Exemple #1
string Entity::checkVicinity_all( map< string , Payoff > & d, map< string , Payoff > & d_two)
/* this version, once complete, will consider both landscapes and make the move that provides the biggest average */
	Payoff Move;
	string tempConfig = itsPayoff.GetConfig();
	string tempConfig_two;
	unsigned short int i;
	unsigned short int strLength;
	vector <Payoff> averages;
	double tempAverage;
	strLength = tempConfig.length();
	for ( i = 0 ; i < strLength ; i++)
		tempConfig = itsPayoff.GetConfig();
		if ( tempConfig[i] == '0' ) { tempConfig[i] = '1'; }
		else { tempConfig[i] = '0'; }
		tempConfig_two = flipConfigString( tempConfig );
		tempAverage = (d[tempConfig].GetFitness() + d_two[tempConfig_two].GetFitness()) / (double) 2;
		averages.push_back ( Payoff(tempConfig,tempAverage) );
	vector <Payoff>::iterator IT;
	for ( IT = averages.begin() ; IT != averages.end() ; IT++)
		if (Move.GetFitness() < (*IT).GetFitness() )
			Move.SetConfig( (*IT).GetConfig() );
			Move.SetFitness( (*IT).GetFitness() );
	if ( Move.GetFitness() <= itsPayoff.GetFitness() ) { return "EMPTY"; }
	return Move.GetConfig();
Exemple #2
string Entity::checkVicinity_two( map< string , Payoff > & d, map< string , Payoff > & d_two, unsigned short int maxN)
/* this version keeps landscape 2 choices constant */
	Payoff Move;
	string tempConfig = itsPayoff.GetConfig(), tempBinary, tempConfig_two;
	double currentAverage = (d[ itsPayoff.GetConfig() ].GetFitness() + d_two[ flipConfigString(itsPayoff.GetConfig()) ].GetFitness()) / (double) 2;
	unsigned short int i, j;
	unsigned short int strLength;
	vector <Payoff> averages;
	double tempAverage;
	strLength = tempConfig.length();
	for ( i = maxN ; i < 2*maxN ; i++)
		tempConfig = itsPayoff.GetConfig();
		if ( tempConfig[i] == '0' ) { tempConfig[i] = '1'; }
		else { tempConfig[i] = '0'; };
		tempConfig_two = flipConfigString( tempConfig );	
		tempAverage = (d[tempConfig].GetFitness() + d_two[tempConfig_two].GetFitness()) / (double) 2;
		averages.push_back ( Payoff(tempConfig,tempAverage) );
	vector <Payoff>::iterator IT;
	for ( IT = averages.begin() ; IT != averages.end() ; IT++ )
		if ( Move.GetFitness() < (*IT).GetFitness() )
			Move.SetConfig( (*IT).GetConfig() );
			Move.SetFitness( (*IT).GetFitness() );
	if ( Move.GetFitness() <= itsPayoff.GetFitness() ) { return "EMPTY"; }
	return Move.GetConfig();
Exemple #3
bool Entity::Move( string Move, map< string , Payoff > & d, map< string , Payoff > & d_two )
	if ( Move == "EMPTY" ) { return 0; }
	cout << "Move from " << itsPayoff.GetConfig() << ":" << itsPayoff.GetFitness() << " to ";
	itsPayoff.SetConfig( Move );
	itsPayoff.SetFitness( (d[Move].GetFitness() + d_two[ flipConfigString(Move) ].GetFitness()) / (double) 2 );
	cout << itsPayoff.GetConfig() << ":" << itsPayoff.GetFitness() << " is successful." << endl;
	return 1;
string Search::checkVicinityNonrandom( JoinedLandscape & thisLandscape, Entity & thisEntity, bool Sequential, int WhichLandscape )
/* this version finds the move with the greatest improvement choices constant */
	tempPayoff.SetConfig ( thisEntity.GetConfig() ); // tempPayoff is current value for thisEntity
	if ( !thisEntity.IsAlive() ) { return "EMPTY"; }
	string configuration = tempPayoff.GetConfig(); // configuration is a temporary string to be returned as the potential move
	unsigned short int i, j, strLength, searchLength;
	double tempAverage = 0;
	vector <Payoff> averages;
	strLength = configuration.length();

	switch (WhichLandscape)
		case 0: pLandscape = &thisLandscape;
			searchLength = strLength;
		case 1: pLandscape = &thisLandscape.LOne;
			searchLength = strLength / 2;
		case 2: pLandscape = &thisLandscape.LTwo;
			configuration = flipConfigString( configuration );
			tempPayoff.SetConfig ( flipConfigString ( tempPayoff.GetConfig() ) );
			searchLength = strLength / 2;
	tempPayoff.SetFitness ( (*pLandscape).d[configuration].GetFitness() );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < searchLength ; i++)
		configuration = tempPayoff.GetConfig(); // reset configuration
		if ( configuration[i] == '0' ) { configuration[i] = '1'; } // flip one decision
		else { configuration[i] = '0'; };	
		tempAverage = (*pLandscape).d[configuration].GetFitness(); // get the new value for the flipped string
		averages.push_back ( Payoff(configuration, tempAverage) ); // add to the list of possibilties

	configuration = tempPayoff.GetConfig(); // resetting configuration to the Entity's current value
	if (WhichLandscape == 2) { configuration = flipConfigString (configuration); } // ugly hack to make the second landscape work
	tempAverage = tempPayoff.GetFitness(); // resetting fitness to the Entity's current value

	vector <Payoff>::iterator IT;
	for ( IT = averages.begin() ; IT != averages.end() ; IT++ )
		if ( tempAverage < (*IT).GetFitness() ) // if one of the averages is greater
			configuration = (*IT).GetConfig(); // set the move information
			tempAverage = (*IT).GetFitness(); // similar
	} // the move information should be the greatest possible
	if ( tempAverage <= tempPayoff.GetFitness() ) { return "EMPTY"; } // if less, don't recommend a move
	if ( isEqual (tempAverage, tempPayoff.GetFitness() ) ) { return "EMPTY"; } // if equal, no reason to move
	if ( WhichLandscape == 2 ) { return flipConfigString ( configuration ); } // flip the string back for the potential move
	return configuration;
string Search::checkVicinityBlind( JoinedLandscape & thisLandscape, Entity & thisEntity, bool Sequential, int WhichLandscape )
/* randomly selects one move */
	tempPayoff.SetConfig ( thisEntity.GetConfig() );
	if ( !thisEntity.IsAlive() ) { return "EMPTY"; }
	string tempConfig = tempPayoff.GetConfig();
	unsigned short int i, j;
	unsigned short int strLength;
	double tempFitness;
	strLength = tempConfig.length();
	i = rand() % (strLength);
	if ( tempConfig[i] == '0' ) { tempConfig[i] = '1'; }
	else { tempConfig[i] = '0'; };

	switch (WhichLandscape)
		case 0: pLandscape = &thisLandscape;

		case 1: pLandscape = &thisLandscape.LOne;

		case 2: pLandscape = &thisLandscape.LTwo;


	tempFitness = thisLandscape.d[tempConfig].GetFitness();
	if ( tempPayoff.GetFitness() <= thisLandscape.d[ thisEntity.GetConfig() ].GetFitness() ) { return "EMPTY"; }
	return tempPayoff.GetConfig();
Exemple #6
/* ********************************************* BLIND ************************ */
string Entity::checkVicinity_one_blind( map< string , Payoff > & d, map< string , Payoff > & d_two, unsigned short int maxN )
/* this version keeps landscape 2 choices constant */
	Payoff Move;
	string tempConfig = itsPayoff.GetConfig();
	unsigned short int i, j;
	unsigned short int strLength;
	double tempFitness;
	strLength = tempConfig.length();
	tempConfig = itsPayoff.GetConfig();
	i = rand() % (maxN);
	if ( tempConfig[i] == '0' ) { tempConfig[i] = '1'; }
	else { tempConfig[i] = '0'; };
	tempFitness = d[tempConfig].GetFitness();
	Move.SetConfig( tempConfig );
	Move.SetFitness( tempFitness );
	if ( Move.GetFitness() <= d[ itsPayoff.GetConfig() ].GetFitness() ) { return "EMPTY"; }
	return Move.GetConfig();