Exemple #1
charT CPasswordCharPool::GetRandomChar() const
  ASSERT(m_char_array.length() > 0);
  PWSrand *ri = PWSrand::GetInstance();
  uint r = ri->RangeRand(static_cast<uint32>(m_char_array.length()));
  return m_char_array.at(r);
Exemple #2
StringX CPasswordCharPool::MakePronounceable() const
   * Following based on gpw.C from
   * http://www.multicians.org/thvv/tvvtools.html
   * Thanks to Tom Van Vleck, Morrie Gasser, and Dan Edwards.
  charT c1, c2, c3;  /* array indices */
  long sumfreq;      /* total frequencies[c1][c2][*] */
  long ranno;        /* random number in [0,sumfreq] */
  long sum;          /* running total of frequencies */
  uint nchar;        /* number of chars in password so far */
  PWSrand *pwsrnd = PWSrand::GetInstance();
  stringT password(m_pwlen, 0);

  /* Pick a random starting point. */
  /* (This cheats a little; the statistics for three-letter
     combinations beginning a word are different from the stats
     for the general population.  For example, this code happily
     generates "mmitify" even though no word in my dictionary
     begins with mmi. So what.) */
  sumfreq = sigma;  // sigma calculated by loadtris
  ranno = static_cast<long>(pwsrnd->RangeRand(sumfreq+1)); // Weight by sum of frequencies
  sum = 0;
  for (c1 = 0; c1 < 26; c1++) {
    for (c2 = 0; c2 < 26; c2++) {
      for (c3 = 0; c3 < 26; c3++) {
        sum += tris[int(c1)][int(c2)][int(c3)];
        if (sum > ranno) { // Pick first value
          password[0] = charT('a') + c1;
          password[1] = charT('a') + c2;
          password[2] = charT('a') + c3;
          c1 = c2 = c3 = 26; // Break all loops.
        } // if sum
      } // for c3
    } // for c2
  } // for c1

  /* Do a random walk. */
  nchar = 3;  // We have three chars so far.
  while (nchar < m_pwlen) {
    c1 = password[nchar-2] - charT('a'); // Take the last 2 chars
    c2 = password[nchar-1] - charT('a'); // .. and find the next one.
    sumfreq = 0;
    for (c3 = 0; c3 < 26; c3++)
      sumfreq += tris[int(c1)][int(c2)][int(c3)];
    /* Note that sum < duos[c1][c2] because
       duos counts all digraphs, not just those
       in a trigraph. We want sum. */
    if (sumfreq == 0) { // If there is no possible extension..
      break;  // Break while nchar loop & print what we have.
    /* Choose a continuation. */
    ranno = static_cast<long>(pwsrnd->RangeRand(sumfreq+1)); // Weight by sum of frequencies
    sum = 0;
    for (c3 = 0; c3 < 26; c3++) {
      sum += tris[int(c1)][int(c2)][int(c3)];
      if (sum > ranno) {
        password[nchar++] = charT('a') + c3;
        c3 = 26;  // Break the for c3 loop.
    } // for c3
  } // while nchar
   * password now has an all-lowercase pronounceable password
   * We now want to modify it per policy:
   * If m_usedigits and/or m_usesymbols, replace some chars with
   * corresponding 'leet' values
   * Also enforce m_useuppercase & m_uselowercase policies

  if (m_usesymbols || m_usedigits) {
    // fill a vector with indices of substitution candidates
    vector<int> sc;
    FillSC fill_sc(sc, (m_usedigits == TRUE), (m_usesymbols == TRUE));
    for_each(password.begin(), password.end(), fill_sc);
    if (!sc.empty()) {
      // choose how many to replace (not too many, but at least one)
      unsigned int rn = pwsrnd->RangeRand(sc.size() - 1)/2 + 1;
      // replace some of them
      RandomWrapper rnw;
      random_shuffle(sc.begin(), sc.end(), rnw);
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rn; i++)
        leet_replace(password, sc[i], m_usedigits, m_usesymbols);
  // case
  uint i;
  if (m_uselowercase && !m_useuppercase)
    ; // nothing to do here
  else if (!m_uselowercase && m_useuppercase)
    for (i = 0; i < m_pwlen; i++) {
      if (_istalpha(password[i]))
        password[i] = static_cast<charT>(_totupper(password[i]));
  else if (m_uselowercase && m_useuppercase) // mixed case
    for (i = 0; i < m_pwlen; i++) {
      if (_istalpha(password[i]) && pwsrnd->RandUInt() % 2)
        password[i] = static_cast<charT>(_totupper(password[i]));

  return password.c_str();
Exemple #3
charT CPasswordCharPool::GetRandomChar(CPasswordCharPool::CharType t) const
  PWSrand *ri = PWSrand::GetInstance();
  uint r = ri->RangeRand(static_cast<uint>(m_lengths[t]));
  return GetRandomChar(t, r);