bool AP_UnixToolbar_StyleCombo::populate(void)
	// clear anything that's already there

	// populate the vector

#if 1
	// HACK: for now, just hardwire it
	// NB if you change the case of the labels, it will stop working
	// unless you also change all the places where the style appears!
	m_vecContents.addItem("Heading 1");
	m_vecContents.addItem("Heading 2");
	m_vecContents.addItem("Heading 3");
	m_vecContents.addItem("Plain Text");
	m_vecContents.addItem("Block Text");

	AD_Document * pAD_Doc = m_pFrame->getCurrentDoc();
		return false;
	PD_Document *pDocument = static_cast<PD_Document *>(pAD_Doc);

	// TODO: need a view/doc pointer to get this right
	// ALSO: will need to repopulate as new styles added
	// HYP:  only call this method from shared code? 
	const char * szName;
	const PD_Style * pStyle;

	for (UT_uint32 k=0; (pDocument->enumStyles(k,&szName,&pStyle)); k++)
		if (pStyle && pStyle->isDisplayed()) {

	return true;
bool AP_UnixToolbar_StyleCombo::repopulate(void)
	// repopulate the vector from the current document
    // If ithere is one present

	AD_Document * pAD_Doc = m_pFrame->getCurrentDoc();
		return false;

	PD_Document *pDocument = static_cast<PD_Document *>(pAD_Doc);

	GR_GraphicsFactory * pGF = XAP_App::getApp()->getGraphicsFactory();
		return false;

	// clear anything that's already there

	// defaults for style combo
	if (m_pDefaultDesc == NULL)
		// for now this is hardcoded
		m_pDefaultDesc = pango_font_description_new ();
		pango_font_description_set_family (m_pDefaultDesc, "Times");
		pango_font_description_set_size (m_pDefaultDesc, 12 * PANGO_SCALE);

	const char * szName;
	const PD_Style * pStyle;
	GSList *list = NULL;

	for (UT_uint32 k=0; (pDocument->enumStyles(k,&szName,&pStyle)); k++)
		if (!pStyle) {
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("no style instance for '%s'\n", szName));

		if (!pStyle->isDisplayed() && 
		    !(dynamic_cast<const PD_BuiltinStyle *>(pStyle) && pStyle->isList() && pStyle->isUsed())) {

		list = g_slist_prepend (list, (char *)szName);

		/* wysiwyg styles are disabled for now 
		PangoFontDescription *desc = pango_font_description_copy (m_pDefaultDesc);
		getPangoAttrs(pStyle, desc);
		m_mapStyles.insert(szName, desc);

	// Ok, it's a bit hackish to put them in a list for sorting first
	// but somehow the vector's qsort totally failed for me
	if (list) 
		list = g_slist_sort(list, (GCompareFunc)sort_cb);		
			m_vecContents.addItem((const char *)list->data);

		} while (NULL != (list = g_slist_next(list)));

	return true;