Exemple #1
void Doc::LayOut( )
    Page *contentPage = this->SetDrawingPage( 0 );
    assert( contentPage );
    System *contentSystem = dynamic_cast<System*>(contentPage->DetachChild( 0 ));
    assert( contentSystem );
    System *currentSystem = new System();
    contentPage->AddSystem( currentSystem );
    int shift = 0;
    int systemFullWidth = this->m_drawingPageWidth - this->m_drawingPageLeftMar - this->m_drawingPageRightMar
        - currentSystem->m_systemLeftMar - currentSystem->m_systemRightMar;
    ArrayPtrVoid params;
    params.push_back( contentSystem );
    params.push_back( contentPage );
    params.push_back( &currentSystem );
    params.push_back( &shift );
    params.push_back( &systemFullWidth );
    Functor castOffSystems( &Object::CastOffSystems );
    contentSystem->Process( &castOffSystems, params );
    delete contentSystem;
    LogDebug("Layout: %d systems", contentPage->GetSystemCount());
    // Reset the scoreDef at the beginning of each system
    this->SetCurrentScoreDef( true );
    contentPage->LayOutVertically( );
    // Detach the contentPage
    this->DetachChild( 0 );
    assert( contentPage && !contentPage->m_parent );
    Page *currentPage = new Page();
    this->AddPage( currentPage );
    shift = 0;
    int pageFullHeight = this->m_drawingPageHeight - this->m_drawingPageTopMar; // obviously we need a bottom margin
    params.push_back( contentPage );
    params.push_back( this );
    params.push_back( &currentPage );
    params.push_back( &shift );
    params.push_back( &pageFullHeight );
    Functor castOffPages( &Object::CastOffPages );
    contentPage->Process( &castOffPages, params );
    delete contentPage;
    LogDebug("Layout: %d pages", this->GetChildCount());

    // We need to reset the drawing page to NULL
    // because idx will still be 0 but contentPage is dead!
    this->ResetDrawingPage( );
    this->SetCurrentScoreDef( true );