Exemple #1
inline void
GLTexture::DrawFlippedOES(PixelRect dest, PixelRect src) const
  const GLint rect[4] = { src.left, src.top,
                          (GLint)src.GetWidth(), (GLint)src.GetHeight() };
  glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, rect);

  /* glDrawTexiOES() circumvents the projection settings, thus we must
     roll our own translation */
  glDrawTexiOES(OpenGL::translate.x + dest.left,
                OpenGL::viewport_size.y - OpenGL::translate.y - dest.bottom,
                0, dest.GetWidth(), dest.GetHeight());
Exemple #2
InfoBoxContentWindArrow::OnCustomPaint(Canvas &canvas, const PixelRect &rc)
  const auto &info = CommonInterface::Calculated();

  const auto pt = rc.GetCenter();

  const unsigned padding = Layout::FastScale(10u);
  unsigned size = std::min(rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight());

  if (size > padding)
    size -= padding;

  // Normalize the size because the Layout::Scale is applied
  // by the DrawArrow() function again
  size = size * 100 / Layout::Scale(100);

  auto angle = info.wind.bearing - CommonInterface::Basic().attitude.heading;

  const int length =
    std::min(size, std::max(10u, uround(Quadruple(info.wind.norm))));

  const int offset = -length / 2;

  auto style = CommonInterface::GetMapSettings().wind_arrow_style;

  WindArrowRenderer renderer(UIGlobals::GetLook().wind_arrow_info_box);
  renderer.DrawArrow(canvas, pt, angle, length, style, offset);
Exemple #3
SymbolRenderer::DrawArrow(Canvas &canvas, PixelRect rc, Direction direction)
  assert(direction == UP || direction == DOWN ||
         direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT);

  auto size = std::min(rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight()) / 5;
  auto center = rc.GetCenter();
  BulkPixelPoint arrow[3];

  if (direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT) {
    arrow[0].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? size : -size);
    arrow[0].y = center.y + size;
    arrow[1].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? -size : size);
    arrow[1].y = center.y;
    arrow[2].x = center.x + (direction == LEFT ? size : -size);
    arrow[2].y = center.y - size;
  } else if (direction == UP || direction == DOWN) {
    arrow[0].x = center.x + size;
    arrow[0].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? size : -size);
    arrow[1].x = center.x;
    arrow[1].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? -size : size);
    arrow[2].x = center.x - size;
    arrow[2].y = center.y + (direction == UP ? size : -size);

  canvas.DrawTriangleFan(arrow, 3);
Exemple #4
ButtonPanel::HorizontalRange(PixelRect rc, unsigned start, unsigned end)
  const unsigned n = end - start;
  assert(n > 0);

  const unsigned total_width = rc.GetWidth();
  const unsigned total_height = rc.GetHeight();
  const unsigned max_row_height = Layout::GetMaximumControlHeight();
  const unsigned row_height = max_row_height < total_height / 2
    ? max_row_height
    : std::max(Layout::GetMinimumControlHeight(),
               total_height / 2);
  const unsigned width = total_width / n;
  assert(width > 0);

  PixelRect button_rc(rc.left, rc.bottom - row_height,
                      rc.left + width, rc.bottom);
  rc.bottom -= row_height;

  for (unsigned i = start; i < end; ++i) {

    button_rc.left = button_rc.right;
    button_rc.right += width;

  return rc;
Exemple #5
HorizonRenderer::Draw(Canvas &canvas, const PixelRect &rc,
                      const HorizonLook &look,
                      const AttitudeState &attitude)
  This feature of having a backup artificial horizon based on inferred
  orientation from GPS and vario data is useful, and reasonably well
  tested, but has the issue of potentially invalidating use of XCSoar in
  FAI contests due to rule ref Annex A to Section 3 (2010 Edition) 4.1.2
  "No instruments permitting pilots to fly without visual reference to
  the ground may be carried on board, even if made unserviceable."  The
  quality of XCSoar's pseudo-AH is arguably good enough that this
  violates the rule.  We need to seek clarification as to whether this
  is the case or not.

  const auto center = rc.GetCenter();

  const int radius = std::min(rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight()) / 2
    - Layout::Scale(1);

  auto bank_degrees = attitude.IsBankAngleUseable()
    ? attitude.bank_angle.Degrees()
    : 0.;

  auto pitch_degrees = attitude.IsPitchAngleUseable()
    ? attitude.pitch_angle.Degrees()
    : 0.;

  auto phi = Clamp(bank_degrees, -89., 89.);
  auto alpha = Angle::acos(Clamp(pitch_degrees / 50,
                                 -1., 1.));
  auto sphi = Angle::HalfCircle() - Angle::Degrees(phi);
  auto alpha1 = sphi - alpha;
  auto alpha2 = sphi + alpha;

  // draw sky part
  canvas.DrawSegment(center, radius, alpha2, alpha1, true);

  // draw ground part
  canvas.DrawSegment(center, radius, alpha1, alpha2, true);

  // draw aircraft symbol
  canvas.DrawLine(center.x + radius / 2, center.y, center.x - radius / 2, center.y);
  canvas.DrawLine(center.x, center.y - radius / 4, center.x, center.y);

  // draw 45 degree dash marks
  const int rr2p = uround(radius * M_SQRT1_2) + Layout::Scale(1);
  const int rr2n = rr2p - Layout::Scale(2);
  canvas.DrawLine(center.x + rr2p, center.y - rr2p,
              center.x + rr2n, center.y - rr2n);
  canvas.DrawLine(center.x - rr2p, center.y - rr2p,
              center.x - rr2n, center.y - rr2n);
Exemple #6
Canvas::InvertRectangle(PixelRect r)
  if (r.IsEmpty())

  CopyNot(r.left, r.top, r.GetWidth(), r.GetHeight(),
          buffer, r.left, r.top);
Exemple #7
ButtonPanel::UpdateLayout(const PixelRect rc)
  if (buttons.empty())
    return rc;

  const bool landscape = rc.GetWidth() > rc.GetHeight();
  return landscape
    ? LeftLayout(rc)
    : BottomLayout(rc);
Exemple #8
static PixelRect
GetButtonPosition(unsigned i, PixelRect rc)
  unsigned hwidth = rc.GetWidth(), hheight = rc.GetHeight();

  if (hheight > hwidth) {
    // portrait

    hheight /= 6;

    if (i == 0) {
      rc.left = rc.right;
      rc.top = rc.bottom;
    } else if (i < 5) {
      hwidth /= 4;

      rc.left += hwidth * (i - 1);
      rc.top = rc.bottom - hheight;
    } else {
      hwidth /= 3;

      rc.left = rc.right - hwidth;
      rc.top += (i - 5) * hheight;

    rc.right = rc.left + hwidth;
    rc.bottom = rc.top + hheight;
  } else {
    // landscape

    hwidth /= 5;
    hheight /= 5;

    if (i == 0) {
      rc.left = rc.right;
      rc.top = rc.bottom;
    } else if (i < 5) {
      rc.top += hheight * (i - 1);
    } else {
      rc.left += hwidth * (i - 5);
      rc.top = rc.bottom - hheight;

    rc.right = rc.left + hwidth;
    rc.bottom = rc.top + hheight;

  return rc;
Exemple #9
SymbolRenderer::DrawSign(Canvas &canvas, PixelRect rc, bool plus)
  unsigned size = std::min(rc.GetWidth(), rc.GetHeight()) / 5;
  auto center = rc.GetCenter();

  // Draw horizontal bar
  canvas.Rectangle(center.x - size, center.y - size / 3,
                   center.x + size, center.y + size / 3);

  if (plus)
    // Draw vertical bar
    canvas.Rectangle(center.x - size / 3, center.y - size,
                     center.x + size / 3, center.y + size);
Exemple #10
AnalysisWidget::Layout::Layout(const PixelRect rc)
  const unsigned width = rc.GetWidth(), height = rc.GetHeight();
  const unsigned button_height = ::Layout::GetMaximumControlHeight();

  main = rc;

  /* close button on the bottom left */

  close_button.left = rc.left;
  close_button.right = rc.left + ::Layout::Scale(70);
  close_button.bottom = rc.bottom;
  close_button.top = close_button.bottom - button_height;

  /* previous/next buttons above the close button */

  previous_button = close_button;
  previous_button.bottom = previous_button.top;
  previous_button.top = previous_button.bottom - button_height;
  previous_button.right = (previous_button.left + previous_button.right) / 2;

  next_button = previous_button;
  next_button.left = next_button.right;
  next_button.right = close_button.right;

  /* "details" button above "previous/next" */

  details_button = close_button;
  details_button.bottom = previous_button.top;
  details_button.top = details_button.bottom - button_height;

  if (width > height) {
    info = close_button;
    info.top = rc.top;
    info.bottom = details_button.top;

    main.left = close_button.right;
  } else {
    main.bottom = details_button.top;
    info.left = close_button.right;
    info.right = rc.right;
    info.top = main.bottom;
    info.bottom = rc.bottom;
Exemple #11
DigitEntry::Create(ContainerWindow &parent, const PixelRect &rc,
                   const WindowStyle style,
                   unsigned _length)
    assert(_length > 0);
    assert(_length <= MAX_LENGTH);

    length = _length;
    cursor = length - 1;
    valid = true;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        Column &digit = columns[i];
        digit.type = Column::Type::DIGIT;
        digit.value = 0;

    max_width = rc.GetWidth();


    PaintWindow::Create(parent, rc, style);
Exemple #12
LogoView::draw(Canvas &canvas, const PixelRect &rc)
  const unsigned width = rc.GetWidth(), height = rc.GetHeight();

  enum {
  } orientation;

  if (width == height)
    orientation = SQUARE;
  else if (width > height)
    orientation = LANDSCAPE;
    orientation = PORTRAIT;

  /* load bitmaps */
  const bool use_big =
    (orientation == LANDSCAPE && width >= 510 && height >= 170) ||
    (orientation == PORTRAIT && width >= 330 && height >= 250) ||
    (orientation == SQUARE && width >= 210 && height >= 210);
  const Bitmap &bitmap_logo = use_big ? big_logo : logo;
  const Bitmap &bitmap_title = use_big ? big_title : title;

  // Determine logo size
  PixelSize logo_size = bitmap_logo.GetSize();

  // Determine title image size
  PixelSize title_size = bitmap_title.GetSize();

  unsigned spacing = title_size.cy / 2;

  unsigned estimated_width, estimated_height;
  switch (orientation) {
    estimated_width = logo_size.cx + spacing + title_size.cx;
    estimated_height = logo_size.cy;

  case PORTRAIT:
    estimated_width = title_size.cx;
    estimated_height = logo_size.cy + spacing + title_size.cy;

  case SQUARE:
    estimated_width = logo_size.cx;
    estimated_height = logo_size.cy;

  const unsigned magnification =
    std::min((width - 16u) / estimated_width,
             (height - 16u) / estimated_height);

  if (magnification > 1) {
    logo_size.cx *= magnification;
    logo_size.cy *= magnification;
    title_size.cx *= magnification;
    title_size.cy *= magnification;
    spacing *= magnification;

  int logox, logoy, titlex, titley;

  // Determine logo and title positions
  switch (orientation) {
    logox = Center(width, logo_size.cx + spacing + title_size.cx);
    logoy = Center(height, logo_size.cy);
    titlex = logox + logo_size.cx + spacing;
    titley = Center(height, title_size.cy);
  case PORTRAIT:
    logox = Center(width, logo_size.cx);
    logoy = Center(height, logo_size.cy + spacing + title_size.cy);
    titlex = Center(width, title_size.cx);
    titley = logoy + logo_size.cy + spacing;
  case SQUARE:
    logox = Center(width, logo_size.cx);
    logoy = Center(height, logo_size.cy);
    // not needed - silence compiler "may be used uninitialized"
    titlex = 0;
    titley = 0;

  // Draw 'XCSoar N.N' title
  if (orientation != SQUARE)
    canvas.Stretch(titlex, titley, title_size.cx, title_size.cy, bitmap_title);

  // Draw XCSoar swift logo
  canvas.Stretch(logox, logoy, logo_size.cx, logo_size.cy, bitmap_logo);

  // Draw full XCSoar version number

#ifndef USE_GDI

  canvas.DrawText(2, 2, XCSoar_ProductToken);
Exemple #13
 static bool IsLandscape(const PixelRect &rc) {
   return rc.GetWidth() >= rc.GetHeight();
  const PixelRect rc = GetClientRect();

  /* not using MapWindowBlackboard here because these methods are
     called by the main thread */
  const NMEAInfo &basic = CommonInterface::Basic();
  const DerivedInfo &calculated = CommonInterface::Calculated();
  const MapSettings &settings_map = CommonInterface::GetMapSettings();
  const bool circling =
    CommonInterface::GetUIState().display_mode == DisplayMode::CIRCLING;

  const auto center = rc.GetCenter();

  if (circling || !IsNearSelf())
    visible_projection.SetScreenOrigin(center.x, center.y);
  else if (settings_map.cruise_orientation == MapOrientation::NORTH_UP ||
           settings_map.cruise_orientation == MapOrientation::WIND_UP) {
    PixelPoint offset{0, 0};
    if (settings_map.glider_screen_position != 50 &&
        settings_map.map_shift_bias != MapShiftBias::NONE) {
      double x = 0, y = 0;
      if (settings_map.map_shift_bias == MapShiftBias::TRACK) {
        if (basic.track_available &&
            basic.ground_speed_available &&
             /* 8 m/s ~ 30 km/h */
            basic.ground_speed > 8) {
          auto angle = basic.track.Reciprocal() - visible_projection.GetScreenAngle();

          const auto sc = angle.SinCos();
          x = sc.first;
          y = sc.second;
      } else if (settings_map.map_shift_bias == MapShiftBias::TARGET) {
        if (calculated.task_stats.current_leg.solution_remaining.IsDefined()) {
          auto angle = calculated.task_stats.current_leg.solution_remaining
              .vector.bearing.Reciprocal() - visible_projection.GetScreenAngle();

          const auto sc = angle.SinCos();
          x = sc.first;
          y = sc.second;
      double position_factor = (50. - settings_map.glider_screen_position) / 100.;
      offset.x = int(x * rc.GetWidth() * position_factor);
      offset.y = int(-y * rc.GetHeight() * position_factor);
      offset = offset_history.GetAverage();
    visible_projection.SetScreenOrigin(center.x + offset.x, center.y + offset.y);
  } else
        ((rc.top - rc.bottom) * settings_map.glider_screen_position / 100) + rc.bottom);

  if (!IsNearSelf()) {
    /* no-op - the Projection's location is updated manually */
  } else if (circling && calculated.thermal_locator.estimate_valid) {
    const auto d_t = calculated.thermal_locator.estimate_location.DistanceS(basic.location);
    if (d_t <= 0) {
    } else {
      const auto d_max = 2 * visible_projection.GetMapScale();
      const auto t = std::min(d_t, d_max)/d_t;
  } else if (basic.location_available)
    // Pan is off
  else if (!visible_projection.IsValid() && terrain != nullptr)
    /* if there's no GPS fix yet and no home waypoint, start at the
       map center, to avoid showing a fully white map, which confuses
       users */

Exemple #15
ButtonPanel::BottomLayout(PixelRect rc)

  const unsigned n_buttons = buttons.size();
  const unsigned total_width = rc.GetWidth();

  /* naive button distribution algorithm: distribute as many buttons
     as possible into each row; weakness: the last row may have only
     one button */

  struct Row {
    unsigned start, end;

    constexpr unsigned size() const {
      return end - start;

  StaticArray<Row, 8u> rows;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_buttons;) {
    unsigned end = FitButtonRow(i, total_width);
    assert(end > i);

    auto &row = rows.append();
    row.start = i;
    row.end = i = end;


  /* optimise the naive result: try to move buttons down until we see
     no further chance for improvement */

  bool modified;
  do {
    modified = false;

    for (unsigned i = rows.size() - 1; i > 0; --i) {
      auto &dest_row = rows[i];
      auto &src_row = rows[i - 1];

      /* the upper row has many more buttons than the lower row */
      if (dest_row.size() + 2 <= src_row.size()) {
        unsigned max_width = RangeMaxWidth(dest_row.start - 1, dest_row.end);
        unsigned row_width = (dest_row.size() + 1) * max_width;

        /* yes, we can move one button down */
        if (row_width <= total_width) {
          modified = true;
  } while (modified);

  /* now do the actual layout based on row metadata */

  for (int i = rows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    const auto &row = rows[i];

    rc = HorizontalRange(rc, row.start, row.end);

  return rc;
Exemple #16
WaypointDetailsWidget::Layout::Layout(const PixelRect &rc,
                                      const Waypoint &waypoint)
  const unsigned width = rc.GetWidth(), height = rc.GetHeight();
  const unsigned button_height = ::Layout::GetMaximumControlHeight();

  main = rc;

  if (width > height) {
    main.left += ::Layout::Scale(70);

    PixelRect buttons = rc;
    buttons.right = main.left;

    goto_button = buttons;
    goto_button.bottom = buttons.top += button_height;

    magnify_button = buttons;
    magnify_button.bottom = buttons.top += button_height;

    shrink_button = magnify_button;
    magnify_button.right = shrink_button.left =
      (buttons.left + buttons.right) / 2;

    close_button = buttons;
    close_button.top = buttons.bottom -= button_height;

    previous_button = buttons;
    previous_button.top = buttons.bottom -= button_height;
    next_button = previous_button;
    previous_button.right = next_button.left =
      (buttons.left + buttons.right) / 2;
  } else {
    main.bottom -= button_height;

    PixelRect buttons = rc;
    buttons.top = main.bottom;

    const unsigned one_third = (2 * buttons.left + buttons.right) / 3;
    const unsigned two_thirds = (buttons.left + 2 * buttons.right) / 3;

    goto_button = buttons;
    goto_button.right = one_third;

    close_button = buttons;
    close_button.left = two_thirds;

    previous_button = buttons;
    previous_button.left = one_third;
    next_button = buttons;
    next_button.right = two_thirds;
    previous_button.right = next_button.left = (one_third + two_thirds) / 2;

    const unsigned padding = ::Layout::GetTextPadding();
    shrink_button.left = main.left + padding;
    shrink_button.top = main.top + padding;
    shrink_button.right = shrink_button.left + button_height;
    shrink_button.bottom = shrink_button.top + button_height;

    magnify_button.right = main.right - padding;
    magnify_button.top = main.top + padding;
    magnify_button.left = magnify_button.right - button_height;
    magnify_button.bottom = magnify_button.top + button_height;

  details_text.left = 0;
  details_text.top = 0;
  details_text.right = main.GetWidth();
  details_text.bottom = main.GetHeight();

  const unsigned num_files = std::distance(waypoint.files_external.begin(),
  if (num_files > 0) {
    file_list_item_height = ::Layout::Scale(18);
    file_list = details_text;

    unsigned list_height = file_list_item_height * std::min(num_files, 5u);
    file_list.bottom = details_text.top += list_height;
Exemple #17
Canvas::DrawFormattedText(const PixelRect r, const TCHAR *text,
                          unsigned format)
  assert(text != nullptr);
#ifndef UNICODE

  if (font == nullptr)
    return 0;

  unsigned skip = font->GetLineSpacing();
  unsigned max_lines = (format & DT_CALCRECT) ? -1 :
    (r.GetHeight() + skip - 1) / skip;

  size_t len = _tcslen(text);
  TCHAR *duplicated = new TCHAR[len + 1], *p = duplicated;
  unsigned lines = 1;
  for (const TCHAR *i = text; *i != _T('\0'); ++i) {
    TCHAR ch = *i;
    if (ch == _T('\n')) {
      /* explicit line break */

      if (++lines > max_lines)

      ch = _T('\0');
    } else if (ch == _T('\r'))
      /* skip */
    else if ((unsigned)ch < 0x20)
      /* replace non-printable characters */
      ch = _T(' ');

    *p++ = ch;

  *p = _T('\0');
  len = p - duplicated;

  // simple wordbreak algorithm. looks for single spaces only, no tabs,
  // no grouping of multiple spaces
  for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += _tcslen(duplicated + i) + 1) {
    PixelSize sz = CalcTextSize(duplicated + i);
    TCHAR *prev_p = nullptr;

    // remove words from behind till line fits or no more space is found
    while (unsigned(sz.cx) > r.GetWidth() &&
           (p = StringFindLast(duplicated + i, _T(' '))) != nullptr) {
      if (prev_p)
        *prev_p = _T(' ');
      *p = _T('\0');
      prev_p = p;
      sz = CalcTextSize(duplicated + i);

    if (prev_p) {
      if (lines >= max_lines)

  if (format & DT_CALCRECT) {
    delete[] duplicated;
    return lines * skip;

  int y = (format & DT_VCENTER) && lines < max_lines
    ? (r.top + r.bottom - lines * skip) / 2
    : r.top;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += _tcslen(duplicated + i) + 1) {
    if (duplicated[i] != _T('\0')) {
      int x;
      if (format & (DT_RIGHT | DT_CENTER)) {
        PixelSize sz = CalcTextSize(duplicated + i);
        x = (format & DT_CENTER)
          ? (r.left + r.right - sz.cx) / 2
          : r.right - sz.cx;  // DT_RIGHT
      } else {  // default is DT_LEFT
        x = r.left;

      TextAutoClipped(x, y, duplicated + i);

      if (format & DT_UNDERLINE)
        DrawHLine(x, x + CalcTextWidth(duplicated + i),
                  y + font->GetAscentHeight() + 1, text_color);
    y += skip;
    if (y >= r.bottom)

  delete[] duplicated;
  return lines * skip;