Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
  Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("Node Centrality. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()));
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  const TStr InFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "../as20graph.txt", "Input un/directed graph");
  const TStr OutFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "node_centrality.tab", "Output file");
  printf("Loading %s...", InFNm.CStr());
  PNGraph Graph = TSnap::LoadEdgeList<PNGraph>(InFNm);
  //PNGraph Graph = TSnap::GenRndGnm<PNGraph>(10, 10);
  //TGraphViz::Plot(Graph, gvlNeato, InFNm+".gif", InFNm, true);
  printf("nodes:%d  edges:%d\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges());
  PUNGraph UGraph = TSnap::ConvertGraph<PUNGraph>(Graph); // undirected version of the graph
  TIntFltH BtwH, EigH, PRankH, CcfH, CloseH, HubH, AuthH;
  printf("Treat graph as DIRECTED: ");
  printf(" PageRank... ");             TSnap::GetPageRank(Graph, PRankH, 0.85);
  printf(" Hubs&Authorities...");      TSnap::GetHits(Graph, HubH, AuthH);
  printf("\nTreat graph as UNDIRECTED: ");
  printf(" Eigenvector...");           TSnap::GetEigenVectorCentr(UGraph, EigH);
  printf(" Clustering...");            TSnap::GetNodeClustCf(UGraph, CcfH);
  printf(" Betweenness (SLOW!)...");   TSnap::GetBetweennessCentr(UGraph, BtwH, 1.0);
  printf(" Constraint (SLOW!)...");    TNetConstraint<PUNGraph> NetC(UGraph, true);
  printf(" Closeness (SLOW!)...");
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = UGraph->BegNI(); NI < UGraph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    CloseH.AddDat(NId, TSnap::GetClosenessCentr(UGraph, NId));
  printf("\nDONE! saving...");
  FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
  fprintf(F,"#Network: %s\n", InFNm.CStr());
  fprintf(F,"#Nodes: %d\tEdges: %d\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges());
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = UGraph->BegNI(); NI < UGraph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    const double DegCentr = UGraph->GetNI(NId).GetDeg();
    const double CloCentr = CloseH.GetDat(NId);
    const double BtwCentr = BtwH.GetDat(NId);
    const double EigCentr = EigH.GetDat(NId);
    const double Constraint = NetC.GetNodeC(NId);
    const double ClustCf = CcfH.GetDat(NId);
    const double PgrCentr = PRankH.GetDat(NId);
    const double HubCentr = HubH.GetDat(NId);
    const double AuthCentr = AuthH.GetDat(NId);
    fprintf(F, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", NId, 
      DegCentr, CloCentr, BtwCentr, EigCentr, Constraint, ClustCf, PgrCentr, HubCentr, AuthCentr);
  printf("\nrun time: %s (%s)\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr(), TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetTmStr().CStr());
  return 0;
Exemple #2
void TCliqueOverlap::GetMaximalCliques(const PUNGraph& G, int MinMaxCliqueSize, TVec<TIntV>& MaxCliques) {
	if (G->GetNodes() == 0) return;
	m_G = G;
	m_minMaxCliqueSize = MinMaxCliqueSize;
	m_maxCliques =& MaxCliques;
	THashSet<TInt> SUBG;
	THashSet<TInt> CAND;
	for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI=m_G->BegNI(); NI<m_G->EndNI(); NI++) {
		TInt nId = NI.GetId();
	Expand(SUBG, CAND);
Exemple #3
double GetGroupDegreeCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntH& GroupNodes) {
  int deg;
  TIntH NN;
  TIntH GroupNodes1;

  for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> NI = GroupNodes.BegI(); NI < GroupNodes.EndI(); NI++)
    GroupNodes1.AddDat(NI.GetDat(), NI.GetDat());

  for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> NI = GroupNodes1.BegI(); NI < GroupNodes1.EndI(); NI++){
    TUNGraph::TNodeI node = Graph->GetNI(NI.GetKey());
    deg = node.GetDeg();
    for (int j = 0; j < deg; j++){
      if (GroupNodes1.IsKey(node.GetNbrNId(j)) == 0 && NN.IsKey(node.GetNbrNId(j)) == 0)
        NN.AddDat(node.GetNbrNId(j), NI.GetKey());

  return (double)NN.Len();
Exemple #4
// GIRVAN-NEWMAN algorithm
//	1. The betweenness of all existing edges in the network is calculated first.
//	2. The edge with the highest betweenness is removed.
//	3. The betweenness of all edges affected by the removal is recalculated.
//	4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until no edges remain.
//  Girvan M. and Newman M. E. J., Community structure in social and biological networks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 7821–7826 (2002)
// Keep removing edges from Graph until one of the connected components of Graph splits into two.
void CmtyGirvanNewmanStep(PUNGraph& Graph, TIntV& Cmty1, TIntV& Cmty2) {
  TIntPrFltH BtwEH;
  TBreathFS<PUNGraph> BFS(Graph);
  Cmty1.Clr(false);  Cmty2.Clr(false);
  while (true) {
    TSnap::GetBetweennessCentr(Graph, BtwEH);
    if (BtwEH.Empty()) { return; }
    const int NId1 = BtwEH.GetKey(0).Val1;
    const int NId2 = BtwEH.GetKey(0).Val2;
    Graph->DelEdge(NId1, NId2);
    BFS.DoBfs(NId1, true, false, NId2, TInt::Mx);
    if (BFS.GetHops(NId1, NId2) == -1) { // two components
      TSnap::GetNodeWcc(Graph, NId1, Cmty1);
      TSnap::GetNodeWcc(Graph, NId2, Cmty2);
Exemple #5
double GetAsstyCor(const PUNGraph& Graph) {
  TIntFltH deg(Graph->GetNodes()), deg_sq(Graph->GetNodes());
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    deg.AddDat(NI.GetId()) = NI.GetOutDeg(); 
    deg_sq.AddDat(NI.GetId()) = NI.GetOutDeg() * NI.GetOutDeg();
  double m = Graph->GetEdges(), num1 = 0.0, num2 = 0.0, den1 = 0.0;
  for (TUNGraph::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
    double t1 = deg.GetDat(EI.GetSrcNId()).Val, t2 = deg.GetDat(EI.GetDstNId()).Val;
    num1 += t1 * t2;
    num2 += t1 + t2;
    den1 += deg_sq.GetDat(EI.GetSrcNId()).Val + deg_sq.GetDat(EI.GetDstNId()).Val;
  num1 /= m;
  den1 /= (2.0 * m);
  num2 = (num2 / (2.0 * m)) * (num2 / (2.0 * m));
  return (num1 - num2) / (den1 - num2);
Exemple #6
// renumber node ids to 0...N-1
PUNGraph GetSubGraph(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntV& NIdV, const bool& RenumberNodes) {
  if (! RenumberNodes) { return TSnap::GetSubGraph(Graph, NIdV); }
  PUNGraph NewGraphPt = TUNGraph::New();
  TUNGraph& NewGraph = *NewGraphPt;
  NewGraph.Reserve(NIdV.Len(), -1);
  TIntSet NIdSet(NIdV.Len());
  for (int n = 0; n < NIdV.Len(); n++) {
  for (int n = 0; n < NIdV.Len(); n++) {
    const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NIdV[n]);
    const int SrcNId = NIdSet.GetKeyId(NI.GetId());
    for (int edge = 0; edge < NI.GetDeg(); edge++) {
      const int OutNId = NIdSet.GetKeyId(NI.GetNbhNId(edge));
      if (NewGraph.IsNode(OutNId)) {
        NewGraph.AddEdge(SrcNId, OutNId); }
  return NewGraphPt;
///Connect members of a given community by Erdos-Renyi
void TAGM::RndConnectInsideCommunity(PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntV& CmtyV, const double& Prob, TRnd& Rnd) {
    int CNodes = CmtyV.Len(), CEdges;
    if (CNodes < 20) {
        CEdges = (int) Rnd.GetBinomialDev(Prob, CNodes * (CNodes-1) / 2);
    } else {
        CEdges = (int) (Prob * CNodes * (CNodes - 1) / 2);
    THashSet<TIntPr> NewEdgeSet(CEdges);
    for (int edge = 0; edge < CEdges; ) {
        int SrcNId = CmtyV[Rnd.GetUniDevInt(CNodes)];
        int DstNId = CmtyV[Rnd.GetUniDevInt(CNodes)];
        if (SrcNId > DstNId) {
        if (SrcNId != DstNId && ! NewEdgeSet.IsKey(TIntPr(SrcNId, DstNId))) { // is new edge
            NewEdgeSet.AddKey(TIntPr(SrcNId, DstNId));
            Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId);
Exemple #8
void GetInvParticipRat(const PUNGraph& Graph, int MaxEigVecs, int TimeLimit, TFltPrV& EigValIprV) {
  TUNGraphMtx GraphMtx(Graph);
  TFltVV EigVecVV;
  TFltV EigValV;
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  if (MaxEigVecs<=1) { MaxEigVecs=1000; }
  int EigVecs = TMath::Mn(Graph->GetNodes(), MaxEigVecs);
  printf("start %d vecs...", EigVecs);
  try {
    TSparseSVD::Lanczos2(GraphMtx, EigVecs, TimeLimit, ssotFull, EigValV, EigVecVV, false);
  } catch(...) {
    printf("\n  ***EXCEPTION:  TRIED %d GOT %d values** \n", EigVecs, EigValV.Len()); }
  printf("  ***TRIED %d GOT %d values in %s\n", EigVecs, EigValV.Len(), ExeTm.GetStr());
  TFltV EigVec;
  if (EigValV.Empty()) { return; }
  for (int v = 0; v < EigVecVV.GetCols(); v++) {
    EigVecVV.GetCol(v, EigVec);
    EigValIprV.Add(TFltPr(EigValV[v], GetInvParticipRat(EigVec)));
Exemple #9
double GetDegreeCentralization(const PUNGraph& Graph) {
  int MaxDeg = -1;
  int N = Graph->GetNodes();
  int Sum = 0;
  if (Graph->GetNodes() > 1 && (double(N - 2.0)*double(N - 1)) > 0) {
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
      int deg = NI.GetDeg();
      if (deg > MaxDeg) {
        MaxDeg = deg;
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
      Sum += MaxDeg - NI.GetDeg();
    return double(Sum) / (double(N - 2.0)*double(N - 1));
  else { return 0.0; }
Exemple #10
void GetMotifCount(const PUNGraph& G, const int MotifSize, TVec <int64> & MotifV, const int num) {
  if (MotifSize == 3) {
    MotifV = TVec <int64> (2);
  else {
    MotifV = TVec <int64> (6);
    TIntPrV V(G->GetEdges(), 0);
    for (TUNGraph::TEdgeI EI = G->BegEI(); EI < G->EndEI(); EI++) {
      V.Add(TIntPr(EI.GetSrcNId(), EI.GetDstNId()));
    TRnd blargh;
    for (int z = 0; z < num; z++) {
      int SrcNId = V[z].Val1.Val, DstNId = V[z].Val2.Val;
      TUNGraph::TNodeI SrcNI = G->GetNI(SrcNId), DstNI = G->GetNI(DstNId);
      TIntV SrcV(SrcNI.GetOutDeg(),0), DstV(DstNI.GetOutDeg(),0), BothV(min(SrcNI.GetOutDeg(), DstNI.GetOutDeg()),0);
      //Grouping the vertices into sets
      for (int e = 0; e < SrcNI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
        if (SrcNI.GetOutNId(e) == DstNId) continue;
        if (G->IsEdge(DstNId, SrcNI.GetOutNId(e)) ) { BothV.Add(SrcNI.GetOutNId(e)); }
        else { SrcV.Add(SrcNI.GetOutNId(e)); }
      for (int e = 0; e < DstNI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
        if (DstNI.GetOutNId(e) == SrcNId) continue;
        if (G->IsEdge(SrcNId, DstNI.GetOutNId(e)) == 0) { DstV.Add(DstNI.GetOutNId(e)); }
      //Compute Motif 0 and 1
      for (int i = 0; i < SrcV.Len(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < DstV.Len(); j++) {
          if (G->IsEdge(SrcV[i], DstV[j]) ) { MotifV[mfFourSquare]++; }
          else MotifV[mfFourLine]++;
      //Compute Motif 2 and 3
      for (int i = 0; i < SrcV.Len(); i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < SrcV.Len(); j++) {
          if (G->IsEdge(SrcV[i], SrcV[j]) ) { MotifV[mfFourTriangleEdge]++; }
          else MotifV[mfFourStar]++;
      for (int i = 0; i < DstV.Len(); i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < DstV.Len(); j++) {
          if (G->IsEdge(DstV[i], DstV[j]) ) { MotifV[mfFourTriangleEdge]++; }
          else MotifV[mfFourStar]++;
      //Compute Motif 4 and 5
      for (int i = 0; i < BothV.Len(); i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < BothV.Len(); j++) {
          if (G->IsEdge(BothV[i], BothV[j]) ) { MotifV[mfFourComplete]++; }
          else MotifV[mfFourSquareDiag]++;
    MotifV[mfFourSquare] /= 4ll;
    MotifV[mfFourStar] /= 3ll;
    MotifV[mfFourComplete] /= 6ll;
void sample (const int *m, const int *n, const int *h, const int *ns, const int *in, const int *infection_state, const int *mde, const int *bi, const int *br, double * result) {
  const int nodes = *h;
  const int nval = (*n)/2;
  int num_seeds = *ns;
  int infect_type = *in;
  int mode = *mde;
  int burnin = *bi;
  int branch = *br;

  PUNGraph g = get_PUNGraph (m, nval, nodes);

  THash<TInt, TInt> * visited = choose_seeds (g, num_seeds, infection_state, infect_type);
  TVec <VisitedNode *>  queue;
  TIntV qids;

  for (THash<TInt, TInt>::TIter n = visited->BegI(); n != visited->EndI(); n++) {
    queue = queue + new VisitedNode (n->Key);
    qids = qids + n->Key;
    //cerr << "enqueued " << n->Key << endl;
  TInt counted = 0;
  TInt first_unprocessed = 0;
  TFlt infected_mass = 0.0;
  TFlt total_mass = 0.0;
  TFlt revisits = 0.0;
  TFlt trehits = 0.0;
  //cerr << "nodeId\tneigh\tnbh_size\tinfected?\tinfected_mass\ttotal_mass" << endl;
  while (counted < 500 && first_unprocessed < queue.Len()) {
    VisitedNode * current_node = queue [first_unprocessed];
    TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = g->GetNI (current_node->id);
    TInt neighborhood_size = NI.GetDeg();
    //  cerr << counted << " " << current_node->id << endl;
    if (counted >= burnin) {
      if (infection_state[(current_node->id) - 1] == 1)
       infected_mass += 1.0/TFlt(neighborhood_size);
      total_mass += 1.0/TFlt(neighborhood_size);
    //cerr << current_node->id << "\t" << neighborhood_size << "\t" << (1.0/TFlt(neighborhood_size)) 
    //	 << "\t" << infection_state[(current_node->id) - 1] << "\t" << infected_mass << "\t" << total_mass << endl;
    // build list of unvisited neighbors
    TVec<TInt> neighbors;
    for (int i = 0; i < neighborhood_size; i++) {
      TInt neighbor = NI.GetNbrNId(i);
      if (mode == 0 && visited->IsKey(neighbor)) continue;
      else if (mode == 2 && isChild (current_node, neighbor)) continue;
      else if (mode == 3 && current_node-> previous != NULL && current_node->previous->id == neighbor) continue;
      else neighbors = neighbors + neighbor;									
    TInt num_legal_neighbors = neighbors.Len();
    TInt sample_size = TMath::Mn<TInt> (branch, num_legal_neighbors);
    THash <TInt, TInt> * choices = choose (num_legal_neighbors, sample_size);
    for (THash<TInt, TInt>::TIter n = choices->BegI(); n != choices->EndI(); n++) {
      if (queue.Len() >= 500) break;
      queue = queue + new VisitedNode (neighbors[n->Key], current_node);
      if (visited->IsKey(neighbors[n->Key])) revisits++;
      if (isChild(current_node, neighbors[n->Key])) trehits++;
      if (!visited->IsKey(neighbors[n->Key])) qids = qids + neighbors[n->Key];
      visited->AddDat(neighbors[n->Key], 1);
  // cout << (infected_mass / total_mass) << endl;
  delete (visited);
  result[0] = (infected_mass / total_mass);
  result[1] = revisits;
  result[2] = trehits;
  result[3] = counted;
  //PUNGraph p (&g);
  PUNGraph p = TSnap:: GetSubGraph (g, qids, false);
  TCnComV convec;
  result[4] = TSnap::GetClustCf(p, -1);
  TSnap::GetWccs(p, convec);
  result[5] = convec.Len();
  result[6] = ave_path_length (p);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // const TStr InFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "graph.txt", "Input graph (one edge per line, tab/space separated)");
  // const TBool IsDir = Env.GetIfArgPrefixBool("-d:", true, "Directed graph");
  // const TStr OutFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "graph", "Output file prefix");
  // const TStr Desc = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-t:", "", "Title (description)");
  // const TStr Plot = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-p:", "cdhwsCvV", "What statistics to plot string:"
    // "\n\tc: cummulative degree distribution"
    // "\n\td: degree distribution"
    // "\n\th: hop plot (diameter)"
    // "\n\tw: distribution of weakly connected components"
    // "\n\ts: distribution of strongly connected components"
    // "\n\tC: clustering coefficient"
    // "\n\tv: singular values"
    // "\n\tV: left and right singular vector\n\t");
  // bool PlotDD, PlotCDD, PlotHop, PlotWcc, PlotScc, PlotSVal, PlotSVec, PlotClustCf;
  // PlotDD = Plot.SearchCh('d') != -1;
  // PlotCDD = Plot.SearchCh('c') != -1;
  // PlotHop = Plot.SearchCh('h') != -1;
  // PlotWcc = Plot.SearchCh('w') != -1;
  // PlotScc = Plot.SearchCh('s') != -1;
  // PlotClustCf = Plot.SearchCh('C') != -1;
  // PlotSVal = Plot.SearchCh('v') != -1;
  // PlotSVec = Plot.SearchCh('V') != -1;
  // if (Env.IsEndOfRun()) { return 0; }
  //PNGraph G = TGGen<PNGraph>::GenRMat(1000, 3000, 0.40, 0.25, 0.2);
  //G->SaveEdgeList("graph.txt", "RMat graph (a:0.40, b:0.25, c:0.20)");
  if (argc < 3)
    return 0;
  TStr InFNm = argv[1];
  TStr prefix = argv[2];
  // ostringstream os;
  // os << InFNm << "_OutDegreeDistribution";
  // TStr FNOutDD = os.str();
  // os.str("");
  // os.clear();
  const TStr Desc = prefix;
  TStr FNOutDD = prefix;
  // os << InFNm << "_InDegreeDistribution";
  // TStr FNInDD = os.str();
  // os.str("");
  // os.clear();
  TStr FNInDD = prefix;
  // os << InFNm << "_HopPlot";
  // TStr FNHops = os.str();
  // os.str("");
  // os.clear();
  TStr FNHops = prefix;
  // os << InFNm << "_WeaklyConnectedComponents";
  // TStr FNWeaklyConnectedComps = os.str();
  // os.str("");
  // os.clear();
  TStr FNWeaklyConnectedComps = prefix;
  // os << InFNm << "_StronglyConnectedComponents";
  // TStr FNStronglyConnectedComps = os.str();
  // os.str("");
  // os.clear();
  TStr FNStronglyConnectedComps = prefix;
  // os << InFNm << "ClusteringCoefficient";
  // TStr FNClusteringCoeff = os.str();
  // os.str("");
  // os.clear(); 
  TStr FNClusteringCoeff = prefix;
  TStr FNCentrality = prefix + "_centrality.dat";
  Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
  Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("GraphInfo. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()));
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  PNGraph Graph = TSnap::LoadEdgeList<PNGraph>(InFNm);
  // if (! IsDir) { TSnap::MakeUnDir(Graph); }
  printf("nodes:%d  edges:%d\nCreating plots...\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges());
  // const int Vals = Graph->GetNodes()/2 > 200 ? 200 : Graph->GetNodes()/2;
  // if (PlotDD) {
  TSnap::PlotOutDegDistr(Graph, FNOutDD, Desc, false, false);
  TSnap::PlotInDegDistr(Graph, FNInDD, Desc, false, false);
  printf("In and Out done\n");
  // }
  // if (PlotCDD) {
    // TSnap::PlotOutDegDistr(Graph, FNOutCDD, Desc, true, false);   // <======== waere interessant
    // TSnap::PlotInDegDistr(Graph, FNInCDD, Desc, true, false);
  // }
  // if (PlotHop) {
  TSnap::PlotHops(Graph, FNHops, Desc, false, 8);
  printf("hops done\n");
  // }
  // if (PlotWcc) {
  TSnap::PlotWccDistr(Graph, FNWeaklyConnectedComps, Desc);
  printf("wcc done\n");
  // }
  // if (PlotScc) {
  TSnap::PlotSccDistr(Graph, FNStronglyConnectedComps, Desc);
  printf("scc done\n");
  // }
  // if (PlotClustCf) {
  TSnap::PlotClustCf(Graph, FNClusteringCoeff, Desc);
  printf("CC done\n");
  // }
  // if (PlotSVal) {
    // TSnap::PlotSngValRank(Graph, Vals, OutFNm, Desc);
  // }
  // if(PlotSVec) {
    // TSnap::PlotSngVec(Graph, OutFNm, Desc);
  // }
  PUNGraph UGraph = TSnap::ConvertGraph<PUNGraph>(Graph);
  TIntFltH BtwH, PRankH, CcfH, CloseH;
  printf(" PageRank... ");             TSnap::GetPageRank(Graph, PRankH, 0.85);
  printf(" Betweenness (SLOW!)...");   TSnap::GetBetweennessCentr(UGraph, BtwH, 0.1);
  printf(" Clustering...");            TSnap::GetNodeClustCf(UGraph, CcfH);
  printf(" Closeness (SLOW!)...");
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = UGraph->BegNI(); NI < UGraph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    CloseH.AddDat(NId, TSnap::GetClosenessCentr(UGraph, NId));
  printf("\nDONE! saving...");
  FILE *F = fopen(FNCentrality.CStr(), "wt");
  fprintf(F,"#Network: %s\n", prefix.CStr());
  fprintf(F,"#Nodes: %d\tEdges: %d\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges());
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = UGraph->BegNI(); NI < UGraph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    const double DegCentr = UGraph->GetNI(NId).GetDeg();
    const double CloCentr = CloseH.GetDat(NId);
    const double BtwCentr = BtwH.GetDat(NId);
    const double ClustCf = CcfH.GetDat(NId);
    const double PgrCentr = PRankH.GetDat(NId);
    fprintf(F, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", NId, 
      DegCentr, CloCentr, BtwCentr, ClustCf, PgrCentr);
  printf("\nrun time: %s (%s)\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr(), TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetTmStr().CStr());
  return 0;
Exemple #13
 TCNMQMatrix(const PUNGraph& Graph) : CmtyQH(Graph->GetNodes()),
   MxQHeap(Graph->GetNodes(), 0), CmtyIdUF(Graph->GetNodes()) { Init(Graph); }
Exemple #14
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
  Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("cesna. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()));
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  TStr OutFPrx = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "", "Output Graph data prefix");
  const TStr InFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "./1912.edges", "Input edgelist file name");
  const TStr LabelFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-l:", "", "Input file name for node names (Node ID, Node label) ");
  const TStr AttrFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-a:", "./1912.nodefeat", "Input node attribute file name");
  const TStr ANameFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-n:", "./1912.nodefeatnames", "Input file name for node attribute names");
  int OptComs = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-c:", 10, "The number of communities to detect (-1: detect automatically)");
  const int MinComs = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-mc:", 3, "Minimum number of communities to try");
  const int MaxComs = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-xc:", 20, "Maximum number of communities to try");
  const int DivComs = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-nc:", 5, "How many trials for the number of communities");
  const int NumThreads = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-nt:", 4, "Number of threads for parallelization");
  const double AttrWeight = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-aw:", 0.5, "We maximize (1 - aw) P(Network) + aw * P(Attributes)");
  const double LassoWeight = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-lw:", 1.0, "Weight for l-1 regularization on learning the logistic model parameters");
  const double StepAlpha = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-sa:", 0.05, "Alpha for backtracking line search");
  const double StepBeta = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-sb:", 0.3, "Beta for backtracking line search");
  const double MinFeatFrac = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-mf:", 0.0, "If the fraction of nodes with positive values for an attribute is smaller than this, we ignore that attribute");

  PUNGraph G;
  TIntStrH NIDNameH;
  TStrHash<TInt> NodeNameH;
  TVec<TFltV> Wck;
  TVec<TIntV> EstCmtyVV;
  if (InFNm.IsStrIn(".ungraph")) {
    TFIn GFIn(InFNm);
    G = TUNGraph::Load(GFIn);
  } else {
    G = TAGMUtil::LoadEdgeListStr<PUNGraph>(InFNm, NodeNameH);
    for (int s = 0; s < NodeNameH.Len(); s++) { NIDNameH.AddDat(s, NodeNameH.GetKey(s)); }

  if (LabelFNm.Len() > 0) {
    TSsParser Ss(LabelFNm, ssfTabSep);
    while (Ss.Next()) {
      if (Ss.Len() > 0) { NIDNameH.AddDat(Ss.GetInt(0), Ss.GetFld(1)); }
  printf("Graph: %d Nodes %d Edges\n", G->GetNodes(), G->GetEdges());

  //load attribute
  THash<TInt, TIntV> RawNIDAttrH, NIDAttrH;
  TIntStrH RawFeatNameH, FeatNameH;
  if (ANameFNm.Len() > 0) {
    TSsParser Ss(ANameFNm, ssfTabSep);
    while (Ss.Next()) {
      if (Ss.Len() > 0) { RawFeatNameH.AddDat(Ss.GetInt(0), Ss.GetFld(1)); }

  TCesnaUtil::LoadNIDAttrHFromNIDKH(NIDV, AttrFNm, RawNIDAttrH, NodeNameH);
  TCesnaUtil::FilterLowEntropy(RawNIDAttrH, NIDAttrH, RawFeatNameH, FeatNameH, MinFeatFrac);

  TExeTm RunTm;
  TCesna CS(G, NIDAttrH, 10, 10);
  if (OptComs == -1) {
    printf("finding number of communities\n");
    OptComs = CS.FindComs(NumThreads, MaxComs, MinComs, DivComs, "", false, 0.1, StepAlpha, StepBeta);

  if (NumThreads == 1 || G->GetEdges() < 1000) {
    CS.MLEGradAscent(0.0001, 1000 * G->GetNodes(), "", StepAlpha, StepBeta);
  } else {
    CS.MLEGradAscentParallel(0.0001, 1000, NumThreads, "", StepAlpha, StepBeta);
  CS.GetCmtyVV(EstCmtyVV, Wck);
  TAGMUtil::DumpCmtyVV(OutFPrx + "cmtyvv.txt", EstCmtyVV, NIDNameH);
  FILE* F = fopen((OutFPrx + "weights.txt").CStr(), "wt");
  if (FeatNameH.Len() == Wck[0].Len()) {
    fprintf(F, "#");
    for (int k = 0; k < FeatNameH.Len(); k++) {
      fprintf(F, "%s", FeatNameH[k].CStr());
      if (k < FeatNameH.Len() - 1) { fprintf(F, "\t"); }
    fprintf(F, "\n");
  for (int c = 0; c < Wck.Len(); c++) {
    for (int k = 0; k < Wck[c].Len(); k++) {
      fprintf(F, "%f", Wck[c][k].Val);
      if (k < Wck[c].Len() - 1) { fprintf(F, "\t"); }
    fprintf(F, "\n");


  printf("\nrun time: %s (%s)\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr(), TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetTmStr().CStr());

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
  Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("Memetracker Converter. Build: %s, %s. Time: %s",
        __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()), 1, true);
  const TStr netinfInputFile = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr(
      "File containing the inferred network, used as underlying structure");
  const TStr clusteredCascadesInputFile = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr(
      "File containing clustered instances of memes and their path on the web");
  const TInt cascadeInputLine = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt(
      "-cascadeInputLine=", 75926,
      "Specific cascade to read from clusteredCascadesInputFile");

  const TStr snapNetworkOutputFile = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr(
      "-snapNetworkOutputFile=", "data/memetracker/memeNetwork.dat",
      "File where to write the output network as a snap binary");
  const TStr groundTruthOutputFile = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr(
      "-groundTruthOutputFile=", "data/memetracker/memeGroundTruth.txt",
      "File where to write the ground truth");

  // Build the network from the most popular websites.
  ifstream inputfile(netinfInputFile.CStr());
  string line;
  getline(inputfile, line); // read header line from file
  map<string, unsigned int> urlToNodeIdHash;
  PUNGraph graph = PUNGraph::New();
  unsigned int nodeId = 0;
  while (getline(inputfile, line)) {
    istringstream iss(line);
    string idx, src, dst;
    iss >> idx >> src >> dst;
    if (urlToNodeIdHash.find(src) == urlToNodeIdHash.end()) {
      urlToNodeIdHash[src] = nodeId;
    if (urlToNodeIdHash.find(dst) == urlToNodeIdHash.end()) {
      urlToNodeIdHash[dst] = nodeId;
    graph->AddEdge(urlToNodeIdHash[src], urlToNodeIdHash[dst]);
  // Save network.
  { TFOut FOut(snapNetworkOutputFile); graph->Save(FOut); }

  // Read one memetracker entry.
  ifstream memetracker(clusteredCascadesInputFile.CStr());
  for (int i = 0; i < cascadeInputLine; ++i)
    getline(memetracker, line);
  getline(memetracker, line);
  int entries, dummyInt;
  istringstream iss(line);
  iss >> dummyInt >> entries;

  cout << "Building cascade for ";
  while (!iss.eof()) {
    string phrase;
    iss >> phrase;
    cout << phrase << " ";
  cout << endl;

  // Dump cascade to some file.
  ofstream dumpStream;

  string dummy, url;
  map<string, unsigned int> infectionTimeHash;
  unsigned int infectionTime = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
    // Read through each "infected" URL.
    getline(memetracker, line);
    istringstream iss(line);
    // These fields of the cascade entry ar not important.
    iss >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy;
    iss >> url;
    // Parse the URL and identify the host website.
    uri::uri instance(url);
    // If node not in network or already infected, skip.
    if (urlToNodeIdHash.find(instance.host()) == urlToNodeIdHash.end() ||
        infectionTimeHash.find(instance.host()) != infectionTimeHash.end())
    infectionTimeHash[instance.host()] = infectionTime++;
    // Dump as pair of <nodeId, infectionTime>.
    dumpStream << urlToNodeIdHash[instance.host()] << " " <<
      infectionTimeHash[instance.host()] << endl;
  return 0;
PUNGraph TAGM::GenAGM(TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV, const double& DensityCoef, const int TargetEdges, TRnd& Rnd) {
    PUNGraph TryG = TAGM::GenAGM(CmtyVV, DensityCoef, 1.0, Rnd);
    const double ScaleCoef = (double) TargetEdges / (double) TryG->GetEdges();
    return TAGM::GenAGM(CmtyVV, DensityCoef, ScaleCoef, Rnd);
Exemple #17
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
	Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("cpm. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()));
	TExeTm ExeTm;
	TStr OutFPrx  = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "", "Output file name prefix");
	const TStr InFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "football.edgelist", "Input edgelist file name. DEMO: AGM with 2 communities");
	const TStr LabelFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-l:", "football.labels", "Input file name for node names (Node ID, Node label) ");
	const TInt RndSeed = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-s:", 0, "Random seed for AGM");
	const TFlt Epsilon = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-e:", 0, "Edge probability between the nodes that do not share any community (default (0.0): set it to be 1 / N^2)");
	const TInt Coms = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-c:", 0, "Number of communities (0: determine it by AGM)");

	PUNGraph G = TUNGraph::New();
	TVec<TIntV> CmtyVV;
	TIntStrH NIDNameH;

	if (InFNm == "DEMO") {
		TVec<TIntV> TrueCmtyVV;
		TRnd AGMRnd(RndSeed);

		//generate community bipartite affiliation
		const int ABegin = 0, AEnd = 70, BBegin = 30, BEnd = 100;
		for (int u = ABegin; u < AEnd; u++) {
		for (int u = BBegin; u < BEnd; u++) {
		G = TAGM::GenAGM(TrueCmtyVV, 0.0, 0.2, AGMRnd);
	else if (LabelFNm.Len() > 0) {
		G = TSnap::LoadEdgeList<PUNGraph>(InFNm);
		TSsParser Ss(LabelFNm, ssfTabSep);
		while (Ss.Next()) {
			if (Ss.Len() > 0) { NIDNameH.AddDat(Ss.GetInt(0), Ss.GetFld(1)); }
	else {
		G = TAGMUtil::LoadEdgeListStr<PUNGraph>(InFNm, NIDNameH);
	printf("Graph: %d Nodes %d Edges\n", G->GetNodes(), G->GetEdges());

	int MaxIter = 50 * G->GetNodes() * G->GetNodes();
	if (MaxIter < 0) { MaxIter = TInt::Mx; }
	int NumComs = Coms;
	if (NumComs < 2) {
		int InitComs;
		if (G->GetNodes() > 1000) {
			InitComs = G->GetNodes() / 5;
			NumComs = TAGMUtil::FindComsByAGM(G, InitComs, MaxIter, RndSeed, 1.5, Epsilon, OutFPrx);
		} else {
			InitComs = G->GetNodes() / 5;
			NumComs = TAGMUtil::FindComsByAGM(G, InitComs, MaxIter, RndSeed, 1.2, Epsilon, OutFPrx);
	TAGMFit AGMFit(G, NumComs, RndSeed);
	if (Epsilon > 0) { AGMFit.SetPNoCom(Epsilon);	}
	AGMFit.RunMCMC(MaxIter, 10);
	AGMFit.GetCmtyVV(CmtyVV, 0.9999);

	TAGMUtil::DumpCmtyVV(OutFPrx + "cmtyvv.txt", CmtyVV, NIDNameH);
	TAGMUtil::SaveGephi(OutFPrx + "graph.gexf", G, CmtyVV, 1.5, 1.5, NIDNameH);


  printf("\nrun time: %s (%s)\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr(), TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetTmStr().CStr());

  return 0;
Exemple #18
// Test node, edge creation
void ManipulateNodesEdges() {
  int NNodes = 10000;
  int NEdges = 100000;
  const char *FName = "test.graph";

  PUNGraph Graph;
  PUNGraph Graph1;
  PUNGraph Graph2;
  int i;
  int n;
  int NCount;
  int ECount1;
  int ECount2;
  int x,y;
  bool t;

  Graph = TUNGraph::New();
  t = Graph->Empty();

  // create the nodes
  for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
  t = Graph->Empty();
  n = Graph->GetNodes();

  // create random edges
  NCount = NEdges;
  while (NCount > 0) {
    x = (long) (drand48() * NNodes);
    y = (long) (drand48() * NNodes);
    // Graph->GetEdges() is not correct for the loops (x == y),
    // skip the loops in this test
    if (x != y  &&  !Graph->IsEdge(x,y)) {
      n = Graph->AddEdge(x, y);

  // get all the nodes
  NCount = 0;
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {

  // get all the edges for all the nodes
  ECount1 = 0;
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
  ECount1 /= 2;

  // get all the edges directly
  ECount2 = 0;
  for (TUNGraph::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
  printf("graph ManipulateNodesEdges:Graph, nodes %d, edges1 %d, edges2 %d\n",
      NCount, ECount1, ECount2);

  // assignment
  Graph1 = TUNGraph::New();
  *Graph1 = *Graph;

  // save the graph
    TFOut FOut(FName);

  // load the graph
    TFIn FIn(FName);
    Graph2 = TUNGraph::Load(FIn);

  // remove all the nodes and edges
  for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
    n = Graph->GetRndNId();


Exemple #19
// Test node, edge creation
TEST(TUNGraph, ManipulateNodesEdges) {
  int NNodes = 10000;
  int NEdges = 100000;
  const char *FName = "test.graph";

  PUNGraph Graph;
  PUNGraph Graph1;
  PUNGraph Graph2;
  int i;
  int n;
  int NCount;
  int x,y;
  int Deg, InDeg, OutDeg;

  Graph = TUNGraph::New();

  // create the nodes
  for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {

  // create random edges
  NCount = NEdges;
  while (NCount > 0) {
    x = (long) (drand48() * NNodes);
    y = (long) (drand48() * NNodes);
    // Graph->GetEdges() is not correct for the loops (x == y),
    // skip the loops in this test
    if (x != y  &&  !Graph->IsEdge(x,y)) {
      n = Graph->AddEdge(x, y);



  for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {


  // nodes iterator
  NCount = 0;
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {

  // edges per node iterator
  NCount = 0;
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {

  // edges iterator
  NCount = 0;
  for (TUNGraph::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {

  // node degree
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    Deg = NI.GetDeg();
    InDeg = NI.GetInDeg();
    OutDeg = NI.GetOutDeg();


  // assignment
  Graph1 = TUNGraph::New();
  *Graph1 = *Graph;


  // saving and loading
    TFOut FOut(FName);

    TFIn FIn(FName);
    Graph2 = TUNGraph::Load(FIn);


  // remove all the nodes and edges
  for (i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
    n = Graph->GetRndNId();





Exemple #20
// Maximum Domination Problem
void MaxCPGreedyBetter(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int k, TIntH& GroupNodes) {
  // buildup cpntainer of group nodes
  const int n = Graph->GetNodes();
  int *NNodes = new int[n]; // container of neighbouring nodes
  int NNodes_br = 0;
  TIntH Nodes; // nodes sorted by vd
  double gc = 0, gc0 = 0;
  int addId = 0, addIdPrev = 0;

  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++){
    Nodes.AddDat(NI.GetId(), NI.GetDeg());


  int br = 0;
  while (br < k) {
    for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> NI = Nodes.BegI(); NI < Nodes.EndI(); NI++){
      if ((NI.GetDat() <= (int)gc0))
      gc = NI.GetDat() - Intersect(Graph->GetNI(NI.GetKey()), NNodes, NNodes_br);
      if (gc>gc0){
        gc0 = gc;
        addId = NI.GetKey();

    if (addId != addIdPrev) {

      GroupNodes.AddDat(br, addId);
      gc0 = 0;

      int nn = addId;
      bool nnnew = true;
      for (int j = 0; j<NNodes_br; j++)
        if (NNodes[j] == nn){
        nnnew = false;
        j = NNodes_br;

      if (nnnew){
        NNodes[NNodes_br] = nn;

      for (int i = 0; i<Graph->GetNI(addId).GetDeg(); i++) {
        int nn = Graph->GetNI(addId).GetNbrNId(i);
        bool nnnew = true;
        for (int j = 0; j<NNodes_br; j++) {
          if (NNodes[j] == nn){
            nnnew = false;
            j = NNodes_br;
        if (nnnew){
          NNodes[NNodes_br] = nn;
      addIdPrev = addId;
    else {
      br = k;
    printf("%i,", br);

  delete NNodes;
/// save graph into a gexf file which Gephi can read
void TAGMUtil::SaveGephi(const TStr& OutFNm, const PUNGraph& G, const TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVVAtr, const double MaxSz, const double MinSz, const TIntStrH& NIDNameH, const THash<TInt, TIntTr>& NIDColorH ) {
    THash<TInt,TIntV> NIDComVHAtr;
    TAGMUtil::GetNodeMembership(NIDComVHAtr, CmtyVVAtr);

    FILE* F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
    fprintf(F, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n");
    fprintf(F, "<gexf xmlns='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft' xmlns:viz='http://www.gexf.net/1.1draft/viz' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft/gexf.xsd' version='1.2'>\n");
    fprintf(F, "\t<graph mode='static' defaultedgetype='undirected'>\n");
    if (CmtyVVAtr.Len() > 0) {
        fprintf(F, "\t<attributes class='node'>\n");
        for (int c = 0; c < CmtyVVAtr.Len(); c++) {
            fprintf(F, "\t\t<attribute id='%d' title='c%d' type='boolean'>", c, c);
            fprintf(F, "\t\t<default>false</default>\n");
            fprintf(F, "\t\t</attribute>\n");
        fprintf(F, "\t</attributes>\n");
    fprintf(F, "\t\t<nodes>\n");
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->BegNI(); NI < G->EndNI(); NI++) {
        int NID = NI.GetId();
        TStr Label = NIDNameH.IsKey(NID)? NIDNameH.GetDat(NID): "";
        Label.ChangeChAll('<', ' ');
        Label.ChangeChAll('>', ' ');
        Label.ChangeChAll('&', ' ');
        Label.ChangeChAll('\'', ' ');

        TIntTr Color = NIDColorH.IsKey(NID)? NIDColorH.GetDat(NID) : TIntTr(120, 120, 120);

        double Size = MinSz;
        double SizeStep = (MaxSz - MinSz) / (double) CmtyVVAtr.Len();
        if (NIDComVHAtr.IsKey(NID)) {
            Size = MinSz +  SizeStep *  (double) NIDComVHAtr.GetDat(NID).Len();
        double Alpha = 1.0;
        fprintf(F, "\t\t\t<node id='%d' label='%s'>\n", NID, Label.CStr());
        fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t<viz:color r='%d' g='%d' b='%d' a='%.1f'/>\n", Color.Val1.Val, Color.Val2.Val, Color.Val3.Val, Alpha);
        fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t<viz:size value='%.3f'/>\n", Size);
        //specify attributes
        if (NIDComVHAtr.IsKey(NID)) {
            fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t<attvalues>\n");
            for (int c = 0; c < NIDComVHAtr.GetDat(NID).Len(); c++) {
                int CID = NIDComVHAtr.GetDat(NID)[c];
                fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t\t<attvalue for='%d' value='true'/>\n", CID);
            fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t</attvalues>\n");

        fprintf(F, "\t\t\t</node>\n");
    fprintf(F, "\t\t</nodes>\n");
    //plot edges
    int EID = 0;
    fprintf(F, "\t\t<edges>\n");
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->BegNI(); NI < G->EndNI(); NI++) {
        for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
            if (NI.GetId() > NI.GetOutNId(e)) {
            fprintf(F, "\t\t\t<edge id='%d' source='%d' target='%d'/>\n", EID++, NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(e));
    fprintf(F, "\t\t</edges>\n");
    fprintf(F, "\t</graph>\n");
    fprintf(F, "</gexf>\n");
Exemple #22
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
			TStr::Fmt("ragm. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__,
	TExeTm ExeTm;
		TStr OutFPrx = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "",
				"Output Graph data prefix");
		const TStr InFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "../as20graph.txt",
				"Input edgelist file name");
		const TStr LabelFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-l:", "",
				"Input file name for node names (Node ID, Node label) ");
		int OptComs =
				Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-c:", 100,
						"The number of communities to detect (-1: detect automatically)");
		const int MinComs = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-mc:", 5,
				"Minimum number of communities to try");
		const int MaxComs = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-xc:", 100,
				"Maximum number of communities to try");
		const int DivComs = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-nc:", 10,
				"How many trials for the number of communities");
		const int NumThreads = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-nt:", 4,
				"Number of threads for parallelization");
		const double StepAlpha = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-sa:", 0.05,
				"Alpha for backtracking line search");
		const double StepBeta = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-sb:", 0.3,
				"Beta for backtracking line search");

#ifndef NOMP
		PUNGraph G;
		TIntStrH NIDNameH;
		if (InFNm.IsStrIn(".ungraph")) {
			TFIn GFIn(InFNm);
			G = TUNGraph::Load(GFIn);
		} else {
			G = TAGMUtil::LoadEdgeListStr<PUNGraph>(InFNm, NIDNameH);
		if (LabelFNm.Len() > 0) {
			TSsParser Ss(LabelFNm, ssfTabSep);
			while (Ss.Next()) {
				if (Ss.Len() > 0) {
					NIDNameH.AddDat(Ss.GetInt(0), Ss.GetFld(1));
		printf("Graph: %d Nodes %d Edges\n", G->GetNodes(), G->GetEdges());

		TVec<TIntV> EstCmtyVV;
		TExeTm RunTm;
		TAGMFast RAGM(G, 10, 10);

		if (OptComs == -1) {
			printf("finding number of communities\n");
			OptComs = RAGM.FindComsByCV(NumThreads, MaxComs, MinComs, DivComs,
					OutFPrx, StepAlpha, StepBeta);

		if (NumThreads == 1 || G->GetEdges() < 1000) {
			RAGM.MLEGradAscent(0.0001, 1000 * G->GetNodes(), "", StepAlpha, StepBeta);
		} else {
			RAGM.MLEGradAscentParallel(0.0001, 1000, NumThreads, "", StepAlpha, StepBeta);
		TAGMUtil::DumpCmtyVV(OutFPrx + "cmtyvv.txt", EstCmtyVV, NIDNameH);
		TAGMUtil::SaveGephi(OutFPrx + "graph.gexf", G, EstCmtyVV, 1.5, 1.5,


	printf("\nrun time: %s (%s)\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr(),

	return 0;
Exemple #23
// Demos BFS functions on undirected graph that is not fully connected
void DemoBFSUndirectedRandom() {
  PUNGraph G;
  TStr FName = TStr::Fmt("%s/sample_bfsdfs_unpower.txt", DIRNAME);
  const int NNodes = 50;
  G = GenRndPowerLaw(NNodes, 2.5);
  // Can save/here
//  SaveEdgeList(G, FName);
//  G = LoadEdgeList<PUNGraph>(FName);
  TIntStrH NodeLabelH;
  for (int i = 0; i < G->GetNodes(); i++) {
    NodeLabelH.AddDat(i, TStr::Fmt("%d", i));
  DrawGViz(G, gvlNeato, TStr::Fmt("%s/sample_bfsdfs_unpower.png", DIRNAME), "Sample bfsdfs Graph", NodeLabelH);
  TIntV NIdV;
  int StartNId, Hop, Nodes;
  int IsDir = 0;
  printf("IsDir = %d:\n", IsDir);
  StartNId = 1;
  Hop = 1;
  Nodes = GetNodesAtHop(G, StartNId, Hop, NIdV, IsDir);
  printf("StartNId = %d, Nodes = %d, GetNodesAtHop NIdV.Len() = %d, NIdV[0] = %d\n", StartNId, Nodes, NIdV.Len(), NIdV[0].Val);
  TIntPrV HopCntV;
  Nodes = GetNodesAtHops(G, StartNId, HopCntV, IsDir);
  printf("StartNId = %d, Nodes = %d, GetNodesAtHops HopCntV.Len() = %d\n", StartNId , Nodes, HopCntV.Len());
//  for (int N = 0; N < HopCntV.Len(); N++) {
//    printf("HopCntV[%d] = (%d, %d)\n", N, HopCntV[N].Val1.Val, HopCntV[N].Val2.Val);
//  }
  int Length, SrcNId, DstNId;
  SrcNId = 1;
  DstNId = G->GetNodes() - 1;
  Length = GetShortPath(G, SrcNId, DstNId, IsDir);
  printf("%d -> %d: SPL Length = %d\n", SrcNId, DstNId, Length);
  SrcNId = 1;
  DstNId = 33;
  Length = GetShortPath(G, SrcNId, DstNId, IsDir);
  printf("%d -> %d: SPL Length = %d\n", SrcNId, DstNId, Length);
  TIntH NIdToDistH;
  int MaxDist = 9;
  Length = GetShortPath(G, SrcNId, NIdToDistH, IsDir, MaxDist);
//  for (int i = 0; i < min(5,NIdToDistH.Len()); i++) {
//    printf("NIdToDistH[%d] = %d\n", i, NIdToDistH[i].Val);
//  }
  int FullDiam;
  double EffDiam, AvgSPL;
  int NTestNodes = G->GetNodes() / 3 * 2;
  FullDiam = GetBfsFullDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir);
  printf("FullDiam = %d\n", FullDiam);
  EffDiam = GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir);
  printf("EffDiam = %.3f\n", EffDiam);
  EffDiam = GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam);
  printf("EffDiam = %.3f, FullDiam = %d\n", EffDiam, FullDiam);
  EffDiam = GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam, AvgSPL);
  printf("EffDiam = %.3f, FullDiam = %d, AvgDiam = %.3f\n", EffDiam, FullDiam, AvgSPL);
  TIntV SubGraphNIdV;
  EffDiam = GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, SubGraphNIdV, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam);
  printf("For subgraph: EffDiam = %.4f, FullDiam = %d\n", EffDiam, FullDiam);
/// estimate number of communities using AGM
int TAGMUtil::FindComsByAGM(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int InitComs, const int MaxIter, const int RndSeed, const double RegGap, const double PNoCom, const TStr PltFPrx) {
    TRnd Rnd(RndSeed);
    int LambdaIter = 100;
    if (Graph->GetNodes() < 200) {
        LambdaIter = 1;
    if (Graph->GetNodes() < 200 && Graph->GetEdges() > 2000) {
        LambdaIter = 100;

    //Find coms with large C
    TAGMFit AGMFitM(Graph, InitComs, RndSeed);
    if (PNoCom > 0.0) {
    AGMFitM.RunMCMC(MaxIter, LambdaIter, "");

    int TE = Graph->GetEdges();
    TFltV RegV;
    RegV.Add(0.3 * TE);
    for (int r = 0; r < 25; r++) {
        RegV.Add(RegV.Last() * RegGap);
    TFltPrV RegComsV, RegLV, RegBICV;
    TFltV LV, BICV;
    //record likelihood and number of communities with nonzero P_c
    for (int r = 0; r < RegV.Len(); r++) {
        double RegCoef = RegV[r];
        AGMFitM.MLEGradAscentGivenCAG(0.01, 1000);

        TVec<TIntV> EstCmtyVV;
        AGMFitM.GetCmtyVV(EstCmtyVV, 0.99);
        int NumLowQ = EstCmtyVV.Len();
        RegComsV.Add(TFltPr(RegCoef, (double) NumLowQ));

        if (EstCmtyVV.Len() > 0) {
            TAGMFit AFTemp(Graph, EstCmtyVV, Rnd);
            AFTemp.MLEGradAscentGivenCAG(0.001, 1000);
            double CurL = AFTemp.Likelihood();
            BICV.Add(-2.0 * CurL + (double) EstCmtyVV.Len() * log((double) Graph->GetNodes() * (Graph->GetNodes() - 1) / 2.0));
        else {
    // if likelihood does not exist or does not change at all, report the smallest number of communities or 2
    if (LV.Len() == 0) {
        return 2;
    else if (LV[0] == LV.Last()) {
        return (int) TMath::Mx<TFlt>(2.0, RegComsV[LV.Len() - 1].Val2);

    //normalize likelihood and BIC to 0~100
    int MaxL = 100;
        TFltV& ValueV = LV;
        TFltPrV& RegValueV = RegLV;
        double MinValue = TFlt::Mx, MaxValue = TFlt::Mn;
        for (int l = 0; l < ValueV.Len(); l++) {
            if (ValueV[l] < MinValue) {
                MinValue = ValueV[l];
            if (ValueV[l] > MaxValue) {
                MaxValue = ValueV[l];
        while (ValueV.Len() < RegV.Len()) {
        double RangeVal = MaxValue - MinValue;
        for (int l = 0; l < ValueV.Len(); l++) {
            RegValueV.Add(TFltPr(RegV[l], double(MaxL) * (ValueV[l] - MinValue) / RangeVal));

        TFltV& ValueV = BICV;
        TFltPrV& RegValueV = RegBICV;
        double MinValue = TFlt::Mx, MaxValue = TFlt::Mn;
        for (int l = 0; l < ValueV.Len(); l++) {
            if (ValueV[l] < MinValue) {
                MinValue = ValueV[l];
            if (ValueV[l] > MaxValue) {
                MaxValue = ValueV[l];
        while (ValueV.Len() < RegV.Len()) {
        double RangeVal = MaxValue - MinValue;
        for (int l = 0; l < ValueV.Len(); l++) {
            RegValueV.Add(TFltPr(RegV[l], double(MaxL) * (ValueV[l] - MinValue) / RangeVal));

    //fit logistic regression to normalized likelihood.
    TVec<TFltV> XV(RegLV.Len());
    TFltV YV (RegLV.Len());
    for (int l = 0; l < RegLV.Len(); l++) {
        XV[l] = TFltV::GetV(log(RegLV[l].Val1));
        YV[l] = RegLV[l].Val2 / (double) MaxL;
    TFltPrV LRVScaled, LRV;
    TLogRegFit LRFit;
    PLogRegPredict LRMd = LRFit.CalcLogRegNewton(XV, YV, PltFPrx);
    for (int l = 0; l < RegLV.Len(); l++) {
        LRV.Add(TFltPr(RegV[l], LRMd->GetCfy(XV[l])));
        LRVScaled.Add(TFltPr(RegV[l], double(MaxL) * LRV.Last().Val2));

    //estimate # communities from fitted logistic regression
    int NumComs = 0, IdxRegDrop = 0;
    double LRThres = 1.1, RegDrop; // 1 / (1 + exp(1.1)) = 0.25
    double LeftReg = 0.0, RightReg = 0.0;
    TFltV Theta;
    RegDrop = (- Theta[1] - LRThres) / Theta[0];
    if (RegDrop <= XV[0][0]) {
        NumComs = (int) RegComsV[0].Val2;
    else if (RegDrop >= XV.Last()[0]) {
        NumComs = (int) RegComsV.Last().Val2;
    else {  //interpolate for RegDrop
        for (int i = 0; i < XV.Len(); i++) {
            if (XV[i][0] > RegDrop) {
                IdxRegDrop = i;

        if (IdxRegDrop == 0) {
            printf("Error!! RegDrop:%f, Theta[0]:%f, Theta[1]:%f\n", RegDrop, Theta[0].Val, Theta[1].Val);
            for (int l = 0; l < RegLV.Len(); l++) {
                printf("X[%d]:%f, Y[%d]:%f\n", l, XV[l][0].Val, l, YV[l].Val);
        IAssert(IdxRegDrop > 0);
        LeftReg = RegDrop - XV[IdxRegDrop - 1][0];
        RightReg = XV[IdxRegDrop][0] - RegDrop;
        NumComs = (int) TMath::Round( (RightReg * RegComsV[IdxRegDrop - 1].Val2 + LeftReg * RegComsV[IdxRegDrop].Val2) / (LeftReg + RightReg));

    //printf("Interpolation coeff: %f, %f, index at drop:%d (%f), Left-Right Vals: %f, %f\n", LeftReg, RightReg, IdxRegDrop, RegDrop, RegComsV[IdxRegDrop - 1].Val2, RegComsV[IdxRegDrop].Val2);
    printf("Num Coms:%d\n", NumComs);
    if (NumComs < 2) {
        NumComs = 2;

    if (PltFPrx.Len() > 0) {
        TStr PlotTitle = TStr::Fmt("N:%d, E:%d ", Graph->GetNodes(), TE);
        TGnuPlot GPC(PltFPrx + ".l");
        GPC.AddPlot(RegComsV, gpwLinesPoints, "C");
        GPC.AddPlot(RegLV, gpwLinesPoints, "likelihood");
        GPC.AddPlot(RegBICV, gpwLinesPoints, "BIC");
        GPC.AddPlot(LRVScaled, gpwLinesPoints, "Sigmoid (scaled)");
        GPC.SavePng(PltFPrx + ".l.png");

    return NumComs;
Exemple #25
// Node centrality measures
double GetDegreeCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int& NId) {
  if (Graph->GetNodes() > 1) {
    return double(Graph->GetNI(NId).GetDeg()) / double(Graph->GetNodes() - 1);
  else { return 0.0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  //// what type of graph do you want to use?
  //typedef PUNGraph PGraph; // undirected graph
  typedef PNGraph PGraph;  //   directed graph
  //typedef PNEGraph PGraph;  //   directed multigraph
  //typedef TPt<TNodeNet<TInt> > PGraph;
  //typedef TPt<TNodeEdgeNet<TInt, TInt> > PGraph;

  // this code is independent of what particular graph implementation/type we use
  printf("Creating graph:\n");
  PGraph G = PGraph::TObj::New();
  for (int n = 0; n < 14; n++) {
    G->AddNode(); // if no parameter is given, node ids are 0,1,...,9
  G->AddEdge(1, 4);
  printf("  Edge 1 -- 4 added\n");
  G->AddEdge(1, 3);
  printf("  Edge 1 -- 3 added\n");
  G->AddEdge(2, 5);
  printf("  Edge 2 -- 5 added\n");
  G->AddEdge(3, 2);
  printf("  Edge 3 -- 2 added\n");
  G->AddEdge(3, 5);
  printf("  Edge 3 -- 5 added\n");
  G->AddEdge(3, 10);
  printf("  Edge 3 -- 10 added\n");

  /*for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) {
    const int NId1 = G->GetRndNId();
    const int NId2 = G->GetRndNId();
    if (G->AddEdge(NId1, NId2) != -2) {
      printf("  Edge %d -- %d added\n", NId1,  NId2); }
    else {
      printf("  Edge %d -- %d already exists\n", NId1, NId2); }
  // delete
  PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(0);
  printf("Delete edge %d -- %d\n", NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(0));
  G->DelEdge(NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(0));
  const int RndNId = G->GetRndNId();
  printf("Delete node %d\n", RndNId);
  // dump the graph
  printf("Graph (%d, %d)\n", G->GetNodes(), G->GetEdges());
  for (PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = G->BegNI(); NI < G->EndNI(); NI++) {
    printf("  %d: ", NI.GetId());
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
      printf(" %d", NI.GetNbrNId(e)); }
  // dump subgraph
  TIntV NIdV;
  for (PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = G->BegNI(); NI < G->EndNI(); NI++) {
    if (NIdV.Len() < G->GetNodes()/2) { NIdV.Add(NI.GetId()); }
  PGraph SubG = TSnap::GetSubGraph(G, NIdV);
  // get UNGraph
  { PUNGraph UNG = TSnap::ConvertGraph<PUNGraph>(SubG);
  TSnap::ConvertSubGraph<PNGraph>(G, NIdV)->Dump(); }
  // get NGraph
  { PNGraph NG = TSnap::ConvertGraph<PNGraph>(SubG);
  TSnap::ConvertSubGraph<PNGraph>(G, NIdV)->Dump(); }
  // get NEGraph
  { PNEGraph NEG = TSnap::ConvertGraph<PNEGraph>(SubG);
  TSnap::ConvertSubGraph<PNGraph>(G, NIdV)->Dump(); }

  return 0;
Exemple #27
void GetBetweennessCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntV& BtwNIdV, TIntFltH& NodeBtwH, const bool& DoNodeCent, TIntPrFltH& EdgeBtwH, const bool& DoEdgeCent) {
  if (DoNodeCent) { NodeBtwH.Clr(); }
  if (DoEdgeCent) { EdgeBtwH.Clr(); }
  const int nodes = Graph->GetNodes();
  TIntS S(nodes);
  TIntQ Q(nodes);
  TIntIntVH P(nodes); // one vector for every node
  TIntFltH delta(nodes);
  TIntH sigma(nodes), d(nodes);
  // init
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    if (DoNodeCent) {
      NodeBtwH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 0);
    if (DoEdgeCent) {
      for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
        if (NI.GetId() < NI.GetOutNId(e)) {
          EdgeBtwH.AddDat(TIntPr(NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(e)), 0);
    sigma.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 0);
    d.AddDat(NI.GetId(), -1);
    P.AddDat(NI.GetId(), TIntV());
    delta.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 0);
  // calc betweeness
  for (int k = 0; k < BtwNIdV.Len(); k++) {
    const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(BtwNIdV[k]);
    // reset
    for (int i = 0; i < sigma.Len(); i++) {
      sigma[i] = 0;  d[i] = -1;  delta[i] = 0;  P[i].Clr(false);
    sigma.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 1);
    d.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 0);
    while (!Q.Empty()) {
      const int v = Q.Top();  Q.Pop();
      const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI2 = Graph->GetNI(v);
      const int VDat = d.GetDat(v);
      for (int e = 0; e < NI2.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
        const int w = NI2.GetOutNId(e);
        if (d.GetDat(w) < 0) { // find w for the first time
          d.AddDat(w, VDat + 1);
        //shortest path to w via v ?
        if (d.GetDat(w) == VDat + 1) {
          sigma.AddDat(w) += sigma.GetDat(v);
    while (!S.Empty()) {
      const int w = S.Top();
      const double SigmaW = sigma.GetDat(w);
      const double DeltaW = delta.GetDat(w);
      const TIntV NIdV = P.GetDat(w);
      for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
        const int nid = NIdV[i];
        const double c = (sigma.GetDat(nid)*1.0 / SigmaW) * (1 + DeltaW);
        delta.AddDat(nid) += c;
        if (DoEdgeCent) {
          EdgeBtwH.AddDat(TIntPr(TMath::Mn(nid, w), TMath::Mx(nid, w))) += c;
      if (DoNodeCent && w != NI.GetId()) {
        NodeBtwH.AddDat(w) += delta.GetDat(w) / 2.0;
Exemple #28
int FastCorePeripheryGC(PUNGraph& Graph, TIntIntH& out) {
    TIntH GroupNodes; // buildup cpntainer of group nodes
    int *NNodes = new int[Graph->GetNodes()]; // container of neighbouring nodes
    int NNodes_br = 0;

    TIntIntH nodes;
    TIntIntH nodesIds;
    double Z=0;

    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) { // Calculate and store the degrees of each node.
        int deg = NI.GetDeg();
        int id = NI.GetId();
        Z += deg;


    Z = Z/2;

    nodes.SortByDat(false); // Then sort the nodes in descending order of degree, to get a list of nodes {v1, v2, . . . , vn}.

    int br1=0;
    for (THashKeyDatI<TInt,TInt> NI = nodes.BegI(); NI < nodes.EndI(); NI++) {

    double Zbest = 99999900000000000;
    //int kbest;
    //int olddeg;
    int br=0;
    for (int k=0; k<nodes.Len(); k++) {
        if (k<nodes.Len()-1) {
            if (nodes[k]==nodes[k+1]) { // go into same deg mode
                int kmin=-2;
                int knew=-1;
                while (kmin < 999999 && kmin !=-1 ) {
                    int kind=-1;
                    while(nodes[k]==nodes[knew] && knew < nodes.Len()-1) {
                        int inter = Intersect(Graph->GetNI(nodesIds[knew]),NNodes,NNodes_br);
                        int deg = nodes[knew];
                        //if (((((nodes.Len()-NNodes_br)*(nodes.Len()-NNodes_br)))-(nodes.Len()-NNodes_br))/2<(((br*br)-br)/2))
                        if ((deg-inter)<kmin && !GroupNodes.IsKey(nodesIds[knew]))
                            kmin = deg-inter;
                            kind = knew;


                    if (kind!=-1) {
                        Z = Z + br - 1 - nodes[kind];
                        if (Z < (Zbest)) { // or <=
                            //if (olddeg>nodes[kind])

                            //olddeg = nodes[kind];
                            Zbest = Z;
                            //kbest = br;
                            int w = nodes[kind];
                            int id = nodesIds[kind];
                            NNodes[NNodes_br] = id;
                        else {

            else {
                Z = Z + br - 1 - nodes[k];
                if (Z < (Zbest)) { // or <=
                    //if (olddeg>nodes[k])

                    //olddeg = nodes[k];
                    Zbest = Z;
                    //kbest = br;
                    int w = nodes[k];
                    int id = nodesIds[k];
                    NNodes[NNodes_br] = id;

        else {
            Z = Z + br - 1 - nodes[k];
            if (Z < Zbest) { // or <=
                //if (olddeg>nodes[k])

                //olddeg = nodes[k];
                Zbest = Z;
                //kbest = br;
                int w = nodes[k];
                int id = nodesIds[k];
                NNodes[NNodes_br] = id;

    int cp = 0;
    br = 0;
    for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> it = nodes.BegI();  !it.IsEnd(); it++) {
        if (GroupNodes.IsKey(it.GetKey()))
            cp = 1;
            cp = 0;
        out.AddDat(it.GetKey(), cp);

    /*for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> it = GroupNodes.BegI();  it < GroupNodes.EndI(); it++) {
      out.AddDat(it.GetKey(), 1);

    //return kbest;
    return GroupNodes.Len();
Exemple #29
// Print graph statistics
void PrintGStats(const char s[], PUNGraph Graph) {
  printf("graph %s, nodes %d, edges %d, empty %s\n",
      s, Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges(),
      Graph->Empty() ? "yes" : "no");
Exemple #30
void GetArtPoints(const PUNGraph& Graph, TIntV& ArtNIdV) {
  TArtPointVisitor Visitor(Graph->GetNodes());
  TCnCom::GetDfsVisitor(Graph, Visitor);