int main(void) { try { /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */ const wstring searchpath = L"../data"; PDFlib p; const wstring pdffiles[] = { L"PDFlib-real-world.pdf", L"PDFlib-datasheet.pdf", L"TET-datasheet.pdf", L"PLOP-datasheet.pdf", L"pCOS-datasheet.pdf" }; const int filecount = sizeof(pdffiles) / sizeof(pdffiles[0]); int i; // This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return"); p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath); if (p.begin_document(L"starter_pdfmerge.pdf", L"") == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample"); p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_pdfmerge"); for (i = 0; i < filecount; i++) { int indoc, endpage, pageno, page; /* Open the input PDF */ indoc = p.open_pdi_document(pdffiles[i], L""); if (indoc == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } endpage = static_cast<int>(p.pcos_get_number(indoc, L"length:pages")); /* Loop over all pages of the input document */ for (pageno = 1; pageno <= endpage; pageno++) { page = p.open_pdi_page(indoc, pageno, L""); if (page == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; continue; } /* Dummy page size; will be adjusted later */ p.begin_page_ext(10, 10, L""); /* Create a bookmark with the file name */ if (pageno == 1) p.create_bookmark(pdffiles[i], L""); /* Place the imported page on the output page, and * adjust the page size */ p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, 0, L"adjustpage"); p.close_pdi_page(page); p.end_page_ext(L""); } p.close_pdi_document(indoc); } p.end_document(L""); } catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) { wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname() << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } return 0; }
int main(void) { try { int i, stationery, page, regularfont, boldfont; const wstring infile = L"stationery.pdf"; // This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary. wstring searchpath = L"../data"; const double left = 55; const double right = 530; time_t timer; struct tm ltime; double fontsize = 12, leading, y; double sum, total; double pagewidth = 595, pageheight = 842; wostringstream buf; wostringstream optlist; const wstring baseopt = L"ruler { 30 45 275 375 475} " L"tabalignment {right left right right right} " L"hortabmethod ruler fontsize 12 "; int textflow; PDFlib p; const wstring closingtext = L"Terms of payment: <fillcolor={rgb 1 0 0}>30 days net. " L"<fillcolor={gray 0}>90 days warranty starting at the day " L"of sale. This warranty covers defects in workmanship only. " L"<fontname=Helvetica-BoldOblique encoding=host>Kraxi Systems, " L"Inc. <resetfont>will, at its option, repair or replace the " L"product under the warranty. This warranty is not transferable. " L"No returns or exchanges will be accepted for wet products."; struct articledata { articledata(wstring n, double pr, int q): name(n), price(pr), quantity(q) {} wstring name; double price; int quantity; }; const articledata data[] = { articledata(L"Super Kite", 20, 2), articledata(L"Turbo Flyer", 40, 5), articledata(L"Giga Trash", 180, 1), articledata(L"Bare Bone Kit", 50, 3), articledata(L"Nitty Gritty", 20, 10), articledata(L"Pretty Dark Flyer", 75, 1), articledata(L"Free Gift", 0, 1), }; const int ARTICLECOUNT = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); static const wstring months[] = { L"January", L"February", L"March", L"April", L"May", L"June", L"July", L"August", L"September", L"October", L"November", L"December" }; // This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return"); p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath); if (p.begin_document(L"invoice.pdf", L"") == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } p.set_info(L"Creator", L"invoice.cpp"); p.set_info(L"Author", L"Thomas Merz"); p.set_info(L"Title", L"PDFlib invoice generation demo (C++)"); stationery = p.open_pdi_document(infile, L""); if (stationery == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } page = p.open_pdi_page(stationery, 1, L""); if (page == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } boldfont = p.load_font(L"Helvetica-Bold", L"host", L""); if (boldfont == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } regularfont = p.load_font(L"Helvetica", L"host", L""); if (regularfont == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } leading = fontsize + 2; // Establish coordinates with the origin in the upper left corner. p.begin_page_ext(pagewidth, pageheight, L"topdown"); p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, pageheight, L""); p.close_pdi_page(page); p.setfont(regularfont, 12); // Print the address y = 170; p.set_value(L"leading", leading); p.show_xy(L"John Q. Doe", left, y); p.continue_text(L"255 Customer Lane"); p.continue_text(L"Suite B"); p.continue_text(L"12345 User Town"); p.continue_text(L"Everland"); // Print the header and date p.setfont(boldfont, 12); y = 300; p.show_xy(L"INVOICE", left, y); time(&timer); ltime = *localtime(&timer); buf.str(L""); buf << months[ltime.tm_mon].c_str() << " " << ltime.tm_mday << ", " << ltime.tm_year + 1900; p.fit_textline(buf.str(), right, y, L"position {100 0}"); // Print the invoice header line p.setfont(boldfont, 12); // L"position {0 0}" is left-aligned, L"position {100 0}" right-aligned y = 370; optlist << baseopt << " font " << boldfont; textflow = p.create_textflow( L"\tITEM\tDESCRIPTION\tQUANTITY\tPRICE\tAMOUNT", optlist.str()); if (textflow == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y-leading, right, y, L""); p.delete_textflow(textflow); // Print the article list p.setfont(regularfont, 12); y += 2*leading; total = 0; optlist.str(L""); optlist << baseopt << " font " << regularfont; for (i = 0; i < (int)ARTICLECOUNT; i++) { sum = data[i].price * data[i].quantity; buf.str(L""); buf << L"\t" << (i + 1) << L"\t" << data[i].name << L"\t" << data[i].quantity << L"\t"; buf.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); buf.precision(2); buf << data[i].price << L"\t" << sum; textflow = p.create_textflow(buf.str(), optlist.str()); if (textflow == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y-leading, right, y, L""); p.delete_textflow(textflow); y += leading; total += sum; } y += leading; p.setfont(boldfont, 12); buf.str(L""); buf.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); buf.precision(2); buf << total; p.fit_textline(buf.str(), right, y, L"position {100 0}"); // Print the closing text y += 5*leading; optlist.str(L""); optlist << L"alignment=justify leading=120% " << L"fontname=Helvetica fontsize=12 encoding=host "; textflow = p.create_textflow(closingtext, optlist.str()); if (textflow == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y+6*leading, right, y, L""); p.delete_textflow(textflow); p.end_page_ext(L""); p.end_document(L""); p.close_pdi_document(stationery); } catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) { wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred in invoice sample: " << endl << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname() << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } return 0; }
int main(void) { try { PDFlib p; int i, blockcontainer, page; const string infile = "boilerplate.pdf"; /* This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary. * * Note that this directory must also contain the LuciduxSans font * outline and metrics files. */ const string searchpath = "../data"; struct blockdata { blockdata(string n, string v): name(n), value(v){} string name; string value; }; blockdata data[] = { blockdata("name", "Victor Kraxi"), blockdata("business.title", "Chief Paper Officer"), blockdata("business.address.line1", "17, Aviation Road"), blockdata("", "Paperfield"), blockdata("business.telephone.voice","phone +1 234 567-89"), blockdata("business.telephone.fax", "fax +1 234 567-98"), blockdata("", "*****@*****.**"), blockdata("business.homepage", ""), }; #define BLOCKCOUNT (sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0])) // This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return"); // Set the search path for fonts and PDF files p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath); // This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems p.set_parameter("hypertextencoding", "host"); if (p.begin_document("businesscard.pdf", "") == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } p.set_info("Creator", "businesscard.cpp"); p.set_info("Author", "Thomas Merz"); p.set_info("Title","PDFlib block processing sample (C++)"); blockcontainer = p.open_pdi_document(infile, ""); if (blockcontainer == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } page = p.open_pdi_page(blockcontainer, 1, ""); if (page == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } p.begin_page_ext(20, 20, ""); // dummy page size // This will adjust the page size to the block container's size. p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, 0, "adjustpage"); // Fill all text blocks with dynamic data for (i = 0; i < (int) BLOCKCOUNT; i++) { if (p.fill_textblock(page, data[i].name, data[i].value, "embedding encoding=host") == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; } } p.end_page_ext(""); p.close_pdi_page(page); p.end_document(""); p.close_pdi_document(blockcontainer); } catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) { cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred in businesscard sample: " << endl; cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname() << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl; return 99; } return 0; }
int main(void) { try { int i, stationery, page, regularfont, boldfont; string infile = "stationery.pdf"; // This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary. string searchpath = "../data"; const double left = 55; const double right = 530; time_t timer; struct tm ltime; double fontsize = 12, leading, y; double sum, total; double pagewidth = 595, pageheight = 842; char buf[256]; char optlist[256]; char baseopt[256] = "ruler { 30 45 275 375 475} " "tabalignment {right left right right right} " "hortabmethod ruler fontsize 12 "; int textflow; PDFlib p; string closingtext = "Terms of payment: <fillcolor={rgb 1 0 0}>30 days net. " "<fillcolor={gray 0}>90 days warranty starting at the day of sale. " "This warranty covers defects in workmanship only. " "<fontname=Helvetica-BoldOblique encoding=host>Kraxi Systems, Inc. " "<resetfont>will, at its option, repair or replace the " "product under the warranty. This warranty is not transferable. " "No returns or exchanges will be accepted for wet products."; struct articledata { articledata(string n, double pr, int q): name(n), price(pr), quantity(q){} string name; double price; int quantity; }; articledata data[] = { articledata("Super Kite", 20, 2), articledata("Turbo Flyer", 40, 5), articledata("Giga Trash", 180, 1), articledata("Bare Bone Kit", 50, 3), articledata("Nitty Gritty", 20, 10), articledata("Pretty Dark Flyer", 75, 1), articledata("Free Gift", 0, 1), }; #define ARTICLECOUNT (sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0])) static const string months[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; // This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return"); p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath); // This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems p.set_parameter("hypertextencoding", "host"); if (p.begin_document("invoice.pdf", "") == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } p.set_info("Creator", "invoice.cpp"); p.set_info("Author", "Thomas Merz"); p.set_info("Title", "PDFlib invoice generation demo (C++)"); stationery = p.open_pdi_document(infile, ""); if (stationery == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } page = p.open_pdi_page(stationery, 1, ""); if (page == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } boldfont = p.load_font("Helvetica-Bold", "host", ""); if (boldfont == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } regularfont = p.load_font("Helvetica", "host", ""); if (regularfont == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } leading = fontsize + 2; // Establish coordinates with the origin in the upper left corner. p.begin_page_ext(pagewidth, pageheight, "topdown"); p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, pageheight, ""); p.close_pdi_page(page); p.setfont(regularfont, 12); // Print the address y = 170; p.set_value("leading", leading); p.show_xy("John Q. Doe", left, y); p.continue_text("255 Customer Lane"); p.continue_text("Suite B"); p.continue_text("12345 User Town"); p.continue_text("Everland"); // Print the header and date p.setfont(boldfont, 12); y = 300; p.show_xy("INVOICE", left, y); time(&timer); ltime = *localtime(&timer); sprintf(buf, "%s %d, %d", months[ltime.tm_mon].c_str(), ltime.tm_mday, ltime.tm_year + 1900); p.fit_textline(buf, right, y, "position {100 0}"); // Print the invoice header line p.setfont(boldfont, 12); // "position {0 0}" is left-aligned, "position {100 0}" right-aligned y = 370; sprintf(buf, "\tITEM\tDESCRIPTION\tQUANTITY\tPRICE\tAMOUNT"); sprintf(optlist, "%s font %d ", baseopt, boldfont); textflow = p.create_textflow(buf, optlist); if (textflow == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y-leading, right, y, ""); p.delete_textflow(textflow); // Print the article list p.setfont(regularfont, 12); y += 2*leading; total = 0; sprintf(optlist, "%s font %d ", baseopt, regularfont); for (i = 0; i < (int)ARTICLECOUNT; i++) { sum = data[i].price * data[i].quantity; sprintf(buf, "\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f", i+1, (char *)data[i].name.c_str(), data[i].quantity, data[i].price, sum); textflow = p.create_textflow(buf, optlist); if (textflow == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y-leading, right, y, ""); p.delete_textflow(textflow); y += leading; total += sum; } y += leading; p.setfont(boldfont, 12); sprintf(buf, "%.2f", total); p.fit_textline(buf, right, y, "position {100 0}"); // Print the closing text y += 5*leading; strcpy(optlist, "alignment=justify leading=120% "); strcat(optlist, "fontname=Helvetica fontsize=12 encoding=host "); textflow = p.create_textflow(closingtext, optlist); if (textflow == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y+6*leading, right, y, ""); p.delete_textflow(textflow); p.end_page_ext(""); p.end_document(""); p.close_pdi_document(stationery); } catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) { cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred in invoice sample: " << endl; cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname() << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } return 0; }
int main(void) { try { int i, form, page, regularfont, boldfont; string infile = "stationery.pdf"; // This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary. string searchpath = "../data"; const float col1 = 55; const float col2 = 100; const float col3 = 330; const float col4 = 430; const float col5 = 530; time_t timer; struct tm ltime; float fontsize = 12, leading, y; float sum, total; float pagewidth = 595, pageheight = 842; char buf[128]; PDFlib p; string closingtext = "30 days warranty starting at the day of sale. " "This warranty covers defects in workmanship only. " "Kraxi Systems, Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace the " "product under the warranty. This warranty is not transferable. " "No returns or exchanges will be accepted for wet products."; struct articledata { articledata(string n, float pr, int q): name(n), price(pr), quantity(q) {} string name; float price; int quantity; }; articledata data[] = { articledata("Super Kite", 20, 2), articledata("Turbo Flyer", 40, 5), articledata("Giga Trash", 180, 1), articledata("Bare Bone Kit", 50, 3), articledata("Nitty Gritty", 20, 10), articledata("Pretty Dark Flyer", 75, 1), articledata("Free Gift", 0, 1), }; #define ARTICLECOUNT (sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0])) static const string months[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; // open new PDF file if (p.open_file("invoice.pdf") == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath); // This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems p.set_parameter("hypertextencoding", "host"); p.set_info("Creator", "invoice.cpp"); p.set_info("Author", "Thomas Merz"); p.set_info("Title", "PDFlib invoice generation demo (C++)"); form = p.open_pdi(infile, "", 0); if (form == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } page = p.open_pdi_page(form, 1, ""); if (page == -1) { cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2); } boldfont = p.load_font("Helvetica-Bold", "host", ""); regularfont = p.load_font("Helvetica", "host", ""); leading = fontsize + 2; // Establish coordinates with the origin in the upper left corner. p.set_parameter("topdown", "true"); p.begin_page(pagewidth, pageheight); // A4 page p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, pageheight, ""); p.close_pdi_page(page); p.setfont(regularfont, 12); // Print the address y = 170; p.set_value("leading", leading); p.show_xy("John Q. Doe", col1, y); p.continue_text("255 Customer Lane"); p.continue_text("Suite B"); p.continue_text("12345 User Town"); p.continue_text("Everland"); // Print the header and date p.setfont(boldfont, 12); y = 300; p.show_xy("INVOICE", col1, y); time(&timer); ltime = *localtime(&timer); sprintf(buf, "%s %d, %d", months[ltime.tm_mon].c_str(), ltime.tm_mday, ltime.tm_year + 1900); p.fit_textline(buf, col5, y, "position {100 0}"); // Print the invoice header line p.setfont(boldfont, 12); // "position {0 0}" is left-aligned, "position {100 0}" right-aligned y = 370; p.fit_textline("ITEM", col1, y, "position {0 0}"); p.fit_textline("DESCRIPTION", col2, y, "position {0 0}"); p.fit_textline("QUANTITY", col3, y, "position {100 0}"); p.fit_textline("PRICE", col4, y, "position {100 0}"); p.fit_textline("AMOUNT", col5, y, "position {100 0}"); // Print the article list p.setfont(regularfont, 12); y += 2*leading; total = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int)ARTICLECOUNT; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%d", i+1); p.show_xy(buf, col1, y); p.show_xy(data[i].name, col2, y); sprintf(buf, "%d", data[i].quantity); p.fit_textline(buf, col3, y, "position {100 0}"); sprintf(buf, "%.2f", data[i].price); p.fit_textline(buf, col4, y, "position {100 0}"); sum = data[i].price * data[i].quantity; sprintf(buf, "%.2f", sum); p.fit_textline(buf, col5, y, "position {100 0}"); y += leading; total += sum; } y += leading; p.setfont(boldfont, 12); sprintf(buf, "%.2f", total); p.fit_textline(buf, col5, y, "position {100 0}"); // Print the closing text y += 5*leading; p.setfont(regularfont, 12); p.set_value("leading", leading); p.show_boxed(closingtext, col1, y + 4*leading, col5-col1, 4*leading, "justify", ""); p.end_page(); p.close(); p.close_pdi(form); } catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) { cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred in invoice sample: " << endl; cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname() << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } return 0; }