Exemple #1
bool CurveImp::hit(LocationType point) const
   PlotViewImp* pPlot = getPlot();
   if (pPlot == NULL)
      return false;

   unsigned int numPoints = mPoints.size();
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
      double dScreenX = 0;
      double dScreenY = 0;
      pPlot->translateWorldToScreen(point.mX, point.mY, dScreenX, dScreenY);

      LocationType currentPoint = mPoints.at(i);

      double dCurrentScreenX = 0;
      double dCurrentScreenY = 0;
      pPlot->translateDataToScreen(currentPoint.mX, currentPoint.mY, 
         dCurrentScreenX, dCurrentScreenY);

      double dXDist = fabs(dCurrentScreenX - dScreenX);
      double dYDist = fabs(dCurrentScreenY - dScreenY);

      if ((dXDist < 3.0) && (dYDist < 3.0))
         return true;

   return false;
Exemple #2
bool PointImp::hit(LocationType point) const
   PlotViewImp* pPlot = getPlot();
   if (pPlot == NULL)
      return false;

   double dScreenX = 0.0;
   double dScreenY = 0.0;
   pPlot->translateWorldToScreen(point.mX, point.mY, dScreenX, dScreenY);

   double dCurrentScreenX = 0.0;
   double dCurrentScreenY = 0.0;

   pPlot->translateDataToScreen(mLocation.mX, mLocation.mY, dCurrentScreenX, dCurrentScreenY);

   double dXDist = fabs(dCurrentScreenX - dScreenX);
   double dYDist = fabs(dCurrentScreenY - dScreenY);

   double dDist = mSymbolSize;
   if (isSelected() == true)
      dDist *= 2.0;

   if ((dXDist < dDist) && (dYDist < dDist))
      return true;

   return false;
Exemple #3
void TextImp::draw()
   if (isVisible() == false)

   PlotViewImp* pPlot = dynamic_cast<PlotViewImp*>(getPlot());
   if (pPlot != NULL)
      glColor3ub(mColor.red(), mColor.green(), mColor.blue());

      double dScreenX = 0.0;
      double dScreenY = 0.0;
      pPlot->translateDataToScreen(mLocation.mX, mLocation.mY, dScreenX, dScreenY);

      int screenX = static_cast<int>(dScreenX);
      int screenY = pPlot->height() - static_cast<int>(dScreenY);
      pPlot->renderText(screenX, screenY, mText, mFont);
Exemple #4
bool TextImp::getExtents(double& dMinX, double& dMinY, double& dMaxX, double& dMaxY)
   PlotViewImp* pPlot = getPlot();
   if (pPlot == NULL)
      return false;

   double dScreenX = 0;
   double dScreenY = 0;
   pPlot->translateDataToScreen(mLocation.mX, mLocation.mY, dScreenX, dScreenY);

   QFontMetrics ftMetrics(mFont);
   int iHeight = ftMetrics.height();
   int iWidth = ftMetrics.width(mText);

   double dScreenExtentX = dScreenX + iWidth;
   double dScreenExtentY = dScreenY + iHeight;

   pPlot->translateDataToWorld(mLocation.mX, mLocation.mY, dMinX, dMinY);
   pPlot->translateScreenToWorld(dScreenExtentX, dScreenExtentY, dMaxX, dMaxY);

   return true;
Exemple #5
void CurveImp::draw()
   if (isVisible() == false)

   unsigned int numPoints = mPoints.size();
   if (numPoints == 0)

   glColor3ub(mColor.red(), mColor.green(), mColor.blue());

   if (mLineStyle != SOLID_LINE)

      if (mLineStyle == DASHED)
         glLineStipple(3, 0x3f3f);
      else if (mLineStyle == DOT)
         glLineStipple(2, 0x1111);
      else if (mLineStyle == DASH_DOT)
         glLineStipple(2, 0x11ff);
      else if (mLineStyle == DASH_DOT_DOT)
         glLineStipple(2, 0x24ff);


   PlotViewImp* pPlot = getPlot();
   VERIFYNRV(pPlot != NULL);

   double dWorldX = 0.0;
   double dWorldY = 0.0;

   unsigned int i = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
      LocationType point = mPoints.at(i);
      pPlot->translateDataToWorld(point.mX, point.mY, dWorldX, dWorldY);
      glVertex2d(dWorldX, dWorldY);


   if (mLineStyle != SOLID_LINE)


   if (isSelected() == true)
      for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
         LocationType point = mPoints.at(i);

         double dScreenX = 0;
         double dScreenY = 0;
         pPlot->translateDataToScreen(point.mX, point.mY, dScreenX, dScreenY);

         double dX1 = dScreenX - 4;
         double dY1 = dScreenY - 4;
         double dX2 = dScreenX + 4;
         double dY2 = dScreenY + 4;

         double dPixelX1 = 0.0;
         double dPixelY1 = 0.0;
         double dPixelX2 = 0.0;
         double dPixelY2 = 0.0;

         pPlot->translateScreenToWorld(dX1, dY1, dPixelX1, dPixelY1);
         pPlot->translateScreenToWorld(dX2, dY2, dPixelX2, dPixelY2);

         glVertex2d(dPixelX1, (dPixelY1 + dPixelY2) / 2);
         glVertex2d((dPixelX1 + dPixelX2) / 2, dPixelY1);
         glVertex2d(dPixelX2, (dPixelY1 + dPixelY2) / 2);
         glVertex2d((dPixelX1 + dPixelX2) / 2, dPixelY2);
Exemple #6
bool PointSetImp::hit(LocationType point) const
   if (mLine == true)
      if (mPoints.size() > 0)
         PlotViewImp* pPlot = getPlot();
         if (pPlot != NULL)
            double dPointX = 0.0;
            double dPointY = 0.0;
            pPlot->translateWorldToScreen(point.mX, point.mY, dPointX, dPointY);

            point.mX = dPointX;
            point.mY = dPointY;

            LocationType oldLocation;
            LocationType currentLocation;

            Point* pPoint = NULL;
            pPoint = mPoints.front();
            if (pPoint != NULL)
               const LocationType& location = pPoint->getLocation();

               double dLocationX = 0.0;
               double dLocationY = 0.0;
               pPlot->translateDataToScreen(location.mX, location.mY, dLocationX, dLocationY);

               oldLocation.mX = dLocationX;
               oldLocation.mY = dLocationY;

            for (unsigned int i = 1; i < mPoints.size(); i++)
               pPoint = mPoints.at(i);
               if (pPoint != NULL)
                  const LocationType& location = pPoint->getLocation();

                  double dLocationX = 0.0;
                  double dLocationY = 0.0;
                  pPlot->translateDataToScreen(location.mX, location.mY, dLocationX, dLocationY);

                  currentLocation.mX = dLocationX;
                  currentLocation.mY = dLocationY;

                  bool bHit = false;
                  bHit = DrawUtil::lineHit(oldLocation, currentLocation, point, 3.0);
                  if (bHit == true)
                     return true;

                  oldLocation = currentLocation;

   Point* pPoint = hitPoint(point);
   return (pPoint != NULL);
Exemple #7
void ArrowImp::updateArrowHead()
   // Reset the arrow head

   // Convert the line points to screen coordinates
   PlotViewImp* pPlot = getPlot();
   if (pPlot == NULL)

   LocationType baseLocation = getBaseLocation();
   LocationType tipLocation = getTipLocation();

   double dBaseX = 0;
   double dBaseY = 0;
   double dTipX = 0;
   double dTipY = 0;

   pPlot->translateDataToScreen(baseLocation.mX, baseLocation.mY, dBaseX, dBaseY);
   pPlot->translateDataToScreen(tipLocation.mX, tipLocation.mY, dTipX , dTipY);

   // Calculate the end points using screen pixels
   double arrowHeadSize = 10;
   if ((mStyle == ARROW_LARGE) || (mStyle == ARROW_TRIANGLE_LARGE) || (mStyle == ARROW_TRIANGLE_LARGE_FILL))
      arrowHeadSize *= 2;

   double h = arrowHeadSize * sqrt(static_cast<double>(mArrowHead.getLineWidth()));
   double theta = atan2(dTipY - dBaseY, dTipX - dBaseX);
   double hcTheta = h * cos(theta);
   double hsTheta = h * sin(theta);

   double dScreenEnd1X = dTipX - hcTheta - hsTheta;
   double dScreenEnd1Y = dTipY + hcTheta - hsTheta;
   double dScreenEnd2X = dTipX - hcTheta + hsTheta;
   double dScreenEnd2Y = dTipY - hcTheta - hsTheta;
   double dScreenEnd3X = dTipX - (2 * hcTheta);
   double dScreenEnd3Y = dTipY - (2 * hsTheta);

   double dEnd1X = 0.0;
   double dEnd1Y = 0.0;
   double dEnd2X = 0.0;
   double dEnd2Y = 0.0;
   double dEnd3X = 0.0;
   double dEnd3Y = 0.0;

   pPlot->translateScreenToData(dScreenEnd1X, dScreenEnd1Y, dEnd1X, dEnd1Y);
   pPlot->translateScreenToData(dScreenEnd2X, dScreenEnd2Y, dEnd2X, dEnd2Y);
   pPlot->translateScreenToData(dScreenEnd3X, dScreenEnd3Y, dEnd3X, dEnd3Y);

   // Add the points to the arrow head object
   if (mStyle != ARROW_NONE)
      mArrowHead.addPoint(dEnd1X, dEnd1Y);
      mArrowHead.addPoint(tipLocation.mX, tipLocation.mY);
      mArrowHead.addPoint(dEnd2X, dEnd2Y);

   if ((mStyle == ARROW_DIAMOND) || (mStyle == ARROW_DIAMOND_FILL))
      mArrowHead.addPoint(dEnd3X, dEnd3Y);

   if ((mStyle == ARROW_TRIANGLE_SMALL) || (mStyle == ARROW_TRIANGLE_LARGE) ||
      (mStyle == ARROW_DIAMOND) || (mStyle == ARROW_DIAMOND_FILL))
      mArrowHead.addPoint(dEnd1X, dEnd1Y);

   // Set the fill
      (mStyle == ARROW_DIAMOND_FILL))