PNGraph TNGraph::GetSmallGraph() { PNGraph G = TNGraph::New(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { G->AddNode(i); } G->AddEdge(0,1); G->AddEdge(1,2); G->AddEdge(0,2); G->AddEdge(1,3); G->AddEdge(3,4); G->AddEdge(2,3); return G; }
void OnlyD3CEdges(PNGraph& dir_graph, PNGraph& d3c_graph, bool recip_edges) { // Add all of the nodes into the new graph for (TNGraph::TNodeI node = dir_graph->BegNI(); node < dir_graph->EndNI(); node++) { int curr_node = node.GetId(); d3c_graph->AddNode(curr_node); } for (TNGraph::TNodeI node = dir_graph->BegNI(); node < dir_graph->EndNI(); node++) { int curr_node = node.GetId(); auto curr_node_it = dir_graph->GetNI(curr_node); for (int out_edge = 0; out_edge < curr_node_it.GetOutDeg(); ++out_edge) { int out_node = curr_node_it.GetOutNId(out_edge); for (int in_edge = 0; in_edge < curr_node_it.GetInDeg(); ++in_edge) { int in_node = curr_node_it.GetInNId(in_edge); if (out_node == in_node && !recip_edges) { continue; } if (dir_graph->IsEdge(out_node, in_node) || recip_edges) { if (!d3c_graph->IsEdge(out_node, in_node)) { d3c_graph->AddEdge(out_node, in_node); } if (!d3c_graph->IsEdge(in_node, curr_node)) { d3c_graph->AddEdge(in_node, curr_node); } if (!d3c_graph->IsEdge(curr_node, out_node)) { d3c_graph->AddEdge(curr_node, out_node); } } } } } #ifdef _VERBOSE_ std::cout << "Original graph edge count: " << dir_graph->GetEdges() << std::endl << "D3C graph edge count: " << d3c_graph->GetEdges() << std::endl; #endif }
void OnlyD3CEdgesNoBack(PNGraph& dir_graph, PNGraph& d3c_graph) { // Add all of the nodes into the new graph for (TNGraph::TNodeI node = dir_graph->BegNI(); node < dir_graph->EndNI(); node++) { int curr_node = node.GetId(); d3c_graph->AddNode(curr_node); } for (TNGraph::TNodeI node = dir_graph->BegNI(); node < dir_graph->EndNI(); node++) { int curr_node = node.GetId(); auto curr_node_it = dir_graph->GetNI(curr_node); for (int out_edge = 0; out_edge < curr_node_it.GetOutDeg(); ++out_edge) { int out_node = curr_node_it.GetOutNId(out_edge); for (int in_edge = 0; in_edge < curr_node_it.GetInDeg(); ++in_edge) { int in_node = curr_node_it.GetInNId(in_edge); if (dir_graph->IsEdge(out_node, in_node) && out_node != in_node) { if (!d3c_graph->IsEdge(in_node, out_node) && !d3c_graph->IsEdge(curr_node, in_node) && !d3c_graph->IsEdge(out_node, curr_node)) { if (!d3c_graph->IsEdge(out_node, in_node)) { d3c_graph->AddEdge(out_node, in_node); } if (!d3c_graph->IsEdge(in_node, curr_node)) { d3c_graph->AddEdge(in_node, curr_node); } if (!d3c_graph->IsEdge(curr_node, out_node)) { d3c_graph->AddEdge(curr_node, out_node); } } } } } } }
// Generate TNGraph PNGraph GetTestTNGraph() { PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Graph->AddNode(i); } for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Graph->AddEdge(i,(i+1) % 20); Graph->AddEdge(i,(i+2) % 20); Graph->AddEdge(i,(i+3) % 20); } return Graph; }
// DyNetML format, loads all the networks in the file TVec<PNGraph> LoadDyNetGraphV(const TStr& FNm) { TXmlLx XmlLx(TFIn::New(FNm), xspTruncate); TVec<PNGraph> GraphV; THashSet<TStr> NIdStr; while (XmlLx.GetSym()!=xsyEof) { if (XmlLx.Sym==xsySTag && XmlLx.TagNm=="network") { PNGraph G = TNGraph::New(); GraphV.Add(G); XmlLx.GetSym(); while (XmlLx.TagNm=="link") { TStr Str1, Val1, Str2, Val2; XmlLx.GetArg(0, Str1, Val1); XmlLx.GetArg(1, Str2, Val2); IAssert(Str1=="source" && Str2=="target"); NIdStr.AddKey(Val1); NIdStr.AddKey(Val2); const int src=NIdStr.GetKeyId(Val1); const int dst=NIdStr.GetKeyId(Val2); if (! G->IsNode(src)) { G->AddNode(src); } if (! G->IsNode(dst)) { G->AddNode(dst); } G->AddEdge(src, dst); XmlLx.GetSym(); } } } return GraphV; }
// Generate TNGraph PNGraph TriadGetTestTNGraph() { PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Graph->AddNode(i); } for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { Graph->AddEdge(0, i); } Graph->AddEdge(2, 3); Graph->AddEdge(1, 5); Graph->AddEdge(2, 5); return Graph; }
PNGraph TGraphKey::GetNGraph() const { PNGraph G = TNGraph::New(); for (int i = 0; i < GetNodes(); i++) G->AddNode(i); for (int e = 0; e < GetEdges(); e++) { G->AddEdge(EdgeV[e].Val1, EdgeV[e].Val2); } G->Defrag(); return G; }
int TTop2FriendNet::GetRnd2WccSz(const double ProbPick2nd) const { TCnComV CnComV; PNGraph G = TNGraph::New(); for (TWgtNet::TNodeI NI = Net->BegNI(); NI < Net->EndNI(); NI++) { if (NI.GetOutDeg() == 0) { continue; } const int NId1 = NI.GetOutNId(TInt::Rnd.GetUniDevInt(NI.GetOutDeg())); G->AddNode(NI.GetId()); G->AddNode(NId1); G->AddEdge(NI.GetId(), NId1); if (NI.GetOutDeg() > 1 && TInt::Rnd.GetUniDev() <= ProbPick2nd) { int NId2 = NI.GetOutNId(TInt::Rnd.GetUniDevInt(NI.GetOutDeg())); while (NId2 == NId1) { NId2 = NI.GetOutNId(TInt::Rnd.GetUniDevInt(NI.GetOutDeg())); } G->AddNode(NId2); G->AddEdge(NI.GetId(), NId2); } } TCnCom::GetWccs(G, CnComV); return CnComV[0].Len(); }
/// returns a perfect binary tree PNGraph GetTree() { PNGraph G = TNGraph::New(); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { G->AddNode(i); } for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++) { G->AddEdge(i,i/2); } return G; }
// Slashdot network void MakeSlashdotNet(TStr InFNm, TStr OutFNm, TStr Desc) { TSsParser Ss(InFNm, ssfTabSep); PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(); TStrHash<TInt> StrSet(Mega(1), true); while (Ss.Next()) { const int SrcNId = StrSet.AddKey(Ss[0]); if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); } for (int dst = 2; dst < Ss.Len(); dst++) { const int DstNId = StrSet.AddKey(Ss[dst]); if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); } Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId); } } PrintGraphStatTable(Graph, OutFNm, Desc); }
void TGraphEnumUtils::GetGraph(uint64 graphId, int nodes, PNGraph &G) { G->Clr(); //Add nodes; for(int i=0; i<nodes; i++) G->AddNode(i); //Add edges for(int row=0; row<nodes; row++) { for(int col=0; col<nodes; col++) { int n = row*nodes+col; // uint64 bits = graphId >> n; uint64 mask = 1; if((bits & mask)==1) G->AddEdge(row, col); } } }
void TGraphEnumUtils::GetIndGraph(const PNGraph &G, const TIntV &sg, PNGraph &indG) { //Add nodes for(int i=0; i<sg.Len(); i++) indG->AddNode(sg[i]); //Add edges for(int i=0; i<sg.Len(); i++) { int nId = sg[i]; TNGraph::TNodeI nIt = G->GetNI(nId); // int deg = nIt.GetOutDeg(); for(int j=0; j<deg; j++) { int dstId = nIt.GetNbrNId(j); if(nId == dstId) continue; // if(indG->IsNode(dstId)) indG->AddEdge(nId, dstId); } } }
void TGraphEnumUtils::GetNormalizedGraph(const PNGraph &G, PNGraph &nG) { //Get bijective map from original node ids to normalized node ids(0,1,2,...) THash<TInt,TInt> map; GetNormalizedMap(G, map); //Add nodes for(int i=0; i<G->GetNodes(); i++) nG->AddNode(i); //Add edges for(TNGraph::TEdgeI eIt=G->BegEI(); eIt<G->EndEI(); eIt++) { int srcId = eIt.GetSrcNId(); int dstId = eIt.GetDstNId(); // int mSrcId = map.GetDat(srcId); int mDstId = map.GetDat(dstId); // nG->AddEdge(mSrcId, mDstId); } }
// network cascade: add spurious edges // for more details see "Correcting for Missing Data in Information Cascades" by E. Sadikov, M. Medina, J. Leskovec, H. Garcia-Molina. WSDM, 2011 PNGraph AddSpuriousEdges(const PUNGraph& Graph, const PNGraph& Casc, TIntH NIdTmH) { TIntPrV EdgeV; for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Casc->BegNI(); NI < Casc->EndNI(); NI++) { TUNGraph::TNodeI GNI = Graph->GetNI(NI.GetId()); const int Tm = NIdTmH.GetDat(NI.GetId()); for (int i=0,j=0; i < GNI.GetOutDeg(); i++) { const int Dst = GNI.GetOutNId(i); if (NIdTmH.IsKey(Dst) && Tm<NIdTmH.GetDat(Dst) && ! NI.IsNbhNId(Dst)) { EdgeV.Add(TIntPr(GNI.GetId(), Dst)); } } } PNGraph NetCasc = TNGraph::New(); *NetCasc = *Casc; for (int e = 0; e < EdgeV.Len(); e++) { NetCasc->AddEdge(EdgeV[e].Val1, EdgeV[e].Val2); } return NetCasc; }
// simulate SI model cascade using infection probability Beta until the cascade stops or reaches size MxCascSz PNGraph RunSICascade2(PUNGraph G, const double& Beta, const int& MxCascSz, TIntH& NIdInfTmH) { PNGraph Casc = TNGraph::New(); const int StartNId = G->GetRndNId(); Casc->AddNode(StartNId); NIdInfTmH.AddDat(StartNId, NIdInfTmH.Len()); TIntQ Q; Q.Push(StartNId); while (! Q.Empty()) { const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(Q.Top()); Q.Pop(); for (int i = 0; i < NI.GetOutDeg(); i++) { if (TInt::Rnd.GetUniDev() < Beta && ! NIdInfTmH.IsKey(NI.GetOutNId(i))) { Casc->AddNode(NI.GetOutNId(i)); NIdInfTmH.AddDat(NI.GetOutNId(i), NIdInfTmH.Len()); Casc->AddEdge(NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(i)); if (Casc->GetNodes() == MxCascSz) { return Casc; } Q.Push(NI.GetOutNId(i)); } } } return Casc; }
// simulate SI model cascade using infection probability Beta until the cascade reaches size CascSz PNGraph RunSICascade(PUNGraph G, const double& Beta, const int& CascSz, TIntH& NIdInfTmH) { PNGraph Casc = TNGraph::New(); const int StartId = G->GetRndNId(); Casc->AddNode(StartId); NIdInfTmH.AddDat(StartId, NIdInfTmH.Len()); for (int X = 0; X < 10*CascSz; X++) { TIntV CascNIdV; Casc->GetNIdV(CascNIdV); for (int n = 0; n < CascNIdV.Len(); n++) { const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(CascNIdV[n]); for (int i = 0; i < NI.GetOutDeg(); i++) { if (Casc->IsNode(NI.GetOutNId(i))) { continue; } if (TInt::Rnd.GetUniDev() < Beta) { Casc->AddNode(NI.GetOutNId(i)); NIdInfTmH.AddDat(NI.GetOutNId(i), NIdInfTmH.Len()); Casc->AddEdge(NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(i)); if (Casc->GetNodes() == CascSz) { return Casc; } } } } } return Casc; }
PNGraph getFourHopGraph(const PNGraph& graph, int srcId, int dstId) { PNGraph ret = PNGraph::New(); int shortPath = TSnap::GetShortPath(graph, srcId, dstId, true); // printf("shortPath is %d\n", shortPath); if (shortPath > 4) { return ret; } std::set<int> nodeIdSet1; getOutNeighborNodeIDs(graph, srcId, nodeIdSet1); std::set<int> nodeIdSet2; getInNeighborNodeIDs(graph, dstId, nodeIdSet2); std::set<int> nodeIdSet; nodeIdSet.insert(nodeIdSet1.begin(), nodeIdSet1.end()); nodeIdSet.insert(nodeIdSet2.begin(), nodeIdSet2.end()); // Add all nodes into new graph; std::vector<int> nodeIdList; for (std::set<int>::iterator setItr = nodeIdSet.begin(); setItr != nodeIdSet.end(); setItr++) { ret->AddNode(*setItr); nodeIdList.push_back(*setItr); } // Add all edges into new graph; int nodeNum = nodeIdList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeNum; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < nodeNum; ++j) { if (i == j) continue; if (graph->IsEdge(nodeIdList[i], nodeIdList[j], true)) { ret->AddEdge(nodeIdList[i], nodeIdList[j]); } } } // printf("%d nodes in sub graph\n", ret->GetNodes()); // printf("%d edges in sub graph\n", ret->GetEdges()); // printf("%d hops\n", TSnap::GetShortPath(ret, srcId, dstId, true)); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // create a graph and save it { PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Graph->AddNode(i); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Graph->AddEdge(i, TInt::Rnd.GetUniDevInt(10)); } TSnap::SaveEdgeList(Graph, "graph.txt", "Edge list format"); } // load a graph PNGraph Graph; Graph = TSnap::LoadEdgeList<PNGraph>("graph.txt", 0, 1); // traverse nodes for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) { printf("NodeId: %d, InDegree: %d, OutDegree: %d\n", NI.GetId(), NI.GetInDeg(), NI.GetOutDeg()); printf("OutNodes: "); for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) { printf(" %d", NI.GetOutNId(e)); } printf("\nInNodes: "); for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) { printf(" %d", NI.GetInNId(e)); } printf("\n\n"); } // graph statistic TSnap::PrintInfo(Graph, "Graph info"); PNGraph MxWcc = TSnap::GetMxWcc(Graph); TSnap::PrintInfo(MxWcc, "Largest Weakly connected component"); // random graph PNGraph RndGraph = TSnap::GenRndGnm<PNGraph>(100, 1000); TGStat GraphStat(RndGraph, TSecTm(1), TGStat::AllStat(), "Gnm graph"); GraphStat.PlotAll("RndGraph", "Random graph on 1000 nodes"); // Forest Fire graph { TFfGGen ForestFire(false, 1, 0.35, 0.30, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); ForestFire.GenGraph(100); PNGraph FfGraph = ForestFire.GetGraph(); } // network TPt<TNodeEDatNet<TStr, TStr> > Net = TNodeEDatNet<TStr, TStr>::New(); Net->AddNode(0, "zero"); Net->AddNode(1, "one"); Net->AddEdge(0, 1, "zero to one"); return 0; }
void MakeLJNets(TStr InFNm, TStr OutFNm, TStr Desc){ TStrHash<TInt> StrSet(Mega(1), true); for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++){ TStr tmp = ""; if (i < 10) tmp = InFNm + "ljgraph.0" + TInt::GetStr(i); else tmp = InFNm + "ljgraph." + TInt::GetStr(i); printf("%s\n",tmp()); TSsParser Ss(tmp, ssfTabSep); PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(); while (Ss.Next()) { const int SrcNId = StrSet.AddKey(Ss[0]); if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); } for (int dst = 2; dst < Ss.Len(); dst++) { TStr ls,rs; ((TStr)Ss[dst]).SplitOnCh(ls,' ',rs); if (ls == ">"){ const int DstNId = StrSet.AddKey(rs); if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); } Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId); } } } if (i < 10) OutFNm = "soc-lj-friends.0"+TInt::GetStr(i); else OutFNm = "soc-lj-friends."+TInt::GetStr(i); PrintGraphStatTable(Graph, OutFNm, Desc); } }
void MakeLJGroupsNets(const TStr InFNm, TStr OutFNm, TStr Desc){ TStrHash<TInt> StrSetU(Mega(1), true); TStrHash<TInt> StrSetG(Mega(1), true); for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++){ TStr tmp = ""; if (i < 10) tmp = InFNm + "ljgraph.0" + TInt::GetStr(i); else tmp = InFNm + "ljgraph." + TInt::GetStr(i); printf("%s\n",tmp()); TSsParser Ss(tmp, ssfTabSep); PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(); while (Ss.Next()) { const int SrcNId = StrSetU.AddKey(Ss[0]); if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); for (int dst = 2; dst < Ss.Len(); dst++) { TStr ls,rs; ((TStr)Ss[dst]).SplitOnCh(ls,' ',rs); if (ls == ">"){ const int DstNId = StrSetU.AddKey(rs); if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); } Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId); } } } if (i < 10) OutFNm = "soc-lj-friends.0"+TInt::GetStr(i); else OutFNm = "soc-lj-friends."+TInt::GetStr(i); // PrintGraphStatTable(Graph, OutFNm, Desc); } for (int i = 5; i < 14; i++){ TStr tmp = ""; tmp = InFNm + "ljcomm." + TInt::GetStr(i); printf("%s\n",tmp()); TSsParser Ss1(tmp, ssfTabSep); PNGraph Graph1 = TNGraph::New(); PNGraph Graph2 = TNGraph::New(); TSsParser Ss(tmp, ssfTabSep); while (Ss.Next()) { const int SrcNId = StrSetU.AddKey(Ss[0]); if (! Graph1->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph1->AddNode(SrcNId); } if (! Graph2->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph2->AddNode(SrcNId); } for (int dst = 2; dst < Ss.Len(); dst++) { TStr ls,rs; ((TStr)Ss[dst]).SplitOnCh(ls,' ',rs); const int DstNId = StrSetG.AddKey(rs) + 10000000; if (! Graph1->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph1->AddNode(DstNId); } if (! Graph2->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph2->AddNode(DstNId); } if (ls == "<") // member Graph1->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId); else if (ls == ">") // watching Graph2->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId); } } OutFNm = "soc-lj-comm-"; TStr s = ""; if (i < 10) s = "0"; PrintGraphStatTable(Graph1, OutFNm+"members-" + s + TInt::GetStr(i), Desc+" communities - members"); PrintGraphStatTable(Graph2, OutFNm+"watchers-"+ s + TInt::GetStr(i), Desc+" communities - watchers"); } }
// Test node, edge creation void ManipulateNodesEdges() { int NNodes = 10000; int NEdges = 100000; const char *FName = "demo.graph.dat"; PNGraph Graph; PNGraph Graph1; PNGraph Graph2; int i; int n; int NCount; int ECount1; int ECount2; int x,y; bool t; Graph = TNGraph::New(); t = Graph->Empty(); // create the nodes for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) { Graph->AddNode(i); } t = Graph->Empty(); n = Graph->GetNodes(); // create random edges NCount = NEdges; while (NCount > 0) { x = rand() % NNodes; y = rand() % NNodes; // Graph->GetEdges() is not correct for the loops (x == y), // skip the loops in this test if (x != y && !Graph->IsEdge(x,y)) { n = Graph->AddEdge(x, y); NCount--; } } PrintGStats("ManipulateNodesEdges:Graph",Graph); // get all the nodes NCount = 0; for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) { NCount++; } // get all the edges for all the nodes ECount1 = 0; for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) { for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) { ECount1++; } } // get all the edges directly ECount2 = 0; for (TNGraph::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) { ECount2++; } printf("ManipulateNodesEdges:Graph, nodes %d, edges1 %d, edges2 %d\n", NCount, ECount1, ECount2); // assignment Graph1 = TNGraph::New(); *Graph1 = *Graph; PrintGStats("ManipulateNodesEdges:Graph1",Graph1); // save the graph { TFOut FOut(FName); Graph->Save(FOut); FOut.Flush(); } // load the graph { TFIn FIn(FName); Graph2 = TNGraph::Load(FIn); } PrintGStats("ManipulateNodesEdges:Graph2",Graph2); // remove all the nodes and edges for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) { n = Graph->GetRndNId(); Graph->DelNode(n); } PrintGStats("ManipulateNodesEdges:Graph",Graph); Graph1->Clr(); PrintGStats("ManipulateNodesEdges:Graph1",Graph1); }
/// returns a perfect binary tree plus one edge PNGraph GetCircle() { PNGraph G = GetTree(); G->AddEdge(7,2); return G; }
// Demos BFS functions on directed graph that is not fully connected void DemoBFSDirectedRandom() { PNGraph G = TNGraph::New(); TStr FName = TStr::Fmt("%s/sample_bfsdfs_ngraph.txt", DIRNAME); // Create benchmark graph, initially visually to confirm values are correct const int NNodes = 30; G = GenRndGnm<PNGraph>(NNodes, NNodes*2); // Add some more random edges for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { TInt Src, Dst; do { Src = G->GetRndNId(); Dst = G->GetRndNId(); } while (Src == Dst || G->IsEdge(Src, Dst)); G->AddEdge(Src, Dst); } // Add isolated component G->AddNode(NNodes); G->AddNode(NNodes+1); G->AddNode(NNodes+2); G->AddEdge(NNodes, NNodes+1); G->AddEdge(NNodes+1, NNodes+2); G->AddEdge(NNodes+2, NNodes+1); printf("G->GetNodes() = %d, G->GetEdges() = %d\n", G->GetNodes(), G->GetEdges()); // SaveEdgeList(G, FName); // G = LoadEdgeList<PNGraph>(FName); TIntStrH NodeLabelH; for (int i = 0; i < G->GetNodes(); i++) { NodeLabelH.AddDat(i, TStr::Fmt("%d", i)); } DrawGViz(G, gvlDot, TStr::Fmt("%s/sample_bfsdfs_ngraph.png", DIRNAME), "Sample BFS Graph", NodeLabelH); printf("G->GetNodes() = %d, G->GetEdges() = %d\n", G->GetNodes(), G->GetEdges()); TIntV NIdV; int StartNId, Hop, Nodes; // for (int IsDir = 0; IsDir < 2; IsDir++) { int IsDir = 1; printf("IsDir = %d:\n", IsDir); StartNId = 11; Hop = 1; Nodes = GetNodesAtHop(G, StartNId, Hop, NIdV, IsDir); printf("Nodes = %d, GetNodesAtHop NIdV.Len() = %d\n", Nodes, NIdV.Len()); for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) { printf("NIdV[%d] = %d\n", i, NIdV[i].Val); } printf("Nodes == 2"); printf("NIdV.Len() == 2"); TIntPrV HopCntV; Nodes = GetNodesAtHops(G, StartNId, HopCntV, IsDir); printf("Nodes = %d, GetNodesAtHops HopCntV.Len() = %d\n", Nodes, HopCntV.Len()); printf("Nodes == 10"); printf("HopCntV.Len() == 10"); // for (int N = 0; N < HopCntV.Len(); N++) { // printf("HopCntV[%d] = (%d, %d)\n", N, HopCntV[N].Val1.Val, HopCntV[N].Val2.Val); // } int Length, SrcNId, DstNId; SrcNId = 11; DstNId = G->GetNodes() - 1; Length = GetShortPath(G, SrcNId, DstNId, IsDir); printf("%d -> %d: SPL Length = %d\n", SrcNId, DstNId, Length); SrcNId = 11; DstNId = 27; Length = GetShortPath(G, SrcNId, DstNId, IsDir); printf("%d -> %d: SPL Length = %d\n", SrcNId, DstNId, Length); TIntH NIdToDistH; int MaxDist = 9; Length = GetShortPath(G, SrcNId, NIdToDistH, IsDir, MaxDist); // for (int i = 0; i < min(5,NIdToDistH.Len()); i++) { // printf("NIdToDistH[%d] = %d\n", i, NIdToDistH[i].Val); // } TInt::Rnd.PutSeed(0); int FullDiam; double EffDiam, AvgSPL; int NTestNodes = G->GetNodes() / 2; FullDiam = GetBfsFullDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir); printf("FullDiam = %d\n", FullDiam); EffDiam = GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir); printf("EffDiam = %.3f\n", EffDiam); EffDiam = GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam); printf("EffDiam = %.3f, FullDiam = %d\n", EffDiam, FullDiam); EffDiam = GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam, AvgSPL); printf("EffDiam = %.3f, FullDiam = %d, AvgDiam = %.3f\n", EffDiam, FullDiam, AvgSPL); TIntV SubGraphNIdV; SubGraphNIdV.Add(8); SubGraphNIdV.Add(29); SubGraphNIdV.Add(16); SubGraphNIdV.Add(0); SubGraphNIdV.Add(19); SubGraphNIdV.Add(17); SubGraphNIdV.Add(26); SubGraphNIdV.Add(14); SubGraphNIdV.Add(10); SubGraphNIdV.Add(24); SubGraphNIdV.Add(27); SubGraphNIdV.Add(2); SubGraphNIdV.Add(18); EffDiam = GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, SubGraphNIdV, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam); printf("For subgraph: EffDiam = %.4f, FullDiam = %d\n", EffDiam, FullDiam); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string edge=""; const char *edge1 =""; char * s1; char * s2; int from,to,a[2],j=0,RndFullDiam,SmallWorlFullDiam,PrefAttachFullDiam,i,t, FullDiam; int64 triad; double RndclusteringCoeff,PrefAttachclusteringCoeff,SmallWorldclusteringCoeff,clusteringCoeff; double numStrongComp,RndEffDiam, RndAvgPL, SmallWorldEffDiam, SmallWorldAvgPL, PrefAttachEffDiam, PrefAttachAvgPL,EffDiam,AvgPL; PNGraph Graph; PUNGraph RandomGraph, PrefAttach, SmallWorld; TIntPrV edges; TIntFltH PRank; TIntPrV Bridges; TFltV EigV; ofstream P1_measures,P2_measures,P3_measures,bridges;"P1_measures.txt");"P2_measures.txt");"P3_measures.txt");"Bridges.txt"); cout<<"\n loading SNAP Graph"; //Graph = TSnap::LoadEdgeList<PNGraph>("SnapGraph.txt",0,1); Graph = TNGraph::New(); t = Graph->Empty(); for (i = 1; i < 78697; i++) { cout<<"adding Node"<<i<<"\n"; Graph->AddNode(i); } //Reading the Annonymized List and creating the SNAP graph ifstream gwfile;"annonymized_edge_List.csv"); if(!gwfile) { cout << "FAILED: file could not be opened" << endl << "Press enter to close."; cin.get(); return 0; }else cout << "SUCCESSFULLY opened file!\n"; cout << "-------------------------\n\n\n"; while(getline(gwfile, edge,'\n')){ edge1=edge.c_str(); s1 = strtok ((char *)edge1,","); s2 = strtok (NULL,","); from = atoi(s1); to = atoi(s2); Graph->AddEdge(from,to); cout<<"Adding Edge"<<from<<"->"<<to<<endl; } TSnap::SaveEdgeList(Graph, "SnapGraph.txt", "File saved as Tab separated"); cout<<"\n graph loaded"; PUNGraph UG = TSnap::ConvertGraph<PUNGraph>(Graph); // P1 Measure // Bridges GetEdgeBridges(UG, Bridges); bridges << "\nNumber of Bridges : " << Bridges.Len() <<endl; for(int i = 0; i<Bridges.Len(); i++) { bridges << Bridges[i].Val1 << "->" << Bridges[i].Val2 <<endl; } // Triads triad = TSnap::GetTriads(Graph); P1_measures << "\nNumber of triads : " << triad <<endl; // P2 Measure // Global Clustering Coefficient clusteringCoeff= TSnap::GetClustCf(Graph); P2_measures << "\nGlobal Clustering Coefficient : " << clusteringCoeff<<"\n\n"; // Top 3 PageRank Values GetPageRank(Graph,PRank); P2_measures << "\nTop 3 Page Rank : " << "\n1st : "<< PRank[0].Val << "\n2nd : "<< PRank[1].Val << "\n3rd : "<< PRank[2].Val <<endl; // Top 3 Eigenvector centrality Values TSnap::GetEigVec(UG, EigV); P2_measures << "\nTop 3 EigenVector Centralities: "<< "\n1st : "<< EigV[0].Val << "\n2nd : "<< EigV[1].Val << "\n3rd : "<< EigV[2].Val <<endl; // P3 Models and Measures With 5000 Nodes and Average Degree 4 as that of Twitter Graph // Creating Random graph RandomGraph = TSnap::GenRndDegK(5000,4); PrintGStats("Random Graph" , TSnap::ConvertGraph<PNGraph>(RandomGraph)); cout<<"\n Random graph created \n"; TSnap::SaveEdgeList(RandomGraph, "RandomGraph.tsv", "File saved as Tab separated"); TSnap::GetBfsEffDiam(RandomGraph, 5000, true, RndEffDiam, RndFullDiam, RndAvgPL); RndclusteringCoeff= TSnap::GetClustCf(RandomGraph); P3_measures << "\n\n\nRandom Graph with 5000 nodes and Average Degree 4: "; P3_measures << "\nAverage Path Length : "<< RndAvgPL; P3_measures << "\nClustering Coefficient : "<< RndclusteringCoeff; // Creating Small World Model Graph SmallWorld = TSnap::GenSmallWorld(5000,4,0.05); PrintGStats("Small World Graph" , TSnap::ConvertGraph<PNGraph>(SmallWorld)); TSnap::SaveEdgeList(SmallWorld, "SmallWorld.tsv", "File saved as Tab separated"); cout<<"\n SmallWorld graph created \n"; TSnap::GetBfsEffDiam(SmallWorld, 5000, true, SmallWorldEffDiam, SmallWorlFullDiam, SmallWorldAvgPL); SmallWorldclusteringCoeff= TSnap::GetClustCf(SmallWorld); P3_measures << "\n\n\nSmall World Graph with 5000 nodes and Average Degree 4 and Beta .05: "; P3_measures << "\nAverage Path Length : "<< SmallWorldAvgPL; P3_measures << "\nClustering Coefficient : "<< SmallWorldclusteringCoeff; // Creating Prefrential Attachment Model Graph PrefAttach = TSnap::GenPrefAttach(5000,4); PrintGStats("Prefrential Graph" , TSnap::ConvertGraph<PNGraph>(PrefAttach)); TSnap::SaveEdgeList(PrefAttach, "PrefrentialGraph.tsv", "File saved as Tab separated"); cout<<"\n PrefAttach graph created \n"; TSnap::GetBfsEffDiam(PrefAttach, 5000, true, PrefAttachEffDiam, PrefAttachFullDiam, PrefAttachAvgPL); PrefAttachclusteringCoeff= TSnap::GetClustCf(PrefAttach); cout<<"\n PrefAttach graph created"; P3_measures << "\n\n\nPrefrential Graph with 5000 nodes and Average Degree 4 : "; P3_measures << "\nAverage Path Length : "<< PrefAttachAvgPL; P3_measures << "\nClustering Coefficient : "<< PrefAttachclusteringCoeff;*/ // Diameter and Average Path Length TSnap::GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, 78696, true, EffDiam, FullDiam,AvgPL); P1_measures << "\nDiameter : " << FullDiam<<endl; P1_measures << "\nAverage Path Length : " << AvgPL<<endl; P1_measures.close(); P2_measures.close(); P3_measures.close(); bridges.close(); return 0; }
// Test node, edge creation TEST(TNGraph, ManipulateNodesEdges) { int NNodes = 10000; int NEdges = 100000; const char *FName = "test.graph.dat"; PNGraph Graph; PNGraph Graph1; PNGraph Graph2; int i; int n; int NCount; int x,y; int Deg, InDeg, OutDeg; Graph = TNGraph::New(); EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph->Empty()); // create the nodes for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) { Graph->AddNode(i); } EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph->Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(NNodes,Graph->GetNodes()); // create random edges NCount = NEdges; while (NCount > 0) { x = (long) (drand48() * NNodes); y = (long) (drand48() * NNodes); // Graph->GetEdges() is not correct for the loops (x == y), // skip the loops in this test if (x != y && !Graph->IsEdge(x,y)) { n = Graph->AddEdge(x, y); NCount--; } } EXPECT_EQ(NEdges,Graph->GetEdges()); EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph->Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph->IsOk()); for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) { EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph->IsNode(i)); } EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph->IsNode(NNodes)); EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph->IsNode(NNodes+1)); EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph->IsNode(2*NNodes)); // nodes iterator NCount = 0; for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) { NCount++; } EXPECT_EQ(NNodes,NCount); // edges per node iterator NCount = 0; for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) { for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) { NCount++; } } EXPECT_EQ(NEdges,NCount); // edges iterator NCount = 0; for (TNGraph::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) { NCount++; } EXPECT_EQ(NEdges,NCount); // node degree for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) { Deg = NI.GetDeg(); InDeg = NI.GetInDeg(); OutDeg = NI.GetOutDeg(); EXPECT_EQ(Deg,InDeg+OutDeg); } // assignment Graph1 = TNGraph::New(); *Graph1 = *Graph; EXPECT_EQ(NNodes,Graph1->GetNodes()); EXPECT_EQ(NEdges,Graph1->GetEdges()); EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph1->Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph1->IsOk()); // saving and loading { TFOut FOut(FName); Graph->Save(FOut); FOut.Flush(); } { TFIn FIn(FName); Graph2 = TNGraph::Load(FIn); } EXPECT_EQ(NNodes,Graph2->GetNodes()); EXPECT_EQ(NEdges,Graph2->GetEdges()); EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph2->Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph2->IsOk()); // remove all the nodes and edges for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) { n = Graph->GetRndNId(); Graph->DelNode(n); } EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph->GetNodes()); EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph->GetEdges()); EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph->IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph->Empty()); Graph1->Clr(); EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph1->GetNodes()); EXPECT_EQ(0,Graph1->GetEdges()); EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph1->IsOk()); EXPECT_EQ(1,Graph1->Empty()); }