Exemple #1
void test_read_parallel(int num_verts)
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;
  EntityHandle file_set;
  ErrorCode rval;
  rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, file_set);

  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, opt.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);

  rval = pcomm->check_all_shared_handles();

    // get the total # owned verts
  Range verts;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBVERTEX, verts);
  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(verts, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);
  int my_num = verts.size(), total_verts;
  MPI_Reduce(&my_num, &total_verts, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, pcomm->proc_config().proc_comm());
  if (0 == pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank()) CHECK_EQUAL(total_verts, num_verts);
Exemple #2
void intersection_at_level(iMesh_Instance instance,
    iBase_EntitySetHandle fine_set, iBase_EntitySetHandle lagr_set,
    iBase_EntitySetHandle intx_set, double * dep_coords, double radius2,
    int * ierr) {
  *ierr = 1;
  Interface * mb = MOABI;
  //MPI_Comm mpicomm = MPI_Comm_f2c(comm);
  // instantiate parallel comm now or not?

  EntityHandle lagrMeshSet = (EntityHandle) lagr_set;

  ParallelComm *pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(mb, 0);
  if (NULL == pcomm)
    return; // error is 1

  // set the departure tag on the fine mesh vertices
  ErrorCode rval = set_departure_points_position(mb, lagrMeshSet, dep_coords,
  ERRORV(rval, "can't set departure tag");
  if (debug) {
    std::stringstream fff;
    fff << "lagr0" << pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() << ".vtk";
    rval = mb->write_mesh(fff.str().c_str(), &lagrMeshSet, 1);
    ERRORV(rval, "can't write covering set ");

  // it should be done earlier

  EntityHandle covering_set;
  rval = pworker->create_departure_mesh_3rd_alg(lagrMeshSet, covering_set);
  ERRORV(rval, "can't compute covering set ");

  if (debug) {
    std::stringstream fff;
    fff << "cover" << pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() << ".vtk";
    rval = mb->write_mesh(fff.str().c_str(), &covering_set, 1);

    ERRORV(rval, "can't write covering set ");
  EntityHandle intxSet = (EntityHandle) intx_set;
  rval = pworker->intersect_meshes(covering_set, (EntityHandle) fine_set,
  ERRORV(rval, "can't intersect ");

  if (debug) {
    std::stringstream fff;
    fff << "intx0" << pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() << ".vtk";
    rval = mb->write_mesh(fff.str().c_str(), &intxSet, 1);
    ERRORV(rval, "can't write covering set ");

Exemple #3
void test_read_conn()
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  std::string opts;

  ErrorCode rval = mb.load_file(conn_fname, NULL, opts.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int procs = 1;

  // Make check runs this test on one processor
  if (1 == procs) {
    // Get vertices
    Range verts;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBVERTEX, verts);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)3458, verts.size());

    // Get cells
    Range cells;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBQUAD, cells);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)3456, cells.size());
Exemple #4
void test_read_onevar() 
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  std::string opts;

  // Read mesh and read vertex variable T at all timesteps
  opts += std::string(";VARIABLE=T");
  ErrorCode rval = mb.load_file(example, NULL, opts.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int procs = 1;

  // Make check runs this test on one processor
  if (1 == procs) {
    // Check for proper tags
    Tag Ttag0, Ttag1;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("T0", levels, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, Ttag0);
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("T1", levels, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, Ttag1);

    // Get vertices
    Range verts;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBVERTEX, verts);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)3458, verts.size());

    // Get all values of tag T0
    int count;
    void* Tbuf;
    rval = mb.tag_iterate(Ttag0, verts.begin(), verts.end(), count, Tbuf);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)count, verts.size());

    const double eps = 0.0001;
    double* data = (double*) Tbuf;

    // Check first level values on 4 strategically selected vertices
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(233.1136, data[0 * levels], eps); // First vert
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(236.1505, data[1728 * levels], eps); // Median vert
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(235.7722, data[1729 * levels], eps); // Median vert
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(234.0416, data[3457 * levels], eps); // Last vert
Exemple #5
// Helper functions
void read_one_cell_var(bool rcbzoltan)
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  if (rcbzoltan)

  ErrorCode rval = mb.load_file(example, NULL, read_options.c_str());

  // Get local edges
  Range local_edges;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBEDGE, local_edges);
  CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)0, local_edges.size());

  // Get local cells
  Range local_cells;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBPOLYGON, local_cells);
  // No mixed elements
  CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, local_cells.psize());

  Tag gid_tag;
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gid_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE);

  std::vector<int> gids(local_cells.size());
  rval = mb.tag_get_data(gid_tag, local_cells, &gids[0]);
  Range local_cell_gids;
  std::copy(gids.rbegin(), gids.rend(), range_inserter(local_cell_gids));

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();

  // Make check runs this test on two processors
  if (2 == procs) {
    // Check tag for cell variable vorticity at timestep 0
    Tag vorticity_tag0;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag0);

    // Check tag for cell variable vorticity at timestep 1
    Tag vorticity_tag1;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity1", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag1);

    // Get vorticity0 and vorticity1 tag values on 3 local cells
    double vorticity0_val[3 * layers];
    double vorticity1_val[3 * layers];

    if (rcbzoltan) {
      CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)14, local_cell_gids.psize());

      if (0 == rank) {
        CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)319, local_cells.size());
        CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)319, local_cell_gids.size());

        CHECK_EQUAL(3, (int)local_cell_gids[0]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(162, (int)local_cell_gids[159]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(642, (int)local_cell_gids[318]);

        EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {local_cells[0], local_cells[159], local_cells[318]};
        rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, cell_ents, 3, vorticity0_val);

        // Timestep 0
        // Layer 0
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.725999, vorticity0_val[0 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.814997, vorticity0_val[1 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[2 * layers], eps);
        // Layer 1
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.725989, vorticity0_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.814972, vorticity0_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);

        rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag1, cell_ents, 3, vorticity1_val);

        // Timestep 1
        // Layer 0
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.706871, vorticity1_val[0 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.767178, vorticity1_val[1 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540269, vorticity1_val[2 * layers], eps);
        // Layer 1
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.706861, vorticity1_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.767153, vorticity1_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540262, vorticity1_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
      else if (1 == rank) {
        CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)323, local_cells.size());
        CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)323, local_cell_gids.size());

        CHECK_EQUAL(1, (int)local_cell_gids[0]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(365, (int)local_cell_gids[161]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(557, (int)local_cell_gids[322]);

        EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {local_cells[0], local_cells[161], local_cells[322]};
        rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, cell_ents, 3, vorticity0_val);

        // Timestep 0
        // Layer 0
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629994, vorticity0_val[0 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.173971, vorticity0_val[1 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.526371, vorticity0_val[2 * layers], eps);
        // Layer 1
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629944, vorticity0_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.173955, vorticity0_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.526322, vorticity0_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);

        rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag1, cell_ents, 3, vorticity1_val);

        // Timestep 1
        // Layer 0
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534355, vorticity1_val[0 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.143041, vorticity1_val[1 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.433463, vorticity1_val[2 * layers], eps);
        // Layer 1
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534306, vorticity1_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.143025, vorticity1_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.433415, vorticity1_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
    else {
      CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)321, local_cells.size());
      CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)321, local_cell_gids.size());
      CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, local_cell_gids.psize());

      EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {local_cells[0], local_cells[160], local_cells[320]};
      rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, cell_ents, 3, vorticity0_val);

      rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag1, cell_ents, 3, vorticity1_val);

      if (0 == rank) {
        CHECK_EQUAL(1, (int)local_cell_gids[0]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(161, (int)local_cell_gids[160]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(321, (int)local_cell_gids[320]);

        // Timestep 0
        // Layer 0
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629994, vorticity0_val[0 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.708188, vorticity0_val[1 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131688, vorticity0_val[2 * layers], eps);
        // Layer 1
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629944, vorticity0_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.708164, vorticity0_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131686, vorticity0_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);

        // Timestep 1
        // Layer 0
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534355, vorticity1_val[0 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.663182, vorticity1_val[1 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.128218, vorticity1_val[2 * layers], eps);
        // Layer 1
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534306, vorticity1_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.663160, vorticity1_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.128216, vorticity1_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
      else if (1 == rank) {
        CHECK_EQUAL(322, (int)local_cell_gids[0]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(482, (int)local_cell_gids[160]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(642, (int)local_cell_gids[320]);

        // Timestep 0
        // Layer 0
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[0 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(2.434397, vorticity0_val[1 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[2 * layers], eps);
        // Layer 1
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(2.434363, vorticity0_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);

        // Timestep 1
        // Layer 0
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540269, vorticity1_val[0 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(2.370258, vorticity1_val[1 * layers], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540269, vorticity1_val[2 * layers], eps);
        // Layer 1
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540262, vorticity1_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(2.370226, vorticity1_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
        CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540262, vorticity1_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
Exemple #6
void read_mesh_parallel(bool rcbzoltan)
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  if (rcbzoltan)

  ErrorCode rval = mb.load_file(example, NULL, read_options.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();

  rval = pcomm->check_all_shared_handles();

  // Get local vertices
  Range local_verts;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBVERTEX, local_verts);

  int verts_num = local_verts.size();
  if (2 == procs) {
    if (rcbzoltan) {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(684, verts_num);
      else if (1 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(691, verts_num); // Not owned vertices included
    else {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(687, verts_num);
      else if (1 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(688, verts_num); // Not owned vertices included

  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(local_verts, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);

  verts_num = local_verts.size();
  if (2 == procs) {
    if (rcbzoltan) {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(684, verts_num);
      else if (1 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(596, verts_num); // Not owned vertices excluded
    else {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(687, verts_num);
      else if (1 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(593, verts_num); // Not owned vertices excluded

  // Get local edges
  Range local_edges;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBEDGE, local_edges);

  int edges_num = local_edges.size();
  if (2 == procs) {
    if (rcbzoltan) {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(1002, edges_num);
      else if (1 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(1013, edges_num); // Not owned edges included
    else {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(1007, edges_num);
      else if (1 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(1008, edges_num); // Not owned edges included

  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(local_edges, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);

  edges_num = local_edges.size();
  if (2 == procs) {
    if (rcbzoltan) {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(1002, edges_num);
      else if (1 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(918, edges_num); // Not owned edges excluded
    else {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(1007, edges_num);
      else if (1 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(913, edges_num); // Not owned edges excluded

  // Get local cells
  Range local_cells;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBPOLYGON, local_cells);
  // No mixed elements
  CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, local_cells.psize());

  int cells_num = local_cells.size();
  if (2 == procs) {
    if (rcbzoltan) {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(319, cells_num);
        CHECK_EQUAL(323, cells_num);
      CHECK_EQUAL(321, cells_num);

  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(local_cells, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);

  cells_num = local_cells.size();
  if (2 == procs) {
    if (rcbzoltan) {
      if (0 == rank)
        CHECK_EQUAL(319, cells_num);
        CHECK_EQUAL(323, cells_num);
      CHECK_EQUAL(321, cells_num);

  std::cout << "proc: " << rank << " verts:" << verts_num << "\n";

  int total_verts_num;
  MPI_Reduce(&verts_num, &total_verts_num, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, pcomm->proc_config().proc_comm());
  if (0 == rank) {
    std::cout << "total vertices: " << total_verts_num << "\n";
    CHECK_EQUAL(1280, total_verts_num);

  std::cout << "proc: " << rank << " edges:" << edges_num << "\n";

  int total_edges_num;
  MPI_Reduce(&edges_num, &total_edges_num, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, pcomm->proc_config().proc_comm());
  if (0 == rank) {
    std::cout << "total edges: " << total_edges_num << "\n";
    CHECK_EQUAL(1920, total_edges_num);

  std::cout << "proc: " << rank << " cells:" << cells_num << "\n";

  int total_cells_num;
  MPI_Reduce(&cells_num, &total_cells_num, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, pcomm->proc_config().proc_comm());
  if (0 == rank) {
    std::cout << "total cells: " << total_cells_num << "\n";
    CHECK_EQUAL(642, total_cells_num);

  std::string write_options("PARALLEL=WRITE_PART;");

  std::string output_file = "test_gcrm";
  if (rcbzoltan)
    output_file += "_rcbzoltan";
  output_file += ".h5m";

  mb.write_file(output_file.c_str(), NULL, write_options.c_str());
Exemple #7
void test_read_all()
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  std::string opts;

  // Read mesh and read all variables at all timesteps
  ErrorCode rval = mb.load_file(example, 0, opts.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int procs = 1;

  // Make check runs this test on one processor
  if (1 == procs) {
    // For u, wind and vorticity, check tag values on two entities
    double val[2 * layers];

    // Check tags for vertex variable u
    Tag u_tag0, u_tag1;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("u0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, u_tag0);
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("u1", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, u_tag1);

    // Get vertices (1280 vertices)
    Range verts;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBVERTEX, verts);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1280, verts.size());
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, verts.psize());

    // Check u tag values on first and last vertices
    EntityHandle vert_ents[] = {verts[0], verts[1279]};

    // Only check first two layers
    // Timestep 0
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(u_tag0, vert_ents, 2, val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-4.839992, val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-3.699257, val[1 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-4.839925, val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-3.699206, val[1 * layers + 1], eps);

    // Timestep 1
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(u_tag1, vert_ents, 2, val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-4.712473, val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-3.601793, val[1 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-4.712409, val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-3.601743, val[1 * layers + 1], eps);

    // Check tags for edge variable wind
    Tag wind_tag0, wind_tag1;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("wind0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, wind_tag0);
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("wind1", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, wind_tag1);

    // Get edges (1920 edges)
    Range edges;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBEDGE, edges);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1920, edges.size());
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, edges.psize());

    // Check wind tag values on first and last edges
    EntityHandle edge_ents[] = {edges[0], edges[1919]};

    // Only check first two layers
    // Timestep 0
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(wind_tag0, edge_ents, 2, val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-5.081991, val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-6.420274, val[1 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-5.081781, val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-6.419831, val[1 * layers + 1], eps);

    // Timestep 1
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(wind_tag1, edge_ents, 2, val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-4.948097, val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-6.251121, val[1 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-4.947892, val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-6.250690, val[1 * layers + 1], eps);

    // Check tags for cell variable vorticity
    Tag vorticity_tag0, vorticity_tag1;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag0);
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity1", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag1);

    // Get cells (12 pentagons and 630 hexagons)
    Range cells;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBPOLYGON, cells);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)642, cells.size());

    // GCRM pentagons are always padded to hexagons
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, cells.psize());

    // Check vorticity tag values on first and last cells
    EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {cells[0], cells[641]};

    // Only check first two layers
    // Timestep 0
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, cell_ents, 2, val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629994, val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, val[1 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629944, val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, val[1 * layers + 1], eps);

    // Timestep 1
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag1, cell_ents, 2, val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534355, val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540269, val[1 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534306, val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540262, val[1 * layers + 1], eps);

    // Check tags for cell variable pressure
    Tag pressure_tag0, pressure_tag1;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("pressure0", interfaces, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, pressure_tag0);
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("pressure1", interfaces, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, pressure_tag1);

    // For pressure, check tag values on two cells
    double pressure_val[2 * interfaces];

    // Check pressure tag values on first and last cells
    // Only check first two interfaces
    // Timestep 0
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(pressure_tag0, cell_ents, 2, pressure_val);
    // Interface 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(4.44234e-06, pressure_val[0 * interfaces], 1e-11);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.2486804, pressure_val[1 * interfaces], 1e-7);
    // Interface 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(4.44234e-06, pressure_val[0 * interfaces + 1], 1e-11);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.2486804, pressure_val[1 * interfaces + 1], 1e-7);

    // Timestep 1
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(pressure_tag1, cell_ents, 2, pressure_val);
    // Interface 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(2.365176e-07, pressure_val[0 * interfaces], 1e-13);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.02234409, pressure_val[1 * interfaces], 1e-8);
    // Interface 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(2.365176e-07, pressure_val[0 * interfaces + 1], 1e-13);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.02234409, pressure_val[1 * interfaces + 1], 1e-8);
Exemple #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  LONG_DESC << "This program simulates a transport problem on a sphere"
        " according to a benchmark from a Nair & Lauritzen paper.\n"
        << "It starts with a partitioned mesh on a sphere, add a tracer, and steps through.\n" <<
        "The flow reverses after half time, and it should return to original configuration, if the integration was exact. ";
  ProgOptions opts(LONG_DESC.str(), BRIEF_DESC);

  // read a homme file, partitioned in 16 so far
  std::string fileN= TestDir + "/HN16.h5m";
  const char *filename_mesh1 = fileN.c_str();

      "geometric absolute tolerance (used for point concidence on the sphere)", &gtol);

  std::string input_file;
  opts.addOpt<std::string>("input_file,i", "input mesh file, partitioned",
  std::string extra_read_opts;
  opts.addOpt<std::string>("extra_read_options,O", "extra read options ",
  //int field_type;
        "field type--  1: quasi-smooth; 2: smooth; 3: slotted cylinders (non-smooth)", &field_type);

          "number of  steps ", &numSteps);

  //bool reorder = false;
  opts.addOpt<void>("write_debug_files,w", "write debugging files during simulation ",

  opts.addOpt<void>("write_velocity_files,v", "Reorder mesh to group entities by partition",

  opts.addOpt<void>("write_result_in_parallel,p", "write tracer result files",

  opts.parseCommandLine(argc, argv);

  if (!input_file.empty())

  // read in parallel, in the "euler_set", the initial mesh
  std::string optsRead = std::string("PARALLEL=READ_PART;PARTITION=PARALLEL_PARTITION")+
  Core moab;
  Interface & mb = moab;
  EntityHandle euler_set;
  ErrorCode rval;
  rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, euler_set);

  rval = mb.load_file(filename_mesh1, &euler_set, optsRead.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);

  rval = pcomm->check_all_shared_handles();

  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();

  if (0==rank)
    std::cout << " case 1: use -gtol " << gtol <<
        " -R " << radius << " -input " << filename_mesh1 <<  " -f " << field_type <<
        " numSteps: " << numSteps << "\n";
    std::cout<<" write debug results: " << (writeFiles ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";
    std::cout<< " write tracer in parallel: " << ( parallelWrite ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";
    std::cout <<" output velocity: " << (velocity? "yes" : "no") << "\n";

  // tagTracer is the value at nodes
  Tag tagTracer = 0;
  std::string tag_name("Tracer");
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle(tag_name.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tagTracer, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT);

  // tagElem is the average computed at each element, from nodal values
  Tag tagElem = 0;
  std::string tag_name2("TracerAverage");
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle(tag_name2.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tagElem, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT);

  // area of the euler element is fixed, store it; it is used to recompute the averages at each
  // time step
  Tag tagArea = 0;
  std::string tag_name4("Area");
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle(tag_name4.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tagArea, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT);

  // add a field value, quasi smooth first
  rval = add_field_value(&mb, euler_set, rank, tagTracer, tagElem, tagArea);

  // iniVals are used for 1-norm error computation
  Range redEls;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_dimension(euler_set, 2, redEls);
  std::vector<double> iniVals(redEls.size());
  rval = mb.tag_get_data(tagElem, redEls, &iniVals[0]);

  Tag tagh = 0;
  std::string tag_name3("Case1");
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle(tag_name3.c_str(), 3, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tagh, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT);
  EntityHandle out_set, lagr_set;
  rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, out_set);
  rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, lagr_set);
  // copy the initial mesh in the lagrangian set
  // initial vertices will be at the same position as euler;

  rval = create_lagr_mesh(&mb, euler_set, lagr_set);

  Intx2MeshOnSphere worker(&mb);


  Range local_verts;
  rval = worker.build_processor_euler_boxes(euler_set, local_verts);// output also the local_verts
  // these stay fixed for one run
  // other things from intersection might need to change, like input blue set (departure set)
  // so we need also a method to clean memory

  for (int i=1; i<numSteps+1; i++)
    // time depends on i; t = i*T/numSteps: ( 0, T/numSteps, 2*T/numSteps, ..., T )
    // this is really just to create some plots; it is not really needed to proceed
    // the compute_tracer_case1 method actually computes the departure point position
    if (velocity)
      rval = compute_velocity_case1(&mb, euler_set, tagh, rank, i);

    // this is to actually compute concentrations at time step i, using the
    //  current concentrations
    rval = compute_tracer_case1(&mb, worker, euler_set, lagr_set, out_set,
        tagElem, tagArea, rank, i, local_verts);


  //final vals and 1-norm
  Range::iterator iter = redEls.begin();
  double norm1 = 0.;
  int count =0;
  void * data;
  int j=0;// index in iniVals
  while (iter != redEls.end())
    rval = mb.tag_iterate(tagElem, iter, redEls.end(), count, data);
    double * ptrTracer=(double*)data;

    rval = mb.tag_iterate(tagArea, iter, redEls.end(), count, data);
    double * ptrArea=(double*)data;
    for (int i=0; i<count; i++, iter++, ptrTracer++, ptrArea++, j++)
      //double area = *ptrArea;
      norm1+=fabs(*ptrTracer - iniVals[j])* (*ptrArea);

  double total_norm1=0;
  int mpi_err = MPI_Reduce(&norm1, &total_norm1, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != mpi_err) return 1;
  if (0==rank)
    std::cout << " numSteps:" << numSteps << " 1-norm:" << total_norm1 << "\n";
  return 0;
Exemple #9
void test_read_novars()
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  // Need a file set for nomesh to work right
  EntityHandle file_set;
  ErrorCode rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, file_set);

  std::string orig, opts;

  // Read header info only, no mesh, no variables
  opts = orig + ";NOMESH;VARIABLE=";
  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, opts.c_str());

  // Read mesh, but still no variables
  opts = orig + ";VARIABLE=";
  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, opts.c_str());

  // Check vorticity tags
  Tag vorticity_tag0, vorticity_tag1;
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag0);
  // Tag vorticity0 should not exist
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity1", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag1);
  // Tag vorticity1 should not exist

  // Read vorticity at 1st timestep, no need to read mesh
  opts = orig + ";VARIABLE=vorticity;TIMESTEP=0;NOMESH";
  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, opts.c_str());

  // Check vorticity tags again
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag0);
  // Tag vorticity0 should exist at this time
  // Tag vorticity1 should still not exist
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity1", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag1);

  // Read vorticity at 2nd timestep, no need to read mesh
  opts = orig + ";VARIABLE=vorticity;TIMESTEP=1;NOMESH";
  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, opts.c_str());

  // Check tag vorticity1 again
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity1", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag1);
  // Tag vorticity1 should exist at this time

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int procs = 1;

  // Make check runs this test on one processor
  if (1 == procs) {
    // Get cells (12 pentagons and 630 hexagons)
    Range cells;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(file_set, MBPOLYGON, cells);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)642, cells.size());

    // GCRM pentagons are always padded to hexagons
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, cells.psize());

    // Check vorticity tag values on 4 cells: first cell, two median cells, and last cell
    EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {cells[0], cells[320], cells[321], cells[641]};
    double vorticity_val[4 * layers];

    // Only check first two layers
    // Timestep 0
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, cell_ents, 4, vorticity_val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629994, vorticity_val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131688, vorticity_val[1 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity_val[2 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity_val[3 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629944, vorticity_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131686, vorticity_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity_val[3 * layers + 1], eps);

    // Timestep 1
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag1, cell_ents, 4, vorticity_val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534355, vorticity_val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.128218, vorticity_val[1 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540269, vorticity_val[2 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540269, vorticity_val[3 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534306, vorticity_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.128216, vorticity_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540262, vorticity_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540262, vorticity_val[3 * layers + 1], eps);
Exemple #10
void test_gather_onevar()
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  EntityHandle file_set;
  ErrorCode rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, file_set);

  std::string opts;

  // Read cell variable vorticity and create gather set on processor 0
  opts += ";VARIABLE=vorticity;GATHER_SET=0";
  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, opts.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();

  Range cells, cells_owned;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(file_set, MBPOLYGON, cells);

  // Get local owned cells
  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(cells, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &cells_owned);

  EntityHandle gather_set = 0;
  if (0 == rank) {
    // Get gather set
    ReadUtilIface* readUtilIface;
    rval = readUtilIface->get_gather_set(gather_set);
    assert(gather_set != 0);

  Tag vorticity_tag0, gid_tag;
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag0, MB_TAG_DENSE);

  rval = mb.tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gid_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE);

  pcomm->gather_data(cells_owned, vorticity_tag0, gid_tag, gather_set, 0);

  if (0 == rank) {
    // Get gather set cells
    Range gather_set_cells;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(gather_set, MBPOLYGON, gather_set_cells);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)642, gather_set_cells.size());
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, gather_set_cells.psize());

    // Check vorticity0 tag values on 4 gather set cells: first cell, two median cells, and last cell
    EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {gather_set_cells[0], gather_set_cells[320],
                                gather_set_cells[321], gather_set_cells[641]};
    double vorticity0_val[4 * layers];
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, cell_ents, 4, vorticity0_val);

    // Only check first two layers
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629994, vorticity0_val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131688, vorticity0_val[1 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[2 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[3 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629944, vorticity0_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131686, vorticity0_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[3 * layers + 1], eps);
Exemple #11
int main(int argc, char **argv)

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  std::string extra_read_opts;
  std::string fileN= TestDir + "/io/mpasx1.642.t.2.nc";
  const char *filename_mesh1 = fileN.c_str();
  bool flux_form = false;
  if (argc > 1)
    int index = 1;
    while (index < argc)
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-gtol")) // this is for geometry tolerance
        gtol = atof(argv[++index]);
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-dt"))
        delta_t = atof(argv[++index]);
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-input"))
        filename_mesh1 = argv[++index];
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-R"))
        radius = atof(argv[++index]);
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-O"))
        extra_read_opts = std::string(argv[++index]);
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-FF"))
        flux_form= true;
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-v"))
        Verbose = true;
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-t"))
        t = atof(argv[++index]);
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-t"))
        t = atof(argv[++index]);
      if (!strcmp(argv[index], "-rot"))
        rot = atof(argv[++index]);
        rot = M_PI/rot; // so rot 50 means rotate with M_PI/50 radians

  // start copy
  std::string opts = std::string("PARALLEL=READ_PART;PARTITION_METHOD=RCBZOLTAN")+
  Core moab;
  Interface & mb = moab;
  EntityHandle euler_set;
  ErrorCode rval;
  rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, euler_set);

  clock_t tt = clock();

  rval = mb.load_file(filename_mesh1, &euler_set, opts.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);

  /*rval = pcomm->check_all_shared_handles();
  // end copy
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();

  if (0==rank)
    std::cout << " case 1: use -gtol " << gtol << " -dt " << delta_t <<
        " -R " << radius << " -input " << filename_mesh1 << " -t " << t << " -rot " << rot <<  "\n";

  if (0==rank)
      std::cout << "load mesh from " << filename_mesh1 << "\n  on " << procs << " processors in "
            << (clock() - tt) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl;
      tt = clock();

  rval = manufacture_lagrange_mesh_on_sphere(&mb, euler_set);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return 1;
  // create a set with quads corresponding to each initial edge spanned with the displacement field

  if (flux_form)
    rval = create_span_quads(&mb, euler_set, rank);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return 1;

  EntityHandle covering_lagr_set;
  rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, covering_lagr_set);
  Intx2MeshOnSphere worker(&mb);

  //double radius = 1.; // input

  if (0==rank)
     std::cout << "manufacture departure mesh " << filename_mesh1 << "\n  on " << procs << " processors in "
              << (clock() - tt) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl;
     tt = clock();
  rval = worker.create_departure_mesh_2nd_alg(euler_set, covering_lagr_set);

  if (0==rank)
     std::cout << "communicate covering mesh on " << procs << " processors in "
              << (clock() - tt) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl;
     tt = clock();

  if (Verbose)
    std::stringstream lagrIni;
    lagrIni<<"lagr0" << rank<<".h5m";
    rval = mb.write_file(lagrIni.str().c_str(), 0, 0, &covering_lagr_set, 1);

  rval = enforce_convexity(&mb, covering_lagr_set, rank);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return 1;
  if (Verbose)
    std::stringstream ste;
    ste<<"euler0" << rank<<".h5m";
    rval = mb.write_file(ste.str().c_str(), 0, 0, &euler_set, 1);

  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    std::cout << "can't write lagr set\n";

  EntityHandle outputSet;
  rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, outputSet);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return 1;
  rval = worker.intersect_meshes(covering_lagr_set, euler_set, outputSet);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return 1;
  if (0==rank)
     std::cout << "intersect meshes in " << procs << " processors in "
              << (clock() - tt) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl;
     tt = clock();
  if (Verbose && rank<=4)
    std::string opts_write("");
    std::stringstream outf;
    outf << "intersect0" << rank << ".h5m";
    rval = mb.write_file(outf.str().c_str(), 0, 0, &outputSet, 1);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      std::cout << "can't write output\n";

  if (rank <= 4)
    double intx_area = area_on_sphere_lHuiller(&mb, outputSet, radius);
    double arrival_area = area_on_sphere_lHuiller(&mb, euler_set, radius);
    std::cout << "On proc " << rank << "  arrival area: " << arrival_area
        << "  intersection area:" << intx_area << " rel error: "
        << fabs((intx_area - arrival_area) / arrival_area) << "\n";

  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return 1;

  return 0;
Exemple #12
void test_read_onevar()
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  std::string opts;

  // Read mesh and read cell variable vorticity at all timesteps
  opts += ";VARIABLE=vorticity";
  ErrorCode rval = mb.load_file(example, NULL, opts.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int procs = 1;

  // Make check runs this test on one processor
  if (1 == procs) {
    // Check vorticity tags
    Tag vorticity_tag0, vorticity_tag1;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag0);
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity1", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag1);

    // Get cells (12 pentagons and 630 hexagons)
    Range cells;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBPOLYGON, cells);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)642, cells.size());

    // GCRM pentagons are always padded to hexagons
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, cells.psize());

    // Check vorticity tag values on 4 cells: first cell, two median cells, and last cell
    EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {cells[0], cells[320], cells[321], cells[641]};
    double vorticity_val[4 * layers];

    // Only check first two layers
    // Timestep 0
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, cell_ents, 4, vorticity_val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629994, vorticity_val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131688, vorticity_val[1 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity_val[2 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity_val[3 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629944, vorticity_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131686, vorticity_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity_val[3 * layers + 1], eps);

    // Timestep 1
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag1, cell_ents, 4, vorticity_val);
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534355, vorticity_val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.128218, vorticity_val[1 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540269, vorticity_val[2 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540269, vorticity_val[3 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.534306, vorticity_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.128216, vorticity_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540262, vorticity_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.540262, vorticity_val[3 * layers + 1], eps);
Exemple #13
void gather_one_cell_var(int gather_set_rank)
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  EntityHandle file_set;
  ErrorCode rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, file_set);

  std::ostringstream gather_set_option;
  gather_set_option << ";GATHER_SET=" << gather_set_rank;
  read_options += gather_set_option.str();

  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, read_options.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();

  // Make sure gather_set_rank is valid
  if (gather_set_rank < 0 || gather_set_rank >= procs)

  Range cells, cells_owned;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(file_set, MBPOLYGON, cells);

  // Get local owned cells
  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(cells, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &cells_owned);

  EntityHandle gather_set = 0;
  if (gather_set_rank == rank) {
    // Get gather set
    ReadUtilIface* readUtilIface;
    rval = readUtilIface->get_gather_set(gather_set);
    assert(gather_set != 0);

  Tag vorticity_tag0, gid_tag;
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag0, MB_TAG_DENSE);

  rval = mb.tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gid_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE);

  pcomm->gather_data(cells_owned, vorticity_tag0, gid_tag, gather_set, gather_set_rank);

  if (gather_set_rank == rank) {
    // Get gather set cells
    Range gather_set_cells;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(gather_set, MBPOLYGON, gather_set_cells);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)642, gather_set_cells.size());
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, gather_set_cells.psize());

    // Check vorticity0 tag values on 4 gather set cells: first cell, two median cells, and last cell
    EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {gather_set_cells[0], gather_set_cells[320],
                                gather_set_cells[321], gather_set_cells[641]};
    double vorticity0_val[4 * layers];
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, &cell_ents[0], 4, vorticity0_val);

    // Only check first two layers
    // Layer 0
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629994, vorticity0_val[0 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131688, vorticity0_val[1 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[2 * layers], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[3 * layers], eps);
    // Layer 1
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629944, vorticity0_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131686, vorticity0_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[3 * layers + 1], eps);
Exemple #14
void test_gather_onevar()
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  EntityHandle file_set;
  ErrorCode rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, file_set);

  std::string opts;

  // Read vertex variable T and create gather set on processor 0
  opts += ";VARIABLE=T;GATHER_SET=0";
  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, opts.c_str());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();

  Range verts, verts_owned;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(file_set, MBVERTEX, verts);

  // Get local owned vertices
  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(verts, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &verts_owned);

  EntityHandle gather_set = 0;
  if (0 == rank) {
    // Get gather set
    ReadUtilIface* readUtilIface;
    rval = readUtilIface->get_gather_set(gather_set);
    assert(gather_set != 0);

  Tag Ttag0, gid_tag;
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("T0", levels, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, Ttag0, MB_TAG_DENSE);

  rval = mb.tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gid_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE);

  pcomm->gather_data(verts_owned, Ttag0, gid_tag, gather_set, 0);

  if (0 == rank) {
    // Get gather set vertices
    Range gather_set_verts;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(gather_set, MBVERTEX, gather_set_verts);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)3458, gather_set_verts.size());

    // Get T0 tag values on 4 strategically selected gather set vertices
    double T0_val[4 * levels];
    EntityHandle vert_ents[] = {gather_set_verts[0], gather_set_verts[1728],
                                gather_set_verts[1729], gather_set_verts[3457]};
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(Ttag0, vert_ents, 4, T0_val);

    const double eps = 0.001;

    // Check first level values
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(233.1136, T0_val[0 * levels], eps); // First vert
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(236.1505, T0_val[1 * levels], eps); // Median vert
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(235.7722, T0_val[2 * levels], eps); // Median vert
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(234.0416, T0_val[3 * levels], eps); // Last vert
Exemple #15
void test_read_fv_onevar() 
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;
  std::string opts;
  ErrorCode rval = get_options(opts);

  opts += std::string(";VARIABLE=T");
  rval = mb.load_file(example_fv, NULL, opts.c_str());

  // Check for proper tags
  Tag Ttag0, Ttag1;
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("T0", levels, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, Ttag0);

  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("T1", levels, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, Ttag1);

  // Check values of tag T0 (first level) at some strategically chosen places below
  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int rank = 0;
  int procs = 1;

  const double eps = 0.0001;
  double val[8 * levels];

  if (1 == procs) {
    Range global_quads;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBQUAD, global_quads);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)3312, global_quads.size());

    EntityHandle gloabl_quad_ents[] = {global_quads[0], global_quads[1619], global_quads[1656], global_quads[3275],
                                       global_quads[36], global_quads[1655], global_quads[1692], global_quads[3311]};
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(Ttag0, &gloabl_quad_ents[0], 8, val);

    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(253.6048, val[0 * levels], eps); // First global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.2170, val[1 * levels], eps); // 1620th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.7454, val[2 * levels], eps); // 1657th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(210.2581, val[3 * levels], eps); // 3276th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(253.6048, val[4 * levels], eps); // 37th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.9553, val[5 * levels], eps); // 1656th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.1704, val[6 * levels], eps); // 1693th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(210.2581, val[7 * levels], eps); // Last global quad
  else if (2 == procs) {
    Range local_quads;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBQUAD, local_quads);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1656, local_quads.size());

    EntityHandle local_quad_ents[] = {local_quads[0], local_quads[827], local_quads[828], local_quads[1655]};
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(Ttag0, &local_quad_ents[0], 4, val);

    if (0 == rank) {
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(253.6048, val[0 * levels], eps); // First local quad, first global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.2170, val[1 * levels], eps); // Median local quad, 1620th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.7454, val[2 * levels], eps); // Median local quad, 1657th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(210.2581, val[3 * levels], eps); // Last local quad, 3276th global quad
    else if (1 == rank) {
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(253.6048, val[0 * levels], eps); // First local quad, 37th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.9553, val[1 * levels], eps); // Median local quad, 1656th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.1704, val[2 * levels], eps); // Median local quad, 1693th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(210.2581, val[3 * levels], eps); // Last local quad, last global quad
Exemple #16
void test_read_eul_onevar() 
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;
  std::string opts;
  ErrorCode rval = get_options(opts);

  opts += std::string(";VARIABLE=T");
  rval = mb.load_file(example_eul, NULL, opts.c_str());

  // Check for proper tags
  Tag Ttag0, Ttag1;
  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("T0", levels, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, Ttag0);

  rval = mb.tag_get_handle("T1", levels, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, Ttag1);

  // Check values of tag T0 (first level) at some strategically chosen places below
  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int rank = 0;
  int procs = 1;

  const double eps = 0.0001;
  double val[8 * levels];

  if (1 == procs) {
    Range global_quads;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBQUAD, global_quads);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)4608, global_quads.size());

    EntityHandle gloabl_quad_ents[] = {global_quads[0], global_quads[2255], global_quads[2304], global_quads[4559],
                                       global_quads[48], global_quads[2303], global_quads[2352], global_quads[4607]};
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(Ttag0, &gloabl_quad_ents[0], 8, val);

    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(252.8529, val[0 * levels], eps); // First global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(234.8390, val[1 * levels], eps); // 2256th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.6458, val[2 * levels], eps); // 2305th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(205.3905, val[3 * levels], eps); // 4560th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(252.7116, val[4 * levels], eps); // 49th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.6670, val[5 * levels], eps); // 2304th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(234.6922, val[6 * levels], eps); // 2353th global quad
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(200.6828, val[7 * levels], eps); // Last global quad
  else if (2 == procs) {
    Range local_quads;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(0, MBQUAD, local_quads);
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)2304, local_quads.size());

    EntityHandle local_quad_ents[] = {local_quads[0], local_quads[1151], local_quads[1152], local_quads[2303]};
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(Ttag0, &local_quad_ents[0], 4, val);

    if (0 == rank) {
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(252.8529, val[0 * levels], eps); // First local quad, first global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(234.8390, val[1 * levels], eps); // Median local quad, 2256th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.6458, val[2 * levels], eps); // Median local quad, 2305th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(205.3905, val[3 * levels], eps); // Last local quad, 4560th global quad
    else if (1 == rank) {
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(252.7116, val[0 * levels], eps); // First local quad, 49th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(232.6670, val[1 * levels], eps); // Median local quad, 2304th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(234.6922, val[2 * levels], eps); // Median local quad, 2353th global quad
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(200.6828, val[3 * levels], eps); // Last local quad, last global quad
/// Construct an evaluator.
RefinerTagManager::RefinerTagManager( Interface* in_mesh, Interface* out_mesh )
  : shared_procs_in( 5 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 ), shared_procs_out( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 )
  assert( in_mesh );
  if ( ! out_mesh )
    out_mesh = in_mesh;

  this->input_mesh = in_mesh;
  this->output_mesh = out_mesh;
  ParallelComm* ipcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm( this->input_mesh, 0 );
  ParallelComm* opcomm = 0;
  if ( this->output_mesh != this->input_mesh )
    opcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm( this->output_mesh, 0 );
    if ( ! opcomm )
#ifdef MB_DEBUG
      std::cout << "Creating opcomm: " << opcomm << "\n";
#endif // MB_DEBUG
      opcomm = new ParallelComm( this->output_mesh, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    opcomm = ipcomm;

  if ( ipcomm )
      this->tag_ipsproc, this->tag_ipsprocs,
      this->tag_ipshand, this->tag_ipshands,
      this->tag_ipstatus );
    this->tag_ipsproc = this->tag_ipsprocs = 0;
    this->tag_ipshand = this->tag_ipshands = 0;
    this->tag_ipstatus = 0;

  if ( opcomm )
      this->tag_opsproc, this->tag_opsprocs,
      this->tag_opshand, this->tag_opshands,
      this->tag_opstatus );
    this->tag_opsproc = this->tag_opsprocs = 0;
    this->tag_opshand = this->tag_opshands = 0;
    this->tag_opstatus = 0;

  this->rank =
    ipcomm ? ipcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() :
    ( opcomm ? opcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() : 0 );

  // Create the mesh global ID tags if they aren't already there.
  int zero = 0;
  ErrorCode result;
  result = this->input_mesh->tag_get_handle(
  if ( result != MB_SUCCESS )
    throw new std::logic_error( "Unable to find input mesh global ID tag \"" GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME "\"" );
  result = this->output_mesh->tag_get_handle(
  if ( result != MB_SUCCESS )
    throw new std::logic_error( "Unable to find/create output mesh global ID tag \"" GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME "\"" );

#ifdef MB_DEBUG
    << "psproc:  " << this->tag_ipsproc  << ", " << this->tag_opsproc << "\n"
    << "psprocs: " << this->tag_ipsprocs << ", " << this->tag_opsprocs << "\n"
    << "pshand:  " << this->tag_ipshand  << ", " << this->tag_opshand << "\n"
    << "pshands: " << this->tag_ipshands << ", " << this->tag_opshands << "\n"
    << "pstatus: " << this->tag_ipstatus << ", " << this->tag_opstatus << "\n"
    << "gid:     " << this->tag_igid     << ", " << this->tag_ogid     << "\n";
#endif // MB_DEBUG
Exemple #18
void multiple_loads_of_same_file()
  Core moab;
  Interface& mb = moab;

  // Need a file set for nomesh to work right
  EntityHandle file_set;
  ErrorCode rval;
  rval = mb.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, file_set);

  // Read first only header information, no mesh, no variable

  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, read_options.c_str());

  // Create mesh, no variable

  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, read_options.c_str());

  // Read variable vorticity at timestep 0, no mesh

  rval = mb.load_file(example, &file_set, read_options.c_str());

  Range local_verts;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(file_set, MBVERTEX, local_verts);

  Range local_edges;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(file_set, MBEDGE, local_edges);

  Range local_cells;
  rval = mb.get_entities_by_type(file_set, MBPOLYGON, local_cells);
  // No mixed elements
  CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1, local_cells.psize());

  ParallelComm* pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&mb, 0);
  int procs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();

  // Make check runs this test on two processors
  if (2 == procs) {
    CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)321, local_cells.size());

    // Check tag for cell variable vorticity at timestep 0
    Tag vorticity_tag0;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle("vorticity0", layers, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vorticity_tag0);

    // Get vorticity0 tag values on 3 local cells
    double vorticity0_val[3 * layers];
    EntityHandle cell_ents[] = {local_cells[0], local_cells[160], local_cells[320]};
    rval = mb.tag_get_data(vorticity_tag0, cell_ents, 3, vorticity0_val);

    if (0 == rank) {
      CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)687, local_verts.size());
      CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1007, local_edges.size());

      // Layer 0
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629994, vorticity0_val[0 * layers], eps);
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.708188, vorticity0_val[1 * layers], eps);
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131688, vorticity0_val[2 * layers], eps);
      // Layer 1
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(3.629944, vorticity0_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-1.708164, vorticity0_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(0.131686, vorticity0_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
    else if (1 == rank) {
      CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)688, local_verts.size());
      CHECK_EQUAL((size_t)1008, local_edges.size());

      // Layer 0
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[0 * layers], eps);
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(2.434397, vorticity0_val[1 * layers], eps);
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554888, vorticity0_val[2 * layers], eps);
      // Layer 1
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[0 * layers + 1], eps);
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(2.434363, vorticity0_val[1 * layers + 1], eps);
      CHECK_REAL_EQUAL(-0.554881, vorticity0_val[2 * layers + 1], eps);
Exemple #19
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  string options;

  // Need option handling here for input filename
  if (argc > 1) {
    // User has input a mesh file
    test_file_name = argv[1];

  int nbComms = 1;
  if (argc > 2)
    nbComms = atoi(argv[2]);


  // Get MOAB instance
  Interface* mb = new (std::nothrow) Core;
  if (NULL == mb)
    return 1;

  MPI_Comm comm;
  int global_rank, global_size;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &global_rank);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &global_size);

  int color = global_rank % nbComms; // For each angle group a different color
  if (nbComms > 1) {
    // Split the communicator, into ngroups = nbComms
    MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, color, global_rank, &comm);
    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

  // Get the ParallelComm instance
  ParallelComm* pcomm = new ParallelComm(mb, comm);
  int nprocs = pcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
  int rank = pcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
#ifndef NDEBUG
  MPI_Comm rcomm = pcomm->proc_config().proc_comm();
  assert(rcomm == comm);
  if (0 == global_rank)
    cout << " global rank:" << global_rank << " color:" << color << " rank:" << rank << " of " << nprocs << " processors\n";

  if (1 == global_rank)
    cout << " global rank:" << global_rank << " color:" << color << " rank:" << rank << " of " << nprocs << " processors\n";


  if (0 == global_rank)
    cout << "Reading file " << test_file_name << "\n with options: " << options <<
         "\n on " << nprocs << " processors on " << nbComms << " communicator(s)\n";

  // Read the file with the specified options
  ErrorCode rval = mb->load_file(test_file_name.c_str(), 0, options.c_str());MB_CHK_ERR(rval);

  Range shared_ents;
  // Get entities shared with all other processors
  rval = pcomm->get_shared_entities(-1, shared_ents);MB_CHK_ERR(rval);

  // Filter shared entities with not not_owned, which means owned
  Range owned_entities;
  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(shared_ents, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &owned_entities);MB_CHK_ERR(rval);

  unsigned int nums[4] = {0}; // to store the owned entities per dimension
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    nums[i] = (int)owned_entities.num_of_dimension(i);
  vector<int> rbuf(nprocs*4, 0);
  MPI_Gather(nums, 4, MPI_INT, &rbuf[0], 4, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
  // Print the stats gathered:
  if (0 == global_rank) {
    for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
      cout << " Shared, owned entities on proc " << i << ": " << rbuf[4*i] << " verts, " <<
          rbuf[4*i + 1] << " edges, " << rbuf[4*i + 2] << " faces, " << rbuf[4*i + 3] << " elements" << endl;

  // Now exchange 1 layer of ghost elements, using vertices as bridge
  // (we could have done this as part of reading process, using the PARALLEL_GHOSTS read option)
  rval = pcomm->exchange_ghost_cells(3, // int ghost_dim
                                     0, // int bridge_dim
                                     1, // int num_layers
                                     0, // int addl_ents
                                     true);MB_CHK_ERR(rval); // bool store_remote_handles

  // Repeat the reports, after ghost exchange
  rval = pcomm->get_shared_entities(-1, shared_ents);MB_CHK_ERR(rval);
  rval = pcomm->filter_pstatus(shared_ents, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &owned_entities);MB_CHK_ERR(rval);

  // Find out how many shared entities of each dimension are owned on this processor
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    nums[i] = (int)owned_entities.num_of_dimension(i);

  // Gather the statistics on processor 0
  MPI_Gather(nums, 4, MPI_INT, &rbuf[0], 4, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
  if (0 == global_rank) {
    cout << " \n\n After exchanging one ghost layer: \n";
    for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
      cout << " Shared, owned entities on proc " << i << ": " << rbuf[4*i] << " verts, " <<
          rbuf[4*i + 1] << " edges, " << rbuf[4*i + 2] << " faces, " << rbuf[4*i + 3] << " elements" << endl;

  delete mb;

  std::cout<<" compile with MPI and hdf5 for this example to work\n";

  return 0;