManyIterators());

            if (iterators.size() < numCursors) {
                numCursors = iterators.size();

            OwnedPointerVector<MultiIteratorRunner> runners;
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < numCursors; i++ ) {
                runners.push_back(new MultiIteratorRunner(ns.ns(), collection));

            // transfer iterators to runners using a round-robin distribution.
            // TODO consider using a common work queue once invalidation issues go away.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < iterators.size(); i++) {
                runners[i % runners.size()]->addIterator(iterators.releaseAt(i));

                BSONArrayBuilder bucketsBuilder;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < runners.size(); i++) {
                    // transfer ownership of a runner to the ClientCursor (which manages its own
                    // lifetime).
                    ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor( collection, runners.releaseAt(i) );

                    // we are mimicking the aggregation cursor output here
                    // that is why there are ns, ok and empty firstBatch
                    BSONObjBuilder threadResult;
                        BSONObjBuilder cursor;
                        cursor.appendArray( "firstBatch", BSONObj() );
                        cursor.append( "ns", ns );
                        cursor.append( "id", cc->cursorid() );
                        threadResult.append( "cursor", cursor.obj() );
                    threadResult.appendBool( "ok", 1 );

                    bucketsBuilder.append( threadResult.obj() );
                result.appendArray( "cursors", bucketsBuilder.obj() );

            return true;

Exemple #9
TEST(KeyStringTest, NumberOrderLots) {
    std::vector<BSONObj> numbers;
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << 0));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << 0.0));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -0.0));

        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << std::numeric_limits<long long>::min()));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << std::numeric_limits<long long>::max()));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<long long>::min())));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<long long>::max())));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << std::numeric_limits<double>::min()));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << std::numeric_limits<double>::max()));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << std::numeric_limits<int>::min()));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << std::numeric_limits<short>::min()));
        numbers.push_back(BSON("" << std::numeric_limits<short>::max()));

        for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
            int64_t x = 1LL << i;
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << static_cast<long long>(x)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << static_cast<int>(x)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << static_cast<double>(x)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << (static_cast<double>(x) + .1)));

            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << (static_cast<long long>(x) + 1)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << (static_cast<int>(x) + 1)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << (static_cast<double>(x) + 1)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << (static_cast<double>(x) + 1.1)));

            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -static_cast<long long>(x)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -static_cast<int>(x)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -static_cast<double>(x)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -(static_cast<double>(x) + .1)));

            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -(static_cast<long long>(x) + 1)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -(static_cast<int>(x) + 1)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -(static_cast<double>(x) + 1)));
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << -(static_cast<double>(x) + 1.1)));

        for (double i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            double x = pow(2.1, i);
            numbers.push_back(BSON("" << x));

    Ordering ordering = Ordering::make(BSON("a" << 1));

    OwnedPointerVector<KeyString> keyStrings;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {
        keyStrings.push_back(new KeyString(numbers[i], ordering));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < numbers.size(); j++) {
            const KeyString& a = *keyStrings[i];
            const KeyString& b = *keyStrings[j];
            ASSERT_EQUALS(a.compare(b), -b.compare(a));

            if (a.compare(b) !=
                compareNumbers(numbers[i].firstElement(), numbers[j].firstElement())) {
                log() << numbers[i] << " " << numbers[j];

                          compareNumbers(numbers[i].firstElement(), numbers[j].firstElement()));