Exemple #1
bool Opcode::BruteForceCompleteBoxTest(udword nb, const AABB** array, Pairs& pairs)
	// Checkings
	if(!nb || !array)	return false;

	// Brute-force n(n-1)/2 overlap tests
	for(udword i=0;i<nb;i++)
		for(udword j=i+1;j<nb;j++)
			if(array[i]->Intersect(*array[j]))	pairs.AddPair(i, j);
	return true;
Exemple #2
bool Opcode::BruteForceBipartiteBoxTest(udword nb0, const AABB** array0, udword nb1, const AABB** array1, Pairs& pairs)
	// Checkings
	if(!nb0 || !array0 || !nb1 || !array1)	return false;

	// Brute-force nb0*nb1 overlap tests
	for(udword i=0;i<nb0;i++)
		for(udword j=0;j<nb1;j++)
			if(array0[i]->Intersect(*array1[j]))	pairs.AddPair(i, j);
	return true;
Exemple #3
bool Opcode::BipartiteBoxPruning(udword nb0, const AABB** array0, udword nb1, const AABB** array1, Pairs& pairs, const Axes& axes)
	// Checkings
	if(!nb0 || !array0 || !nb1 || !array1)	return false;

	// Catch axes
	udword Axis0 = axes.mAxis0;
	udword Axis1 = axes.mAxis1;
	udword Axis2 = axes.mAxis2;

	// Allocate some temporary data
	float* MinPosList0 = new float[nb0];
	float* MinPosList1 = new float[nb1];

	// 1) Build main lists using the primary axis
	for(udword i=0;i<nb0;i++)	MinPosList0[i] = array0[i]->GetMin(Axis0);
	for(udword i=0;i<nb1;i++)	MinPosList1[i] = array1[i]->GetMin(Axis0);

	// 2) Sort the lists
	PRUNING_SORTER* RS0 = GetBipartitePruningSorter0();
	PRUNING_SORTER* RS1 = GetBipartitePruningSorter1();
	const udword* Sorted0 = RS0->Sort(MinPosList0, nb0).GetRanks();
	const udword* Sorted1 = RS1->Sort(MinPosList1, nb1).GetRanks();

	// 3) Prune the lists
	udword Index0, Index1;

	const udword* const LastSorted0 = &Sorted0[nb0];
	const udword* const LastSorted1 = &Sorted1[nb1];
	const udword* RunningAddress0 = Sorted0;
	const udword* RunningAddress1 = Sorted1;

	while(RunningAddress1<LastSorted1 && Sorted0<LastSorted0)
		Index0 = *Sorted0++;

		while(RunningAddress1<LastSorted1 && MinPosList1[*RunningAddress1]<MinPosList0[Index0])	RunningAddress1++;

		const udword* RunningAddress2_1 = RunningAddress1;

		while(RunningAddress2_1<LastSorted1 && MinPosList1[Index1 = *RunningAddress2_1++]<=array0[Index0]->GetMax(Axis0))
			if(array0[Index0]->Intersect(*array1[Index1], Axis1))
				if(array0[Index0]->Intersect(*array1[Index1], Axis2))
					pairs.AddPair(Index0, Index1);


	while(RunningAddress0<LastSorted0 && Sorted1<LastSorted1)
		Index0 = *Sorted1++;

		while(RunningAddress0<LastSorted0 && MinPosList0[*RunningAddress0]<=MinPosList1[Index0])	RunningAddress0++;

		const udword* RunningAddress2_0 = RunningAddress0;

		while(RunningAddress2_0<LastSorted0 && MinPosList0[Index1 = *RunningAddress2_0++]<=array1[Index0]->GetMax(Axis0))
			if(array0[Index1]->Intersect(*array1[Index0], Axis1))
				if(array0[Index1]->Intersect(*array1[Index0], Axis2))
					pairs.AddPair(Index1, Index0);



	return true;
Exemple #4
bool Opcode::CompleteBoxPruning(udword nb, const AABB** array, Pairs& pairs, const Axes& axes)
	// Checkings
	if(!nb || !array)	return false;

	// Catch axes
	udword Axis0 = axes.mAxis0;
	udword Axis1 = axes.mAxis1;
	udword Axis2 = axes.mAxis2;

	// Allocate some temporary data
//	float* PosList = new float[nb];
	float* PosList = new float[nb+1];

	// 1) Build main list using the primary axis
	for(udword i=0;i<nb;i++)	PosList[i] = array[i]->GetMin(Axis0);
PosList[nb++] = MAX_FLOAT;

	// 2) Sort the list
	PRUNING_SORTER* RS = GetCompletePruningSorter();
	const udword* Sorted = RS->Sort(PosList, nb).GetRanks();

	// 3) Prune the list
	const udword* const LastSorted = &Sorted[nb];
	const udword* RunningAddress = Sorted;
	udword Index0, Index1;
	while(RunningAddress<LastSorted && Sorted<LastSorted)
		Index0 = *Sorted++;

//		while(RunningAddress<LastSorted && PosList[*RunningAddress++]<PosList[Index0]);

			const udword* RunningAddress2 = RunningAddress;

//			while(RunningAddress2<LastSorted && PosList[Index1 = *RunningAddress2++]<=array[Index0]->GetMax(Axis0))
			while(PosList[Index1 = *RunningAddress2++]<=array[Index0]->GetMax(Axis0))
//				if(Index0!=Index1)
//				{
					if(array[Index0]->Intersect(*array[Index1], Axis1))
						if(array[Index0]->Intersect(*array[Index1], Axis2))
							pairs.AddPair(Index0, Index1);
//				}


#ifdef JOAKIM
	// Allocate some temporary data
//	float* PosList = new float[nb];
	float* MinList = new float[nb+1];

	// 1) Build main list using the primary axis
	for(udword i=0;i<nb;i++)	MinList[i] = array[i]->GetMin(Axis0);
	MinList[nb] = MAX_FLOAT;

	// 2) Sort the list
	PRUNING_SORTER* RS = GetCompletePruningSorter();
	udword* Sorted = RS->Sort(MinList, nb+1).GetRanks();

	// 3) Prune the list
//	const udword* const LastSorted = &Sorted[nb];
//	const udword* const LastSorted = &Sorted[nb-1];
	const udword* RunningAddress = Sorted;
	udword Index0, Index1;

//	while(RunningAddress<LastSorted && Sorted<LastSorted)
//	while(RunningAddress<LastSorted)
//	while(Sorted<LastSorted)
//		Index0 = *Sorted++;
		Index0 = *RunningAddress++;

//		while(RunningAddress<LastSorted && PosList[*RunningAddress++]<PosList[Index0]);
//		while(PosList[*RunningAddress++]<PosList[Index0]);
//RunningAddress = Sorted;
//		if(RunningAddress<LastSorted)
			const udword* RunningAddress2 = RunningAddress;

//			while(RunningAddress2<LastSorted && PosList[Index1 = *RunningAddress2++]<=array[Index0]->GetMax(Axis0))

//			float CurrentMin = array[Index0]->GetMin(Axis0);
			float CurrentMax = array[Index0]->GetMax(Axis0);

			while(MinList[Index1 = *RunningAddress2] <= CurrentMax)
//			while(PosList[Index1 = *RunningAddress] <= CurrentMax)
//				if(Index0!=Index1)
//				{
					if(array[Index0]->Intersect(*array[Index1], Axis1))
						if(array[Index0]->Intersect(*array[Index1], Axis2))
							pairs.AddPair(Index0, Index1);
//				}

//				RunningAddress++;


	return true;
 *	Complete box pruning.
 *  Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair
 *  belongs to the same set.
 *  NOTE: code uses floats instead of dReals because Opcode's radix sort
 *  is optimized for floats :)
 *	@param	count	[in] number of boxes.
 *	@param	geoms	[in] geoms of boxes.
 *	@param	pairs	[out] array of overlapping pairs.
 *	@param	axes	[in] projection order (0,2,1 is often best).
 *	@return	true	If success.
static bool complete_box_pruning( int count, const dxGeom** geoms, Pairs& pairs, const Axes& axes )
    // Checks
    if (!count || !geoms)
        return false;

    // Catch axes
    udword Axis0 = axes.mAxis0;
    udword Axis1 = axes.mAxis1;
    udword Axis2 = axes.mAxis2;

    // Axis indices into geom's aabb are: min=idx, max=idx+1
    udword ax0idx = Axis0*2;
    udword ax1idx = Axis1*2;
    udword ax2idx = Axis2*2;

    // Allocate some temporary data
    // TBD: persistent allocation between queries?
    float* PosList = new float[count+1];

    // 1) Build main list using the primary axis
    for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
        PosList[i] = (float)geoms[i]->aabb[ax0idx];
    PosList[count++] = MAX_FLOAT;

    // 2) Sort the list
    PRUNING_SORTER* RS = get_pruning_sorter();
    const udword* Sorted = RS->Sort(PosList, count).GetRanks();

    // 3) Prune the list
    const udword* const LastSorted = &Sorted[count];
    const udword* RunningAddress = Sorted;
    udword Index0, Index1;
    while( RunningAddress < LastSorted && Sorted < LastSorted ) {
        Index0 = *Sorted++;

        while( PosList[*RunningAddress++] < PosList[Index0] ) {
            // empty, the loop just advances RunningAddress

        if( RunningAddress < LastSorted ) {
            const udword* RunningAddress2 = RunningAddress;

            float idx0ax0max = (float)geoms[Index0]->aabb[ax0idx+1];
            float idx0ax1max = (float)geoms[Index0]->aabb[ax1idx+1];
            float idx0ax2max = (float)geoms[Index0]->aabb[ax2idx+1];
            while( PosList[Index1 = *RunningAddress2++] <= idx0ax0max ) {
//				if(Index0!=Index1)
//				{
                const dReal* aabb0 = geoms[Index0]->aabb;
                const dReal* aabb1 = geoms[Index1]->aabb;
                if( idx0ax1max < (float)aabb1[ax1idx] || (float)aabb1[ax1idx+1] < (float)aabb0[ax1idx] ) {
                    // no intersection
                } else {
                    if( idx0ax2max < (float)aabb1[ax2idx] || (float)aabb1[ax2idx+1] < (float)aabb0[ax2idx] ) {
                        // no intersection
                    } else {
                        // yes! :)
                        pairs.AddPair( Index0, Index1 );
//				}
    return true;