void msgpack_pack(Packer& pk) const { int n = lua_gettop(L); if (arg_base_ > n) { if (pack_as_array_) pk.pack_array(0); return; } // If pack_as_array is true, all elements in the stack // will be serialized into an array. Otherwise, // each element will be serialized independently. if (pack_as_array_) pk.pack_array(n - arg_base_ + 1); for (int i = arg_base_; i <= n; i++) { pack(pk, i); } }
void msgpack_pack(Packer& _Pk) const { _Pk.pack_array(4); _Pk.pack(key); _Pk.pack(ovalue); _Pk.pack(nvalue); _Pk.pack(xt); }
void packTableAsArray(Packer& pk, int index) const { int n = lua_gettop(L); size_t len = lua_objlen(L, index); pk.pack_array(len); for (size_t i = 1; i <= len; i++) { lua_rawgeti(L, index, i); pack(pk, n + 1); lua_pop(L, 1); } }
void msgpack_pack(Packer& pk) const { pk.pack_array(0); }
void msgpack_pack(Packer& pk) const { pk.pack_array(sizeof...(Args)); define_imp<std::tuple<Args&...>, sizeof...(Args)>::pack(pk, a); }
void msgpack_pack(Packer& _Pk) const { _Pk.pack_array(2); _Pk.pack(login); _Pk.pack(passw); }
void msgpack_pack(Packer& _Pk) const { _Pk.pack_array(0); }
void msgpack_pack(Packer& _Pk) const { _Pk.pack_array(2); _Pk.pack(regex); _Pk.pack(max); }
void msgpack_pack(Packer& _Pk) const { _Pk.pack_array(2); _Pk.pack(prefix); _Pk.pack(max); }
void msgpack_pack(Packer& _Pk) const { _Pk.pack_array(1); _Pk.pack(key); }